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Bøger af Jonny Duddle

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  • af Jonny Duddle
    78,95 - 98,95 kr.

    His feet go STOMP! His jaws go CRUNCH! In the blink of an eye you'll be his LUNCH!

  • af Jonny Duddle
    108,95 kr.

    Embark on a dinosaur-doodling adventure with expert illustrator and Gigantosaurus creator, Jonny Duddle!

  • af Jonny Duddle
    388,95 kr.

    OHØJ, LANDKRABBER! Nu kan I igen sætte sejl sammen med Matilde, Jim og resten af FAMILIEN SØSTÆRK i endnu et hæsblæsende sørøvereventyr. Denne gang leder de efter en skat, men en spillemand advarer dem om et uhyre, som ÆDER dem, der kommer efter hans guld … "Familien Søstærk og uhyrets guld" er et vaskeægte sørøvereventyr for alle landkrabber. Den er velegnet til både højtlæsning og selvlæsning for børn fra ca. 10 år og op. De mange sjove illustrationer giver historien et særligt animeret liv, der næsten får læseoplevelsen til at minde om en tur i biografen. Johnny Duddles første titel om familien Søstærk tog læserne med storm og vandt Waterstones Children’s Book Prize i 2012. Familien Søstærk og den forheksede skat er den tredje fortælling om de charmerende sørøvere, som alle er udkommet på dansk. Derudover findes også de fantastiske billedbøger Gigantosaurus og Kongen af det ydre rum. Johnny Duddle har vundet stor anerkendelse som illustrator og blev blandt andet tildelt den fornemme opgave at illustrere de nye omslag ved relanceringen af alle syv bøger i Harry Potter-serien i efteråret 2015.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    158,95 kr.

    Acompaña a los prehistóricos amigos Rocky, Bill, Mazu y Tiny mientras exploran Cretacia y viven aventuras llenas de diversión que los acercarán a ¡GIGANTOSAURUS!Todas las historias están pensadas para leerse con facilidad en voz alta en cinco minutos o menos, por lo que cualquier momento es perfecto para Gigantosaurus.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    183,95 kr.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    188,95 kr.

    Four young dinosaurs are warned about the scary Gigantosaurus, so one of them volunteers to keep watch. Bonehead, the lookout, becomes bored, and he can't resist shouting out a warning to see what the others do. When the others wise up, Bonehead is in for a surprise. Full color.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

    "First published by Templar Book, an imprint of Bonnier Books, UK 2019"--Copyright page.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    146,95 kr.

    The ultimate guide to spotting and avoiding monsters with artwork from Jonny Duddle.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    98,95 kr.

    The bestselling Jolley-Rogers series returns in a swashbuckling story of treachery and ship's rats.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    98,95 kr.

    Ahoy there shipmates! Join Jim Lad and Matilda as they sail the seven seas (and the coast of Dull-on-Sea) in search of adventure and treasure. The latest book in Jonny Duddle's younger fiction series

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

    Ahoy there! Jim Lad and the Pirates Next Door return, in fully illustrated younger fiction stories.

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

    Every full moon, a mysterious ship is seen off the coast of Dull-on-Sea. Then, the day after, gold and jewellery are missing from the town. Can Matilda and Jim Lad retrieve the stolen booty from the mysterious ship before the moon fades? Or will they end up stuck on board with ghostly pirates until the next full moon?

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

    Meet Rex - he looks like an average 6 year old, living on his parents' moog farm and going to mini intergalactic citizen school, but he's going to be King of Space!

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

    When a salty pirate family move to a quiet seaside town rumours start amongst the nervous neighbours. All except Matilda who defies the grownups and makes friends with the youngest pirate son. When the pirate family finally leave the villagers realise they have been wrong to judge and Matilda feels sad that her friend has gone but not for long . .

  • af Jonny Duddle
    88,95 kr.

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