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Bøger af John Read

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  • af John Read
    142,95 kr.

  • - Wherein the Causes of Lightning and Thunder, As Well As the Constant Electrification of the Clouds and Vapours, Suspended in the Air, Are Explained. With Some New Experiments and O
    af John Read
    189,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking study offers a fresh perspective on electricity in the natural world, drawing on new experiments and observations to explain phenomena such as lightning and thunder. With clear explanations and rich illustrations, the book is a must-read for anyone interested in the science of electricity.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af John Read
    132,95 - 158,95 kr.

  • - A Collection Of Original Short Stories
    af John Read
    87,95 kr.

    Twelve original short stories that will have you, laughing; crying, cheering or hiding behind the sofa. This eclectic collection includes: Ghosts; murder; revenge; reincarnation; love; laughter; sadness; horror; suspense; fantasy; nostalgia & more. OFFICER JIM. A young boy whose hilarious imagination, helped by a Hollywood megastar saves his dad from marital doom. THE FRENCH DRESSER. You will remove your dressing table from the bedroom after reading this horror story. THE CARETAKER. A ghostly tale that will make you rethink your priorities and never work late at the office again. THE LAUGHING ROOM. Sounds like a jolly tale. For a while it is. But it becomes a sad and spooky wedding night tragedy that spans the centuries. THE MAN WHO COULDN'T STAY DEAD. An astonishing story of a murder victim who is reincarnated. He returns to find his murderer and dig up his own body to retrieve what was buried with it. But he finds much more than he expects. THE LADY THE BUTLER AND THE CAT. A tetchy aristocrat, a sarcastic butler, a randy billionare and a sick cat. Add in a classic misunderstanding and you have a rib tickling British farce. TWENTY FIVE CHAPEL LANE. A traditional Xmas tale. Three young children out carol singing on Christmas Eve have a very weird experience that makes this the most unforgettable Xmas. Helped by a very simple gift that changes their materialistic idea of Xmas for ever.

  • af John Read
    177,95 kr.

    "This book and a telescope are all you need to find, view, and record your observations of the 110 most popular stargazing targets. Over 200 years ago, French comet hunter Charles Messier published a list of comet-like objects he saw through his telescope. While he dismissed them as a nuisance, we now know them as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies! As some of the finest celestial sights to explore with your backyard telescope, these objects are especially perfect for those looking to move beyond the Moon and planets. Finding the 110 Messier (pronounced Messy-ay) objects has never been easier! We provide a star map for each target-plus written directions for how to find it by star-hopping, an "eyepiece view" image to confirm you're seeing it, observing tips from two veteran stargazers, and interesting facts. We also highlight additional nearby objects. These objects are presented in their recommended viewing order-either by season, or during an all-night marathon. Each page contains an observation log so you can track your progress. Whether you're a veteran stargazer or a budding astronomer, this book is your best guide to seeing each deep-sky object in Messier's list!"--

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    Nederlandse Editie van het Best Verkopende Boek: 50 Dingen die je met een Kleine Telescoop kunt ZienMensen zijn dol op dit boek! 50 Dingen die je met een Kleine Telescoop kunt Zien laat met name die objecten zien die je moet gaan observeren tijdens de diverse evenementen bij sterrenwachten over het noordelijk halfrond. Mensen van diverse leeftijden vragen vaak: "Hoe heb je die zo snel gevonden?" Wel, dit boek zal het gaan uitleggen!De planeten in ons zonnestelsel, het International Ruimtestation, zonnevlekken, vogels, nevels, vliegtuigen, en kometen zijn maar een paar van de dingen waarbij dit boek je zal helpen! Als je problemen hebt om van je kleine telescoop te genieten, is dit boek iets voor jou.

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    Esta edição especial de 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope explora os planetas, estrelas, galáxias e nebulosas observados a partir de todas as regiões do hemisfério sul. O livro não demonstra apenas como localizar os objetos, como também apresenta como eles se parecem quando observados com um pequeno telescópio!

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    Il libro per gli astroamatori! 50 cose da vedere con un piccolo telescopio evidenzia gli oggetti irrinunciabili per l'aspirante stargazer in tutto l'emisfero boreale. Persone di tutte le età mi chiedono spesso: "Come hai fatto a trovare subito quella stella?". In questo libro vi spiegherò come fare! I pianeti del nostro sistema solare, l'International Space Station, macchie solari, nebulose, aerei e comete, sono solo alcuni degli oggetti che riuscirete ad individuare grazie a questo libro! Se avete riscontrato delle difficoltà col vostro piccolo telescopio, questo libro è stato scritto per voi. Ogni oggetto nello spazio presenta degli aspetti interessanti, ed è incredibile quanti elementi della cultura popolare derivino da oggetti visibili nel cielo notturno! Osservare le stelle di cui si parla in Star Trek, o parlare di un personaggio di Harry Potter che si chiama come una costellazione, sono solo alcuni dei tanti modi per divertirsi tra astrofili! Sono molto felice di poter condividere la mia conoscenza dell'astronomia con voi, e sono sicuro che questo libro vi terrà occupati per anni. Studiando i 50 oggetti descritti in questo libro, acquisirete una conoscenza base completa dell'astronomia amatoriale.

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    A Edição Portuguesa do Livro Best-Seller: 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope Este é um livro muito apreciado pelos leitores! 50 Coisas para Ver com um Pequeno Telescópio lista os principais objetos celestes vistos em observações astronómicas por todo o hemisfério norte. É frequente pessoas de todas as idades perguntarem: "Como é que você encontrou isso tão depressa?" Pois bem, este livro dar-lhes-á a resposta! Os planetas do nosso sistema solar, a Estação Espacial Internacional, manchas solares, aves, nebulosas, aviões e cometas são apenas alguns dos itens que você vai conseguir encontrar com a ajuda deste livro! Se você tem achado difícil tirar o máximo proveito do seu pequeno telescópio, este livro é para si. Praticamente tudo o que existe no espaço exterior tem algo de interessante a seu respeito e é incrível o fato de muitas referências da cultura popular derivarem de objetos presentes no céu noturno! Observar as estrelas descritas em Star Trek ou falar sobre uma personagem no Harry Potter cujo nome é o de uma constelação é outra forma de tornar as observações astronómicas ainda mais empolgantes! Tenho o maior gosto em partilhar os meus conhecimentos de astronomia e tenho a certeza de que você irá desfrutar deste livro por anos a fio. Ao percorrer os 50 itens contidos neste livro, você vai adquirir noções sólidas de astronomia amadora.

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    A special edition for aspiring astronomers living south of the equator. This special edition of 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope explores the planets, stars, galaxies and nebulae observed from all over the southern hemisphere. Not only does this book demonstrate how to find things, it also shows what many of these objects look like through a small telescope!Here are just some of the items this book will help you find: -Planets-Nebulae-Comets-Globular Clusters -The International Space StationI am very excited to share my knowledge of astronomy and I am sure you will enjoy this book for years to come.

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    Hindi Edition of the Best Selling Book, 50 Things to see with a Small Telescope. 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope highlights the must-see objects observed at stargazing events all over the Northern Hemisphere. People of all ages frequently ask, "How did you find that so quickly?" Well, this book will explain just that! The planets in our solar system, the International Space Station, sunspots, birds, nebula, airplanes, and comets are just some of the items that his book will help you find! If you have been having difficulties enjoying your small telescope, this book is for you. There is something interesting about pretty much everything in outer space and it is exciting how many pop-culture references are derived from things in the night sky! Viewing the stars referenced in Star Trek, or talking about a character in Harry Potter named after a constellation, is just another way to make stargazing that much more fun! By working through the 50 items in this book you will achieve a well-rounded understanding of amateur astronomy.

  • af John Read
    152,95 kr.

    50 objets à voir depuis un petit télescope met en lumière les objets à voir absolument, observés lors d'événements d'observation des étoiles tout autour de l'hémisphère Nord. Les gens de tous âges demandent souvent, Comment l'avez-vous trouvé si vite?" Eh bien, c'est ce que ce livre vous expliquera!Les planètes de notre système solaire, la station spatiale internationale, les taches solaires, les oiseaux, les nébuleuse, les avions, et les comètes sont quelques-uns des objets que son livre vous aidera à trouver! Si vous avez eu des difficultés à profiter de votre petit télescope, ce livre est pour vous. Il y a quelque chose d'intéressant à propos d'à peu près tout dans l'espace et il est passionnant de comprendre combien de références à la culture pop sont issues d'objets provenant du ciel étoilé! Regarder les étoiles référencées dans Star Trek, ou parler d'un personnage dans Harry Potter nommé d'après une constellation, est juste une autre façon de faire de l'observation des étoiles quelque chose de beaucoup plus amusant!Je suis très heureux de partager mes connaissances en astronomie et je suis sûr que vous apprécierez ce livre durant des années. Travailler sur les 50 articles de ce livre vous permettra d'obtenir une compréhension bien rodée de l'astronomie amateur.

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    Die Menschen lieben dieses Buch! 50 Dinge, die man mit einem kleinen Teleskop sehen kann wurde 2015 überarbeitet und stellt die Objekte vor, die man sich in der nördlichen Hemisphäre am Nachthimmel ansehen sollte. Menschen aller Altersgruppen fragen oft "Wie hast du das so schnell gefunden?" Nun, dieses Buch wird genau das erklären. Die Planeten unseres Sonnensystems, die Internationale Raumstation, Sonnenflecken, Vögel, Nebel, Flugzeuge und Kometen sind nur einige der Dinge, die Sie mit Hilfe dieses Buches finden werden! Wenn Sie bisher nicht so viel Spaß mit Ihrem kleinen Teleskop hatten, ist es genau das richtige Buch für Sie. Über fast alles im Weltall gibt es etwas Interessantes zu erzählen und es ist spannend, wie viele Referenzen der Popkultur sich auf etwas im Nachthimmel beziehen! Die Sterne zu beobachten, die in Star Trek erwähnt werden, oder über einen Charakter aus Harry Potter zu sprechen, der nach einem Sternbild benannt wurde, sind nur eine andere Möglichkeit, das Betrachten der Sterne noch interessanter zu machen!

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    50 Things to See with a Small Telescope explores the planets, stars, galaxies and nebulae observed from all over the northern hemisphere. Not only does this book demonstrate how to find things, it also shows what many of these objects look like through a small telescope! Here are just some of the items this book will help you find: - Planets - Nebulae - Comets - Globular Clusters - The International Space Station I am very excited to share my knowledge of astronomy and I am sure you will enjoy this book for years to come.

  • af John Read
    117,95 kr.

    Japanese Edition of the Best Selling Book: 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope People love this book! 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope highlights the must-see objects observed at stargazing events all over the Northern Hemisphere. People of all ages frequently ask, "How did you find that so quickly?" Well, this book will explain just that! The planets in our solar system, the International Space Station, sunspots, birds, nebula, airplanes, and comets are just some of the items that his book will help you find! If you have been having difficulties enjoying your small telescope, this book is for you. There is something interesting about pretty much everything in outer space and it is exciting how many pop-culture references are derived from things in the night sky! Viewing the stars referenced in Star Trek, or talking about a character in Harry Potter named after a constellation, is just another way to make stargazing that much more fun! I am very excited to share my knowledge of astronomy and I am sure you will enjoy this book for years to come. By working through the 50 items in this book you will achieve a well-rounded understanding of amateur astronomy.

  • af John Read
    337,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af John Read
    287,95 kr.

    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.

  • - The World's Most Famous Stargazing List
    af John Read & Chris Vaughan
    242,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • - Contesting the Meaning of Schizophrenia
    af Jim Geekie & John Read
    528,95 - 1.340,95 kr.

    The experience of madness - which might also be referred to more formally as 'schizophrenia' or 'psychosis' - consists of a complex, confusing and often distressing collection of experiences, such as hearing voices or developing unusual, seemingly unfounded beliefs. This book explores the subjective experiences of madness.

  • af John Read
    513,95 kr.

    This volume presents a framework that expands the traditional concept of a vocabulary test.

  • - Laying the Theological Foundations of a Radical Movement
    af John Read
    367,95 kr.

    Catherine Booth's achievements--as a revivalist, social reformer, champion of women's rights, and, with her husband William Booth, co-founder of The Salvation Army--were widely recognized in her lifetime. However, Catherine Booth's life and work has since been largely neglected. This neglect has extended to her theological ideas, even though they were critical to the formation of Salvationism, the spirituality of the movement she cofounded. This book examines the implicit theology that undergirds Catherine Booth's Salvationist spirituality and reveals the ethical concerns at the heart of her soteriology and the integral relationship between the social and evangelical aspects of Christian mission in her thought. Catherine Booth emerges as a significant figure from the Victorian era, a British theologian and church leader with a rare if not unique intellectual and theological perspective: that of a woman.

  • af John Read
    298,94 kr.

  • af John Read & Pete Sanders
    177,95 kr.

    Suitable for mental health service users, their carers, students and mental health professionals, this book presents a frank introduction to the causes of mental health problems.

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