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  • af John Eckhardt
    157,95 kr.

  • - Prayers for Defeating Demons and Overthrowing the Power of Darkness
    af John Eckhardt
    128,95 kr.

  • af John Eckhardt
    157,95 kr.

    Matthew 17:21 tells us that there are some spirits in a person, region, or nation that cannot be overcome without fasting. Many believers struggle with certain limitations that they cannot seem to break through. A revelation of the power of fasting will result in victories that would not be ordinarily obtained. A life of consistent fasting will cause many victories to manifest. God's will is for every believer to live a life of victory with nothing being impossible. There is freedom from the torment of the enemy!Best-selling author and trusted teacher on deliverance, John Eckhardt reveals strongholds that can be broken including poverty, sickness, witchcraft, sexual impurity, pride, fear, confusion, and marital problems. Fasting will help readers to overcome these manifestations of oppression and break free from their limitations.

  • af John Eckhardt
    145,95 kr.

    Find deliverance from the destructive effects of the spirit of rejection, receive love and acceptance, and finally obtain healing once-and-for-all.

  • af John Eckhardt
    137,95 kr.

    "Not all intercessors are prophets; however, prophets are called to intercede. The daily readings of this book will give you the encouragement you need to move forward in your prophetic gift despite any troubles that may come your way. You will have the bravery and the boldness to shine in my God given gift. Is something stirring inside of you, waiting to be called out, trained, and activated?Are you waiting to use your gift to hear God's voice and deliver His message?In Awaken Your Call, best-selling author John Eckhardt provides thirty days of encouragement and activation as he focuses on the characteristics of prophets and intercessors and their role in our culture and the church. Prophets who have been silenced, misunderstood, mistreated, and even persecuted are being touched by heaven.It's time to restore these watchmen and strengthen them to endure. Discover fresh insights that encourage you in your prophetic gift no matter how difficult the journey becomes. Arise and shine. Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for saints according to the will of God. (MEV - Romans 8:26-27)"--

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    Redemption from Curses Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can't seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you're sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You've prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work. No matter what kind of problem you're dealing with--financial, familial, or physical--you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you're under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.

  • af John Eckhardt
    127,95 kr.

    In this Topical Bible the John has complied selected verses from the Bible to support that it is God's desire to share His Divine Nature with His Children and fill the whole earth with His Glory.

  • af John Eckhardt
    112,95 kr.

    A compilation of scriptures from John Eckhardt on the subject of God's blessings. Receive a scriptural understanding of God's blessings by exploring every verse dealing with blessings in the Bible. God's people should be highly favored, happy and enriched. An easy-to-use, abundant selection of verses great for providing a solid biblical base for believers.

  • af John Eckhardt
    157,95 kr.

    "FROM THE AUTHOR OF more than forty books, including Prayers That Rout Demons and Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual:Your future is determined by your openness to God's supernatural plan. This book will prepare your heart to expectantly wait on God and hope for all He has promised. You will no longer be bound by past failures and disappointments. Instead, you will have the confidence that He is faithful to do exactly what He said He would. Are you struggling in life, frustrated and in need of breakthrough? You can walk in the favor and blessing of God. John Eckhardt shows you how to position yourself for breakthrough and receive the supernatural wisdom and favor of God. Filled with powerful prayers and declarations, Prayers That Unlock Favor and Increase will help you do the following: Discover the foundation to receiving God's favor Walk in the covenant blessing of obedience Harness your future with expectancy Break the powers of darkness, and step into the plan of success God has already marked for you! "

  • af John Eckhardt
    117,95 kr.

    Puedes vencer cualquier fortaleza que se te oponga. No te conformes con menos. El enemigo de tu alma trabaja hasta lo imposible para mantenerte atado, debilitado y frustrado. Él quiere que no sepas lo que realmente hay detrás de tus luchas para así robarte la paz, la salud, la alegría y la prosperidad. Si puede mantenerte a oscuras, evitará que camines victorioso. En su obra Oraciones que rompen cadenas, John Eckhardt revela veinticinco fortalezas e influencias demoníacas que --casi siempre-- mantienen cautivos a los cristianos. En este libro aprenderás: A identificar los secretos de las tácticas del enemigo. Cómo usar el poder de la Palabra para expulsar a las fuerzas satánicas. Cómo romper las cadenas que te atan. Es tiempo de que el cristiano se libere de toda atadura y se afirme en la Palabra de Dios, resista al diablo, se libere de la esclavitud y disfrute las abundantes bendiciones y promesas del Señor.

  • af John Eckhardt
    357,95 kr.

    Sharpen and sustain your prophetic gift, and learn strategies for speaking the Word of God with confidence. There is a prophetic remnant rising up in the earth who want to be called out, trained, and activated in their gift to hear God's voice and deliver His messages to His people, and they must not grow weary.Best-selling author John Eckhardt provides encouragement for those who operate in their prophetic gift, to endure and continue to be a mouthpiece for the kingdom of God.

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Living Free
    af John Eckhardt
    170,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af John Eckhardt
    167,95 kr.


  • af John Eckhardt
    147,95 kr.

    USTED DEBE SER CONSTANTE, INAMOVIBLE Y ESTAR FIRMEMENTE PLANTADO EN DIOS PARA SOVREVIVIR EN ESTE MUNDO INESTABLE. Todos conocemos a personas que a veces actúan como polos opuestos: el ministro que es devoto, dedicado a la oración y santo, a veces, no obstante, tiene períodos de pecado y perversión; la persona alegre...

  • af John Eckhardt
    147,95 kr.

    Los demonios quieren arrebatarle su paz, su gozo, su salud y su prosperidad. Aprenda a combatirlos con esta guía fácil de usar. Dios ha establecido cómo obtener la victoria contra el poder de su enemigo. La liberación te dará reposo, y la guerra espiritual le dará el...

  • af John Eckhardt
    157,95 kr.

    Translation of: Women's daily declarations for spiritual warfare.

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    En este nuevo libro Oraciones que traen sanidad, John Eckhardt desea que sepa que no importa cuál sea su enfermedad ni quien usted sea, es la voluntad de Dios que tenga una vida plena, saludable y libre de enfermedades. Cuando Jesús fue a un pueblo a predicar la venida del Reino de Dios, no sólo sanó a todo el...

  • af John Eckhardt
    147,95 kr.

    Cada creyente puede escuchar la voz de Dios... ¡incluyéndolo a usted! No obstante, no sucederá automáticamente, esta habilidad necesita ser desarrollada intencionalmente. En Todavía Dios habla, el autor de éxitos de ventas muestra cómo combinar enseñanzas instructivas y narrativas con poderosas verdades que transformarán su vida. En este...

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    Redención de las maldiciones Quizá esté usted inundando de disputas y peleas familiares. Su matrimonio se desmorona y parece que usted no puede conectar con sus hijos. Puede que esté enfermo y se limite a vivir de salario en salario. Ha orado y ayunando, y ha vuelto a orar, pero nada parece funcionar. >Redemption from Curses Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can't seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you're sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You've prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work. No matter what kind of problem you're dealing with--financial, familial, or physical--you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you're under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.

  • af John Eckhardt
    117,95 kr.

    ¡Tu voz tiene el poder de traer el cielo a la tierra! Aunque el enemigo ha tratado de limitarla, tu voz no se confina a tu automóvil, tu dormitorio ni a tu ducha. Es posible que te hayan silenciado o te hayan dicho que no tienes nada valioso que decir, pero Dios quiere usar tu voz. Él pondrá sus palabras en tu boca para que cuando tú hables, él sea el que hable. John Eckhardt te muestra en su obra, Activa el cielo, lo siguiente: Cómo puede, tu voz, incrementar el reino de Dios y traer sanidad, liberación y salvación. Las virtudes que te ayudarán a moderar tu lengua con el fin de que entregues el mensaje correcto en el momento correcto, desde una profunda posición correcta. La importancia de lo profético: conocer el corazón y la mente de Dios para poder declarar su voluntad en la tierra. Declaraciones y confesiones que te ayudarán a romper tu silencio y a desarrollar una nueva audacia. Es tiempo de dejar de quejarte y empezar a profetizar. Es hora de dejar de hablar de lo mala que es la situación y abrir la boca para declarar la Palabra de Dios. Es hora de manifestarte y activar el cielo.

  • af John Eckhardt
    197,95 kr.

    FROM THE BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF PRAYERS THAT ROUT DEMONS In the midst of difficulties and troubles, God is setting you up for the greatest breakthrough you’ve ever known!   This book will teach you how to take hope in God because of how God restored, vindicated, and made His name great in the lives of people like Job, Joseph, and Abraham. It will give you the encouragement you need to believe that God can work the same power in your life.   You have faced challenges—financial, emotional, physical, relational, ministerial, and business. It is often in the midst of these tests, trials, and difficulties that God prepares you to move into a new season of expansion. Even though the circumstances feel uncomfortable and victory may be hard to see, you will recuperate from devastation and not a moment of it will be wasted. Take comfort in knowing God will remember and vindicate every tear you’ve cried and will restore to you more than what the enemy stole and the locust ate.   Breaking open fresh revelations from the Psalms and Proverbs and examining snapshots of the lives of Gideon, Joseph, Abraham, and Job, You Shall Recover All will encourage you to know that through the tests and trials you thought had come to diminish you, God is actually turning them around for your good and preparing you for greatness. It may be tempting to give up hope or throw in the towel, but do not give in to discouragement, hopelessness, depression, doubt, or defeat. Despite what you see, God is still on the throne.   There is hope for you and your world. What the enemy means for bad, God turns around for your good. For all that you’ve pressed through and endured, let God put a new level of honor on your life. He will take you from least to greatest, and you shall recover all!

  • af John Eckhardt
    167,95 kr.

    FROM THE BEST SELLING AUTHOR OF PRAYERS THAT ROUT DEMONS Victory over every obstacle is within reach, don't settle for anything less.   The enemy works overtime to keep people bound, exhausted, and frustrated. His goal is to convince believers that God’s promises are for everyone but them. When they believe his lies, they unknowingly partner with him and give him access to their lives. This is how a stronghold is formed. The enemy has bound God’s people up long enough. In Break Every Chain, John Eckhardt reveals twenty-five strongholds that commonly hold Christians captive. He exposes the enemy’s tactics and teaches readers to use the power of the Word to drive the devil out and break the chains that hold them back. This book empowers readers to stand upon the Word of the Lord, resist the devil, break free of bondage, and experience the blessings and promises of God.This book will help you discover the spiritual forces that could be behind your setbacks, failures, and defeats.  Your will learn how you may have unknowingly partnered with the devil by believing his lies, and you will experience breakthrough as you begin to replace his lies with the truth of God’s Word.

  • af John Eckhardt
    147,95 kr.

    Libérese del rechazo y viva en un influjo de amor, gozo, bienestar y bendición El rechazo es uno de los espíritus demoníacos más destructivos. Hace estragos en nuestra vida, impidiéndonos experimentar la plenitud y las bendiciones de Dios. El rechazo conduce a comportamientos complacientes...

  • af John Eckhardt
    157,95 kr.

    Identifying the enemy is the key to casting him out! John Eckhardt has created the ultimate deliverance thesaurus to help believers know the specific names and attributes of demons so they can become more successful in casting them out. We fear the unknown, but there is power in identification. The demons unmasked in this thesaurus are well aware that they are subject to the name of Jesus, the name above every name! By identifying demons, the believer strips them of their power and exhibits Christ's authority over every demon. Don't run from the devil; begin casting out the enemy and stand victorious with Jesus Christ! >

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    Desde el Antiguo Testamento al Nuevo, Dios jamás ha bendecido de manera constante a las personas sin primero haber tenido un pacto con ellas.El pacto es el fundamento de todas las interacciones de Dios con nosotros. De hecho, el éxito en cada parte de su vida depende de la manera en que usted responda a las promesas de Dios y sus planes divinos para con usted. El pacto de Dios usted para su familia demuestra las promesas divinas de pacto para seguridad, protección, paz y prosperidad, que cubre:· Lo que significa el pacto en el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento.· Lo que Dios dice acerca de usted y su familia.· Cómo puede romper las maldiciones generacionales sobre la familia.· Cómo permanecer fiel a su pacto con Dios   y mucho más Cuando permanecemos fieles a nuestro pacto con Dios, podemos estar seguros de que no importa qué tormenta llegue a nuestra vida, son la promesas divinas eternas de paz lo que nos va a sostener y nos va a abrirnos paso victoriosamente.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONFrom the Old Testament to the New, God has never consistently blessed a people without first having a covenant with them.John Eckhardt’s previous series on prayer has sold over half a million copies. In this new series that follows the same dynamic format, he shares his teaching on covenant and the blessings that accompany it.Covenant is the foundation of everything that we are as believers. Based on the covenant blessings listed in Leviticus 26:3–12 and Deuteronomy 28:1–14, John Eckhardt’s covenant series outlines how covenant is enacted in every part of our lives from marriage and family to deliverance and freedom all the way to our finances. God’s Covenant With You for Your Family covers:· Explanations on what covenant means in the Old and New Testaments· What God says about you and your household· Maintaining your covenant with God and breaking generational cursesWhen we stay true to our covenant with God, we can be sure that no matter what storms come in life, it is God's everlasting covenant of peace that will bring us through victoriously and sustain us.

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    Matthew 17:21 tells us that there are some spirits in a person, region, or nation that cannot be overcome without fasting. Many believers struggle with certain limitations that they cannot seem to break through. A revelation of the power of fasting will result in victories that would not be ordinarily obtained. A life of consistent fasting will cause many victories to manifest. God's will is for every believer to live a life of victory with nothing being impossible. There is freedom from the torment of the enemy! Best-selling author and trusted teacher on deliverance, John Eckhardt reveals strongholds that can be broken including poverty, sickness, witchcraft, sexual impurity, pride, fear, confusion, and marital problems. Fasting will help readers to overcome these manifestations of oppression and break free from their limitations.

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    Por qué debe orar cuando usted necesita la ayuda de Dios¡Activa la fuente de poder! Lleno de oraciones de arrepentimiento, confesión, obediencia, sujeción, alabanza y adoración, Oraciones que mueven montañas es su manual de referencia para oraciones que Dios contesta en todo...

  • af John Eckhardt
    107,95 kr.

    Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune? Does it appear as though no matter what you do, you cannot seem to obtain the blessings of the Lord? You could be living under a curse. Unfortunately, there are still many believers living u

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