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  • af Jentezen Franklin
    102,95 kr.

    El poder de un sueño inolvidable - Nada lo hace más semejante a Dios que cuando está soñando, porque Dios ha sido un soñador desde el principio, la naturaleza de El está en usted, y por eso es que puede mirar algo que aparenta no ser nada y creer en ello. No obstante, vivir sus sueños no es fácil. Se requiere persistencia y tenacidad, así como fe en usted mismo, en Dios y en la visión que El le ha dado. En Cree que usted puede, Jentezen Franklin presenta un mensaje de esperanza poderoso: ¡usted puede hacerlo! Utilizando ejemplos de personajes bíblicos que fueron tras sus sueños hasta el final, Franklin le muestra cómo encontrar y lograr la visión que Dios le ha dado para su vida. Aquí encontrará lo que necesita para hacer realidad sus sueños, incluyendo: - Las cinco etapas de un sueño y cómo reconocer y pasar por cada una de ellas - Lo que puede hacer cuando su sueño parece lejano o imposible - Cómo luchar por su sueño y nunca rendirse hasta que se haga realidad ¡ No permita que nadie le robe lo que DIos ya le ha mostrato! ¡Crea que usted puede! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Nothing Can Stop God's Dreams For You Living your dreams isn't easy. It takes persistence and tenacity, along with faith in yourself, in God, and in the vision He has given you. In Believe That You Can, Jentezen Franklin gives you a powerful message of hope: you can do it! Using his own personal experiences and examples from biblical characters who pursued their dreams to the end, Franklin shows you how to find and walk out your God-given vision for your life. Here you will find what you need to turn your dreams into reality, including: -The five stages of a dream and how to recognize and get through each of them -What you can do when your dream seems far away or impossible -How to fight for your dream and never let go until it comes to pass Don't let anybody steal what God has already shown you!

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    157,95 kr.

    Cuando golpean las tormentas o el desorden de la vida te derrumba, parece más fácil hundirse en la resaca caótica que luchar para mantenerse a flote; y cuando te enfocas en las olas, pierdes la mano que baja para ayudarte. Con calidez y sabiduría, el pastor y autor de bestsellers del New York Times, Jentezen Franklin, nos recuerda que ninguna tormenta es tan feroz que no se puede calmar, y ningún obstáculo es tan grande que no se puede mover. En estos 40 devocionales inspiradores y convincentes, él no solo crea oportunidades diarias para que superes lo que te detiene, sino que también te empodera para: - confiar en Dios sin importar tus circunstancias o tormentas, - conquistar las cuatro tácticas comunes que usa el enemigo para hundirte, - implementar las cinco claves bíblicas para superar cualquier dificultad en la vida, y >No ignores el salvavidas que Dios te entrega, ni dejes que las olas de la vida te lleven. Es hora de mirar hacia arriba, extender la mano y liberarte de lo que sea que te esté abrumando. No fuiste creado para pisar el agua y hundirte, fuiste creado para caminar sobre ella. ----- >With warmth and wisdom, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin reminds you that no storm is so fierce it can't be calmed and no obstacle is too big it can't be moved. In these forty inspiring and compelling devotions, he not only creates daily opportunities for you to overcome what holds you back, but he also empowers you to: trust God no matter your circumstances or stormsconquer the four common tactics the enemy uses to pull you underimplement the five biblical keys to overcoming any difficulty in lifelive the life God always intended you to haveDon't ignore the lifeline God is handing you or let the waves of life carry you away. It's time to look up, reach out, and get free from whatever is overwhelming you. You weren't created to tread water; you were created to walk on it.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    155,95 kr.

    A Companion Devotional to Jentezen Franklin's Overcoming When You Feel OverwhelmedYou Weren't Created to Tread Water--You Were Created to WALK on ItWhen storms hit and the mess of life comes crashing down, it is easier to sink into the undertow than fight to stay above water. When you focus on the waves, you miss the hand reaching down to help you.With warmth and wisdom, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin reminds you that no storm is so fierce it can't be calmed and no obstacle is too big it can't be moved. In these forty inspiring and compelling devotionals, he not only creates daily opportunities for you to overcome what holds you back but also empowers you to- trust God no matter your circumstances or storms- conquer the four common tactics the enemy uses to pull you under- implement the five biblical keys to overcoming any difficulty in life- live the life God always intended you to liveDon't ignore the lifeline God's throwing you. It's time to look up, reach out and get free from whatever is overwhelming you.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    157,95 kr.

    It Is Time to Tackle the Things Trying to Overrun Your LifeDo you feel stuck in a mess? Are you wondering how you got to this place and trying to make sense of it all? Don't give up!In this companion guide to his book Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin offers five life-giving steps to help you get up, get out and get free--and walk into the destiny God has prepared for you.Perfect for going deeper on your own or with a small group, Bible study or church class, this study guide offers· group discussion questions· personal reflection prompts and action points· section for notes while watching the companion videos· and more!If you find that every battle you're fighting has gotten more difficult, or if you're paralyzed and don't know which way to go, remember God doesn't call you just a survivor. He calls you an overcomer."Yes, these are perilous, fierce times. Things that seem out of our control are still in God's control. You have not escaped His gaze. He's going to watch over and take care of you and your family. You're a chosen vessel for such a time as this. Are you ready?"--from Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    177,95 kr.

    "Es hora de abordar las cosas que intentan invadir tu vida. ÅTe sientes atrapado en un lâio? ÅTe preguntas câomo llegaste a este lugar y tratas de darle sentido a todo? ÆNo te rindas! Câomo superar el sentirte abrumado, el pastor y autor mâas vendido del New York Times, Jentezen Franklin, ofrece cinco pasos vitales para ayudarte a levantarse, salir y liberarse, y caminar hacia el destino que Dios ha preparado para usted. Jentezen abre el telâon sobre las tâacticas del enemigo para obstaculizar su crecimiento espiritual, distraer su atenciâon y evitar que viva a su mâaximo potencial durante esta temporada crâitica de la historia profâetica. Si descubre que cada batalla que estâa peleando se ha vuelto mâas difâicil de conquistar, si estâa paralizado y no sabe quâe camino tomar, recuerde que Dios no lo llama simplemente un sobreviviente. âEl le llama un vencedor."--

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    177,95 kr.

    O que devo fazer com a minha vida? Será que aceito esse emprego? Será que devo investir dinheiro nessa oportunidade? Com quem devo me casar? O que Deus tem a dizer sobre tudo isso? Deus concede um dom incrível ao coração de todo o crente. Ele deu a você uma bússula interna para ajudá-lo a guiar sua vida, sua família, seus filhos, suas finanças e muito mais. Jentezen Franklin releva como, através do Espírito Santo, você pode se conectar com o coração e a mente do Todo-Poderoso.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    177,95 kr.

    Nada Pode Impedir os Sonhos que Deus tem para Você Viver nossos sonhos não é fácil. Precisamos de persistência e tenacidade, além de fé em nós mesmos, em Deus, e na visão que Ele nos deu. Em Acredite, Você Pode, Jentenzen Franklin apresenta uma poderosa mensagem de esperança: Você consegue! Não Permita que Ninguém Roube o que Deus já Revelou a Você! - O PODER DE UM SONHO INESQUECÍVEL O momento em que somos mais parecidos com Deus é quando sonhamos, pois Ele é um sonhador desde o princípio de todas as coisas. A natureza Dele está em nós, e é por isso que podemos olhar para algo que parece nada e crer que pode acontecer. Deus quer que seus sonhos sejam realizados - foi Ele quem os deu a você! Acredite, Você Pode lhe dará as ferramentas de que você precisa para romper com sua antiga forma de pensar e viver seus sonhos. Jentenzen Franklin é o pastor da igreja Free Chapel em Gainesville, Geórgia, uma congregação de 10.000 mil membros que recentemente expandiu-se para um novo local em Orange County, Califórnia. Franklin é um famoso conferencista, e seu programa de televisão, Kingdom Connection, é visto semanalmente em rede nacional e internacional. Ele é autor de vários best-sellers, incluindo Jejum, best-seller do New York Times. Ele e sua esposa, Cherise, têm cinco filhos maravilhosos.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    142,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    157,95 kr.

    Descubra el poder del ayuno bíblico y transforme su vida! Cuando usted ayuna, su espíritu se deshace de las preocupaciones del mundo y se torna asombrosamente sensible a las cosas de Dios. Una vez experimente aunque sea algo de las innumerables recompensas y bendiciones del ayuno, cambiará completamente su...

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    157,95 kr.

    Libérate de este destructor sutil y reclama una vida llena de pasión y propósito. Las pitones tienen una forma interesante de matar a su presa. La estrangulan hasta que ya no puede respirar, literalmente sofocando la vida de ella.Si siente que sus sueños y pasiones lo están asfixiando y no sabe por qué, quizás usted puede estar tratando con el espíritu de pitón.. En el mundo natural las serpientes pitones tienen una manera interesante de matar a sus presas. Ellas lo contraen hasta que ya no puede respirar, literalmente le sacan la vida de sus venas. En el reino espiritual el espíritu de pitón actúa de la misma manera, trata de ponerle límites, silenciando su voz y matando sus sueños. El espíritu de pitón le ayuda a comprender las estrategias de este sutil destructor, cómo trabaja, cómo detectarlo y cómo romper el control que ejerce sobre su vida. Usted puede aprender a: - Reconocer las primeras señales de advertencia de que está bajo ataque - Encontrar las maneras en que usted, quizá sin saberlo, le haya dado acceso a su hogar - Traer la liberación y la restacuración de Dios a cada área de su vidaDios quiere romper las vueltas de la serpiente en tu vida. Quiere ayudarte a respirar de nuevo. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Break free from this subtle destroyer and reclaim a life of passion and purpose. Pythons have an interesting way of killing their prey. They constrict it until it can no longer breathe, literally suffocating the life out of it. In the spirit realm Satan often works in the same way, slowly slithering his way into our lives, attempting to choke the very life out of us. The python spirit can squeeze the joy out of your worship and prayers. It can pressure you to keep quiet when God wants you to speak up. And it can steal the peace of knowing that you belong to God. But there is a way to defeat him. You don’t have to become his prey. The Spirit of Python helps you understand the strategies of this subtle destroyer, how he works, how to detect him, and how to break his hold from your life. You can learn to: · Recognize the early warning signs that you are under attack · Find the ways you may have unknowingly given him access into your home · Bring God’s deliverance and restoration into every area of your life We are in the middle of an unseen spiritual war. God wants to break the coils of the serpent off of your life. He wants to help you breathe again.

  • - Live Worry-Free No Matter What Happens
    af Jentezen Franklin
    137,95 kr.

  • - Discerning the Voice of God
    af Jentezen Franklin
    197,95 kr.

    Whom should I marry? What will I do with my life? Do I take this job? Should I invest money in this opportunity? God has bestowed an incredible gift in the heart of every believer. He has given you an internal compass to help guide your life, your family,

  • - Discovering God's Best Right Where You Are
    af Jentezen Franklin
    207,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Kirwan not only sounds a clarion call for thorough integration of psychology and theology, he demonstrates that it can be done.

  • - 21 Encouraging Devotions So You Can Love Like You've Never Been Hurt
    af Jentezen Franklin
    84,95 kr.

    In this inspiring 21-day devotional, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Jentezen Franklin walks alongside you into a new vision of reconciliation, healing and breakthrough. He shows you how to leave behind hurt and bitterness, and instead choose love and forgiveness, to release unfathomable freedom and joy in Christ.

  • - Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God
    af Jentezen Franklin
    142,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    167,95 kr.

  • - Discovering God's Best Right Where You Are
    af Jentezen Franklin
    107,95 kr.

    This companion guide to Acres of Diamonds will help you find opportunities for growth and success in every area of your life. Ideal for small groups, Bible studies and church classes, as well as personal use, this Participant's Guide offers in-depth discussion questions, DVD discussion sections and Personal Reflection and Personal Action segments.

  • - Hope, Healing and the Power of an Open Heart
    af Jentezen Franklin
    107,95 kr.

    In this 6-session study, New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin shares his own story of personal pain and shows how to find the strength and courage to overcome betrayal and heartache. Ideal for small groups and church classes, this participant's guide will give you the tools and inspiration you need to love like you've never been hurt.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    167,95 kr.

  • - Your Personal 21-Day Guide to a Successful Fast
    af Jentezen Franklin
    197,95 kr.

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    172,95 kr.

    Franklin brings a powerful message of hope using examples from biblical characters who knew the power of grabbing hold of the dreams and visions God gave them, and not letting go until they came to pass. The book also reveals three hindrances that can stop a dream from being fulfilled. (Christian)

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    157,95 kr.

    When it seems like everything is falling apart, it can be hard to stay focused on the promises of God. With the weight of the world on your shoulders, it becomes very inviting to sit down and give up. Before you know it, doubts, frustration, and bitterness begin to creep in and steal all of the joy and power from your life and your relationship with God. The past is just a memory. God makes all things new. In Limitless best-selling author Jentezen Franklin encourages you to stop listening to the negative voices in your head that say things are never going to get better. You don''t have to believe that your kids are never going to serve God or you''ll never regain your health. In this book, you''ll discover how to: Let go of the baggage and overcome the limits of your past once and for allBlock the enemy''s access into your life and cancel his assignments to limit youRevive your prayer life and worship times through new levels of intimacy with GodActivate your faith to stop merely talking about miracles and start experiencing themDream God-sized dreams, determine not to become satisfied, and decide to go to the next level in your walk with GodYou don''t have to live a powerless, lukewarm Christian life. You can be victorious through the power of the Holy Spirit!

  • af Jentezen Franklin
    145,95 kr.

    New York Times best-selling author Jentezen Franklin is back with a message that will inspire you to break free and reclaim a life of passion, purpose, and praise.

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