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Bøger af Jennifer Chiaverini

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  • - A Novel of Ada Lovelace
    af Jennifer Chiaverini
    136,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    102,95 kr.

    Berlin, 1942. USA er gået ind i krigen, og nazisternes forsøg på at indtage Stalingrad mislykkes. Håbet om at Hitlers styre kan væltes, bliver atter vakt til live, men Mildred og de andre fra Die Rote Kapelle sidder fortsat indespærret af Gestapo. Hitler er rasende over, at landets elite har rummet forrædere, og  modstandskvinderne lider i månedsvis under uvished og tortur. Endelig lader krigen til at nærmere sig en afslutning – men ikke uden en pris.Modstandskvinder – del 5 er femte og sidste bind i Jennifer Chiaverinis uforglemmelige, historiske romanserie baseret på virkelige begivenheder – om en gruppe ukueligt modige kvinder, som er fast besluttet på at bekæmpe Det Tredje Rige, koste hvad det vil.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    102,95 kr.

    Berlin, 1929. Amerikanske Mildred og den tyske økonom Arvid har forelsket sig hovedkulds i hinanden og ser ind i en lys fremtid. Men den politiske situation i Tyskland truer med at ændre alt.Da nazisterne nærmer sig magten, sætter Mildred og veninden Greta livet på spil for at kæmpe imod regimet og forsvare de undertrykte. Men deres plan om at infiltrere nazisterne og vælte partiet, bliver udfordret hen over de næste års mørke i skyggen af det totalitære regime.Modstandskvinder – del 1 er første bind i Jennifer Chiaverinis uforglemmelige, historiske romanserie baseret på virkelige begivenheder – om en gruppe ukueligt modige kvinder, som er fast besluttet på at bekæmpe Det Tredje Rige, koste hvad det vil.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    102,95 kr.

    Berlin, 1933. Mildred Harnack og hendes venner i modstandsgruppen Die Rote Kapelle, Martha, Greta og Sara, arbejder intenst på at indsamle oplysninger fra journalister, militærfolk og embedsmænd af højeste rang i det nazistiske parti. De håber at kunne komme helt tæt på fjenden og derved undergrave dem. Men Hitler nærmer sig ubønhørligt magten og gør det undervejs vanskeligt – og potentielt livsfarligt – at være i opposition.Modstandskvinder – del 2 er andet bind i Jennifer Chiaverinis uforglemmelige, historiske romanserie baseret på virkelige begivenheder – om en gruppe ukueligt modige kvinder, som er fast besluttet på at bekæmpe Det Tredje Rige, koste hvad det vil.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    102,95 kr.

    Berlin, 1934. Mildred og resten af Die Rote Kapelle må med rædsel se til, mens Hitler endegyldigt tager den fulde kontrol over Tyskland. Det grusomme mareridt, Mildred frygtede, er nu blevet til virkelighed, og ingen går fri af nazisternes overvågning. Med drab, voldelige afhøringer og Gestapo på vagt over for alle med den mindste tilknytning til kommunisme og opposition til Hitlers Nazityskland, strammer regimet stadigt hårdere grebet om magten.Modstandskvinder – del 3 er tredje bind i Jennifer Chiaverinis uforglemmelige, historiske romanserie baseret på virkelige begivenheder – om en gruppe ukueligt modige kvinder, som er fast besluttet på at bekæmpe Det Tredje Rige, koste hvad det vil.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    102,95 kr.

    Berlin, 1942. USA er gået ind i krigen, og nazisternes forsøg på at indtage Stalingrad mislykkes. Håbet om at Hitlers styre kan væltes, bliver atter vakt til live, men Mildred og de andre fra Die Rote Kapelle sidder fortsat indespærret af Gestapo. Hitler er rasende over, at landets elite har rummet forrædere, og  modstandskvinderne lider i månedsvis under uvished og tortur. Endelig lader krigen til at nærmere sig en afslutning – men ikke uden en pris.Modstandskvinder – del 4 er fjerde bind i Jennifer Chiaverinis uforglemmelige, historiske romanserie baseret på virkelige begivenheder – om en gruppe ukueligt modige kvinder, som er fast besluttet på at bekæmpe Det Tredje Rige, koste hvad det vil.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    318,95 kr.

    "New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini is back with another novel in her perennially popular Elm Creek Quilts series: a timely celebration of quilting, family, community, and history!"--

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    148,95 kr.

    Telefonsoldater er en øjenåbnende roman om en af de store, ufortalte fortællinger fra Første Verdenskrig – om kvinderne fra det amerikanske signalkorps, som udførte afgørende arbejde ved frontlinjen og nedbrød kønsbarrierer i militæret.Da general John Pershing i juni 1917 ankommer til Frankrig, støder han øjeblikkeligt på et afgørende problem. Hans opgave er at indsætte amerikansk militær i Europa, men han er ude af stand til at kommunikere med tropper i felten. Hæren er i akut mangel af telefonoperatører.De bedst uddannede telefonoperatører i USA er kvinder, men kvinder har ikke lov at blive indrulleret i hæren. Alligevel begynder det amerikanske signalkorps at rekruttere dem, og mere end 7.600 melder sig til at kæmpe med ved fronten.Blandt dem er Grace Banker fra New Jersey, som underviser i arbejdet ved omstillingsbordet; den franske Marie Miossec, der ønsker at blive operasanger og tyveårige Valerie DeSmedt, der er opsat på at kæmpe for sit hjemland, Belgien.Blandt de første kvinder, der tjener i den amerikanske hær, skal de komme til at opere over hele Frankrig, tæt på frontlinjen, under kanonild, bombardementer og gennem den spanske syge. De mandlige soldater, som de erstatter, brugte et minut på at stille hvert opkald igennem. Telefonsoldaterne skal bruge blot ti sekunder.Baseret på en sand historie fortæller Telefonsoldater om kvinderne i det amerikanske signalkorps, der ærefuldt tjente deres land og spillede en afgørende rolle i de allieredes sejr. Deres historie er aldrig blevet fortalt – før nu.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    148,95 kr.

    Fra New York Times-bestsellerforfatteren Jennifer Chiaverini kommer en fængslende historisk roman om kampen for kvinders stemmeret.USA, 1913. Efter flere år ved frontlinjen i den britiske suffragette-bevægelse vender 25-årige Alice Paul hjem til New Jersey. Svækket efter både fængsling og sultestrejke er hun dog stadig stålsat på at ville tænde op under den stagnerende suffragette-modstand i sit hjemland. Ni stater har allerede givet kvinder stemmeret, men kun en forfatningsændring vil sikre retten for alle kvinder, og for at opnå støtte til sin kampagne organiserer Alice en storslået kvindemarch ned ad Pennsylvania Avenue i Washington DC.Med i optoget er 39-årige Maud Malone fra New York, der arbejder som bibliotekar, og som har tilegnet sig et vist ry – og pletter på straffeattesten – for at afbryde politikeres taler med spidse spørgsmål. Også borgerrettighedsforkæmper og journalist Ida B. Wells deltager med målsætningen om, at også farvede kvinder skal være en del af marchen – og forfatningsændringen. Ida blev født slavegjort i Mississippi og frygter nu, at hvide suffragetter vil ekskludere sorte kvinder, hvis det tjener deres egne interesser.D. 3. marts 1913 påbegyndes den glorværdige march, men forsømmeligt politiarbejde lader store grupper af aggressive mænd blokere vejen for optoget, og dermed bringes både demonstration og kvinder i alvorlig fare.Kvindernes march er baseret på sande begivenheder og er en inspirerende gengivelse af en afgørende, men næsten glemt begivenhed i amerikansk historie, hvor kampen for kvinders rettigheder nåede et afgørende vendepunkt.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    138,95 kr.

    Rosie the Riveter meets A League of Their Own in New York Times bestselling novelist Jennifer Chiaverini's lively and illuminating novel about the "munitionettes" who built bombs in Britain's arsenals during World War I, risking their lives for the war effort and discovering camaraderie and courage on the soccer pitch. Early in the Great War, men left Britain's factories in droves to enlist. Struggling to keep up production, arsenals hired women to build the weapons the military urgently needed. "Be the Girl Behind the Man Behind the Gun," the recruitment posters beckoned.Thousands of women--cooks, maids, shopgirls, and housewives--answered their nation's call. These "munitionettes" worked grueling shifts often seven days a week, handling TNT and other explosives with little protective gear.Among them is nineteen-year-old former housemaid April Tipton. Impressed by her friend Marjorie's descriptions of higher wages, plentiful meals, and comfortable lodgings, she takes a job at Thornshire Arsenal near London, filling shells in the Danger Building--difficult, dangerous, and absolutely essential work. Joining them is Lucy Dempsey, wife of Daniel Dempsey, Olympic gold medalist and star forward of Tottenham Hotspur. With Daniel away serving in the Footballers' Battalion, Lucy resolves to do her bit to hasten the end of the war. When her coworkers learn she is a footballer's wife, they invite her to join the arsenal ladies' football club, the Thornshire Canaries.The Canaries soon acquire an unexpected fan in the boss's wife, Helen Purcell, who is deeply troubled by reports that Danger Building workers suffer from serious, unexplained illnesses. One common symptom, the lurid yellow hue of their skin, earns them the nickname "canary girls." Suspecting a connection between the canary girls' maladies and the chemicals they handle, Helen joins the arsenal administration as their staunchest, though often unappreciated, advocate. The football pitch is the one place where class distinctions and fears for their men fall away. As the war grinds on and tragedy takes its toll, the Canary Girls persist despite the dangers, proud to serve, determined to outlive the war and rejoice in victory and peace.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    263,95 kr.

    "The Museum of Lost Quilts is a warm and deeply moving story about the power of collective memory. With every fascinating quilt she studies, Summer finds her passion for history renewed -- and discovers a promising new future for herself--

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    198,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    106,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini, a bold, revelatory novel about one of the great untold stories of World War I?the women of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, who broke down gender barriers in the military and battled a pandemic as they helped lead the Allies to victory. ?An eye-opening and detailed novel about remarkable female soldiers. . . Chiaverini weaves the intersecting threads of these brave women's lives together, highlighting their deep sense of pride and duty.??Kirkus Reviews In June 1917, General John Pershing arrived in France to establish American forces in Europe. He immediately found himself unable to communicate with troops in the field. Pershing needed telephone operators who could swiftly and accurately connect multiple calls, speak fluent French and English, remain steady under fire, and be utterly discreet, since the calls often conveyed classified information.At the time, nearly all well-trained American telephone operators were women?but women were not permitted to enlist, or even to vote in most states. Nevertheless, the U.S. Army Signal Corps promptly began recruiting them.More than 7,600 women responded, including Grace Banker of New Jersey, a switchboard instructor with AT&T and an alumna of Barnard College; Marie Miossec, a Frenchwoman and aspiring opera singer; and Valerie DeSmedt, a twenty-year-old Pacific Telephone operator from Los Angeles, determined to strike a blow for her native Belgium.They were among the first women sworn into the U.S. Army under the Articles of War. The male soldiers they had replaced had needed one minute to connect each call. The switchboard soldiers could do it in ten seconds.Deployed throughout France, including near the front lines, the operators endured hardships and risked death or injury from gunfire, bombardments, and the Spanish Flu. Not all of them would survive. The women of the U.S. Army Signal Corps served with honor and played an essential role in achieving the Allied victory. Their story has never been the focus of a novel...until now.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    378,95 kr.

    Rosie the Riveter meets A League of Their Own in New York Times bestselling novelist Jennifer Chiaverini's lively and illuminating novel about the ?munitionettes? who built bombs in Britain's arsenals during World War I, risking their lives for the war effort and discovering camaraderie and courage on the soccer pitch. Early in the Great War, men left Britain's factories in droves to enlist. Struggling to keep up production, arsenals hired women to build the weapons the military urgently needed. ?Be the Girl Behind the Man Behind the Gun,? the recruitment posters beckoned.Thousands of women?cooks, maids, shopgirls, and housewives?answered their nation's call. These ?munitionettes? worked grueling shifts often seven days a week, handling TNT and other explosives with little protective gear.Among them is nineteen-year-old former housemaid April Tipton. Impressed by her friend Marjorie's descriptions of higher wages, plentiful meals, and comfortable lodgings, she takes a job at Thornshire Arsenal near London, filling shells in the Danger Building?difficult, dangerous, and absolutely essential work. Joining them is Lucy Dempsey, wife of Daniel Dempsey, Olympic gold medalist and star forward of Tottenham Hotspur. With Daniel away serving in the Footballers' Battalion, Lucy resolves to do her bit to hasten the end of the war. When her coworkers learn she is a footballer's wife, they invite her to join the arsenal ladies' football club, the Thornshire Canaries.The Canaries soon acquire an unexpected fan in the boss's wife, Helen Purcell, who is deeply troubled by reports that Danger Building workers suffer from serious, unexplained illnesses. One common symptom, the lurid yellow hue of their skin, earns them the nickname ?canary girls.? Suspecting a connection between the canary girls' maladies and the chemicals they handle, Helen joins the arsenal administration as their staunchest, though often unappreciated, advocate. The football pitch is the one place where class distinctions and fears for their men fall away. As the war grinds on and tragedy takes its toll, the Canary Girls persist despite the dangers, proud to serve, determined to outlive the war and rejoice in victory and peace.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    268,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    328,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini returns with The Women's March, an enthralling historical novel of the women's suffrage movement inspired by three courageous women who bravely risked their lives and liberty in the fight to win the vote.Twenty-five-year-old Alice Paul returns to her native New Jersey after several years on the front lines of the suffrage movement in Great Britain. Weakened from imprisonment and hunger strikes, she is nevertheless determined to invigorate the stagnant suffrage movement in her homeland. Nine states have already granted women voting rights, but only a constitutional amendment will secure the vote for all.To inspire support for the campaign, Alice organizes a magnificent procession down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, the day before the inauguration of President-elect Woodrow Wilson, a firm antisuffragist.Joining the march is thirty-nine-year-old New Yorker Maud Malone, librarian and advocate for women's and workers' rights. The daughter of Irish immigrants, Maud has acquired a reputation?and a criminal record?for interrupting politicians' speeches with pointed questions they'd rather ignore.Civil rights activist and journalist Ida B. Wells-Barnett resolves that women of color must also be included in the march?and the proposed amendment. Born into slavery in Mississippi, Ida worries that white suffragists may exclude Black women if it serves their own interests.On March 3, 1913, the glorious march commences, but negligent police allow vast crowds of belligerent men to block the parade route?jeering, shouting threats, assaulting the marchers?endangering not only the success of the demonstration but the women's very lives.Inspired by actual events, The Women's March offers a fascinating account of a crucial but little-remembered moment in American history, a turning point in the struggle for women's rights.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    328,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    177,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini returns with a delightful Christmas-themed installment in her beloved Elm Creek Quilts series?a captivating, heartwarming tale sure to become a holiday favorite.Just weeks before Christmas, severe wintry weather damages the church hall hosting the Christmas Boutique?an annual sale of handcrafted gifts and baked goods that supports the county food pantry. Determined to save the fundraiser, Sylvia Bergstrom Compson offers to hold the event at Elm Creek Manor, her ancestral family estate and summertime home to Elm Creek Quilt Camp.In the spirit of the season, Sylvia and the Elm Creek Quilters begin setting up market booths in the ballroom and decking the halls with beautiful hand-made holiday quilts. Each of the quilters chooses a favorite quilt to display, a special creation evoking memories of holidays past and dreams of Christmases yet to come. Sarah, a first-time mother expecting twins, worries if she can handle raising two babies, especially with her husband so often away on business. Cheerful, white-haired Agnes reflects upon a beautiful appliqué quilt she made as a young bride and the mysterious, long-lost antique quilt that inspired it. Empty nesters and occasional rivals Gwen and Diane contemplate family heirlooms and unfinished projects as they look forward to having their children home again for the holidays. But while the Elm Creek Quilters work tirelessly to make sure the Christmas Boutique happens, it may take a holiday miracle or two to make it the smashing success they want it to be.Praised for her ability to craft ?a wonderful holiday mix of family legacy, reconciliation and shared experiences? (Tucson Citizen), Jennifer Chiaverini once again rings in the festive season with this eagerly awaited addition in her beloved series.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    180,95 kr.

    "Kate Chase was born in 1840 in Cincinnati, Ohio, the second daughter to the second wife of Salmon P. Chase. Her father was Abraham Lincoln's secretary of the treasury, and he aspired to even greater heights. Kate stepped into the role of establishing her thrice-widowed father in Washington society and as a future presidential candidate. Her efforts were successful enough that The Washington Star declared her 'the most brilliant woman of her day. None outshone her.' None, that is, but Mary Todd Lincoln. Though Mrs. Lincoln and her young rival held much in common they could never be friends, for the success of one could come only at the expense of the other"--

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    175,95 kr.

    "Born to slave-holding aristocracy in Richmond, Virginia, and educated by Northern Quakers, Elizabeth Van Lew was a paradox of her time. When her native state seceded in April 1861, Van Lew's convictions compelled her to defy the new Confederate regime. Pledging her loyalty to the Lincoln White House, her courage would never waver, even as her wartime actions threatened not only her reputation, but also her life"--Publisher marketing.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    205,95 kr.

    Meditating on the weddings she has attended in Elm Creek Manor throughout the years, Sarah McClure evaluates the symbolic features on a wedding quilt designed to display the signatures of beloved guests.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    166,95 kr.

    "The Elm Creek Quilters are as surprised as anyone when their beloved matriarch, Sylvia Bergstrom Compson, marries her sweetheart, Andrew, at a festive holiday gathering at her ancestral home on Christmas Eve. Eager to celebrate the union, her friends decide to create a beautiful wedding quilt to warm the newlyweds' home and hearts. A secret with such good intentions, they reason, couldn't possibly do anyone harm. But although the quilting retreat established at Elm Creek Manor is a place where quilters share their creativity, their challenges, and their dreams, somehow in their haste to find a way to honor the wisdom, skill, and devotion of their favorite master quilter, they forget that sometimes secrets drive friends apart instead of drawing them closer. As financial troubles, relationship struggles, and unexpected opportunities beyond Elm Creek Quilt Camp test the bonds of friendship, the quilters must find a way to stitch together more than Sylvia's Bridal Sampler to make a happy ending."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    183,95 kr.

    When Christmas Eve comes to Elm Creek Manor, the tenor of the holiday is far from certain. Sylvia Bergstrom Compson, the Master Quilter, has her own reasons for preferring a quiet, even subdued, Christmas. Her young friend Sarah McClure, however, takes the opposite view and decides to deck the halls brightly. As she explores the trunks packed with Bergstrom family decorations that haven't been touched in more than fifty years, Sarah discovers a curious Christmas quilt. Begun in seasonal fabrics and patterns, the quilt remains unfinished. Sylvia reveals that the handiwork spans several generations and a quartet of Bergstrom quilters -- her great aunt, her mother, her sister, and herself. As she examines the array of quilt blocks each family member contributed but never completed, memories of Christmases past emerge. At Elm Creek Manor, Christmas began as a celebration of simple virtues -- joy and hope buoyed by the spirit of giving. As each successive generation of Bergstroms lived through its unique trials -- the antebellum era, the Great Depression, World War II -- tradition offered sustenance even during the most difficult times. For Sylvia, who is coping with the modern problem of family dispersed, estranged, or even forgotten, reconciliation with her personal history may prove as elusive as piecing the Christmas Quilt. Elm Creek Manor is full of secrets, from a Christmas tree with unusual properties to the sublime Bergstrom strudel recipe. Sylvia's tales at first seem to inform her family legacy but ultimately illuminate far more, from the importance of women's art to its place in commemorating our shared experience, at Christmastime and in every season.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    188,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestselling author of Mrs. Lincoln's Sisters unveils the private lives of President Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, through the eyes of the First Lady's most trusted confidante and friend in this compelling historical novel. In a life that spanned nearly a century and witnessed some of the most momentous events in American history, Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley was born a slave. A gifted seamstress, she earned her freedom by the skill of her needle, and won the friendship of First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln by her devotion. A sweeping historical novel, Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker illuminates the extraordinary relationship the two women shared, beginning in the hallowed halls of the White House during the trials of the Civil War and enduring almost, but not quite, to the end of Mrs. Lincoln's days.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    328,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini, a bold, revelatory novel about one of the great untold stories of World War I?the women of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, who broke down gender barriers in the military and battled a pandemic as they helped lead the Allies to victory. ?An eye-opening and detailed novel about remarkable female soldiers. . . Chiaverini weaves the intersecting threads of these brave women's lives together, highlighting their deep sense of pride and duty.??Kirkus Reviews In June 1917, General John Pershing arrived in France to establish American forces in Europe. He immediately found himself unable to communicate with troops in the field. Pershing needed telephone operators who could swiftly and accurately connect multiple calls, speak fluent French and English, remain steady under fire, and be utterly discreet, since the calls often conveyed classified information.At the time, nearly all well-trained American telephone operators were women?but women were not permitted to enlist, or even to vote in most states. Nevertheless, the U.S. Army Signal Corps promptly began recruiting them.More than 7,600 women responded, including Grace Banker of New Jersey, a switchboard instructor with AT&T and an alumna of Barnard College; Marie Miossec, a Frenchwoman and aspiring opera singer; and Valerie DeSmedt, a twenty-year-old Pacific Telephone operator from Los Angeles, determined to strike a blow for her native Belgium.They were among the first women sworn into the U.S. Army under the Articles of War. The male soldiers they had replaced had needed one minute to connect each call. The switchboard soldiers could do it in ten seconds.Deployed throughout France, including near the front lines, the operators endured hardships and risked death or injury from gunfire, bombardments, and the Spanish Flu. Not all of them would survive. The women of the U.S. Army Signal Corps served with honor and played an essential role in achieving the Allied victory. Their story has never been the focus of a novel...until now.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    166,95 kr.

    Master Quilter Sylvia Bergstrom Compson Cooper is eager to revive a cherished family tradition. As each quilter explains the significance of her carefully chosen block, stories of love and longing for family and friends emerge--feelings that are also expressed in the gifts they work on throughout the day. 288 pp. 75,000 print.

  • af Jennifer Chiaverini
    238,95 kr.

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