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  • af Jim Green
    152,95 kr.

    Six more handpicked entries from the author's series of bestselling short stories and novellas: (1) The last ever seaside pierrot show; (2) Brutal killing in a public lending library; (3) High jinks on Blackpool Tower; (4) Scary goings-on at a stately home; (5) Romance among the chorines; (6) Mischief at a Christmas house party...

  • - A Scientific Formula To Predict NFL Games
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    This book is a blueprint for a program which anyone who is handy at getting around in Excel [or has a friend who can help them set up the program in Excel]which contains a formula[s] for predicting who will likely winfor any given game in the NFL. Is it not, however, for betting but rather a pastime like a cross-word puzzle, for entertainment for fun ENJOY!

  • - Incorporating Blackpool Ballroom Blitz
    af Jim Green
    72,95 kr.

    On a momentous weekend in Blackpool the redoubtable Ginger Harrison and his dopey mate Sticky Albright cross swords with a formidable landlady in Mrs Moakler and collect a couple of girlfriends along the way before Ginger scales the 400 foot Blackpool Tower on a dare.

  • - In The Republican Party
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    Remove those who claim to be a Christian from the Republican party today-and it disappears as a political party....And, what is mind-shattering about this FACT.....the Republican agenda, today, is antithetical to virtually EVERYTHING Christ spoke out for! A few years back I wrote a book: IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A CHRISTIAN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN. The premise is transparent: If one is not following the teachings of Christ, they are NOT a Christian....PERIOD! Why on Earth would anyone make this claim otherwise? And as just one example, where in scripture did Christ say "Steal from the poor to give to the rich"? And yet, that is SPECIFICALLY what the Republicans do in their version of healthcare for Americans. And we wonder how they can keep a straight face and pull this scam on the American people? The political inclusion of Christians into the Republican agenda is of very recent origin.....and Bush I was quite uneasy, to say the least, that Bush II [who is a "born again"] wanted to take a major step in incorporating evangelicals in the Republican agenda.....Further, Christ said "Judge not, lest you be judged"....and yet the Republicans have set out to make bigotry LEGAL-in what the Republicans call "Religious Freedom"---in their derisive laws/judgments against gays, transgenders, blacks, Mexicans, etc.---Republican bias could be more at odds with Christ's teachings [as well as the U.S. Constitution]-but it is difficult to see how? Another major, major factor in linking Evangelicals to the Republican party is tied to the "anti-choice" folks.......[there is no "pro-life" movement in America, which is explored in detail, below]---and how their hatred for Roe v Wade is hot-wired to being a Republican requires a Harvard psychiatrist to unwind-but this malady is pervasive in the Republican party, today....

  • - Comedic retrospectives from the national service years
    af Jim Green
    182,95 kr.

    27 individual stories featuring the comedic adventures of short and swarthy Ginger Harrison and his tall lanky mate Sticky Albright over a two-year sojourn in defence of king and country; the skives and the scams, the conflicts with irascible Sergeant 'Bandy' Jordan and supercilious Squadron-Leader Aljonquin Phartingail ffoulkes-Knight; the camaraderie among fellow inmates of Hut 29 in RAF Padgate. These tales are loosely based on the experiences of the author during his stint as a national serviceman during the 1950s.

  • af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Written by a bestselling author, this pragmatic volume reveals the bite size strategies that helped create 47 titles in both fiction and non-fiction; strategies that are as timeless as they are tried and tested by a succession of published authors down the ages. Nothing ever happens unless you make it happen and everything that does happen and materialize starts first as a thought in the mind. You will have many thoughts as you prepare to start writing your book and among these thoughts will be stumbling blocks you will require to eradicate before you get underway. Most of the skills you need you already possess and the remainder you will pick up effortlessly as you travel through the pages of this practical manual, which constitutes a much more fulsome and updated adaptation of the numerous digital home study programs the author devised over the years for writers aspiring to become published authors. These original versions have been downloaded hundreds of times and assisted many students to manifest their creative writing ambitions. Perhaps right now you consider this to be too steep a curve to negotiate but by the time you finish studying this tome you will realise that you can and will (if you put your mind to it) write your own book, become a published writer, and a bestselling author.

  • - Without Spending a Dime
    af Jim Green
    322,95 kr.

    The first and essential secret to becoming famous online lies in the amazing power of your own name; your given name and not some trumped-up pen name. Pen names are for those who... 1. Have nothing of significance to say or 2. Have good reason to remain anonymous Your own name represents a unique shingle upon which to hang your achievements; your expertise; your own particular experience in the wonder that is life. And when you decide to become famous online, you are at liberty to bring into play a complete raft of helpful vehicles to assist in achieving your ambition. This tome provides you with 22 little-known secrets to kick start your journey...

  • - And Other Macabre Murder Mysteries
    af Jim Green
    87,95 kr.

    Horror story set in 1930 when hanging was the norm for convicted murderers: Nine people involved in a recent murder trial are invited to dine at a forbidding old mansion on the pretext of hearing news to their advantage. They are escorted by a sepulchral butler into a large reception hall to await their host. The room has a log fire burning in the hearth of an enormous fireplace; food and drink abound. When the host fails to make an appearance they opt to leave the room but cannot; the only door has disappeared to be replaced by a solid steel shutter. They start to bicker, accusing one another. Suddenly a mysterious voice addresses them and transforms the gathering into a court of enquiry; an event that results in a horrendous climax to the evening...

  • - Quick-Read Murder Mysteries
    af Jim Green
    91,95 kr.

    Quick-Read Murder Mysteries Six quick-read murder mysteries in the Miss Tayke Investigates series. Short enough to read on brief train journeys, bus rides, lounging on a deck chair or a park bench. Long enough to whet your appetite for more...

  • af Jim Green
    112,95 kr.

    This dynamic little manual will lead you by the hand as you tap into Amazon's amazing propensity for attracting abundance as a novice self-published author. Through its associate publishing concerns Kindle and CreateSpace, Amazon opens the floodgates for embryonic authors to become published and perhaps even attain best seller status. No longer need writers wait for weeks, months, sometimes years to hear from traditional publishing houses on the outcome of slavishly prepared book proposals. Providing your story or commentary is truthful, the prose is clean, and you abide by the rules, Amazon will convert you into an instant published author with boundless opportunities to attract abundance. So what does it take to become an Amazon author? Above all it takes passion. - Passion for your expertise - Passion for your subject matter - Passion for your readers If you are not passionate about what you write, do not expect anyone else to show enthusiasm. You could write fiction, you write non-fiction, you could do both (as I do). If you have a stack of hot stories in your knapsack, start with fiction; if not, choose non-fiction to begin. Think about what you know and you know more than you think you know. You have expert knowledge on some topic or another. It could be work related, a leisure interest, or a hobby, and if you think no one else would be interested in what you know, you will be wrong. We are talking here about international exposure for your work and many like-minded people worldwide will want to know what you know and pay you to share your specialist knowledge.

  • af Jim Green
    97,95 kr.

    Stand Easy! is a lighthearted conversational recollection in quasi diary format of events between my conscription into the RAF in 1949 and demobilisation in November 1951; events that played a significant part in shaping my existence. Enlisted men either enjoyed or hated their time in the forces. I loved every minute of it (even the scary bits...) It taught me self-discipline, self-reliance, man-management, and the value of an old shilling. I went in as a boy, came out a man, and still retain fond memories of my time in the RAF, some sixty six years on since I was conscripted as a raw recruit. Jim Green

  • - Moco, Poco, Joco, Coco
    af Jim Green
    152,95 kr.

    Four little men hang from Baby Sandy's bedroom mobile. They are Moco, Poco, Joco and Coco. These funny little guys are Baby Sandy's best friends. He can talk to them anytime he wants. But Moco, Poco, Joco and Coco are loco. They get up to all sorts of mischief.

  • - Today
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    OUR CHOICES ARE: Adapt and change in a world that is changing, whether we like it or not, OR be forced to create a Police State to hold our anachronistic policies, practices and laws in place-And in America, today, we have chosen the latter.....and as only one pernicious example, of thousands-Ferguson is the result....To illustrate a critical area in which we need to adapt and change in a 21st Century economy: We have far more work that needs to be done in America, than we have persons to fill these jobs-And 86% of Americans believe that "Anybody wanting to work should be able to find a job"---So, why on earth in a democracy, do we have 9 million jobless Americans-[per the 11/14 DOL Jobs report]? Proposed solutions are detailed. The History of How We Got Where We Are is divided into two parts, which, in part, overlap: From WW II to the present, and from the mid-1970's-when the world economy underwent a major paradigm shift, to present....In a comedic, but religious context we hear of persons asking God for a sign-anything-which will warn us that we are on the wrong path, and need to change direction.....and our Police State choice, above, is our sign.....too few are listening....

  • - Set of Six 2013 Murder Mystery Stories
    af Jim Green
    77,95 kr.

    Miss Tayke investigates murder in a series of 6 brand new mystery stories; from mayhem on St Valentine's Day to proving her own innocence on a charge for wilful murder...

  • af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Private detective Miss Tayke and her gay sidekicks Cedric and Bunty become embroiled in six theatrical murder mysteries. The doyen among women sleuths unmasks a miscellany of fiendish murderers in these absorbing traditional British short read murder mysteries. -Grand Theatre Reopening Murder -Ides of March Murder Mystery -Christmas Cracker Murder -Christmas Panto Murder -Curtain Call Murder -Backstage Murder Mystery

  • af Jim Green
    182,95 kr.

    Tangled tales of a disparate crew of thirty-five to fifty-something singles who haunt the clubs in search of company, romance, riches, opportunity; anything to take them away from staring at the blank walls that constitute home for the lonely, the low in spirit, and the downright irresponsible.

  • - and a pesky suitcase
    af Jim Green
    97,95 kr.

    Rob Milburn is an inconsequential whisky-swigging little creep who only ever has one thing on his mind; unmitigated lust and how best to expatiate it. He yearns for romance but what he really craves is casual sex wherever he can find it and with whomsoever. When he sets off on a week's holiday to the Isle of Man he gets more than he bargained for; stunning sexpots who lead him up the garden path, and unscheduled encounters with vicious voyeurs, peeping toms, lardy ladies, tantalising transvestites, sexy showgirls, and dazzling but deadly dykes. Accompanying him on his adventures is an enormous suitcase that lands him in all sorts of trouble with officialdom. In this comedic short story the unlikely protagonist bounces from one crisis to another, providing hilarity along the way as he hankers after casual sex. Lust, romance, sex, desire, yearning, longing, are all second nature to Rob Milburn...

  • af Jim Green
    127,95 kr.

    You painted your first ever watercolor and it pleased you; it pleased you because you did it just for you, which is the only genuine reason for attempting anything creative. This inspired you to knock out even more, perhaps six, even a dozen. Now you are hooked. You carry on and soon you have twenty, perhaps as many as thirty. Now what? You could decorate the walls of your home with them; that would give you an incentive to get up in morning; just to look at them, to be thankful for them, to luxuriate in a sense of inner fulfillment. You could invite your friends to a preview one evening; they would appreciate your work and proffer congratulations. But you could do more... You could plan ahead to exhibit your pictures to an international audience. With its bite size instruction this pragmatic little manual will show you how...

  • - How to Turn a Buck in the Third Age
    af Jim Green
    152,95 kr.

    When we retire from the workaday world and become third age people, it is vital to keep the mind firing on all cylinders if we are to be all we can be - and if this mental activity can be converted into profitable pursuits, so much the better. This pragmatic book focuses on the evolvement of a money-maker plan to add to the meagre income on which the majority of retirees struggle to survive...

  • af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Facebook is a modern phenomenon; a virtual meeting place with 500,000,000 active users (rising daily) and a marketer's paradise when you know how to build a list of precisely targeted prospects and milk it legitimately. There are no shortcuts to this system and no escape routes to parachute you ahead of everyone else using it in the race to build a catalog of 5000 friends on Facebook... You must follow every step in sequence in the Facebook List Builder for beginners. Failure to do will result in frustration, disillusionment, and a long slow trek to your target of 5000 friends (or beyond if Facebook permits). But the good news is that this system is simplicity personified. Once you have the basic structure up and running the daily tasks you will (and must) perform won't take up much of your time, and if you find yourself flagging for whatever reason, the sight of your list growing and growing like Topsy will soon galvanize you back into action.

  • af Jim Green
    317,95 kr.

    Six quick-read Holiday Murder Mysteries in the Miss Tayke Investigates series. Short enough to read on train journeys, flights, lounging in a deck chair, or lying on the beach. Long enough to whet your appetite for more...

  • - Miss Tayke Investigates
    af Jim Green
    77,95 kr.

    Curl up with a glass of wine, some mince pies, and enjoy six spanking new Christmas murder mysteries in the Miss Tayke Investigates series. (1)Our intrepid sleuth sleeps through a vicious murder during the television recording of a quiz show pilot, finds herself among the suspects, and digs herself out to expose a sadistic killer. (2)An elderly professor is stabbed to death and a priceless artefact stolen from home. Miss Tayke is called in by the local police to solve the riddle of the murdered professor. She reveals the killer and the reason for the heinous crime: the theft of the first ever printed advent calendar worth millions. (3)Miss Tayke invites a group of friends home for supper after evensong at St Aidan's church on Christmas Eve. Hardly have they settled down in her tiny living room than a group of carol singers arrive at the door. They too are invited in and soon the cottage is overcrowded with guests spilling over into the hallway and kitchen area. In the midst of the festive merriment a guest is poisoned. With twenty-one people assembled in her tiny living room she unmasks the killer and exposes a strange love triangle. (4)Miss Tayke treats herself to an early Christmas present; a five-day festive excursion on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express. She befriends a professor of archaeology who mysteriously vanishes into thin air after the train leaves France. . Was the professor abducted, was he murdered, and if so, where is the body? In a nail-biting finale she solves the riddle of the missing lecturer and unmasks the sneak thieves as the train hurtles on towards Venice... (5)Canon Southgate, the vicar of St Aidan's Anglican Church throws a Christmas luncheon party for key parishioners t during which Bransby Updike MP is stabbed through the heart with an icicle. The police are summoned and in the frame for murder are three highly respected guests; the lord lieutenant of the county, the mayor, and the local wine merchant. Miss Tayke disagrees with how the investigation is being handled and when the chief CID officer takes ill, she takes over. Sifting through a labyrinth of conflicting strands of evidence, she exposes the killer in a nail biting climax. (6)On Boxing Day a car ferrying Miss Tayke and her friends breaks down in a violent storm. They abandon the vehicle and make their way in the swirling snow up a steep hill to a sinister looking old mansion where they are admitted by a melancholic butler. The kindly owner welcomes them to take shelter and stay for lunch. However the weather deteriorates further and they are obliged to remain and endure a bizarre and terrifying overnight stay among a strange set of guests. At intervals during the night three of the guests are electrocuted by a maniac. It is impossible to contact the police because the storm has wrecked the landline and all mobiles are equally neutralised. Miss Tayke conducts her own investigation and exposes the most unlikely psychopath before dawn - and another brutal slaying...

  • - 50 Movie Star Tragedies
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Hollywood, home to the celluloid dream factories for over one hundred years. Hollywood, where attitudinal inconsistency is the norm... Ambitious, out-of-focus; loving, cold; caring, hardhearted; kind, cruel; good, bad; trusting, suspicious; romantic, platonic; helpful, obstructive; sympathetic, insensitive; humorous, dreary; decisive, uncertain. Hollywood, where those who handle inordinate pressure with self-assurance and equanimity become outrageously rich and famous and live to a ripe old age. Hollywood, where those who fail to cope with relentless stress, succumb; fall from grace at the pinnacle of stardom and sink into an abyss of despair and despondency. Hollywood, where the tinsel is frequently splattered with tears, causing heartache for the vulnerable. This book is dedicated to 50 hugely talented actors, whose lives ended in tragic circumstances; sometimes financially or spiritually impoverished, occasionally before their time.

  • af Jim Green
    142,95 kr.

    Miss Tayke investigates murder in a variety of scenarios: brutal mayhem in a repertory theatre, bludgeoning of an innocent vicar in his own church, sudden death at a show in Blackpool, homicide at Christmastime, and mysterious goings-on in a public library.

  • - To Be Used And Discarded "at will"
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    The world economy underwent a paradigm shift in the mid-1970's, resulting from the colliding forces of automation, technology, globalization, etc., reaching a critical mass---And since the mid-1970's the Market has been unable to create the jobs necessary to its viability-With the result that "High and persistent unemployment has pervaded almost every OECD country since the mid-1970's." [Dr. William F. Mitchell]-problem is, in spite of ubiquitous unemployment, particularly among our youth-to this day-the myth persists that the market can create enough jobs-the market can solve this problem---and the error in judgment has been a disaster...the 2010 election, for one---and left us with 12 million unemployed/underemployed in America, alone....

  • - How The Money in Politics is Destroying America
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Accepting that we are an "index" is so baked into our thinking the point is easily misunderstood...but the day we humans became an "index" in our economic system, is the day we ceased to be humans in that system-no different than stock in our warehouses, or prices or GDP--and yet, our economic system exists solely for us humans-it exists for no other reason. And, not inconsequential to this point is that unemployment is a "social" problem-with adverse social consequences---86% of Americans believe that "anybody wanting to work, should be able to find a job".... We are a democracy, and we, as the larger society, have a solemn responsibility and the "legal authorization" on the books, to provide employment to any American wanting to work.

  • - And, a Road Map to End Unemployment, Tomorrow
    af Jim Green
    77,95 kr.

    THE purpose book is to provide a road map for how we can end our unemployment crisis-tomorrow. And it needs to be said at the outset-I am a capitalist-I celebrate the concept: Build a better widget, sell it for a million buck, and retire in is what we are doing now that is anti-market-and the suggestions, below, are to correct that....We can't fix any of our socio-economic problems, however, until we address the corruption [and sometimes just plain ineptness] which causes them-and this is also true for our unemployment crisis....The good news is that we humans do have the capacity to change and abandon often cruel, and unworkable policies and laws such as the chemical castration of male homosexuals in England, and the Jim Crow laws in America-albeit, it took almost a century to eliminate this barbarism-in time we will eliminate our current anachronistic and unworkable policies and laws, and permanently end our unemployment crisis in America....Regarding unemployment, 86% of Americans believe that "anybody wanting to work should be able to find a job"--and yet, we have almost 9 million unemployed [the official number-others report 25 million unemployed/underemployed] -and in spite of the fact that we have the "legal authorization", on the books, today-to limit our UER to 3%, tomorrow. That is, at no time should our UER in America exceed 3%. Period.

  • - The Massive Loss of Market Income, Resulting From The Lack of Employment
    af Jim Green
    96,95 kr.

    "Since 2000 more than 50,000 manufacturing facilities in the U.S. have closed and roughly 50,000 industrial jobs have been lost each month.", Congressman Conyers-and resulting in a massive loss of income to the American economy....So why isn't the truth on the table-the 8 million the DOL reports are looking for work...where NONE exists----so we can change the dialogue? That is, include that unemployment not only adversely impacts the jobless, but the bottom line, as well! And the sad fact is, folks, is that for US.....US humans are chucked into our economy the same as a desk, or steering wheel-an index to be manipulated by economists-We are just not given that much importance-i.e., we are an item, in the law, to be used and discarded "at will"---And this did not happen by accident-indeed, since WW II the Koch brothers [a metaphor, and fact, for the 1%] have spent hundreds of millions buying governors and legislators to cement "at will" employment in every state [only Montana limits to probationary employees], and to destroy our labor unions! Their objective is to have employees without rights [a slave by definition-cheap labor]-and the loss of income to the bottom line is blindsided in this mind-set. The over-arching problem, of course, is a corrupted system where our politicians are bought and paid for by the Koch brothers.....[every Republican in Congress, and far too many Democrats....]...And over-looked is that our economy is only about one species-US, US human illustrate, if we were recognized in our economy as we should be our Job Creation would be based on "fix unemployment, and this will fix the market"....rather that our current incompetent, and unworkable "fix the market, and this will fix unemployment"....

  • af Jim Green
    152,95 kr.

    There are ten deadly mistakes you can make in minding your own business. If not detected and rectified, they spread like a cancer. This book starts off by identifying these insidious traps and how you can avoid their intrusion into your affairs. It goes further though, much further, by providing you with a stream of tried and tested strategies to ensure steady progress for your enterprise irrespective of changes in market forces. The universal failure rate in business is now reaching staggering proportions (most especially among start-ups) but those entrepreneurs who consciously or unwittingly employ these age-old strategies remain proactive in all kinds of weather because they always recognise the storm signals and react accordingly. As you will observe as you read these pages, I never stayed for too long in one place. I have a tendency to react to new ideas and new challenges, but always within my own area of expertise.

  • - Saving America's Democracy, from an Oligarchy
    af Jim Green
    97,95 kr.

    Visualize that Wal-Mart handed us a piece of paper with the words "trust us" as a receipt for our purchases-and you will have a consummate understanding of the reliability of our vote-in our current electronic voting system, in America. It is of little value in our calling America a "democracy"-if the method for counting our votes is extremely vulnerable-and this election may have even been hacked by the Russians-we know they hacked our emails....And while conspiracy theorist's eyes glaze over at the prospect that Trump's election may have Putin's fingerprints all over it.....but the prospect just isn't that remote....and in a twist, Trump's pre-election pronouncements that this election has been "rigged" may have been a pre-warning, from "inside information"....just a random thought....TV personality Chris Hayes on MSNBC [ "All In with Chris Hayes"] several years back said that he trusted the results of our electronic voting because the results paralleled the polls-which this election tossed straight into a cocked hat-AND this is the reason why we all need to get behind Jill Stein in her comprehensive investigation into what actually happened in this election....particularly in the Rust Belt-and while unlikely to change the result--her efforts on behalf of the American people is the highest form of citizenship-a true patriot....

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