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  • - Perfect Ways to Use Chia
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    What is the perfect way to use Chia seed? Well, whichever way you choose is good; you only have to know the right ways and processes. It's a good thing to know too, as chia seed is instrumental in making healthy and delicious dishes. We will get you started. You can include dry chia seeds to smoothies, juices, oatmeal to get a great taste. There are other ways to use these amazing seeds too, and you are about to find them out. Do you want them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, side dishes, or appetizers? No problem, this cookbook contains 30 different chia recipes you can use to make your favorite meals. This is your path to healthy living without giving up taste or flavor. So, how soon would you like to get started?

  • - Fun, Large Grid Sudoku Puzzles
    af Jennifer Jones
    102,95 kr.

    A collection of fun and challenging Sudoku puzzles.

  • - 40 Recipes from Around the World
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Christmas is a day celebrated uniformly all around the world. But of course, people celebrated it differently, and this shows in the food. All over the world, people cook different dishes to celebrate this day. So, how cool would it be to discover and learn the varieties of food that makes the Christmas menu all around the world? The Americans prefer stuffed turkey. It is Bavarian potato pancakes in Germany; Brunsli in Switzerland; Barbecued Seafood in Australia. There are lots of others, and they are featured in this cookbook. You will learn everything about them, especially how to make them. How cool is this? You can now settle for different meals in a day with 40 recipes to choose from. How better can Christmas be?

  • - 40 Snow Recipes to make Satisfying Drinks
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Let's take it back to years, probably decades back when snow was a big deal for you. You remember the ecstasy that brim in you when snow falls? And what you did with it? You probably ate it, had a snowball fight with people you loved, or built a snowman. Oh, life was much simpler back then. They weren't the good old days, weren't they? Now is the time to bring those days back with a bit of adult touch. The snow that had just fallen can be made into a treat everyone can enjoy. That's what this book seeks to teach you - how you can use snow to make satisfying beverages. And there are 40 recipes to get you started and hooked on this. Oh, wait a minute; snow doesn't fall everywhere in the world. Don't you worry; we've got a creative alternative for these climates too. If you live in such areas, you would only need to replace snow with crushed ice and enjoy these recipes too. Convinced that there is something for everybody now, right? Let's move on from this page then.

  • - Quick Dinner Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Every meal a day has its own benefits. But none comes close to dinner in terms of gathering around a table and enjoying some quality time with the family. There might be a little problem, though, especially if you are the one cooking. You get home completely knocked off. All you want to do is kick off your shoes and drag yourself to bed. Then, you remember dinner, and suddenly, life seems to be cruel. Get rid of that thought because you have found the essential help you need - one you may very well have been looking for. This cookbook is packed with everything you need to make quick dinners. The recipes don't take hours before they become delicious meals they are designed to be; an hour or less is what they take, In fact, you won't encounter a problem during the process because the format of the instructions is designed to be clear and understandable. No problem in any department. Are you ready to be a superhero? Get this book and tick off the first requirement.

  • - The Sweets and Spices of Portugal in Your Kitchen
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    There is a lot that can be said about Portuguese food. It's normally simple but "delicioso". It ranges from seafood to meats, but is never complicated. Traditionally the Portuguese would cook with only what was in season. Portuguese cuisine is accompanied by olive oil and wines which are world-renown. You will find interesting preparations with spices such as curry, chilli, peppers and various vegetables. You can prepare the flavors of Portugal right in your kitchen at home. You can become an expert at presenting anything from fish as a starter, to spicy chicken for the main course, to sweets for dessert. There are 'how-to' lessons and recipes enclosed. Take a copy and start today.

  • - 40 Hot Toddy and Mulled Wine Recipes to Get Through Winter
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    How do you plan to keep the hostile winter cold in check? Something tells me it involves a lot of drinking. I have just the perfect drinks for this; all compiled into a book. Would you like hot toddies and mulled wine? You totally would because what's not to like. Imagine a Toddy recipe with the infusion of whiskey, lemon, and honey. Ooh, that's bound to warm you up. What about a glass of Smoking Bishop mulled wine to round off the day or a Mulled Apple Cider Sangria to kick a party into full gear? The point is that this cookbook contains all sorts of Toddy and Mulled wine recipes - about 40 of them with their own unique tastes and effect. Get the book and let's get started. When the temperature goes low, we go high!

  • - Maintaining your Bodies pH is The Key to Health and Longevity
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Healthy doesn't have to mean tasteless and bland. It does mean using a superfood in a tasty way to help lose weight, avoid arthritis and cancer. If you feel that acidic foods are bad for you then, eating specific foods will help protect your health. These dishes are perfect if you are vegetarian or vegan. Meats and dairy are off-limit and the diet relies on fruits and vegetables to a large extent. Fruit and veg are chosen instead of the higher calorie and fat choices. You will learn how to use alkaline-inducing substances like raw veggies, low-glycaemic fruits and green smoothies for all your meals. There are 'how-to' lessons and recipes enclosed. Take a copy and start today.

  • - Would You Prefer Dashi Soup or Miso Soup?
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Dashi is a stock which is mixed into Miso Soup. It's a class of soup which originates in Japan and was presented in various ways depending on the region. However, its origins date back further than Japan. It seems the dish was brought over to Japan from China. Over the years since then it developed into a staple Japanese dish which was normally presented with rice. The way of making the soup changed in some ways when it reached the West around the year 1960. It can be prepared in a variety of ways and presented with a variety of condiments and starches. There are 'how-to' lessons and recipes enclosed. Take a copy and start today.

  • - The Lobster-Tail Cookbook for Every Kitchen
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    There was a time that Lobster was called "Poor Man's Protein". But, by WWII things had changed, making the Lobster a delicacy. Whether or not that's the case in your town, it's certain that you don't want to spoil the Lobster when cooking it. The most difficult thing about Lobster is not to over-cook it. This recipe book will show you how to cook the tail properly. You can dive into successfully making lobster tail using a variety of recipes. All you need to do is follow the step-by-step guides to cooking and preparing the tails. Get the perfect dish from tip to tail. There are 'how-to' lessons and recipes enclosed. Take a copy and start today.

  • - The Best Honey Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    The journey to totally get rid of processed sugar in your diet is not one without hurdles. By now, you have probably cut down your intake of sugary drinks and juice. That's a good start, but you could take it a step further to include raw honey. Honey contains natural sugar, among other things, and they are not known to have any adverse effects, so they are the perfect alternative to processed sugar. How do you make the best use of this natural sweetener? This book has all the answers. Inside this book, you will find 30 amazing juice recipes sprinkled with a healthy quantity of honey to replace processed sugar. Now, you can drink as much juice as you want without worrying about taking it too far. You thought that was all; no, not in the least. Every page also includes honey recipes you can easily make at home. There you have it, grab this book now and take your desire to live healthily to a whole new level.

  • - 25 Essential Bread Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    What is the ultimate lifesaver but bread? Do you think about just how much easier our lives are because bread is a part of it? At the rate bread is consumed, it is important to tilt towards homemade bread to get the freshest taste and the best nutrients out of it. To make this easier, this cookbook has come into play. Its pages are filled with information on the best way to bake bread. To do this, 25 bread recipes have been compiled inside it to treat you to this ultimate experience. That is right; 25 amazing bread recipes with instructions and directions on how to pull them off. With this cookbook, bread can't ever get boring to you, or anyone.

  • - Cocktail and Mocktail Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Christmas is the holiday highlight of the year, isn't it? It is one of the last major holidays, and the build-up to the name is simply phenomenal. The way everyone is so into it, the aura that spreads, and the pure, genuine joy on everyone's face is something to see. Of course, entertainment is an integral part of the celebration. If you are celebrating at home, you need a Christmas cocktail to top up everything you have planned. We know exactly how to get you started on that - this cocktail book. It features the best of alcoholic beverages guaranteed to keep Christmas in the mind of everyone. There are provisions for those who would prefer alcoholic-free drinks as well. You read it right; you are looking at a cocktail and mocktail book. How many cocktail and mocktail recipes are we talking about? 40! Each one with accompanying instructions designed to simplify the process of making it. You are about to add extra doses of fun to Christmas, and by the way, this is the way it should be done.

  • - Perfect Asian Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    The culinary world is a wonder, really! There's so much to learn, so much to taste, and so much to experience. It is bound to be so as there are different cultures, each with their own kind of food. On that note, we are bringing you food options, not from one country, but a whole continent - Asia. Asia is the home to beautiful countries, people, culture, and lifestyle, and the food influences are nothing short of spectacular. Unfortunately, not everyone can make a trip to an Asian country. But then, you really don't have to stress it out or miss out on much when you can simply get this book. It is packed with loads of Asian goodness; food influenced by the diverse Asian culture. Think about the numerous options you now have on how to cook and enjoy the best of Asian meals in the comfort of your home. By the time you get to the last page of this book, you'd have become a true connoisseur of Asian food culture. Thin about how helpful this will be if you ever plan to throw an Asian-themed party. Isn't that cool?

  • - The Companion for Strawberry Enthusiasts
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    What do you think of strawberries? Well, I do not need to be a psychic to guess that you find them attractive. But you know what? You can make attractive meals with them too. The recipes in this book will teach you just how to do that - how to use them as the main ingredients for dishes you know and others you may have never imagined. You can use different kinds of strawberries too - frozen strawberries, strawberry jam, or strawberry puree. In fact, you have a strawberry dish for every meal of the day, from breakfast to dinner, in addition to desserts and side dishes. Go on, get those strawberries, but first, get this book.

  • - Fun, Large Print Sudoku Puzzles
    af Jennifer Jones
    102,95 kr.

    A collection of fun and challenging Sudoku puzzles.

  • - Exquisite Casserole Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Dinner is the culmination of the day's activities. Besides, it gives the family a chance to sit together and enjoy the company. Of course, this brings its own share of pressure, especially for the person cooking. Surprise, surprise; a perfect dinner doesn't necessarily translate to long hours in the kitchen, and you are about to learn the secret. This cookbook has one solid task - to divulge the perks of cooking casserole. But how is this going to happen? For starters, it includes 40 exquisite casserole recipes optimized for best taste. Shall we continue? These recipes don't need you to exert yourself or knock yourself out. No, they are that easy to make. You'd be surprised how something so easy tastes so good. Good things come easy after all! That's it: you now have a chance to treat yourself or your family to amazing dinners that tick all the boxes - healthy, easy to make, and delicious. What else is there to think about?

  • - Discover 40 Cheese-free Pizza Recipes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    You fancy pizza that will give your taste bud something to always wish for, don't you? But you worry about the cheese content and think about all the cholesterol and fat they will load into your body. That is enough to make pizza unattractive to you, but there is a way around it. You can still enjoy pizza; you will only need to make it cheese-free. Cheese as an ingredient can be replaced with healthier ingredients, and the taste will still come out as sharp as ever. This book has 40 of these recipes made for you to try out. No, your pizza dream is not over yet.

  • - 30 Potato Recipes to Treat Yourself Right
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    If you don't know the true value of potato in the departments of taste, nutrients, and adaptability, now is the best time to get on board. There is so much to get from the naturally sweet vegetable, and it would be a shame if you don't make the best use of it. Don't worry, this book will teach you how. The pages of this book are infused with a lot of potato goodness in the form of 30 recipes that checks all the requirement of every cook - they are easy to make and absolutely delicious. You will find out the different ways you can adapt them too - as appetizers, main courses, salad, or soup. The content in the book is divided into chapters for easy navigation. Each chapter contains all the information you'd ever need - description of the recipe, ingredient list, serving time, time required. Everything, really! So, what are you going to do? Something tells me that you are going to get this book. Between us, that's the best decision.

  • - Best Things to Cook with a Dutch Oven
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    So, you have a Dutch oven, but you haven't exactly figured out how to use it? Ooh, that could be frustrating. Relax; what you seek is here. A cookbook created for this purpose is here. This cookbook contains all the right ways you can use your Dutch oven and the right things you can make with it. Meals that seemed impossible to create are now at your fingertips waiting for you to flip the pages and learn how to make them. What else are you waiting for?

  • - 80 Easy to Read, Large Print Sudoku Puzzles
    af Jennifer Jones
    102,95 kr.

    A collection of fun and challenging Sudoku puzzles.

  • - The Right Path to Norwegian Dishes
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    Do Norwegian dishes appeal to you? Do you have a great desire to attempt creating these dishes not anywhere, but the comfort of your home? If you relate to these questions, then this book is for you. Norwegians love fishes and meats in their soups, stews other meals. In fact, the country is popular for its love of seafood and how they are incorporated nicely in their meals. Now, you are about to learn just how delicious these meals are, and of course, learn how to make them as well. Inside this cookbook, you will find many recipes that are traditional to Norway and have been around for many years. You have a lot to choose from too, as this book features 30 unique Norwegian recipes. Think about that; you have something new to choose for each breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even desserts. Whoa, isn't that just terrific? You are allowed to treat yourself, family, and friends to something amazing every once in a while, and you can't get it wrong if you start with this book.

  • - 30 Crockpot Recipes for Busy Schedules
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    As convenient as take-out are, they get tiring at some point. Besides, they are not as filling or satisfying as homemade food is. Herein lies the problem; it is not exactly convenient to cook your food. Well, have you heard about the crockpot? If you don't have it yet, you should get it because it is the first step. Why do you need it? They cook food slowly. This may not be ideal on weekends, but it can work during weekdays. Let's get a walkthrough; you put everything you need in a pot, and that's all. You return from work to meet a cooked and warm meal. All you have to do at this point is to dish what you can eat. It's that simple, and that's what a crockpot is designed to do. Now, let this book guide you on how to make the best use of your crockpot. It is filled with 30 recipes that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face at the end of the day. You can now say goodbye to crappy take-outs or going to bed without food.

  • - Meatless Recipes for Optimal Health
    af Jennifer Jones
    157,95 kr.

    There are lots of diets, and there is a chance that you know quite a number of them already. This is not an attempt to add another one to the list because this one actually works in its task - weight loss. The meatless diet does not need you to make too many changes to your meal; you only need to replace meat with beans and legumes, increasing your fiber consumption in great percentage and helping you to lose weight in the process. This cookbook compiles only the best meatless recipes - you may know some of them because they have been around for a while, but even they have been improved and refined to conform to modern standards. You stand to benefit from a lot from this diet as its inclusion of beans and legumes reduces the chances of cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. You could say that this is the metaphor from everything a dish should be - rich in taste, nutrients, and health benefits. Go on now, get this book and get to cooking with the delicious recipes accompanied with step by step instructions.

  • af Jennifer Jones
    154,95 kr.

    DINOS ABC ROAR by Jennifer Jones is a fun, exciting way for kids ages 1-5 (toddlers, pre-k, kindergartens) to learn their alphabet, numbers 1-10 and colors. It's a read aloud anytime and bedtime story picture book that kids enjoy reading again and again.

  • af Jennifer Jones
    177,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Jones
    277,95 kr.

    Teaches responsibility and respect for people and things. A hilarious, rhyming, read loud book that's perfect for the first or any day of school.The classroom play dough have had enough!Tucked away in the classroom bins,Far off and out of reach,Our tiny pots of yellowCommand attention as the teachers teach.

  • af Jennifer Jones
    197,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Jones
    277,95 kr.

    Teaches responsibility and respect for people and things. A hilarious, rhyming, read loud book that's perfect for the first or any day of school.The classroom sharpeners have had enough!We are the mighty sharpeners,The only classroom tool to make a point!We're made of wood or plastic,Plus some metal around our joints.Buy this book for a good laugh, nighttime snuggle, or your favorite teacher.

  • af Jennifer Jones
    217,95 - 277,95 kr.

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