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  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Da unge Anthony Kelham findes dræbt, retter mistanken sig straks mod Griselda Fayne, som tidligere har truet Kelham med en pistol. Da det ydermere er hendes skrivemaskine, der er blevet brug til at skrive anonyme breve på, synes sagen klar. Lidt for klar – i hvert fald ifølge inspektør West. Og da han dykker ned i sagen, viser det sig da også, at den er noget mere speget end først antaget og, foruden mord, fører omkring både afpresning og narkomisbrug.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Da en kollega fra Scotland Yard tropper op foran kriminalinspektør Roger Wests dør med en officiel ransagningskendelse, ligger Wests karriere næsten i ruiner. For at komme de onde mistanker om hans person til livs må West dykke dybt ned i et mysterium, der involverer både mord, konspirationer og endog korruption i Scotland Yards egne rækker.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Roger West fra Scotland Yard arbejder på en sag om mulig korruption i politistyrken. Der er mistanke om bestikkelse, da flere sager tilbagevises på grund af defekte beviser, og en politimand bliver skudt, mens en anden står anklaget for vold mod en mistænkt. Anseelsen er på spil, da West bevæger sig længere og dybere ned i Londons kriminelle underverden.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    En gravid kvinde bliver dræbt under et røveri i en lille købmandsbutik. Snart viser det sig, at dette kun er én i en række af systematisk udførte forbrydelser – organiseret af en yderst effektiv bande. Roger West fra Scotland Yard må bruge al sin intelligens – og mod – for at optrævle den brutale bande.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Da Daphne Mallow kommer til bevidsthed, er hun i helvedes forgård. Bundet, kneblet og indespærret – og med ingen udsigt til at undslippe sine overfaldsmænd. Og Daphne Mallow er blot ét ud af flere ofre. For mystiske penge trækker deres blodige spor i kølvandet på en række morderiske hændelser. Alle affødt af en skånselsløs griskhed.John Creasey (1908-1973), engelsk forfatter og politiker. En ud over alle grænser produktiv forfatter – skrev mere end 600 romaner under intet mindre end 28 pseudonymer. Vidt berømmet, prisvindende og meget læst i sin samtid, skrev inden for snart sagt alle romangenrer; men blev af sine læsere mest elsket for sine kriminalromaner, hvoraf mange var serier med mange bind. En af hans bedst kendte hovedpersoner er inspektør Roger West fra Scotland Yard. Af kendere placeres Creasey fuldt ud på linje med Georges Simenon og Erle Stanley Gardner.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    En skrig flænger luften, og kriminalinspektør West får øje på en kvinde i et vindue, der ser ud til at ville kaste sig ud over kanten. Hendes spædbarn er blevet myrdet! Og hun er ikke den eneste sørgende nybagte mor: Inden for tre døgn er der sket yderligere to barnemord i samme bydel – og der har været fremsat trusler mod andre babyer. Efterhånden som West dykker ned i sagen, går det op for ham, at der er mere på spil i denne sag end en sindssyg morders tilfældige indskydelser.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Da inspektør West fra Scotland Yard vil komme en skrigende kvinde til undsætning, får han til sin egen store overraskelse smidt vitriol i ansigtet. En eller anden har forsøgt at blinde ham. Hos Scotland Yard arbejder man snart ud fra teorien om, at det er kvindens forsmåede elsker, der står bag det voldsomme overfald. Men så modtager Wests kone et anonymt trusselsbrev, og det står klart for West, at en uhyggelig person et eller andet sted derude nærer et indædt had til ham.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Sprængstofbanden har haft succes med at begå seksten indbrud uden at efterlade sig et eneste spor. Men den syttende gang går det galt, da banden myrder en natvægter. Da inspektør West aflægger datteren til den dræbte et besøg, står han pludselig med vigtige kort på hånden. Kort, der kan føre til opklaringen af et nådesløst netværk af forbrydere og drabsmænd.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    En smuk pige bliver fundet død, hendes ansigt er flænget og skåret op. Kort tid efter i et andet land lider en ældre mand samme skæbne. De to ens forbrydelser binder bånd tværs over Atlanten, da kriminalinspektør West fra Scotland Yard og politikommissær Goodison fra New Yorks drabsafdeling må gå sammen om at finde den barbariske morder.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Da inspektør West står med en sag om to dræbte piger, der er blevet kvalt til døde, finder han snart ud af, at begge piger var skønhedsdronninger. Begge havde de deltaget i og vundet en stor virksomheds skønhedskonkurrence, og mens West i al hast dykker længere ned i sagen, føjer en uhyggelig morder flere ofre til sin ”dronningerække”.

  • af John Creasey
    59,95 kr.

    Kriminalkommissær Roger West fra Scotland Yard må træde til, da en smuk, ung kvinde med et blakket omdømme findes myrdet i et snusket baglokale. West skal både finde frem til morderen – og holde sig gode venner med sin egen overordnede, som ellers ikke sætter synderligt pris på ham. Så da West opdager, at hans hovedmistænkte er uskyldig, og sagen samtidig viser sig at indeholde både pengeafpresning og dokumentfalsk, tvinges han til at skaffe resultater – i en fart. Alle kneb gælder.John Creasey (1908-1973), engelsk forfatter og politiker. En ud over alle grænser produktiv forfatter – skrev mere end 600 romaner under intet mindre end 28 pseudonymer. Vidt berømmet, prisvindende og meget læst i sin samtid, skrev inden for snart sagt alle romangenrer; men blev af sine læsere mest elsket for sine kriminalromaner, hvoraf mange var serier med mange bind. En af hans bedst kendte hovedpersoner er kriminalkommissær Roger West fra Scotland Yard. Af kendere placeres Creasey fuldt ud på linje med Georges Simenon og Erle Stanley Gardner.

  • af John Creasey
    59,50 kr.

    Kriminalkommissær Roger West fra Scotland Yard kommer på noget af en opgave, da han må beskytte en større gruppe tidligere morddømte fanger fra en gruppe af ophidsede fanatikere, som er blevet rasende over, at England har afskaffet dødsstraffen. De planlægger selv en hævnaktion. Selvtægt lurer lige om hjørnet, og West må skrue bissen på.John Creasey (1908-1973), engelsk forfatter og politiker. En ud over alle grænser produktiv forfatter – skrev mere end 600 romaner under intet mindre end 28 pseudonymer. Vidt berømmet, prisvindende og meget læst i sin samtid, skrev inden for snart sagt alle romangenrer; men blev af sine læsere mest elsket for sine kriminalromaner, hvoraf mange var serier med mange bind. En af hans bedst kendte hovedpersoner er kriminalkommissær Roger West fra Scotland Yard. Af kendere placeres Creasey fuldt ud på linje med Georges Simenon og Erle Stanley Gardner.

  • - Volume 8
    af John Creasey
    182,95 kr.

    From an Edgar Award-winning author: Someone is trying to force Britain to declare war--but with what motive?British armaments are being systematically destroyed, and the list of suspects stretches worldwide. Working alongside the British government, secret service agency Department Z is struggling to find the motive for this alarming sabotage when they discover a similar series of disasters are occurring, inexplicably, in America. Tensions between the two countries increase to a dangerous pitch.In a desperate race against time, will Department Z manage to avert impending catastrophe and save Britain's relationship with America? Secret service agent Gordon Craigie faces a powerful madman with a devastating scheme for global murder, in this gripping novel that blends international intrigue and criminal detection.

  • - Volume 12
    af John Creasey
    158,95 kr.

    Another in the classic series filled with mystery, murder, and British espionage from the Edgar Award-winning author.Some parts of the secret service are more secret than others, and Department Z is among them. Now, its founder, Gordon Craigie; top agent Loftus; and their compatriots must face a mysterious international organization that has suddenly gained power and infiltrated the governments of several key global powers. It already has branches operating in at least seven countries and is believed to be responsible for past catastrophic events, including an assassination and a civil war--and is planting the seeds of anarchy once again.Working together with some foreign allies, they intend to unearth the mystery of "The Ring"--but their cooperation may not be enough to prevent calamity . . .

  • - Volume 11
    af John Creasey
    173,95 kr.

    A tale of murder and international intrigue from the multimillion-selling, award-winning author.Looking forward to a relaxing afternoon away from the trials of Department Z, Bob Kerr eagerly awaits the arrival of fellow agent Lois Dacre. He is temporarily amused by the sight of a passerby oddly dressed in an enormous fur coat on an exceptionally warm day. Then, interrupted by a call from Agent Craigie, Kerr is alerted to new developments in the principality of Vallena. Kerr cuts the call short to answer a knock at his door. And the visitor is the man in the fur coat--who has arrived from Vallena . . .The information the man relays to Kerr is life threatening. There is a hit out on his own life--and Kerr is next on the list. As the assassinations in Vallena mount, British officials are put in the line of fire. Agent Kerr and Department Z must work swiftly and tirelessly in order to topple a criminal organization before another life is lost . . .

  • - Volume 9
    af John Creasey
    206,95 kr.

    Three men meet on the outskirts of London to hatch a plan to steal the wealth of a nation in this thriller by an Edgar Award-winning author.They are three ordinary-seeming men--one fat, one tall, one thin. But their goal is anything but ordinary, and they have no regard for the chaos and horror that will be unleashed in the process. Once their plan is put into action, the death toll will rise and rise . . .It is up to Department Z's Gordon Craigie to put a stop to these powerful and ruthless men. His only clue is a mysterious diamond-shaped card. It is on this small lead that the fate of Department Z--the ace detectives within British intelligence--hinges. But with the life of Craigie's top agent Toby Arran now on the line, this one clue may not be enough.

  • af John Creasey
    238,95 kr.

    A terrifying international plot threatens the agents of Britain's Department Z in this tale of suspense from an Edgar Award-winning author.Leopold Gorman studies the World Economic Conference with interest--and then picks five rich and powerful men to bring his plan to fruition. If any one of them shows reluctance to fall in with his scheme, he'll be dead within the hour . . .Gordon Craigie, chief of British intelligence, is the only thing standing between Gorman and success. So Gorman turns his attentions to Craigie's greatest asset: the men of Department Z.As Craigie attempts to undermine Gorman's plot, Gorman decides which agent should be next to "disappear." Can Craigie and his men outwit this master criminal before it's too late?

  • af John Creasey
    213,95 kr.

    A mysterious symbol is the key to a murder case in this classic suspense tale by the Edgar Award-winning author.Gordon Craigie and Department Z--the squad of top-secret detectives within British intelligence--are embroiled in a desperate investigation involving drugs and murder. How will the department uncover who is behind the mark of the crescent? Will they solve the case before the anonymous culprit claims another victim?The trail starts at the country estate of Greylands, but no one knows where it may lead . . .

  • af John Creasey
    228,95 kr.

    An international criminal spells trouble for the agents of Britain's Department Z, in this suspenseful mystery from an Edgar Award-winning author.Marius Krotz is notorious for his ability to cause a stir. A former revolutionary turned right-hand-man to the king of a small European country, he is feared as much for his unscrupulous manner as for his dangerous past. He's planning something big, and intelligence agencies across Europe have him in their sights.Department Z is on the case, led by the infamous Arran twins and new recruit Jim Burke, and this time they're pushed to their limits. Department Z must be prepared for unknown dangers beyond anything they have encountered before--and it's a race to take down Krotz before he can cause irreversible international damage.Thunder has been rolling in Europe--but can Department Z avoid the lightning?

  • af John Creasey
    390,95 kr.

    The Black Spiders is a thrilling mystery novel written by John Creasey. The story revolves around the sudden appearance of a group of dangerous criminals known as the Black Spiders, who are wreaking havoc on the streets of London. The police are unable to catch them, and the public is living in fear.The protagonist of the story is Inspector West, a seasoned detective who is determined to bring the Black Spiders to justice. He is aided in his investigation by his loyal team of detectives and his wife, who provides valuable insights into the criminal mind.As the investigation progresses, Inspector West uncovers a web of deceit and betrayal that leads him to the heart of the Black Spiders' organization. Along the way, he faces numerous obstacles and dangers, including assassination attempts and kidnappings.The Black Spiders is a fast-paced and gripping novel that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. It is filled with suspense, action, and intrigue, and is sure to keep readers guessing until the very end. With its well-crafted plot, engaging characters, and expertly crafted suspense, The Black Spiders is a must-read for fans of crime fiction and mystery novels.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af John Creasey
    213,95 kr.

    An American gangster brings his bloody business to 1930s Britain in this suspenseful thriller from an Edgar Award-winning author.Amateur boxer Martin Storm's visit to New York seemed like it was a success. That is, until his car was machine-gunned and the police had to smuggle him out of the country . . .But Storm finds no safety at home, either, and the search begins to find the man who is hunting him down.He soon discovers that he has become involved with an American underworld boss who is planning to expand his business to Britain. Will he be able to bob and weave his way out of the gangster's clutches, with some help from the detectives of Department Z--or will this be his final match?

  • af John Creasey
    198,95 kr.

    The first in the series featuring British intelligence's elite detectives by the Edgar Award-winning author.Millions of lives are at stake if a sinister international conspiracy succeeds. It's up to England's elite detective agency, Department Z, to make sure that doesn't happen.They've got to keep things quiet, too. Discretion is something the Hon. James Quinion knows only too well--it's all part and parcel of being a member of the secret service. Now, as Department Z's agents prepare for this high-profile, high-risk assignment, Quinion will find himself right in the line of fire--and in personal danger . . .

  • af John Creasey
    193,95 kr.

    The detectives of Britain's Department Z look into a murder at an exclusive club.Sir Basil Riordon is mysterious, frightening, and immensely wealthy. But is he also a killer? As head of England's elite secret service, Department Z, Gordon Craigie has to find out, but it won't be an easy investigation with so many important people involved.A member of an exclusive London club has been poisoned, and Riordon or his son, Marcus, may be involved. Craigie assigns his best agent, Devenish, to find the truth. But what Devenish finds isn't a clear-cut case of homicide, but a mad masquerade of murder, larceny, and deceit of the highest order. And he and Craigie may be in over their heads . . .

  • af John Creasey
    276,95 kr.

  • af John Creasey
    248,95 kr.

    One of Creasey most beloved series included Chief Inspector George Gideon of Scotland Yard, written under the J.J. Marric pen name. The Gideon series was also the most lauded. Anthony Boucher called Gideon's Day, Creasey's best work. HFR Keating included Gideon's Week in his 100 Best Crime and Mystery Books. Mystery Writers of America awarded Creasey the Edgar for Best Novel for Gideon's Fire. Gideon's Day was dramatized into a film in the late 1950s, and the books became a television series in the early 1960s. Beyond the twenty-one novels, Creasey (as Marric) wrote a series of short stories featuring the Chief Inspector. These appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine nearly 50 years ago, and this marks the first time that all of these works have been compiled into a book. Introduction by Martin Edwards and Afterword by Richard Creasey

  • af John Creasey
    398,95 kr.

  • af John Creasey
    238,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af John Creasey & Brett Halliday
    198,95 kr.

  • af John Creasey
    94,95 kr.

    Roger West fra Scotland Yard arbejder på en sag om mulig korruption i politistyrken. Der er mistanke om bestikkelse, da flere sager tilbagevises på grund af defekte beviser, og en politimand bliver skudt, mens en anden står anklaget for vold mod en mistænkt. Anseelsen er på spil, da West bevæger sig længere og dybere ned i Londons kriminelle underverden.

  • af John Creasey
    94,95 kr.

    Kriminalkommissær Roger West fra Scotland Yard må træde til, da en smuk, ung kvinde med et blakket omdømme findes myrdet i et snusket baglokale. West skal både finde frem til morderen – og holde sig gode venner med sin egen overordnede, som ellers ikke sætter synderligt pris på ham. Så da West opdager, at hans hovedmistænkte er uskyldig, og sagen samtidig viser sig at indeholde både pengeafpresning og dokumentfalsk, tvinges han til at skaffe resultater – i en fart. Alle kneb gælder.John Creasey (1908-1973), engelsk forfatter og politiker. En ud over alle grænser produktiv forfatter – skrev mere end 600 romaner under intet mindre end 28 pseudonymer. Vidt berømmet, prisvindende og meget læst i sin samtid, skrev inden for snart sagt alle romangenrer; men blev af sine læsere mest elsket for sine kriminalromaner, hvoraf mange var serier med mange bind. En af hans bedst kendte hovedpersoner er kriminalkommissær Roger West fra Scotland Yard. Af kendere placeres Creasey fuldt ud på linje med Georges Simenon og Erle Stanley Gardner.

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