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  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    258,95 kr.

    Wolf Westerville.There was a time when my world revolved around him, and I'd foolishly thought he'd be the one to claim all my firsts. Those dreams shattered into a million jagged pieces when the unthinkable happened.Five years later and we both attend the same college. He's a superstar goaltender for the Western Wildcats with a ticket to the NHL. I'm just trying to make it through the last year and a half of college all the while doing my best to avoid him.Wolf has decided that it's time for us to get reacquainted. As far as I'm concerned, he can shove that idea where the sun doesn't shine.Better yet, he can bend over, and I'll happily do it for him.He might not realize it, but my life is splintering apart at the seams. My parents have lost everything and can't pay my tuition for the second semester, which means I need to figure something out.Fast.Or I'll be forced to drop out and move back home.Unwilling to allow that to happen, I decide to sell the only thing I have of value.My V-card.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    258,95 kr.

    Wolf Westerville.There was a time when my world revolved around him, and I'd foolishly thought he'd be the one to claim all my firsts. Those dreams shattered into a million jagged pieces when the unthinkable happened.Five years later and we both attend the same college. He's a superstar goaltender for the Western Wildcats with a ticket to the NHL. I'm just trying to make it through the last year and a half of college all the while doing my best to avoid him.Wolf has decided that it's time for us to get reacquainted. As far as I'm concerned, he can shove that idea where the sun doesn't shine.Better yet, he can bend over, and I'll happily do it for him.He might not realize it, but my life is splintering apart at the seams. My parents have lost everything and can't pay my tuition for the second semester, which means I need to figure something out.Fast.Or I'll be forced to drop out and move back home.Unwilling to allow that to happen, I decide to sell the only thing I have of value.My V-card.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    258,95 kr.

    It all starts with a little game of truth or dare...That was my first mistake. I've never been able to resist a dare and he damn well knows it. Trust me, I realize it's a personal flaw I need to work on.My second mistake?If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it was when I agreed to a frenemies-with-benefits situation in order to get him out of my system once and for all.The third one, just in case you're wondering, was in thinking this wouldn't explode in my face if I came up with a list of rules for us to follow.1- This is in no way a relationship. It's strictly dickly.2- No sleeping with other people while knocking boots.3- Our situationship stays on the down lowBut then he tacked on one of his own- no getting myself off unless it's in front of him.Oh...did I forget to mention that the guy in question is Ford Hamilton, my ex-stepbrother? The very same one who may or may not remain an ex for long.There's only one thing left to say...FML.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    258,95 kr.

    It all starts with a little game of truth or dare...That was my first mistake. I've never been able to resist a dare and he damn well knows it. Trust me, I realize it's a personal flaw I need to work on.My second mistake?If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it was when I agreed to a frenemies-with-benefits situation in order to get him out of my system once and for all.The third one, just in case you're wondering, was in thinking this wouldn't explode in my face if I came up with a list of rules for us to follow.1- This is in no way a relationship. It's strictly dickly.2- No sleeping with other people while knocking boots.3- Our situationship stays on the down lowBut then he tacked on one of his own- no getting myself off unless it's in front of him.Oh...did I forget to mention that the guy in question is Ford Hamilton, my ex-stepbrother? The very same one who may or may not remain an ex for long.There's only one thing left to say...FML.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    228,95 kr.

    Tout commence par une liste d'envies et un roman d'amour...J'ai toujours connu Ryder McAdams. Nous sommes voisins et nos familles sont très liées. C'estaussi l'ami et le coéquipier de mon frère cadet, Maverick.Mais Ryder et moi ?Nous n'avons jamais été proches. D'ailleurs, j'ai toujours eu la nette impression qu'il ne m'appréciaitpas beaucoup. Il fait son possible pour m'ignorer.Et le pire ?C'est cette électricité qui fait crépiter l'atmosphère chaque fois que nos regards se croisent. Je laressens dans tout mon corps, jusqu'au bout des doigts et des orteils. Celui qui a dit qu'on necontrôlait pas ses attirances avait bien raison, malheureusement.J'ai fait de mon mieux pour ne pas y prêter attention.Nous sommes à la fac de Western depuis trois ans déjà, et nos interactions se limitent au strictnécessaire. Il passe son temps à faire la fête et à s'éclater avec son fan-club de jolies filles. Moi, jepasse la majeure partie de ma vie universitaire à la bibliothèque pour pouvoir m'inscrire dans la facde médecine de mon choix.Mais une nuit d'ivresse change tout, quand Ryder me ramène chez moi et découvre la liste que j'aiécrite avant ma première année, avec tout ce que je rêvais de faire à la fac.Vous savez combien de ces choses j'ai réalisées depuis ?Aucune. Zéro. Rien du tout.Pour une raison étrange, Ryder décide de prendre les choses en main et de m'aider à tout faireavant la remise de diplômes.Tout irait bien s'il n'y avait pas des idées torrides sur ce papier...Et notamment la recherche du plaisir...

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    228,95 kr.

    Brody McKinnon est le défenseur vedette de l'Université de Whitmore, destiné à accomplirdes prouesses dans la ligue nationale de hockey. Il s'est fait un nom dans le milieu sportif lycéenavant de nous honorer de sa présence. Même si ça me fait mal de l'admettre, il bat tous lesrecords au niveau universitaire. Contrairement aux autres filles qui se déchirent pour attirer sonattention, je m'efforce de le fuir comme la peste. Pour des raisons qui m'échappent, Brody prendun malin plaisir à me martyriser. Et moi, en échange, j'adore le réduire en charpie avec desréparties bien cinglantes. Après trois ans, on pourrait croire qu'il aurait appris à garder sesdistances.Manque de chance.Malheureusement pour moi, je m'apprête à vivre la pire semaine de ma vie. Tout commencelorsque mon ex petit ami annonce lors d'une fête que je suis nulle au lit. C'est cette ordure dehockeyeur avec qui je sortais l'an dernier, qui m'a laissé un goût amer dans la bouche (oh,sérieusement, arrêtez d'avoir l'esprit si mal tourné...).Devinez qui accourt sur son cheval blanc pour voler à mon secours ?Ou devrais-je dire, qui ouvre sa grande bouche ?Oui, vous avez compris.Nul autre que Brody McKinnon, le type que j'adore détester. Il n'arrange rien en racontant àtout le monde que nous sommes ensemble avant de frapper Reed en pleine face. D'abord, j'aienvie de l'étrangler, mais ensuite, je regrette de ne pas avoir sauté sur Reed en premier.Maintenant, je dois faire semblant de sortir avec Brody, le seul mec qui me donnel'impression d'être un chien enragé au bout d'une laisse, pendant une durée indéterminée. Je suisconvaincue que nous ne tiendrons pas plus de soixante-douze heures sans que je le tue.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    228,95 kr.

    Crosby Rhodes est un véritable dieu pour l'équipe de football des Western Wildcats.Et, allez savoir...C'en est peut-être réellement un. Clairement, toutes les filles du campus semblent de cet avis. Elles tombent comme des mouches devant son beau visage, ses cheveux foncés ébouriffés et son corps ferme sculpté par des années de musculation et ses entraînements quotidiens. Ses atouts font de lui une drogue dont elles sont toutes accros.Ajoutez à cela un piercing à la lèvre et un air taciturne et vous comprendrez aisément la raison de son succès.Est-ce que j'éprouve la même chose que les autres ?Eh bien non, pas du tout.Pour moi, Crosby peut bien aller se faire voir. Ce type est un abruti de première. Il me tape royalement sur les nerfs. Et encore, je suis gentille. Pour des raisons que je n'ai jamais comprises, il fait son possible pour m'humilier et me blesser. Ses commentaires désobligeants visent toujours en plein dans le mille avec moi.J'aimerais savoir ce que j'ai fait pour susciter une telle haine, mais pour ça, il faudrait que je lui adresse la parole et c'est hors de question. Il ne reste plus qu'un semestre avant la remise de diplômes. On devrait pouvoir survivre aux six prochains mois sans en venir aux mains.En tout cas, je l'espère.Voilà pourquoi je tombe des nues quand mon ennemi juré me prend à l'écart pour me proposer une trêve. Si je lui fais confiance après tout ce qu'il m'a infligé ?Non. Pour le moment, je compte uniquement accepter pour retrouver un semblant de paix tout en gardant résolument mes distances.L'ennui, c'est que ça s'avère impossible. Où que j'aille, il est là. On dirait que je n'arriverai jamais à m'en dépêtrer. Le plus dingue, c'est qu'il est vraiment sympa avec moi.Si j'avais déjà du mal à chasser cette attirance constante qui ne cesse de s'enflammer entre nous, maintenant c'est carrément impossible. Pourtant, c'est exactement ce que je continue à faire, parce que je refuse que la situation échappe à mon contrôle.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    228,95 kr.

    Jennifer Sucevic, auteure de best-sellers au classement de USA Today, nous présente le prochain tome sensuel de la série Campus.Carson Roberts est le receveur le plus en vue de la Western University. Il a tout pour plaire. Un beau visage et des muscles sculptés, clairement. Une carrière de sportif universitaire, assurément. Un aller simple pour la ligue nationale de football après la fac, sans le moindre doute.Ai-je aussi précisé qu'il était le meilleur ami de mon frère, ce qui signifie que j'ai grandi à ses côtés et que je craque pour lui depuis tout aussi longtemps ?En un mot, une décennie d'amour non réciproque. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, je commence à me faire à l'idée qu'il ne me verra jamais autrement que comme la petite s¿ur qu'il n'a jamais eue.En quelque sorte.Et même s'il se rendait compte que j'ai pris des formes et que je ne porte plus d'appareil dentaire, Brayden piquerait une crise. Dès qu'un représentant de la gent masculine s'intéresse à moi, il devient surprotecteur. Jusqu'à présent, tous ceux qui se sont risqués à me jeter ne serait-ce qu'un coup d'¿il ont reçu une sévère correction.Et c'est précisément la raison pour laquelle je n'ai toujours pas perdu ma virginité.Comme si ce n'était pas déjà assez pathétique d'être une vierge de dix-neuf ans qui craque pour le meilleur ami de son frère, voilà que je lâche par inadvertance, à l'occasion d'une fête étudiante, que je me réserve pour lui depuis toutes ces années.Le pire, c'est que je ne peux même pas accuser l'alcool, puisque je ne bois pas.Et si vous pensiez que les choses ne pouvaient pas devenir plus humiliantes, vous vous mettriez le doigt dans l'¿il.Jusqu'au coude.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    258,95 kr.

    It all starts with a bucket list and a romance novel...I've known Ryder McAdams my entire life. We're neighbors and our families are besties. He's also friends and teammates with my younger brother, Maverick.But Ryder and me?We've never been close. In fact, I've always gotten the distinct impression he doesn't like me very much. He goes out of his way to ignore me.Know what makes it worse?The electricity that hums in the air every time our gazes collide. It sizzles through my body until I feel it in the tips of my fingers and toes. Whoever said that you can't control who you're attracted to was, unfortunately, right.I've done my best to stomp it out.We've been at Western for three years and only come in contact when forced to interact. He's busy partying it up and getting it on with his fangirl club. I've spent most of my college experience studying at the library so I can apply to the med school of my choice.One drunken night changes everything when Ryder takes me home and finds the bucket list I wrote before freshman year.Know how many things I've ticked off since then?Zero. Zilch. Nada.For some strange reason, Ryder decides he'll be the one to help tackle each item before graduation.That would be all fine and good, except there's some pretty schmexy stuff on there...Like the big O.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    258,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    233,95 kr.

    Fake dating the campus player never felt so good.Brody McKinnon is Whitmore University's star defenseman destined for NHL greatness. He made a name for himself playing juniors before gracing us with his esteemed presence. As much as it pains me to admit it, he's exploded at the college level.While other girls fall all over themselves trying to gain his attention, I do my best to steer clear just as I would a particularly nasty case of crabs.For reasons I can't fathom, Brody takes great pleasure in messing with me. And I, in return, enjoy slicing him to ribbons with my razor-sharp tongue. You'd think after three years, he'd learn to keep his distance. No such luck.Unfortunately for me, I'm about to experience the worst week of my life. It starts with my ex announcing at a party that I'm a lousy lay. He's the hockey-playing jerk I dated last year who left a bad taste in my mouth (*eyeroll* seriously...get your mind out of the gutter).Want to guess who rides in on his trusty white steed to rescue me? Or should I say, opens his big mouth? Yup, you guessed it. Brody freaking McKinnon, the guy I love to hate. He only makes matters worse by telling everyone that we're together and then punching Reed in the face.The first...I plan on strangling him for.The second...I'm only sorry I didn't get to Reed first.Now I'm stuck fake-dating Brody, the one guy who makes me feel like a rabid dog on a choke chain, for the foreseeable future. I guarantee we won't last more than seventy-two hours without me killing him.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    233,95 kr.

    Am I guilty of sleeping with Gray Freshman year? Yes, I am. Have I spent the last two and a half years avoiding him like the plague? You better believe it.Grayson McNichols can have his pick of girls on this campus. Just ask him and he'll tell you that the females of Hillsdale University have a real penchant for sexy, hockey playing hotties. Hell, all he has to do is flash a smile in their direction and they fall right onto their backs and spread their legs.Would I happen to be one of them?Umm...I'm going to plead the fifth on that one.All right, fine. You caught me. I made the mistake of knocking boots with Gray freshman year. What can I say? I'm a sucker for gorgeous guys with inky black hair, bright blue eyes, and dimples. And don't even get me started on his chiseled chest and abs of steel...After we hooked up, I never heard from Gray again. Not that I expected too. Okay, that's a lie. Maybe for one brief, delusional moment, I thought I might be different. You know, the girl who changes the hockey playing bad boy for the better (cue the laughter). But he swiftly disabused me of that notion by moving on to fresh meat in the blink of an eye.Which is precisely why I've avoided Grayson like the plague ever since.Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and I totally deserve what I get.Well, I don't plan on falling into that trap ever our parents are dating, and Gray's come up with a cockamamie plan to break them up that has disaster written all over it.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    233,95 kr.

    Can a girl and guy ever be just friends?Emerson and I met freshman year of high school and we've been tight ever since. I've been pretty good about keeping her locked in the- girls I don't think about having sex with part of my brain. Which is no easy feat because, let's face it, unless we're related, you're potential spank bank material.Luckily for me, Southern University has an overabundance of Red Devils hockey groupies, which means there are always plenty of puck bunnies for me to choose from. I'm just careful to make sure they look nothing like Em. So, it should be all good in the hood, right?Wrong.I'm embarrassed to admit this, but lately, I can't seem to get it up. Unless an image of Em pops into my head. Then it's all systems go. It's a messed-up situation. One Emerson is blissfully unaware of. And that's exactly the way it needs to stay. What I've learned is that friendship is a hell of a lot harder to come by than hookups. Ready for a complication? It turns out that Em is a virgin. And she wants me to be the one to, well...take care of business. You better believe I shot down the idea before it could gain traction in my brain. Maybe Em doesn't realize it, but remaining friends after you've slept with someone happens about as often as spotting a tie-dye-colored unicorn that craps sprinkles. If it weren't rare, everyone would be doing it, right?Exactly.As far as I'm concerned, Emerson has remained a virgin for this long, she can damn well wait to do the deed until after we part ways next year. Unfortunately, my best friend has other ideas. Which pretty much means I'm screwed. And not in a good way.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    308,95 kr.

    This duet includes both The Girl Next Door and The Boy Next Door. The Girl Next DoorMia Stanbury is the quintessential girl next door. Smart, beautiful, and determined. She's got it all going on. Is it any wonder that she's been on my radar for as long as I can remember? We're talking middle school, folks.Fine, I'll admit that I've made a few boneheaded mistakes as far as she's concerned, but what can I say? I'm a dude. Sometimes I think with the wrong head. We'll just chalk it up to one of the hazards of having a Y chromosome and leave it at that. But I'm older now.More mature.Sort of.Mia has spent all of high school and college keeping me at a distance. If she didn't melt in my arms every time I put my hands on her, I'd almost think she was immune to my charms. Turns out that's not the case. This is our last year at Wesley before we go our separate ways. Me to the NFL, her to law school. It's now or never.I'm done playing games and allowing her to push me away.The Boy Next DoorI've spent more years than I care to admit crushing hard on Colton Montgomery. The blond, blue-eyed hottie leaves a trail of broken hearts in his wake wherever he goes. Mine being one of them. Just when I'd decided to cut my losses and move on, he appeared out of nowhere and swept me off my feet. It had all seemed like a fairytale until he dumped me.Through text message.Ouch.Eighteen months and one study abroad program later, I've returned to Wesley University to finish out my senior year.And Colton?He's nothing more than a regrettable mistake I'd prefer to forget. Or so I tell myself. It only takes one run-in to realize that my feelings for him aren't as dead and buried as I'd thought.Nope, they're still there, simmering dangerously beneath the surface.He wants a second chance to make things right. That's not going to happen. But Colton has other ideas. And part of me is afraid that if he actually puts his mind to it, he'll end up changing mine.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

    Il a une réputation. Elle s'apprête à découvrir la vérité.Croyez-moi quand je dis que la folie Rowan Michaels est à son comble à Western University. Ses fans sont déchaînés. Il faut dire que ce mec est un coureur de premier plan. À la fois sur le terrain et en dehors. Les filles tombent comme des mouches autour de lui. Elles se pressent sur les gradins aux entraînements de football américain, fréquentent toutes les fêtes auxquelles il est censé assister et, en un mot, le harcèlent partout sur le campus.C'est un peu éc¿urant.Mais enfin, ces filles n'ont aucune dignité en présence d'un beau gosse ?Très bien... je l'admets, il n'est pas moche. Si on aime ce genre de mec. Ce n'est pas mon cas. Moi, j'ai les cours et l'équipe de foot féminine pour m'occuper, et c'est précisément pour ça que je l'évite comme une maladie sexuellement transmissible.Pas de chance, Rowan est le quarterback chouchou de mon père. Il fait quasiment partie de la famille et vient dîner chez nous le mercredi soir. Pour ne rien arranger, on est dans le même cours et on se retrouve dans les mêmes salles, semestre après semestre. On dirait que l'univers cherche à se foutre de moi. Le seul mec que j'évite soigneusement est le seul dont je ne semble pas pouvoir me débarrasser. Mais... et si Rowan n'était pas le coureur que je croyais ?Et si un petit secret pouvait tout changer entre nous ?

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

    Betrayal. Blackmail. Revenge.Will there ever be a time when those three words don't rule my life?Welcome to the world of Hawthorne Prep. A seemingly idyllic school where ivy clings to the thick stone walls and a wrought iron gate keeps out the townies who can't afford to foot the hefty price tag.Except...I'm one of those townies.I'm here on scholarship and don't belong.At least, that's the way I'd always felt before Austin came along and blew my world apart. He's the boy I secretly longed for but never thought could be mine. Against the odds, we managed to overcome the obstacles standing in our way in order to find our happily ever after. I'd assumed escaping my ex would be the hard part.I was wrong.Oh so wrong.Just when I thought we were safe and could move on with our lives, everything gets turned upside down, morphing into a twisted new reality. One that makes what happened earlier look like child's play.Vengeance like never before consumes him. This time, he'll make sure I shatter into a thousand jagged pieces.Ones that can never be put back together again.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    358,95 kr.

    Meet three hockey playing hotties in this collection that includes- Hate to Love You, Just Friends, & The Breakup Plan.Hate to Love YouBrody McKinnon is Whitmore University's star defenseman destined for NHL greatness. He made a name for himself playing juniors before gracing us with his esteemed presence. As much as it pains me to admit it, he's exploded at the college level.Just FriendsEmerson and I met freshman year of high school and we've been tight ever since. I've been pretty good about keeping her locked in the- girls I don't think about having sex with part of my brain. Which is no easy feat because, let's face it, unless we're related, you're potential spank bank material.The Breakup PlanGrayson McNichols can have his pick of girls on this campus. Just ask him and he'll tell you that the females of Hillsdale University have a real penchant for sexy, hockey playing hotties. Hell, all he has to do is flash a smile in their direction and they fall right onto their backs and spread their legs.Would I happen to be one of them?Umm...I'm going to plead the fifth on that one.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    153,95 kr.

    From USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Sucevic comes a sexy new adult, college sports romance.Sure...I'll admit it, women have come and gone from my life since I was in high school. They're nothing more than a warm body to sink into at the end of a long day. Even though I'm upfront about not being interested in a relationship, there are always a few persistent females who think they'll be the one to change my mind.Don't worry, it doesn't take long to disabuse them of that notion. Once they realize a couple hours of fun between the sheets is all I'm looking for, they get the hint and move on to greener pastures.And you know what?That's exactly the way I like it. I've got enough on my plate with my new job as assistant coach for the Claremont Cougars and returning to college after a seven-year hiatus to finish up my degree.A woman is the last thing I want.Or need.I'm happy on my own.For the most part.All that changes when I run into a blonde bombshell in the guy's locker room. Once I lay my hands on her, it takes every ounce of self-restraint to set her free instead of dragging her closer the way I want. But releasing her is exactly what I do a few seconds before my new boss walks through the door.And introduces me to his daughter.Did I mention she's twenty?Which makes her completely off-limits.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    108,95 kr.

    From USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Sucevic comes a sexy, new adult college sports romance.Know what the problem is with crushing on your best friend?That there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Especially if you don't want to blow up your entire relationship. Easton is the guy I turn to when I need...well, just about everything. And what I've learned over the years is that friendship is more difficult to come by than hookups and boyfriends.Plus, it's not like he sees me as anything other than his soccer playing gal pal. The one he used to sneak out of the house with when we were teenagers. But we're not kids any more. At the end of this year, we'll graduate and go our separate ways. Why that thought fills me with sadness, I don't know.Actually, I do. And that's the problem.So, when my roommate suggests going out with her hot, hockey playing cousin, it seems like the perfect opportunity to move on from this crush. According to her-and I quote-the best way to get over one guy is to get under-I'm pretty sure you know how the saying goes.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    238,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

    Bye-bye hot tattoo guy. May we never meet again.From USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Sucevic comes a sexy, new adult college sports romance.LiamThe moment she stepped foot through the door, she was on my radar. How could she not be? The woman is absolutely gorgeous. Thick, inky black hair and a sweetly curved body. Although I have to admit, this hole-in-the-wall dive bar doesn't exactly seem like her scene.For one, she's wearing too much clothing.Two, she's shooting down every guy that sniffs around her table like it's her sole mission in life. Casualties are scattered across the beer-stained floor as we speak.And three, my guess is that she's a little older than the usual college-aged crowd that hangs out here looking for a hookup to stumble home with at the end of the night.After a careful assessment of the situation, my current plan of action is to keep my sights firmly locked on the target as I bide my time nursing a beer. Luckily, it doesn't take long for some drunken idiot to give me the perfect opportunity to step in and run interference.GiaThe moment he slides his muscular arm around my body and pretends to be my boyfriend, I know I'm in trouble. But inviting the guy I can't shake loose home with us for a threesome?Yep, I'm done for.Especially when the guy in question-the one who can't seem to take no for an answer-practically sprints away as if the hounds of hell are nipping at his heels. A handsome face, ripped muscles, and colorful ink decorating your arms will get you a second look. Being sexy, funny, and intuitive are what end up sealing the deal.He wants to buy me a drink. I'm tempted to let him. My insides are pinging like crazy, and I can't remember the last time that happened.But he's young. Too young.If I were smart, I'd walk away and forget about him. But I can't bring myself to do that. Which is exactly how I end up in his bed at the end of the night with him doing the most delightfully wicked-er...sorry, I'm not one to kiss and tell. Three orgasms later, and I'm sneaking out of his apartment at the crack of dawn.I know I'll never see him again because this was strictly a one-time deal.We agreed. But you know what they say about best laid plans...They never quite work out the way you expect them to.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    248,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Sucevic
    213,95 kr.

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