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  • af John Baldoni
    177,95 kr.

    How do leaders “keep it real” when times are tough?

  • af John Baldoni
    298,95 kr.

    How can you tell a true leader from one who just talks a good game?It's a true leader who makes his or her vision a reality--achieving great results that bring the highest levels of success.In How Great Leaders Get Great Results, top leadership and management consultant John Baldoni explains how anyone from a first-time manager to a CEO can become a great leader by creating a strong, results-driven organization. He blends key management principles with leadership stories to demonstrate how you can bring your people together, gain their trust, increase their enthusiasm, and motivate them to adopt your company's goals as their own.Baldoni profiles several renowned, results-oriented business leaders, revealing the proven execution strategies they use to consistently get their people to perform to their fullest. He identifies seven key steps--Vision, Alignment, Execution, Risk, Discipline, Courage, and Results--that top leaders such as Anne Mulcahy, John McCain, Steve Jobs, Meg Whitman, and Steven Spielberg take to get the results they want. Their stories are paired with a concrete plan of action that helps you cultivate a results-driven culture--no matter your type of business. Baldoni shows you how to:Communicate with your people in ways that make things happen Enlist support for your ideas and overcome resistance Instill a sense of accountability in all teams and departments Encourage risk-taking and push innovation Achieve desirable, sustainable results--and deal with unintended, unwelcome results Teach your own results-driven story Whether your goals are increased sales, improved customer service, enhanced quality, faster productivity, or any other criteria for your people, products, or services, How Great Leaders Get Great Results gives you the tools to become a true visionary, create more "heroes" in your workplace, and drive your business to the top.

  • - A Leader's Guide to a Better Us
    af John Baldoni
    197,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • - The Subtle Art of Managing Up
    af John Baldoni
    207,95 kr.

    For those in middle management, leadership guru John Baldoni shares a piece of game-changing insight: you have more influence than you know. Discover his methods for managing up--and giving everyone at your organization a reason to follow your lead.

  • - 50 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Results
    af John Baldoni
    222,95 kr.

    Recognized leadership guru John Baldoni teaches that the key to inspiring others isn't a tip or a tool. Rather, true influence comes from within. Learn how to motivate others by exhibiting the traits of a top leader.

  • - How to Assert Your Authority to Lead
    af John Baldoni
    111,95 kr.

    As a manager, do your people trust you? If you're not exuding a strong leadership presence, the answer is likely no. Learn how to master this single most important leadership quality through the art of communication.

  • - Giving Your Organization a Reason to Believe in Itself
    af John Baldoni
    222,95 kr.

    In an economy where people prioritize meaningful work over top-paying jobs, how do you cast and carry out an inspiring vision? Learn how to lead with a renewed focus and improved sense of direction that motivates others to go the extra mile.

  • - 50 maneras en que los grandes lideres inspiran resultados
    af John Baldoni
    178,95 kr.

    Encargarse del trabajo de mayor nivel, ya sea como director ejecutivo de una empresa o gerente de un departamento, nunca es facil.

  • - How to Project Confidence, Conviction, and Authority
    af John Baldoni
    112,95 kr.

    When you can own the room with a great speech, you'll be unstoppable!

  • af John Baldoni
    207,95 kr.

    Leaders need to do more than stand up and speak; they need to integrate communications into what they do, address the immediate concerns and issues, and open the door to future dialogue and discovery. This book helps push that door open, so you can bring your organization to the next level.

  • - The Secret to Bold and Gutsy Leadership
    af John Baldoni
    326,95 kr.

    Leaders today need to be mindful of their circumstances as well as mindful of their own strengths and shortcomings. They need to have the disposition to succeed as well as the inner resourcefulness to persevere. Leaders must be willing to do things differently but also draw on tried and true traits, such as courage and gumption.

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