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  • af John M. Perkins
    197,95 kr.

    Você acreditaria que a amizade é a chave para mudar o mundo?Quando perguntam ao dr. John Perkins, uma das vozes cristãs mais eloquentes da sociedade norte-americana, como fazer a diferença no mundo, ele habitualmente responde: "Sejam amigos. Primeiramente de Deus, depois dos outros - todo tipo de 'outros' que você possa imaginar. Porque a verdade mais simples, poderosa, estonteante e explosiva é: O mundo é transformado uma amizade por vez".Ao conhecer a trajetória de vida do dr. Perkins, suas afirmações sobre o poder da amizade adquirem importância não apenas maior como também surpreendente: pobreza, racismo, perdas e toda a sorte de infelicidades não tiveram o poder de mascarar a verdade essencial de que Deus nos ama, está próximo e conectado conosco. Ele é um amigo especial que nos ensina a fazer outros amigos.Em O poder da amizade, o autor compartilha suas experiências de vida, explora histórias bíblicas e apresenta perfis de várias de suas próprias amizades pessoais, inspirando leitores e leitoras a imaginarem a possibilidade de uma realidade diferente da atual, cuja fragmentação, isolamento e desconfiança mútua nos afastam de Deus e do próximo. Quero falar sobre amizade no nível da alma. Acho que esse é o tipo de amizade que Deus planejou que tivéssemos, com ele e uns com os outros. É o único tipo de amizade que curará as feridas da alma.

  • af John M. Perkins
    107,95 - 167,95 kr.

    His brother died in his arms, shot by a deputy marshall. He was beaten and tortured by the sheriff and state police. But through it all he returned good for evil, love for hate, progress for prejudice, and brought hope to black and white alike. The story of John Perkins is no ordinary story. Rather, it is a gripping portrayal of what happens when faith thrusts a person into the midst of a struggle against racism, oppression, and injustice. It is about the costs of discipleship--the jailings, the floggings, the despair, the sacrifice. And it is about the transforming work of faith that allowed John to respond to such overwhelming indignities with miraculous compassion, vision, and hope.

  • - God's Movement Toward Beloved Community
    af Charles Marsh & John M. Perkins
    197,95 kr.

  • - The Issues We Can No Longer Ignore and the Solutions We All Long For
    af John M. Perkins & Wayne Gordon
    137,95 kr.

    Something is wrong in our society. Deeply wrong. The belief that all lives matter is at the heart of our founding documents--but we must admit that this conviction has never truly reflected reality in America. Movements such as Black Lives Matter have arisen in response to recent displays of violence and mistreatment, and some of us defensively answer back, "All lives matter." But do they? Really?This book is an exploration of that question. It delves into history and current events, into Christian teaching and personal stories, in order to start a conversation about the way forward. Its raw but hopeful words will help move us from apathy to empathy and from empathy to action.We cannot do everything. But we can each do something.

  • - Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win
    af John M. Perkins
    167,95 kr.

    According to recent surveys and studies, race relations in the United States are the worst they've been since the 1990s, and many would argue that life for most minorities has not significantly improved since the civil rights era of the 1960s. For so many, the dream of true equality has dissolved into a reality of prejudice, fear, and violence as a way of life.John M. Perkins has been there from the beginning. Raised by his sharecropping grandparents, Perkins fled Mississippi in 1947 after his brother was fatally shot by a police officer. He led voter registration efforts in 1964, worked for school desegregation in 1967, and was imprisoned and tortured in 1970. Through it all, he has remained determined to seek justice and reconciliation based in Christ's redemptive work. "Justice is something that every generation has to strive for," he says. And despite the setbacks of recent years, Perkins finds hope in the young people he has met all across the nation who are hard at work, bringing about reconciliation in God's name and offering acceptance to all. Dream with Me is his look back at a life devoted to seeking justice for all God's people, as well as a look forward to what he sees as a potentially historic breakthrough for people of every race.

  • - The Call to Christian Community Development
    af John M. Perkins
    157,95 kr.

    A powerful call to action to bring reconciliation and restoration to broken communities.

  • - The Life Jesus Wants for His People
    af Eugene H. Peterson, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Henri J. M. Nouwen, mfl.
    172,95 kr.

    Fifty-two readings on living in intentional Christian community to spark group discussion.Gold Medal Winner, 2017 Illumination Book Awards, Christian LivingSilver Medal Winner, 2017 Benjamin Franklin Award in Religion, Independent Book Publishers AssociationWhy, in an age of connectivity, are our lives more isolated and fragmented than ever? And what can be done about it? The answer lies in the hands of God's people. Increasingly, today's Christians want to be the church, to follow Christ together in daily life. From every corner of society, they are daring to step away from the status quo and respond to Christ's call to share their lives more fully with one another and with others. As they take the plunge, they are discovering the rich, meaningful life that Jesus has in mind for all people, and pointing the church back to its original calling: to be a gathered, united community that demonstrates the transforming love of God.Of course, such a life together with others isn't easy. The selections in this volume are, by and large, written by practitioners-people who have pioneered life in intentional community and have discovered in the nitty-gritty of daily life what it takes to establish, nurture, and sustain a Christian community over the long haul.Whether you have just begun thinking about communal living, are already embarking on sharing life with others, or have been part of a community for many years, the pieces in this collection will encourage, challenge, and strengthen you. The book's fifty-two chapters can be read one a week to ignite meaningful group discussion.Contributors include from John F. Alexander, Eberhard Arnold, J. Heinrich Arnold, Johann Christoph Arnold, Alden Bass, Benedict of Nursia, Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt, Leonardo Boff, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Joan Chittister, Stephen B. Clark, Andy Crouch, Dorothy Day, Anthony de Mello, Elizabeth Dede, Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Jenny Duckworth, Friedrich Foerster, Richard J. Foster, Jodi Garbison, Arthur G. Gish, Helmut Gollwitzer, Adele J Gonzalez, Stanley Hauerwas, Joseph H. Hellerman, Roy Hession, David Janzen, Rufus Jones, Emmanuel Katongole, Arthur Katz, Soren Kierkegaard, C. Norman Kraus, C.S. Lewis, Gerhard Lohfink, Ed Loring, Chiara Lubich, George MacDonald, Thomas Merton, Hal Miller, Jose P. Miranda, Jurgen Moltmann, Charles E. Moore, Henri J. M. Nouwen, Elizabeth O'Connor, John M. Perkins, Eugene H.Peterson, Christine D. Pohl, Chris Rice, Basilea Schlink, Howard A. Snyder, Mother Teresa, Thomas a Kempis, Elton Trueblood, Jean Vanier, and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove.

  • - Developing the Vision & Practice of Freedom & Justice
    af John M. Perkins & Wayne Gordon
    242,95 kr.

    The next generation hungers for strong, visionary, ethical, and passionate leaders. Where do we start in this day where we lack leadership at all levels? The authors of this breakout book contend that leaders of tomorrow are among us, but they need to be identified, trained, and empowered. John M. Perkins casts the biblical vision that has started a movement. Wayne Gordon has rolled up his sleeves at the grassroots level to spark the transformation of a Chicago neighborhood. Together (and with friends) they founded the Christian Community Development Association. Now they put in this book the stories and lessons of discovery, growth, mistakes, success, and lives changed. They are ready to hand batons of leadership, especially for poor and under-resourced communities, over to the next generation. With this book, they do just that!

  • - A Strategy for Community Development
    af John M. Perkins
    177,95 kr.

    "I am persuaded that the Church, as the steward of this gospel, holds the key to justice in our society. Either justice will come through us or it will not come at all." John Perkins's optimistic view of justice becoming a reality starts and ends with the Church. With Justice for All is Perkins's invitation to live out the gospel in a way that brings good news to the poor and liberty to the oppressed. This invitation is extended to every racial and ethnic group to be reconciled to one another, to work together to make our land all God wants it to be. And it is a blueprint--a practical strategy for the work of biblical justice in our time. In an age of changing demographics where the need to break the cycle of poverty is staring many of us in the face, Perkins offers hope through practical ministry principles that work. This outstanding resource includes reflection questions for personal or group study as well as interactive sessions for groups to participate in activities together.

  • - Doing It Together and Doing It Right
    af John M. Perkins
    222,95 kr.

    This comprehensive handbook to urban ministry introduces and shows how to implement a Christian community development program.

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