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  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    843,95 kr.

    "Afrika: A Caged Continent" (Ein gefangener Kontinent) von Professor John C. Mupala ist eine tiefgreifende Erforschung der Geschichte Afrikas, die die verschlungenen Ketten, die den Kontinent gefangen halten, auflöst. Von den kolonialen Hinterlassenschaften und den gebrochenen Versprechen der Unabhängigkeit bis hin zu wirtschaftlicher Ausbeutung und kulturellen Verzerrungen führt das Buch durch die Komplexität der afrikanischen Vergangenheit. Es befasst sich mit Basisbewegungen, der Dynamik der Zivilgesellschaft und den Paradoxien der Führung und untersucht den Kampf des Kontinents um echte Autonomie. Die Erzählung dehnt sich auf das heutige neokoloniale Geflecht aus und untersucht äußere Einflüsse und die Herausforderungen, die sich aus der Navigation in einer globalisierten Welt ergeben. Mit einem nachdenklichen Blick auf gebrochene Versprechen und das Streben nach echter Unabhängigkeit gipfelt das Buch in einem optimistischen Aufruf zur Befreiung, der Afrika dazu auffordert, seine Handlungsfähigkeit wiederzuerlangen und eine Zukunft zu gestalten, die von Autonomie, Würde und echter Selbstbestimmung geprägt ist.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    843,95 kr.

    Kniga "Afrika: Kontinent w kletke" professora Dzhona K. Mupaly - äto glubokoe issledowanie istorii Afriki, rasputywaüschee zaputannye cepi, skowawshie kontinent. Ot kolonial'nogo naslediq i newypolnennyh obeschanij nezawisimosti do äkonomicheskoj äxpluatacii i kul'turnyh iskazhenij - kniga probiraetsq skwoz' slozhnosti proshlogo Afriki. Ona poswqschena nizowym dwizheniqm, dinamike grazhdanskogo obschestwa i paradoxam liderstwa, issleduq bor'bu kontinenta za podlinnuü awtonomiü. Powestwowanie rasprostranqetsq na sowremennuü neokolonial'nuü set', issleduq wneshnee wliqnie i problemy nawigacii w globalizirowannom mire. S reflexiwnym wzglqdom na newypolnennye obeschaniq i stremlenie k podlinnoj nezawisimosti kniga zawershaetsq optimistichnym prizywom k oswobozhdeniü, prizywaüschim Afriku wernut' sebe swoü samostoqtel'nost' i nametit' buduschee, opredelqemoe awtonomiej, dostoinstwom i podlinnym samoopredeleniem.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    841,95 kr.

    "África: Um Continente Enjaulado" do Professor John C. Mupala é uma profunda exploração da história de África, desvendando as intrincadas cadeias que confinaram o continente. Desde os legados coloniais e as promessas de independência não cumpridas até à exploração económica e às distorções culturais, o livro navega pelas complexidades do passado de África. Investiga os movimentos de base, a dinâmica da sociedade civil e os paradoxos da liderança, examinando a luta do continente por uma autonomia genuína. A narrativa estende-se à teia neo-colonial contemporânea, explorando as influências externas e os desafios de navegar num mundo globalizado. Com um olhar reflexivo sobre as promessas não cumpridas e a procura de uma independência genuína, o livro culmina com um apelo otimista à libertação, exortando a África a recuperar a sua agência e a traçar um futuro definido pela autonomia, dignidade e verdadeira autodeterminação.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    842,95 kr.

    "L'Afrique : A Caged Continent" du professeur John C. Mupala est une exploration profonde de l'histoire de l'Afrique, démêlant les chaînes complexes qui ont confiné le continent. Des héritages coloniaux et des promesses d'indépendance non tenues à l'exploitation économique et aux distorsions culturelles, le livre navigue à travers les complexités du passé de l'Afrique. Il se penche sur les mouvements populaires, la dynamique de la société civile et les paradoxes du leadership, en examinant la lutte du continent pour une véritable autonomie. Le récit s'étend à la toile néocoloniale contemporaine, explorant les influences extérieures et les défis de la navigation dans un monde globalisé. Avec un regard réfléchi sur les promesses non tenues et la quête d'une véritable indépendance, le livre se termine par un appel optimiste à la libération, exhortant l'Afrique à se réapproprier son pouvoir et à tracer un avenir défini par l'autonomie, la dignité et une véritable autodétermination.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    841,95 kr.

    "Africa: A Caged Continent" del professor John C. Mupala è una profonda esplorazione della storia dell'Africa, che svela le intricate catene che hanno confinato il continente. Dalle eredità coloniali e dalle promesse di indipendenza non mantenute allo sfruttamento economico e alle distorsioni culturali, il libro naviga attraverso le complessità del passato dell'Africa. Approfondisce i movimenti di base, le dinamiche della società civile e i paradossi della leadership, esaminando la lotta del continente per una vera autonomia. La narrazione si estende alla rete neocoloniale contemporanea, esplorando le influenze esterne e le sfide della navigazione in un mondo globalizzato. Con uno sguardo riflessivo sulle promesse non mantenute e sulla ricerca di un'autentica indipendenza, il libro culmina in un ottimistico appello alla liberazione, esortando l'Africa a reclamare il proprio potere e a tracciare un futuro definito da autonomia, dignità e vera autodeterminazione.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    833,95 kr.

    "Africa: A Caged Continent" by Professor John C. Mupala is a profound exploration of Africa's history, unraveling the intricate chains that have confined the continent. From the colonial legacies and broken promises of independence to the economic exploitation and cultural distortions, the book navigates through the complexities of Africa's past. It delves into grassroots movements, civil society dynamics, and the paradoxes of leadership, examining the continent's struggle for genuine autonomy. The narrative extends to the contemporary neo-colonial web, exploring external influences and the challenges of navigating a globalized world. With a reflective gaze on broken promises and a quest for genuine independence, the book culminates in an optimistic call for liberation, urging Africa to reclaim its agency and chart a future defined by autonomy, dignity, and true self-determination.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    500,95 kr.

    The book discusses the four critical issues of present-day Africa. These issues are the pre-colonial era, colonial period, post-colonial era, and Africa toward the new world order. The impact of the eras which the continent has gone through and the stance that the continent should take towards the new era the world is moving toward. Most sources of arguments in this book is based on the compilation of discussions from numerous lectures and seminars, literature and past thesis works in the African Studies program.

  • af John Chakanga Mupala
    500,95 kr.

    Almost every household has some home remedy that has been passed down from generation to generation. But in this book, you open the door to a number of homes and discover a wealth of remedies that have been passed down for hundreds of years. We've discovered leading home remedies recommended by naturopathic and massage therapists, herbalist and homeopathic physicians, cardiovascular medicine experts, and popular family physicians. Some traditional home remedies were too harmful to be effective. Read about home remedies in this book and start using them yourself and you'll know what you got from your own family. Most of us use traditional remedies for mild pain, but doctors at leading research institutions believe they are effective against some of our most serious health threats. Many of the most popular home remedies, such as yogurt for yeast infections and chamomile tea for insomnia, have been used for generations. The remedies in this book are a veritable treasure trove of health solutions, but when it comes to using remedies at home, nothing beats good judgment.

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