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  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    597,95 kr.

    La guerrilla urbana, como una fuerza de combate, que reacciona de manera contundente a las posibles amenazas de su territorio, enfocándose en la preparación de sus integrantes para ¿Vencer¿. Incluyendo todas las acciones desarrolladas por unidades bajo entrenamientos para operar o realizar acciones de combate, las cuales son planeadas y ejecutadas en áreas urbanas, con fines estratégicos. Combatiendo en contra de una dictadura o posibles invasores, empleando técnica y tácticas de combate con armas, así como también, métodos no-convencionales. Siendo la guerrilla urbana un grupo de revolucionarios políticos, luchadores por los derechos del pueblo y su país. El área en la cual la guerrilla urbana actúa son las comunidades en donde se han desarrollado. La guerrilla urbana tiene que poseer la iniciativa, movilidad, y flexibilidad, así como también versatilidad y un comando de cualquier situación. La iniciativa es una cualidad especialmente indispensable en un miembro de la guerrilla urbana., no puede dejarse confundir, o esperar por órdenes. Su deber es el de actuar, encontrar soluciones adecuadas para cada problema que se encuentra.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    500,95 kr.

    The research is oriented towards the playful methods as a way through which a proposed end is reached, reaching the prefixed result to find, to teach as well as to defend the truth of knowledge, it is possible to distinguish certain relation of the method and the technique, which seems to be the confusion about the existing relation between the use of them, being found, both at the level of particular method and the specific one, among which are the stages of the research process, since within them reference will be made to the corresponding techniques and procedures. In which learning is allowed through play, there are a number of fun activities, in which the contents of the subject can be included, which can be skillfully used by teachers. Playful activities are a powerful ally to promote meaningful learning. That is to say, to feel pleasure and value what happens, perceiving it as an act of physical, spiritual or mental satisfaction. Being conducive to the development of skills, relationships, as it is, the sense of humor in people.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    543,95 kr.

    The research, seeks to expose the current situation of the substation of 115kv thermoelectric plant, currently the capacitor banks are developed to the full range, allowing the correction of the power factor, making a diagnosis of the situation of low power factor in the substation and the selection of the type of bank which will be used according to the electrical characteristics of the company was made. The components of a capacitor bank to increase the power factor were identified. Likewise, the types of the main electrical parameters are described. Being referred in great part to the analysis of the efficiency of the capacitor bank for the increase of the active power in electrical substations which, in turn, will serve as a pilot to be applied in other capacitor banks with similar characteristics. Making use of the systemic method to identify the causes of the increase of active power in the substations, which will lead to make decisions in the respective strategic plan.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    444,95 kr.

    La recherche, cherche à exposer la situation actuelle de la sous-station de la centrale thermoélectrique 115kv, Actuellement les batteries de condensateurs sont développées à la gamme complète, permettant la correction du facteur de puissance, faire un diagnostic de la situation de faible facteur de puissance dans la sous-station et la sélection du type de banque qui sera utilisé en fonction des caractéristiques électriques de l'entreprise a été faite. Les composants d'une batterie de condensateurs pour augmenter le facteur de puissance ont été identifiés. De même, les types des principaux paramètres électriques sont décrits. L'analyse de l'efficacité de la batterie de condensateurs pour l'augmentation de la puissance active dans les sous-stations électriques, qui, à son tour, servira de pilote à appliquer à d'autres batteries de condensateurs ayant des caractéristiques similaires, a été largement évoquée. L'utilisation de la méthode systémique pour identifier les causes de l'augmentation de la puissance active dans les sous-stations, ce qui permettra de prendre des décisions dans le plan stratégique respectif.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    444,95 kr.

    A pesquisa, busca expor a situação atual da subestação da usina termoelétrica de 115kv, atualmente os bancos de capacitores são desenvolvidos em toda a sua amplitude, permitindo a correção do fator de potência, fazendo um diagnóstico da situação de baixo fator de potência na subestação e foi feita a seleção do tipo de banco que será utilizado de acordo com as características elétricas da empresa. Foram identificados os componentes de uma bateria de condensadores para aumentar o fator de potência. Da mesma forma, são descritos os tipos dos principais parâmetros eléctricos. Sendo referido em grande parte a análise da eficiência da bateria de condensadores para o aumento da potência ativa em subestações eléctricas que, por sua vez, servirá de piloto para ser aplicado em outras baterias de condensadores com características semelhantes. Fazer uso do método sistémico para identificar as causas do aumento da potência ativa nas subestações, o que levará à tomada de decisões no respetivo plano estratégico.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    445,95 kr.

    Issledowanie, naprawlennoe na wyqwlenie tekuschej situacii na podstancii 115kw termoälektricheskoj stancii, w nastoqschee wremq kondensatornye batarei razwity do polnogo diapazona, pozwolqüschego korrektirowat' koäfficient moschnosti, prowedenie diagnostiki situacii nizkogo koäfficienta moschnosti na podstancii i wybor tipa batarei, kotoraq budet ispol'zowat'sq w sootwetstwii s älektricheskimi harakteristikami kompanii, bylo sdelano. Byli opredeleny komponenty kondensatornoj batarei dlq powysheniq koäfficienta moschnosti. Takzhe opisany tipy osnownyh älektricheskih parametrow. V znachitel'noj stepeni äto otnositsq k analizu äffektiwnosti kondensatornoj batarei dlq uwelicheniq aktiwnoj moschnosti na älektricheskih podstanciqh, kotoraq, w swoü ochered', budet sluzhit' w kachestwe pilotnogo proekta dlq primeneniq w drugih kondensatornyh batareqh s analogichnymi harakteristikami. Ispol'zowanie sistemnogo metoda dlq wyqwleniq prichin uwelicheniq aktiwnoj moschnosti na podstanciqh, chto priwedet k prinqtiü reshenij w sootwetstwuüschem strategicheskom plane.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    444,95 kr.

    La ricerca cerca di esporre la situazione attuale della sottostazione della centrale termoelettrica 115kv, Attualmente le batterie di condensatori sono sviluppate al massimo, permettendo la correzione del fattore di potenza, facendo una diagnosi della situazione di basso fattore di potenza nella sottostazione e la selezione del tipo di banca che sarà utilizzata in base alle caratteristiche elettriche dell'azienda è stata fatta. Sono stati identificati i componenti di un banco di condensatori per aumentare il fattore di potenza. Allo stesso modo, sono stati descritti i tipi di parametri elettrici principali. Si è fatto riferimento in gran parte all'analisi dell'efficienza del banco di condensatori per l'aumento della potenza attiva nelle sottostazioni elettriche che, a sua volta, servirà come pilota da applicare in altri banchi di condensatori con caratteristiche simili. Utilizzando il metodo sistemico per identificare le cause dell'aumento della potenza attiva nelle sottostazioni, che porterà a prendere decisioni nel rispettivo piano strategico.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    444,95 kr.

    Die Forschung, zielt darauf ab, die aktuelle Situation der Unterstation von 115kv thermoelektrischen Anlage, Derzeit sind die Kondensatorbatterien entwickelt, um den vollen Umfang, so dass die Korrektur des Leistungsfaktors, so dass eine Diagnose der Situation der niedrigen Leistungsfaktor in der Unterstation und die Auswahl der Art der Bank, die verwendet werden, je nach den elektrischen Eigenschaften des Unternehmens gemacht wurde. Die Komponenten einer Kondensatorbank zur Erhöhung des Leistungsfaktors wurden identifiziert. Ebenso werden die Typen der wichtigsten elektrischen Parameter beschrieben. Die Analyse des Wirkungsgrades der Kondensatorbatterie zur Erhöhung der Wirkleistung in Umspannwerken, die wiederum als Pilotprojekt für andere Kondensatorbatterien mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften dienen soll, ist von großer Bedeutung. Nutzung der systemischen Methode zur Identifizierung der Ursachen für die Erhöhung der Wirkleistung in den Umspannwerken, was zu Entscheidungen im jeweiligen Strategieplan führen wird.

  • af Joel A. Cardozo F.
    423,95 kr.

    The purpose of the research is directed to the design of a Biodigester where bovine manure and wastewater are used for the creation of low-cost fuels. A Biodigester is a system that takes advantage of anaerobic digestion (in the absence of oxygen) making use of the bacteria that live in the manure, which help to transform it into biogas that will be used in kitchens and as an alternative source of electricity once it has passed through the electric generator of transformation that operates based on gas and in turn obtain the fertilizer called Biól, which after having served its time in the Biodigester is considered with the same importance as the Biogas since it provides an excellent natural fertilizer that improves the yield of crops, allowing to obtain a better product. Low-cost biodigesters have been developed and are widely implemented in Southeast Asian countries, but in South America, only countries such as Cuba, Colombia and Brazil have developed this technology. They are characterized by their low cost, easy installation and maintenance, using simple materials for their construction.

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