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  • af Jin Wang
    377,95 kr.

    A tuberculose (TB) é a única doença alguma vez declarada uma emergência mundial pela OMS e continua a causar grande mortalidade e sofrimento, especialmente nos países pobres e menos desenvolvidos. A sua associação com a pandemia de VIH/SIDA constitui uma combinação letal. O bacilo (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) tem uma parede celular muito espessa e complexa, o que faz com que este agente patogénico possa escapar às defesas imunitárias do hospedeiro e aos medicamentos anti-tuberculose. Neste livro, foi desenvolvido um método geral para a glicosilação C-C estereosselectiva e esta metodologia pode ser aplicada para sintetizar antigénios da tuberculose.

  • af Jin Wang
    377,95 kr.

    La tubercolosi (TB) è l'unica malattia mai dichiarata un'emergenza globale dall'OMS e continua a causare grande mortalità e sofferenza, soprattutto nei Paesi poveri e meno sviluppati. La sua associazione con la pandemia di HIV/AIDS forma una combinazione letale. Il bacillo (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) ha una parete cellulare molto spessa e complessa che fa sì che questo patogeno possa sfuggire alle difese immunitarie dell'ospite e ai farmaci antitubercolari. In questo libro è stato sviluppato un metodo generale per la glicosilazione C-C stereoselettiva che può essere applicato alla sintesi di antigeni della tubercolosi.

  • af Jin Wang
    377,95 kr.

    Die Tuberkulose (TB) ist die einzige Krankheit, die jemals von der WHO zum globalen Notfall erklärt wurde, und sie verursacht nach wie vor eine hohe Sterblichkeitsrate und großes Leid, insbesondere in armen und weniger entwickelten Ländern. Ihre Verbindung mit der HIV/AIDS-Pandemie bildet eine tödliche Kombination. Das Bakterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) hat eine sehr dicke und komplexe Zellwand, die es diesem Erreger ermöglicht, der Immunabwehr des Wirts und den Tuberkulose-Medikamenten zu entkommen. In diesem Buch wurde eine allgemeine Methode zur stereoselektiven C-C-Glykosylierung entwickelt, die zur Synthese von Tuberkulose-Antigenen eingesetzt werden kann.

  • af Jin Wang
    377,95 kr.

    La tuberculose (TB) est la seule maladie à avoir été déclarée urgence mondiale par l'OMS. Elle continue de provoquer une mortalité et des souffrances considérables, en particulier dans les pays pauvres et moins développés. Son association avec la pandémie de VIH/SIDA forme une combinaison mortelle. Le bacille (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) possède une paroi cellulaire très épaisse et complexe qui permet à ce pathogène d'échapper aux défenses immunitaires de l'hôte et aux médicaments antituberculeux. Dans ce livre, une méthode générale pour la glycosylaiton C-C stéréosélective a été développée et cette méthodologie pourrait être appliquée pour synthétiser des antigènes de la tuberculose.

  • af Jin Wang
    162,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Jin Wang
    237,95 kr.

    Tuberculosis (TB) is the only disease ever declared a global emergency by the WHO, it continues to cause great mortality and suffering, especially in poor and less-developed countries. Its association with the HIV/AIDS pandemic forms a lethal combination. The bacillu (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) has a very thick and complex cell wall which makes this pathogen could escape from the host¿s immune defense and the anti-tuberculosis drugs. In this book, a general method for stereoselective C-C glycosylaiton was developed and this methodology could be applied to synthesize Tuberculosis antigens.

  • af Jin Wang, Jianping Yin, Kelin Gao, mfl.
    1.757,95 kr.

    Provides extensive and thoroughly exhaustive coverage of precision laser spectroscopy Presents chapters written by recognized experts in their individual fields Topics covered include cold atoms, cold molecules, methods and techniques for production of cold molecules, optical frequency standards based on trapped single ions, etc Applicable for researchers and graduate students of optical physics and precision laser spectroscopy

  • af Jin Wang
    1.512,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the importance of exosomes in the biomedical field, which involves in novel implications of exosomes in diagnosis and treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. The book would definitely be an ideal source of scientific information of exosomes to researchers and scientists involved in biomedicine, biology, and other areas involving cancer and infectious diseases.

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