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  • af Jill Sanders
    162,95 kr.

    Lacey Jordan ist eine Frau, die weiß, was sie will ... und mit dem neuen Arzt im Ort will sie nichts zu tun haben. Er hat ein perfektes Lächeln, perfekt gebräunte Muskeln, und wie er mit den Leuten umgeht - ihren Leuten! Das ist ihre Stadt, ihre Familie und ihr Leben und er ist gekommen, um alles auf den Kopf zu stellen, einschließlich ihres Herzens! Aaron läuft vor einer harten Trennung davon, bei der ein gebrochenes Herz seine kleinste Sorge ist. Alles, was er jetzt will, ist die Praxis seines Großvaters zu übernehmen, und sein neues Haus zu seinem Zuhause zu machen. Womit er nicht gerechnet hatte, war einer zierlichen Göttin über den Weg zu laufen, die über unglaubliche Überzeugungskräfte verfügt. Als die beiden beunruhigenden Besuch bekommen, der ihre Leben für immer verändern könnte, muss Aaron seine Liebe beweisen, wenn sie überleben wollen.

  • af Jill Sanders
    162,95 kr.

    Amber è arrivata da poco a Pride. È la nuova direttrice del Golden Oar e ha grandi progetti per renderlo uno dei ristoranti più raffinati della costa dell'Oregon. Tuttavia, al suo arrivo in città, non aveva messo in conto di investire (e per poco uccidere) il ragazzo più affascinante sul quale avesse mai posato gli occhi.Luke crede di sapere cosa vuole dalla vita. O almeno è così finché la donna che aspetta da sempre non lo mette al tappeto, letteralmente. Dovrà dimostrare di non essere solo l'ennesimo immaturo ma l'uomo di cui Amber può fidarsi e innamorarsi.

  • af Jill Sanders
    212,95 kr.

    Freedom comes at a price in this gripping tale of love and redemption. After spending the last year of her life behind bars for a crime she didn't commit, Chloe is now free. She's also divorced, jobless, homeless, and completely alone in the world. If not for the kindness of a stray dog, she would have just lay down and let the world take the rest of what she had. But that dog showed her kindness and led her to a stranger who opened her eyes to the good in the world. Then the tender-hearted man's grandson steps into the picture and, suddenly, her past doesn't look so terrible. Lane Robinson comes from a long line of stuck-up, blue-blooded asshats. His grandfather, who is a recently reformed asshat, is the one exception. Since the rest of the family has disowned the ailing man, Lane steps in and does what he can. But then a strange woman shows up and claims that she's his grandfather's caretaker. She causes Lane's libido to spike, but Lane doesn't trust easily. Especially after learning all about the woman's dark and dangerous past.

  • af Jill Sanders
    127,95 kr.

    You'd think that being stuck working in paradise would be, well, heaven. But for Nicky, it means the end of her career and her lifelong dream of becoming an investigative journalist. After all, nothing exciting ever happens on a small island. The only perk to the job is having to work side by side with her new scuba instructor, the charming and extremely hunky Beau. Beau has only ever wanted to be in one place his entire life. The Hawaiian Islands are the most beautiful place on Earth, and trust him, he's been to enough places to make that determination. When he's hired to train and oversee Nicky's crew, he thinks it's just another job. But then the bullets start flying and the training that he gained in his years in Special Forces are the only thing that can save the pair of them. That and his knowledge of his beautiful home.

  • af Jill Sanders
    107,95 kr.

    Kara is eager to show her father that she's capable of running the family's ranch in Wyoming. When her dad and stepmother head out on a three-month European tour, she eagerly takes the reins. Her only problem? Her annoying neighbor has decided that he's more fit for the job. Nick has lived next to Kara all his life. Having a secret crush on the sexy brunette has taken a toll on his life. When his father falls ill and tells him the family ranch will be sold unless Nick finds a bride before Christmas, he knows just who he's always wanted. The only problem is persuading Kara that he's the right man for her.

  • af Jill Sanders
    177,95 kr.

    "e;The police are not ruling out the possibility that they have discovered the lair of a serial killer..."e; It was the stuff of nightmares. Crissy had survived, but she was the only one out of a dozen women who could claim so. That didn't mean she had gotten away unscathed, physically or mentally. Being held prisoner for days and repeatedly beaten and raped hadn't been the end of it. Losing the one man she'd trusted to help her recover had been the final blow. Now, as a single parent, she's headed down the coast with her daughter to look for some peace of mind. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that trouble would follow her. Brock could never forget that fateful night he'd found the broken woman in the locked container. The fear and gratefulness in her haunting blue eyes would stay with him forever. As would knowing that it had been his partner who had tortured her and a dozen more unfortunate souls. That knowledge left him wondering if he could ever trust anyone again. But when he found out that someone was threatening the blue-eyed beauty once more, he knew that he would have to do something drastic to save her and to mend what was broken in himself.

  • af Jill Sanders
    167,95 kr.

    Bella Rothschild has finally done it. She''s hit the big time. Being a music star has been all she''s ever wanted, but with her new fame and second album release comes lack of privacy. Along with a few scary credible threats, she deciding to hide away in the safety of the small town of Silver Cove until things blow over. The last thing she''d expected was to fall for the hired help. Calvin has worked hard his entire life to get where he is. As the new manager of the Haven Resorts, he''s built up his reputation as a man of his word. So, when he promises the sexy starlet the privacy and protection of the resort, he''ll make sure she gets it. Even if it means guarding the pretty brunette himself. 

  • af Jill Sanders
    177,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    177,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

    Sara Lander è tornata in città e ha grandi progetti su come sfruttare al meglio la laurea in Economia e commercio appena conseguita, la sua eredità e i suoi anni di esperienza nelle pasticcerie più raffinate di Seattle. Per Pride, ha una grande idea: il suo locale, "L'angolo di Sara" diventerà presto una delle tappe più golose della città. Non gli resta che starsene alla larga dall'ex navy seal che sembra avere tutte le intenzioni di distoglierla dall'avvio della sua nuova attività.Allen Masters vive a Pride da qualche anno. Gli ci sono voluti anni, tanta pazienza e competenza per mettere in piedi la nuova filiale della Guardia Costiera. Tuttavia, quando nota la bellezza dai capelli neri appena arrivata in città, si rende conto che è proprio lei che stava cercando. Assaggiare le sue dolci specialità lo porterà sulla via del peccato ma perdere la concentrazione nel bel mezzo di una tempesta è l'ultima cosa che può permettersi.

  • af Jill Sanders
    92,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    147,95 kr.

    Dopo aver perso troppo presto l'uomo che amava, Crystal ha giurato a se stessa che avrebbe vissuto da donna libera per il resto della sua vita. Quando il suo negozio si trova a rischio a causa di un furto, Crystal decide di assume un investigatore finanziario per capire l'origine di quella perdita. Una cosa era certa: non innamorarsi di quell'uomo alto, bruno e molto serio era quasi impossibile. Quello che non sapeva è che sarebbe stato il suo vero amore.Rory ha sempre vissuto una vita molto onesta. È stato sempre il tipo di persona che ha ben chiaro il suo scopo. Lo scopo? Andare in pensione nei tropici, dove non dovrà mai più pensare al lavoro. Sapeva che ci sarebbero stati degli ostacoli come la salute, le sue relazioni e la sua sanità mentale. Adesso, questa donna hippie new-age cerca di farlo rilassare. Ma lui, non è il tipo che vuole rilassarsi. Deve continuare a lavorare...sempre se il suo cuore non lo tradisce.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders & Francoise Martin-McInnes
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders & Francoise Martin-McInnes
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    92,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    157,95 kr.

  • af Jill Sanders
    212,95 kr.

    Morgan wakes in the hospital broken and confused, with no memory of the last four years. Dazed from the meds, she's stunned to learn that she's married to the sexy green-eyed man haunting her dreams. Just one look from this hot bad-boy causes her entire body to react. But who is this guy? What was their relationship like? Men like this don't usually fall for her. Did he have had something to do with the accident? Unsure who to trust, she returns to her ambivalent family only to be caught up in a web of lies, drama, and deadly deception. Liam can't believe his good fortune. Orphaned at birth, and homeless for most of his teen years, he managed to claw his way out of the slums to become a multi-millionaire before the age of twenty. He then stumbles upon the love of his life in a chance encounter on a rare night out. After convincing her to leave her overbearing family for him, the stage was set to live happily ever after. But now someone is hell-bent on taking everything he holds dear. With the details of Morgan's accident becoming more clear, he'll have to fight to keep her safe and convince her that he's worthy of her trust and love once again.

  • af Jill Sanders
    167,95 kr.

    Tara's parents had always told her that she was special. But until her sixteenth birthday, she never knew just how special she was. Coming into powers had been the last thing on her to-do list. Especially after her parents' disappearance on that fateful night. Now, almost ten years later, she's learned to keep to herself and how to hide her gifts. Which meant a life on the run. Moving anytime she just happened to slip up. And she tended to slip up. A lot. All Colt wants to do is complete his latest job so he could take some well-deserved time off. But this mark was proving to be a slippery one. Having spent more than a decade in special OPS should have made bringing one helpless woman in the easiest job ever. But after a bump-in with the blonde, something strange happened to him. He no longer cared about the job.

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