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  • - Defending Against the Koch/Republican Agenda to Turn America into Nazi Germany
    af Jim Green
    97,95 kr.

    It is not terrorists Americans should be concerned with going forward in the 21st Century, it is the Republican Party.....The party has been taken over by extremists-radicals-persons devoid of common decency....such as Ted Cruz, the Koch bros., John Boehner, Paul Ryan, et al....Who have gone to war against women, children, our seniors, our environment, the poor, our grandchildren, ad nauseam ....and who want to roll civilization back to the 8th Century, BC....For instance, they want American women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, i.e., persons without rights...just look at what they say and vote on.....They want to prevent women from having contraceptives-so the government can force women to have children--and if they get pregnant, even if they are raped, or if this puts their life in peril, radical Republicans all across America have voted to shut down our clinics-in their attack on women's rights! To state in a few words the Republicans, today, are NOT DECENT PEOPLE, it is impossible to call oneself a Christian, and not follow his teachings.....and IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A CHRISTIAN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN [on Amazon] in short...decent people do not act the way they do.....

  • - Really!
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    Many of the things we do, today, are just plain stupid....which is "no no" language in good writing...but we do things that are inefficient-don't work- and in some cases are downright destructive to our civil order--and we seem to lack logic in looking for solutions, -or are just incapable of doing things we cling to the status quo. As a result, I find myself using lots of exclamation marks in my frustration. Let me give an example: I would like to write this like I was writing to President Obama, today-post presidency-and in the hopes that he is actually reading it....President Obama: Most of your presidency was a real credit to America-and anyone with an IQ above 3 knows that Trump is a racist idiot-which sums up the ignorance of his comments about your presidency! But there is one area where you and the Democrats made a huge blunder-a blunder that was not only a loss to the American people-but put a cloud over your administration that you were never really able to shake...and cost you dearly, politically! Specifically, you had a golden opportunity to fix unemployment [hereafter UE]-and you let the opportunity slip away--didn't fix it! When the Democrats held majorities in Congress and the White House-and full support of the America people-the honeymoon-the first 6 months, give or take, you had the opportunity to fully implement Pro-Market Humphrey-Hawkins-[hereafter HH--15 USC § 3101]--the most important legislation passed in the 20th Century-and it would have ended our unemployment crisis! Indeed, when I saw you going down the antiquated and unworkable "fix the market, and that will fix UE"-rather than the other way around-I thought "Oh no"-the Democrats don't get it-and as expected the 2010 election caught up with the error and filled the House with lunatics-which hounded you the rest of your presidency....In fact, HH becomes more and more important with each passing year in our 21st Century market economy-with the proliferation of robots, alone!

  • - The One Where Everyone Wins!
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    The right to work and be a productive member of society is a human right, and must become a legal right-a given in primitive societies, the concept was lost in the Age of Industrialization-to the detriment of our civil order ever since....This book is dedicated to those who "get it" To digress slightly to illustrate-the common denominator in all of our mass killings are assault rifles-so why are we dancing around the obvious solution-they must be banned! Those who get it know this-we also need to take other steps-but unless we ban assault rifles our gun crisis will continue, and raising the age to buy one is a patently insane suggestion! Another "elephant in the room" we don't talk about-but which should have every American terrorized: the millions of Americans-who in their delusion believe one can be a "Christian", and "vote Republican"-i.e., their vote is against EVERYTHING Christ stood for, and spoke out against! Indeed, linking "being a Christian" and "voting Republican" under ANY circumstances-defies rational human thought! We should be terrorized because of the adverse fascist impact this ill-informed faction has on our democracy, and which has Congress/America in paralysis-See on Amazon: IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE A CHRISTIAN, AND VOTE REPUBLICAN. Carrying on-the "get it" which is the purpose of this book is that going forward in the 21st Century: Work must become a legal right! Those who "get it" know this-we have no choice-and not to meet some liberal equality reason-as our ignorant use to sabotage our progress in America-we must do this to save capitalism.....The concept most wallowing in ignorance in our current capitalism is that: WORK MUST BECOME A LEGAL RIGHT!

  • - Why Greed-Driven America Went Off The Rails....
    af Jim Green
    97,95 kr.

    America is one sick MF-We have elements in America that will say that I "hate" America for making that statement-but they would be dead-wrong-Indeed, it is their ignorance of America--that has America so FU-We cannot start fixing what is wrong with America, until we start fessing-up to what we are doing wrong-And when we cannot tell the truth in a "free" country-it is no longer a "free" country....Further, the following are "institutional flaws" that call for the American people to step up-and getting rid of the current crop of Republicans: governors, in our state houses, and in Washington, would be a good start....

  • - A Wake-Up Call
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    The 2012 election has yet to take place as I write-but if President Obama does lose, I will be one of the most disappointed-Not only because I am a cheerleader-but also because it will mean that America is finished! After being plundered when the Republicans have held the White House over the past 30 years, America cannot handle another round of Republican's "lie, cheat, and rob" to get elected, so they can "lie, cheat and rob" America blind-once elected! And the Akin debacle in Missouri [Akin and Ryan co-sponsored "personhood" legislation, even if it was the result of rape-which their legislation re-defined to minimize]-and which underlines in red just how far the Republican Party has fallen into this abyss, which rebukes modernity, science and critical thinking! The Republican Party has sold its soul in their desperation to pursue an anti-Christian agenda of GREED, just for the sake of GREED--and forgotten the adage "Lay down with dogs, and get up with fleas" [and no apology regarding the definition of anti-Christian hypocrites-if one is not following the teachings of Christ-they are NOT a Christian]!

  • - Neo-Capitalism/An Anthology: Inclusive pro-market solutions to our social problems
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    IF ECONOMIC INCLUSIVISM: Neo-Capitalism, could be summed up in a few words, they would include: "In addressing our unemployment crisis, we are 180 degrees off course"!-like conventional wisdom in the 14th Century-when prevalent thought had it that the world was flat-we have it exactly backwards-All of our current legislation [except HR 870, in Committee] is framed around the inept: Fix the market, and this will in turn fix our unemployment crisis-the result has been a disaster! Almost 4 years in we still have a 7.8% unemployment rate, i.e., 12 million jobless Americans, a sluggish recovery-and the CBO projection of 2017 just to get back to 5.5% unemployment-with unemployment benefits long since expired! In the alternative, the path we should be following is: Fix unemployment, and this will in turn fix the market-it is a Pro-Market concept-and we can implement without adding a dime to our deficit-EI provides the blueprint....

  • - Ushering In A Trump Presidency?
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    FOR a democracy to work we must have an informed electorate-and a tiny handful know this-sadly not many-but we stood on one foot and then the other and let Flint/the Rust Belt rot into decay-when we had the "legal authorization", on the books, to prevent this horrendous travesty! A brief history leading up to this: Following WW II President Truman saw a disaster looming-how to provide employment for 12 million returning troops-and prevent our drifting back into another Great Depression, and he saw the necessity for some "public-sector" employment-and we, as a nation, owed employment to these brave souls.... But in a destructive twist the Republicans in Congress started waiving and flailing their arms in air-frightening the American people with "socialism" [sure, when we, in a democracy work together on behalf of the common good, for employment or healthcare--that is "socialism"].....But the Republican hysteria laid the groundwork for exploiting the Red Scare-and ushered in the most evil senator, and era, in America history-- McCarthyism-which still hangs over America like a dark cloud! To this day our small and petty still use the word "commie" to sabotage our democracy-and replace rational solutions essential to effective Job Creation in our 21st Century market economy---with their fraud.....i.e., the most pernicious fraud in American history, that: "The market can provide anybody wanting a job, with a job."...IT IS PURE BS! And as Thomas Frank noted in "LISTEN, LIBERAL", we Democrats have fallen down on the job....we didn't speak up-and as it has turned out....became part of the collateral damage....

  • - The Republican Agenda, Today
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    This book is DEDICATED TO: The eradication of FEAR in America-as FDR articulated: "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." In short, fear is the mother of all cancers on the body politic of America.....i.e., fear is a wall to keep the Mexicans out, and drives our insidious racism.....and the pernicious fear resulting from McCarthyism still hangs like a black cloud over and cripples America to this day, resulting in our Third World healthcare system, and Job Creation--and is the parent of the pervasive hate in America illustrate: I didn't write the following. It is a cut and paste from FACEBOOK, or some blog [would like to give credit if knew the author]--but it is so on target regarding how "fear" is driving Conservative policy in America today-i.e., is undermining America and our progress-and relegating America to a Third World country status, rather than a world leader-"Conservatives are such cowards: they are afraid of gay people getting married or serving in the military; they are afraid of bringing terrorists to super max prisons in the US from which no one has ever escaped; they are afraid of the boy scouts letting gay kids in; they are afraid of everyone voting and are constantly suppressing the vote under some bogus voter fraud theory; they are afraid of letting students vote at their universities; they are afraid of women having the right to choose; they even are afraid of women getting contraception [the real issue actually is a women's agency and control over their bodies]; they are afraid of immigration reform leading to citizenship because they are afraid of-- name whatever reason; they are afraid of mandating gun purchasers to undergo background checks for crazy people and terrorists; they are afraid of people smoking pot; they are afraid of climate change being real and contradicting their beloved Bible; they are afraid of legitimate campaign reform; they are afraid of Muslims; they are afraid of blacks; they are afraid of atheists; they are afraid of hippies; they are afraid of socialists; they are probably still afraid of monsters under their beds; they are just rank cowards and keep making things up to be afraid of."

  • - : And It Is Fraudulent To Suggest It Can
    af Jim Green
    103,95 kr.

    By the time this is published it will be President, rather than President-Elect Trump-but since our antiquated Electoral College tipped the election to Trump, he has been holding up the canad that if we just fix our trade agreements with other countries, we can fix our unemployment [hereafter UE] crisis...For instance, Trump held up 700 jobs at Carrier AC, and 800 jobs at Ford, etc., as evidence of his ability to arm twist corporations to stay in America-including the threat of hefty fines after his inauguration-and he has a few takers, mostly Trump voters-who actually believe that this is solution-driven.....but when we need to create almost 200,000 jobs a month in America-just to keep up with our birthrate--it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that tearing up trade agreements is not even any where near a solution -i.e., it is patently absurd! The flaw in the anti-trade thinking is the most pernicious belief in America, today--that "The market can provide anybody wanting a job, with a job"-it is PURE BS-and with this propaganda/fraud driving our job creation since WW II-we have not had a UE rate below 3% since 1953! Leaving millions jobless in its wake, it has turned our inner-cities into war zones, with 60% minority UE, drug economies, and an epidemic of gun violence! Further, when we believe the market can provide everybody with a job, it starts sounding reasonable to let the planet burn to the ground, so we can protect the bottom line-every climate-change denier believes this-and specifically because they have been taken in by this fraudulent belief!

  • - An Anthology
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    MOST AMERICANS ARE UNAWARE that we have the legal authority-on the books, as I write-to end our unemployment crisis in America, tomorrow--thus raising the question: When we have 25 million unemployed/underemployed Americans, why on earth is Washington not enforcing this authorization? Further, the market thrives when we have a robust, employed, consuming workforce-has our high unemployment resulted in our sluggish recovery? The purpose of this book is to drill down on these questions, and to propose the solution: In his book, "The Audacity of Hope", President Obama stated that most Americans believe "that anybody willing to work should be able to find a job"-Indeed, a Zogby poll found that 86% of Americans agree--so the solution is not from a lack of political will on the part of the American people. Further, the demand to Fix Unemployment existed before the Great Recession, and was a major issue in the 2008 election, before the economic meltdown [which made it infinitely worse]-FULL EMPLOYMENT is not only the glue of a decent society-it is a "win-win" solution-the American people win, and capitalism wins.....

  • - The Republican Agenda, Today
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    Several years back I submitted a question to "Ask Marilyn", in the Sunday Magazine "Parade"-[May 21, 2006-and as relevant today, as then] but not really expecting that she would answer...according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Marilyn vos Savant has the highest recorded IQ [ever], and my question was: "It is obvious that our country is deeply divided: almost 50-50, judging. From the last election. Neither side sees any merit whatsoever in the programs of the other, and each side-is convinced that the other side has the dumbest ideas that ever came down the pike. Why are the two sides so far apart?" Without getting too deep into the weeds, I really wasn't crazy about her answer....but leave to the reader to judge for themselves...she was pretty much saying that since our politicians weren't shooting at each other that this evidenced a certain "civility" [see her response, herein]....I would only add, here, that the million woman march the day following Trump's inauguration--to protest his election--reflects a certain discontent with the current Republican ideology.....And Trump's assertion that the largest crowds in America history came to DC [a patent lie-and more Obama fixation], and just to see him at his inauguration-was a dead-ringer that we are in an ideological wasteland.....Indeed, in just a short month Trump has the rest of the world convinced that he is loose cannon [downright spooky with Kim III also a loose cannon]----Trump has time to redeem himself-but it is questionable if he has the psychic makeup to do so...the big money says....NOPE.....

  • - The Summing Up
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    "3% is the zero-sum threshold above which unemployment starts undermining the Market--and the loss in income to the Market is compounded exponentially with each percentage point of increase in unemployment, above 3%". Further, unemployment is a "social" problem-with oft dire social consequences---we, as the larger society have a responsibility to address-but we run from this responsibility as if it were AIDS....So, why do we stay on this "no win" path? The jobless lose, and the market loses-and the purpose, here, is to drill down on that question. For starters, and in taking stock, a large part of the problem is that we keep trying to make anachronistic beliefs/rules apply, by our experts and laymen, alike--such as the most pernicious belief today: "The market can provide anybody wanting a job, with a job"....

  • - Poses A Far Greater Threat To America, Than Terrorism
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Where is the truth in America? If America fails it will have two parents: GREED AND IGNORANCE?Greed on the part of the 1%, and Ignorance by those in the 99% who are in the ?bubble?, and who are unwilling, or unable to inform themselves, and thus vote Republican?a truth in America, today?and Republican Conservative, and 30-year Congressional insider, Mike Lofgren, nailed it regarding the Republican Party, today--with the ?Republicans went crazy .

  • - Exposing the "Big Lie" by the Koch Brothers
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    In the mid-1970's the world economy underwent a major paradigm shift-and while economists disagree over why-all agree with Dr. William F. Mitchell that "High and persistent unemployment has pervaded almost every OECD country since the mid-1970's" [with double digit unemployment common in the Eurozone to this day, and youth unemployment north of 25% in Greece and Spain]. As a result of high unemployment in the 1970's, America swung into action--and in 1978 Congress passed, and President Carter signed into law a "legal authorization" to henceforth limit America's unemployment rate to "3%" [15 USC § 3101-i.e., at no time should our unemployment exceed 3%, as provided by law]. With a ton of cash, however, the 1% has inexplicably prevented this law from ever being implemented. Full employment is a pro-market solution, and given "automation", alone, this law is indispensable to the effective functioning of our 21st Century economy. The purpose of this book is to urge the enforcement of this concept [currently HR 1000, in Committee].

  • - A 21st Century Solution
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    86% OF AMERICANS believe that "anybody wanting to work, should be able to find a job"--and yet, few know that we have the "legal authorization", on the books [15 U.S. Code § 3101] to limit our UR to "3%"--permanently...... And the model for our job creation in America, today-and since WW II-has been "Fix the market, and this will fix unemployment", rather than "Fix unemployment, and this will fix the market".....with the result of our being 180 degrees off course-A Disaster.....

  • - And The Resulting Red State Blues
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    WE are a "representative" government-when we vote [in any rational scheme of things] we are voting for persons who will look out for the best economic interests of our selves and our family-we are voting for someone who has our back.....And unless your last name is Koch or Walton [a metaphor, here, for the 1%]-The Republican party does not have your back---they don't represent you-indeed, the Republican party, today, has their hand in your even further enrich the Koch brothers! Not only did you vote against your own kid's well being-you are a sucker to boot! And the Republicans are insufferable hypocrites....i.e., they have you chasing down blind alleys-in the name of "social values"-their policies undermine at every turn.....for instance, the House Republicans voted to cut $40 billion from Food Stamps [to gut the program] most of which goes to feed hungry children-children they demand women have, but are willing to starve to death, once born! One of our top journalists, who shall remain nameless, nailed it: "the Republican Party, has become an insurgent outlier - ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.".

  • - Hitler's Assault on Our Freedoms from His Grave
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    THE HARVARD BOYS CLUB is a true story. It contains several sub-themes, but the primary story regards a federal judge, who had been a Hitler Youth, who falsified a court record with the INTENT to deny to a U.S. citizen, rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. Did Hitler undermine our freedoms in America, from his grave? The case was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court-and regards criminal negligence on the part of government officials in the death of our 6 year old son. The sub-themes relate to the desperate struggle by Republicans to regain control of the White House for the express purpose of controlling judicial appointments, particularly to the U.S. Supreme Court [a fact few Americans are aware of]; And, the need for single-payer health insurance in America-as well as the need for systemic change in America. It also touches upon the proliferation of workplace violence, as depicted in the recently released documentary "Murder By Proxy"--the content has intentionally been kept brief--and can be read in under two hours--but it may change your insight into the inner-workings afoot in America--for years....

  • - The Religion
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    The adverse consequences of unemployment-a misery index, as it were, is no where to be found in our economic indices-indeed, when persons are without rights-[the American employee] the crimes committed against them become is the reason why our inner-cities-to this day-languish as war-zones-with drug-driven economies and an epidemic of homicides.....And the following is to advocate a solution. First, we need work to become a legal right, intrinsic to citizenship in America-and contrary to consensus by our "experts", today-given "automation", alone--this is a Pro-Market solution going forward in the 21st Century-indeed, indispensable to the effective functioning of our modern market economy. 86% of Americans believe that "anybody wanting to work should be able to find a job"-and the proposed legislation, outlined, herein, is THE NEIGHBOR-TO-NEIGHBOR JOB CREATION ACT-neighbors helping each other-which has deep roots in America--via Grant-In-Aid to local jurisdictions, and based on a truism: That we have far more work that needs to be done in America, than we have persons to fill these jobs....the myth re "make work" jobs-is nonsense.....

  • - Our Only Path to Prison Reform
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    The right to work and be a productive member of the society one is born into was a given in primitive societies, but lost in the Age of Industrialization....And since WW II our Job Creation in America has been based on a single belief: "The market can provide anybody wanting a job, with a job"....Problem is-it is Pure BS! And only once since WW II has this Job Creation methodology produced an unemployment [hereafter UE] rate below 3%--in 1953-leaving millions jobless in its wake, and has created our inner-cities, with 60% minority UE, drug economies, and an epidemic of gun violence! Further, and clearly fall-out from the above--the number one issue in the 2016 election, in addition to the inequity that has been created by this "corrupt system", is: JOBS! Finally, It is impossible to reform our broken criminal justice system-absent our creating a viable job creation program in America.

  • - The Trump/Republican Scam To Rob Americans Blind, Again!
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    Hang on folks, WE are about to get "Supply-Side Refried"..... Trump/the Republicans in Congress are preparing to shaft the American people, again! First, they start the fraud that the Koch brothers [hereafter KB--a metaphor, and fact, for the 1%] needs more money [in the face of the greatest wealth disparity in American history!]-and they want to stuff the pockets of the KB's with a whole bunch of cash [including Trump?]-and send the bill to our grandchildren! And the most offensive part of this fraud is the bald- faced lie that they are doing it for US-because history has shown that it causes unemployment! It's a crock, folks-and we need to SPEAK UP! Ref: WHY DID WE LET FLINT ROT INTO DECAY: And Usher In A Trump Presidency?, Amazon/Kindle The Supply-Side scam-started by the Reagan administration in 1980, has a shelf-life of about 7 years before the economy collapses under the weight of this evil scam-[to rob America blind]--sending the economy into meltdown, to wit: As it did on October 19, 1987-when the Stock Market lost a quarter of its value on that day-the largest one day decline since the Great Depression; And, the Stock Market crash in the Fall of 2008--on September 29, 2008-with a 777 point loss on that day--the loss of 700,000 jobs a month-and resulting in a staggering 10% unemployment [hereafter UE] rate for most of the next year! And in both instances, Congress tagged the American people to pay the bill for this corrupt Republican mismanagement or our economy-[i.e., the Republican's pandering to PURE GREED-and to pay for their seat in Congress]..... and driving up massive deficits for our grandchildren to pay! Because folks, the only way to put a floor under these meltdowns-to stop the hemorrhaging-IS TO BUY OUR WAY OUT!

  • - An Anthology
    af Jim Green
    97,95 kr.

    At no time should our unemployment in America exceed 3%. We have the "legal authority"-on the books, as I write--to make this a fact! 86% of Americans believe that "anybody willing to work should be able to find a job". It is not the lack of political will on the part of the American people that is standing in the way-it is the reality that America is at a crossroads-are we going to continue to be a democracy, or become a plutocracy-that is standing in the way....

  • - [NTN] Six Months To FULL EMPLOYMENT
    af Jim Green
    172,95 kr.

    In the mid-1970's, in an adjustment towards modernity, the colliding forces of automation, technology, globalization---reached a critical mass-resulting in ubiquitous unemployment in the OECD, i.e., a Market no longer capable of producing the jobs necessary to its viability-and our leaders conflicted, ever since, regarding the displaced employee. Eurozone unemployment is in double digits as this goes to print, with Greece and Spain both in excess of 25%. In the U.S., we took a Pro-Market role in addressing this paradigm shift in the world economy, and our resulting "malaise"-and in 1978 President Carter signed into law 15 USC § 3101--which provides us with the "legal authorization" to reduce our unemployment to "3%", or less. The Market thrives when we have a robust, employed consuming workforce-but in spite of the oft dire social consequences of insidious unemployment, and a diminished Market economy-this "legal authorization" has inexplicably been ignored---but not without severe social/economic/political consequences: A major mantra in the 2008 election was "Fix Unemployment" but when the Democrats failed to do this, a retaliatory Republican electorate ushered in a House filled with lunatics in 2010, with ideas popular in the 8th Century, BC-and our being remiss has given our racists and our uninformed a seat at the table, and a Washington in paralysis.....

  • - Confessions of an addicted Letter-To-The Editor Writer
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Best guess is that I have written over 5,000 Letters To The Editor, over the years-some I never mailed [in the past 15 years emailed]-many were never printed-Most dealt with a Washington that is deaf as an adder regarding mainstream America-Compulsive letter writers, incidentally, do not go looking for a computer/word-processor-they look up and one magically appears before them-and more often than not they have no idea how they got there [only a slight exaggeration]-

  • - Confessions of a Compulsive Letter Writer
    af Jim Green
    117,95 kr.

    Two major areas are explored in these letters--one barely on the public Radar, the other in the headlines daily: Specifically, the establishment of "Fail-Safe" electronic voting in every jurisdiction in America; and Jobs. Regarding "fail-safe" electronic voting--visualize that Wal-Mart handed us a piece of paper with the words "trust us" as a receipt for our purchases-and you will have a consummate understanding of our current electronic voting, in America. Regarding jobs, for the past 65 years we have had two parallel paths to address unemployment in America-Most Americans are unaware of the alternate path-and our media never invites experts, or anyone, to discuss it-albeit, it is the law of the land-i.e., we have the legal "authorization" to implement it--and most Americans support its implementation...

  • - The Corrupt and Absurd Trump/Republican Agenda in America, Today!
    af Jim Green
    107,95 kr.

    Have you noticed that when rank and file Republicans discuss an sounds an awful lot like every other rank and file Republican-like calling all Democrats "baby killers" [what insufferable jerks!].....and they also sound an awful lot like FAUX [not the news!] they all check in to get their "marching orders" on this wacko CAUSE from the Fake News Channel....with the head scratching enigma: How do they get these "trained seals" to do that? Sigh....Harry Truman said it about as well as it could be said....his message to the rank and file regarding the Republican agenda [which is stabbing them in the back, rather than having their back]....and as true today as 70 years ago regarding voting Republican... "How many times do you have to get hit on the head before you figure out whose hitting you"! In short---the Republicans are not on your side! They don't have your back! They have the Koch brothers back-and the Republican agenda spends every waking moment pondering how to steal from you so they can give your cash to the rich-their every breath is how to screw you! Get it? Capuche? For proof....look at their voting record....every Republican in the House.....and save for three Republicans in the Senate voted to cheat 26 million Americans out of healthcare-so they could give a gift bag of cash to people who do not need it-i.e., an obscene tax cut for the already rich for PURE GREED....and with the specific intent to screw YOU--the rank and file!

  • af Jim Green
    102,95 kr.

    A side-splitting selection of one-liners, comic definitions, yarns and witty quotes from the world of music.Most professions have their own jokes, but musicians seem to have more than their fair share. Perhaps it's the insane travel schedule, the bad lodgings or just lack of sleep. But as Jim Green says in his introduction, "'s not surprising we're a band apart (so to speak), outcasts who seek only our own company, rubbing two jokes together for warmth and trying to feel superior by sneering at one another's abilities and personalities." So maybe the reason musicians love poking fun at one another is nothing more than getting in first before everyone else does. Or perhaps choosing laughter is the only alternative to despair... Anyway, here is a truly great selection of jokes, quotes and stories from the world's second oldest profession. Enjoy!Q: What is the definition of perfect pitch in a piccolo?A: When you throw it in the toilet and it doesn't hit the rim.Q: What do you throw a drowning lead guitarist?A: His amp.Q: Why was the clarinetist staring at the orange juice bottle?A: Because the label said "concentrate.""I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to."Elvis Presley

  • af Jim Green & Jimmy Ruiz
    337,95 kr.

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