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Bøger af Joanne Harris

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  • - Build Your Story, One Word at a Time
    af Joanne Harris
    146,95 kr.

    An indispensable guide to the craft of writing and business of publishing from one of our bestselling and most versatile authors.

  • - A modern fairytale novella from the Sunday Times top-ten bestselling author
    af Joanne Harris
    146,95 kr.

    Take a deep breath and immerse yourself in this stunning new novella from #1 Bestselling author Joanne Harris.

  • af Joanne Harris
    118,95 - 178,95 kr.

    The long-awaited new Chocolat novel from the multi-million-copy bestselling author Joanne Harris

  • - A modern fairytale novella from the Sunday Times top-ten bestselling author
    af Joanne M Harris
    126,95 kr.

    A perfect autumn and Christmas read, this combines the harshness of nature with the spookiness of a ghost story and the comfort of a great folk tale, in one beautifully told novella which is stunningly illustrated by Bonnie Hawkins.

  • af Joanne Harris
    96,95 kr.

    'Terrific twists pile up at a highly satisfying'll be hooked' James Walton, Reader's Digest What the critics said about Joanne Harris' psychological thrillers: 'A terrific and absorbing suspense novel...twists and turns to keep you on your toes' - Peter Robinson;

  • af Joanne M. Harris
    106,95 kr.

    A gripping tale of magic, adventure and Norse mythology from the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author of CHOCOLAT and THE GOSPEL OF LOKI.

  • af Joanne Harris
    106,95 kr.

    Conjured from a wickedly imaginative pen, here is a new collection of short stories that showcases Joanne Harris's exceptional talent as a teller of tales, a spinner of yarns. Sensuous, mischievous, uproarious and wry, here are tales that combine the everyday with the unexpected;

  • af Joanne Harris
    106,95 kr.

    When Vianne Rocher receives a letter from beyond the grave, she allows the wind to blow her back to the village in south-west France where, eight years ago, she opened up a chocolate shop. Nor is it only the incomers from North Africa that have brought change. Father Reynaud, Vianne's erstwhile adversary, is disgraced and under threat.

  • af Joanne Harris
    96,95 kr.

    'Once there was a widow with three sons, and their names were Black, Brown and Blue. Black was the eldest; moody and aggressive. Brown was the middle child; timid and dull. But Blue was his mother's favourite. And he was a murderer.' Blueeyed boy is the brilliant new novel from Joanne Harris.

  • af Joanne Harris
    106,95 kr.

    'Who died?' I said. 'Or is it a secret?' 'My mother, Vianne Rocher.' Seeking refuge and anonymity in the cobbled streets of Montmartre, Yanne and her two daughters live peacefully, if not happily, above their little chocolate shop. Nothing unusual marks them out; no red sachets hang by the door. The wind has stopped - at least for a while.

  • af Joanne Harris
    96,95 kr.

    It's never easy to face the fact that a man you once loved passionately has found the girl of his dreams, as Alice discovers when Joe introduces her to his new girlfriend. Then Alice finds an old diary and reads about two men and the mysterious woman who bewitched them both, buried in Grantchester churchyard half a century ago.

  • af Joanne Harris
    118,95 kr.

    The first in the Malbry Cycle of gripping psychological thrillers - the latest of which is A Narrow Door. At St Oswald's, a long-established boys' grammar school in the north of England, a new year has just begun. and Roy Straitley, the eccentric veteran Latin master, is finally - reluctantly - contemplating retirement.

  • af Joanne Harris
    109,95 kr.

    Beyond the main street of Les Laveuses runs the Loire, smooth and brown as a sunning snake - but hiding a deadly undertow beneath its moving surface. This is where Framboise, a secretive widow, plies her culinary trade at the creperie - and lets her memory play strange games.

  • af Joanne Harris
    128,95 kr.

    A collection of short stories that goes hand-in-hand with the mundane, the sour with the sweet, and the beautiful, the grotesque, the seductive and the disturbing are never more than one step away. It is a selection of tales for our times that shows a side to the author you have never seen before.

  • af Joanne Harris
    128,95 kr.

    On the tiny Breton island of Le Devin, life has remained almost unchanged for over a hundred years. Taking up the fight to transform the dying village, Mado must confront past tragedies, including the terrible secret that still haunts her father.

  • af Joanne Harris
    186,95 kr.

    Sleep, Pale Sister, a powerful, atmospheric and blackly gothic evocation of Victorian artistic life, was originally published before Joanne Harris achieved worldwide recognition with Chocolat. Henry Chester, a domineering and puritanical Victorian artist, is in search of the perfect model.

  • af Joanne Harris
    166,95 kr.

    In seventeenth-century France, against a backdrop of witch trials, regicide and religious frenzy, Juliette, one-time actress and rope-dancer, seeks refuge with her young daughter in the remote abbey of Saint Marie-de-la-Mer, and reinvents herself as Soeur Auguste.

  • af Joanne Harris
    118,95 kr.

  • Spar 17%
    af Joanne Harris
    73,95 kr.

    Joanne Harris er halvt fransk, halvt engelsk og slog internationalt igennem i 1999 med bestselleren Chokolade om den eksotiske chokoladefabrikant Vivianne Roche og flodsigøjneren Roux, filmatiseret med Juliette Binoche og Johnny Depp i hovedrollerne. Siden fulgte Chokoladeheksen og følges altså op med tredje bind om parret. Otte år er gået siden Vianne forlod sin butik med de syndige chokolader i Lansquenet for at drage videre med vinden og Roux. Hun og Roux bor nu på en husbåd i Paris med Viannes datter samt deres fælles datter , som lever i sin egen fantasiverden. Således er Vianne omsider ved at falde til ro … indtil hun får et brev med en bøn fra en afdød ven, den gamle Armande: " Rejs tilbage til Lansquenet - der er brug for din hjælp!" Det gør Vivianne. Landsbyen er i mellemtiden blevet udvidet med et muslimsk kvarter, og i begyndelsen var alt fryd og gammen. Nu har sære spændinger og mystiske konflikter  sat gang i en lavine af uhyggelige begivenheder, der lader mistanken falde på byens præst, Monsieur le Curé. Vivianne udreder trådene, og livet kan gå videre i den lille by. Joanne Harris er ikke blind for de problemer, der kan opstå, når forskellige kulturer mødes, men er tolerancens fortaler og fordeler lige dele velrettet kritik og menneskeforelsket indlevelse. Her i denne charmerende og velfortalte bog, der har en særdeles aktuel tematik på hjerte  Joanne Harris har skrevet en række romaner, en novellesamling og en kogebog. Senest udkom på dansk Blueeyed Boy.Pressen skriver:»Joanne Harris skriver vidunderligt, feminint og med et strejf af vemod, og det overordnede tema er vores uvilje mod at åbne os for hinanden.«***** - Julia Lahme, Femina»Joanne Harris skriver lige så sanseligt og stemningsmættet som i sine tidligere romaner – der er fuld knald på både farver og dufte, og Viannes produktion af ferskenmarmelade og chokoladetrøfler får tænderne til at løbe i vand.«**** - Sarah Louise Pedersen, Fyens Stiftstidende  

  • Spar 17%
    af Joanne Harris
    73,95 kr.

    blueeyedboy er dæknavn for en toogfyrreårig portør, der stadig bor hjemme hos sin mor. Hele hans sociale liv foregår på nettet, hvor han blogger om sine formørkede og morderiske fantasier om moren. Efterhånden som det traumatiske forhold til moren oprulles i det virtuelle univers, udfoldes også historien om hans blodige fejde med sine to brødre og de grufulde sandheder, der gemmer sig i hjertet af den mildest talt dysfunktionelle familie, han er gjort af.

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