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  • af John Van Auken
    172,95 kr.

    In his easy-reading manner Van Auken takes us through a wide-ranging story that begins with the people and times of King David and follows the history leading to the Essene community whose members had prepared themselves for the incarnation of the Messiah. It takes us through the lost years of young Jesus, from the time he was 12 until his ministry began around 30 years of age, using ancient texts from Tibet and India as well as sources from the Hindu Akashic Records and the Book of Life or Book of Remembrance. A much expanded story of the Magi takes young Jesus on a long journey and distant training. Then the ministry life and teachings of Jesus are covered flowingly, including the early years of the struggling followers. From here we go through the crushing weight of Roman domination after the Resurrection and the forced migration to Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) and the 7 early churches as recorded in the Revelation. Ultimately we journey throught the rise of Christianity in Constantinople and Eastern Europe then over to Western Europe. The story includes information from the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Essenes, the Nag Hammadi Scrolls of the Gnostics, the Life of Jesus ("Issa" as he was called in Tibet), the Inquision, the Protestant Reformation, and eventually the Catholic Reformation and Ecumenism. There

  • af John Van Auken
    342,95 kr.

    This is a full-color journey through Mayan, Toltec, and Aztec concepts of soul and its journey from heaven into the world with all the challenges and tests, eventually leading to victory and immortal life in the heavens.

  • af John Van Auken
    342,95 kr.

    Here is a beautiful, full-color, virtual initiation journey through real Egyptian temples and ancient training texts by the author of Ancient Egyptian Mysticism and Edgar Cayce's Tales of Egypt. John Van Auken is the Director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation and has made 36 tours of Egypt and over 30 years of research and photography. This book takes you through 4 Temple Trainings. Temple 1: Rays within the Great Ra (Ray); Temple 2: Our Unseen Transformers; Temple 3: Stages to Enlightenment; Temple 4: The Light Heart & God-consciousness. It contains 100 full-color pages of rare photos and illustrations with text from The Book of Coming Forth by Light, popularly known as The Egyptian Book of the Dead. It shows the correlation between ancient temples and the human body as a temple, with its passageways and chakras, as well as changes in our thinking that lead to higher, more expanded consciousness. Also included are full-color papyruses highlighting important teachings for modern enlightenment and spirituality.

  • af John Van Auken
    172,95 kr.

    Over two thousand years ago the apostle John wrote in his Gospel that Jesus made many "dark sayings," teachings with hidden meanings (John 16:25). Van Auken has made a study of these hidden teachings and, along with some fascinating insights from other sources, has compiled and explain them in this surprising book that reaches beyond Christianity to a new, more universal Christ. This intriguing book explains such concepts as our godly nature, our innate knowledge of heaven, the nature of our soul, the surprising correlation with ancient mystical teachings, the life force within us and how to raise it, maps of heaven and consciousness, and the deeper purpose for this incarnate life and physical body. In the second section of this book we find principles and practices for soul growth, real tools for making the most of our lives and the lives of those around us. Van Auken has an easy-reading style and a remarkable ability to integrate Jesus' teachings with concepts from other religions and philosophies, making this book a rich, rewarding read.

  • - A Guide for Expanding Our Minds and Raising the Life Forces in Our Bodies through Deep Meditation
    af John Van Auken
    227,95 kr.

    The contents of this book assumes that we are celestial, spiritual beings temporarily sojourning as terrestrial, physical beings. It assumes that during this incarnation we may bridge these two realities, these two aspects of ourselves, and thereby enliven our bodies and enlighten our immortal minds in such a manner as to become healthier, happier people who are a blessing to others and make this world a better place for us having sojourned here. It assumes that dreaming sleep and regular meditation are required practices for us to achieve this breakthrough. Just as we know that good hygiene, proper nourishment, and physical exercise are important for our bodies, so are mental and spiritual exercises and nourishment important to our souls. Within us is the life force and deeper levels of consciousness which need attention and expression. "So may an individual effect a healing through meditation, through attuning not just a side of the mind or a portion of the body but the WHOLE, to that at-oneness with the spiritual forces within, the gift of the life-force within EACH body. Each individual body must bring its own creative force in balance." -Edgar Cayce

  • af John Van Auken
    182,95 kr.

    John Van Auken, the Director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation has brought together these insights in this latest book. The key concepts of Cayce's holistic approach to health and happiness are here: his insights into good and bad foods, the mechanics of healing and rejuvenation, therapies, tonics, and devices for keeping our bodies functioning well, as well as our minds becoming clearer and fully aware. Included with all the health information are metaphysical concepts and methods that bring the influence of our souls into our health and well-being. There is also a valuable list of resources and an easy to use index for finding exactly what you are looking for. There are also 13 illustrations. The Journal of the American Medical Association credited Edgar Cayce with initiating the American holistic health movement.

  • - Our Soul's Past-Life Influences
    af John Van Auken
    172,95 kr.

    This is a fast-reading, far-reaching look into the strange concept of our soul's life, describing how our soul goes through a recurring cycle of incarnations bringing karma that affects us in a way often unseen, like a shadow over our personality's life and relationships today. Van Auken explains how and why reincarnation occurs, where our past-life memories are stored, and how we may become aware of our soul and its karmic patterns. He explains soul mates, twin souls, soul groups, and reveals what our souls are doing when they are not incarnating! He revisits passages in the Bible about our origin and true nature, a nature that is not affected by the death of the physical body. Using sources from the Hindu Akashic Records and the Book of Life or Book of Remembrance, as well as Kabbalistic and Gnostic teachings, he gives us examples of how our soul sees life rather than our earthly self's view. He uses Edgar Cayce's discourses to add to our overall understanding of soul life versus personality life. Destiny, fate, and karma are explored as well. Then he has a series of chapters of meditation, dreams, living by ideals rather than allowing circumstances to direct our lives. There's a fascinating chapter telling the lifetimes of one soul's whole series of incarnations, and how each of them contributed who she is today and why specific people are in her life today. All in all, it is an interesting and compelling revelation about a life few of us are aware of but are apparently living at some level of our consciousness.

  • - A Concise Study Guide
    af John Van Auken
    287,95 kr.

    Kabbalah enlightens our minds. The book is written concisely, in an easy-to-read manner with explanations of complex concepts and stories that carry the light and magic of Kabbalism. It also includes insights from Gnostism, Yoga Sutras, and other sources. Kabbalah is not a single book; rather, it is a collection of classical manuscripts. Included in this study are: The Book of Creation (Sefer Yetzirah) The Book of the Splendor (Sefer ha-Zohar) The Mystery of the Chariot (Ma'aseh Merkabah) The Mystery of the Beginning (Ma'aseh Bereshit) The Book of the Brightness (Sefer ha-Bahir) The Book of the Angel (Sefer Raziel) This is arranged as a concise study guide covering Kabbalah in this sequence: SECTION 1 God and the Creation The Tree of Life and the 10 Emanations SECTION 2 5 Divisions of Our Being 4 Planes of Existence 7 Heavens SECTION 3 Angels, Archangels, Demons Incantations and Talismans SECTION 4 Ecstasy of God Consciousness Spiritualizing Body, Mind, and Soul 50 color illustrations help you visualize what you are reading and processing.

  • af John Van Auken
    172,95 kr.

    From the first century AD to these times the Revelation has fascinated and puzzled spiritual people. Its incredible imagery and often terrifying warnings have captured the attention of psychologsts, artists, homemakers, and rock muscians, and provided fodder for TV evangelists. In this amazing book, Edgar Cayce's surprising interpretation turns the Revelation into a powerful study guide for all to use in spiritualizing body and mind. Cayce taught that "the visions, the experiences, the names, the churches, the places, the dragons, the cities, all are but emblems of those forces that may war within the individual in its journey through the material, or from the entering into the material manifestation [i.e., physical body and this world] to the entering into the glory, or the awakening in the spirit...." With this in mind we take a very different tour through the wonders of the Apostle John's vision, a tour that actually has much to give us. Moving through the first several chapters of John's vision we find guidance for awakening the best with us physically, and in the subsequent chapters John gives us insights for awakening the best within our minds. Ultimately this all leads us to new body and a new mind! And John Van Auken's easy-reading manner and he use of many supporting sources opens the seemingly impenetrable Revelation to our understanding!

  • af John Van Auken
    172,95 kr.

    The focus is on prophecies that are converging in our present times. These include the prophecy of the Last Pope in a line of 112 - Pope Francis being the 112th! Includes Nostradamus' timing and his vision of three Antichrists, two of which have already appeared and gone - who may be the third and final one? Also included are the Messages from Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and how she points to a rapidly approaching transition into a new era when only the pure of heart may incarnate! Surprisingly, the Great Pyramid secretly contains an ancient Egyptian timeline that points directly to the year 2038 as the end of an era. There is a long-forgotten legend about Seven Ages of Humanity, and it indicates that we are presently in the Sixth Age, only one more before all Humanity changes. Included are physical changes to our planet affecting all life - changes that even scientists are now alerting us to. There are prophecies found in the Bible that speak directly to our times. And since the author is the Director of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, he includes amazing visions from this famous seer that address events facing us today and in the near future. If you want to be informed, prepared, and ready for these converging changes, this is your guide.

  • af John Van Auken, Gregory L. Little Ed D. & Lora Little Ed D.
    232,95 kr.

    Since 1997, a series of astounding developments have shattered American archaeology's most cherished beliefs. Excavations have uncovered solid evidence that acient America was settled at least 50,000 years ago. Genetic evidence shows that several waves of migrations came into America from not only Siberia, but also from Polynesia, China, and Japan. A mysterious genetic type has been identified in ancient American skeletal remains as well as in some modern Native Americans. This enigmatic type is linked to the Middle East and may well have originated in a location between America and Europe.Edgar Cayce, America's famous "Sleeping Prophet," gave 68 readings between 1925 to 1944 that provided information on America's Mound Builders and ancient American history. These readings have never been thoroughly analyzed and have been largely forgotten.For the first time, Cayce's statements about ancient America are compared to current archaeological evidence. Incredibly, nearly everything Cayce related about the Mound Builders is true. Well-documented and highly illustrated. This is a reissue of the book first released in 2001.

  • af John Van Auken
    177,95 kr.

    John Van Auken combines the collection of Egyptian past lives found in the Cayce readings with Egyptian legends that appear in papyruses, on temple walls, and in pyramid texts for a complete picture that reveals the full story of priestesses, healers, female pharaohs, and gods among humans. This book includes more than 80 illustrations with Cayce's insights into the pyramids, ancient flight, the Hall of Records, the Great Initiate, and the seven stages of soul growth.

  • af John Van Auken
    167,95 kr.

    Edgar Cayce's spiritual concepts and methods complement the lessons in the classical Chinese book, The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life. Both teach that we may be personalities In material bodies surrounded by a world of activity and relationships,but we are also celestial beings, sparks of life, only temporarily incarnating. Thus,it is good to experience our infinite, eternal self and its origin. By studying and practicing Cayce and Taoism, Van Auken states that he experienced a journey to what the Taoist master called, ‚¢‚€‚¢the womb of our pure heart and clear mind."

  • - A Resource for Soulful Living
    af John Van Auken
    159,95 kr.

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