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Bøger af Jonathan Franzen

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  • af Jonathan Franzen
    125,95 kr.

    The critically acclaimed second novel from the author of 'The Corrections'.

  • af Jonathan Franzen
    140,95 kr.

    A great American writer's confrontation with a great European critic - a personal and intellectual awakening.A hundred years ago, the Viennese satirist Karl Kraus was among the most penetrating and prophetic writers in Europe: a relentless critic of the popular media's manipulation of reality, the dehumanizing machinery of technology and consumerism, and the jingoistic rhetoric of a fading empire. But even though his followers included Franz Kafka and Walter Benjamin, he remained something of a lonely prophet, and few people today are familiar with his work. Thankfully, Jonathan Franzen is one of them.In 'The Kraus Project', Franzen not only presents and annotates his definitive new translations of Kraus, with supplementary notes from the Kraus scholar Paul Reitter and the Austrian writer Daniel Kehlmann. In Franzen Kraus has found his match: a novelist unafraid to voice unpopular opinions strongly, a critic capable of untangling Kraus's often dense arguments.Painstakingly wrought, strikingly original in form, 'The Kraus Project' is a feast of thought, passion and literature.

  • - En personlig beretning
    af Jonathan Franzen
    43,94 kr.

    Jonathan Franzens personlige beretning om en opvækst i Midtvesten og et voksenliv i New York er præget af samme dybdeborende humor og empati, som man finder i hans romaner, og resultatet er en beretning om den unge Franzens genvordigheder.

  • af Jonathan Franzen
    72,95 kr.

    Patty og Walter Berglund var St. Pauls pionerer, de var først med alt det nye – økologi, social sensitivitet og inddragende børneopdragelse. Patty var den ideelle nabo, typen der kunne fortælle dig, hvor du kunne aflevere din batterier til genbrug, eller hvordan du fik de lokale myndigheder til at engagere sig i kvarteret. Hun var den misundelsesværdigt perfekte mor og Walters drømmehustru. Sammen med Walter – økojurist, pendlercyklist, 100 procent familiemand – gjorde hun sit til at gøre verden til et bedre sted.Men nu, i det nye årtusinde, har familien Berglund udviklet sig til et mysterium. Hvorfor er deres teenagesøn flyttet over til den aggressivt republikanske nabofamilie? Hvorfor arbejder Walter pludseligt for kulindustrien? Hvad laver rockmusikeren Richard Katz – Walters bedste ven og største rival fra collegeårene – stadig i billedet? Men først og fremmest: Hvad er der sket med Patty? Hvorfor har kvarterets tidligere lysende stjerne forvandlet sig til en utilregnelig furie?Mens Jonathan Franzens roman ”Korrektioner” var et ætsende familieportræt og en stor fortælling om kærlighed, handler Franzens nye roman om frihedens fristelser og byrder: ungdommens frydefulde lyst; de midaldrendes skrøbelige kompromisser; livet i forstæderne og USA's stormagtsgenvordigheder i Irak. Som også i ”Korrektioner” fanger Franzen i ”Frihed” suverænt sine personers kamp for at finde rundt i en forvirrende verden. ”Frihed” er en fuldendt roman om den måde vi lever vores liv lige nu og her.  

  • af Jonathan Franzen
    252,95 kr.

  • - Essays
    af Jonathan Franzen
    267,95 kr.

    From the National Book Award-winning author of The Corrections, a collection of essays that reveal him to be one of our sharpest, toughest, and most entertaining social criticsWhile the essays in this collection range in subject matter from the sex-advice industry to the way a supermax prison works, each one wrestles with the essential themes of Franzen's writing: the erosion of civil life and private dignity; and the hidden persistence of loneliness in postmodern, imperial America. Reprinted here for the first time is Franzen's controversial l996 investigation of the fate of the American novel in what became known as "the Harper's essay," as well as his award-winning narrative of his father's struggle with Alzheimer's disease, and a rueful account of his brief tenure as an Oprah Winfrey author.

  • af Jonathan Franzen
    267,95 kr.

    A new edition of the provocative New York Times bestseller that influenced a generation, with a new introduction by Jonathan Franzen and an afterword by the author

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