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  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    434,95 kr.

    Allergies are nowadays diseases affect more than 30 % of the population in western countries. They are caused by inhalation, ingestion or contact with allergens, antigens responsible for the inducing synthesis of specific immuglobulin E (IgE) that mediate allergic reactions under certain conditions.In the case of food allergies, the current incidence is estimated about 3 % in the adult population and 6-8 % in the pediatric. Food allergens are mostly soluble proteins with a molecular weight of between 10-70 kDa. Allergy to nuts is one of the most common food allergies, the tree nuts are among the most allergic foods world wide, and therefore from hazelnut, walnut, cashew, peanut, chestnut and Brazil nut have been identified. The characterization of nut allergens, has revealed that the majority belong to storage protein families such as vicillins (7S globulins composed of subunits of about 50 kDa), legumins (11-13S globulins composed of acid peptide subunits of 30-40 kDa and 15-20 kDa basic) and 2S albumin (15 kDa).

  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    434,95 kr.

    Le allergie sono oggi malattie che colpiscono più del 30% della popolazione dei Paesi occidentali. Sono causate dall'inalazione, dall'ingestione o dal contatto con allergeni, antigeni responsabili dell'induzione della sintesi di specifiche immuglobuline E (IgE) che mediano le reazioni allergiche in determinate condizioni.Nel caso delle allergie alimentari, l'incidenza attuale è stimata intorno al 3% nella popolazione adulta e al 6-8% in quella pediatrica. Gli allergeni alimentari sono per lo più proteine solubili con un peso molecolare compreso tra 10-70 kDa. L'allergia alla frutta a guscio è una delle allergie alimentari più comuni; la frutta a guscio è tra gli alimenti più allergenici a livello mondiale, per cui sono state identificate nocciole, noci, anacardi, arachidi, castagne e noci del Brasile. La caratterizzazione degli allergeni della frutta a guscio ha rivelato che la maggior parte appartiene a famiglie di proteine di stoccaggio come le viciline (globuline 7S composte da subunità di circa 50 kDa), le legumine (globuline 11-13S composte da subunità peptidiche acide di 30-40 kDa e 15-20 kDa basiche) e l'albumina 2S (15 kDa).

  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    434,95 kr.

    Les allergies sont aujourd'hui des maladies qui touchent plus de 30 % de la population dans les pays occidentaux. Elles sont causées par l'inhalation, l'ingestion ou le contact avec des allergènes, des antigènes responsables de la synthèse d'immuglobulines E (IgE) spécifiques qui provoquent des réactions allergiques dans certaines conditions.Dans le cas des allergies alimentaires, l'incidence actuelle est estimée à environ 3 % dans la population adulte et à 6-8 % dans la population pédiatrique. Les allergènes alimentaires sont principalement des protéines solubles dont le poids moléculaire est compris entre 10 et 70 kDa. L'allergie aux fruits à coque est l'une des allergies alimentaires les plus courantes, les fruits à coque étant parmi les aliments les plus allergisants dans le monde, et c'est ainsi que l'on a identifié la noisette, la noix, la noix de cajou, l'arachide, la châtaigne et la noix du Brésil. La caractérisation des allergènes de fruits à coque a révélé que la majorité d'entre eux appartiennent à des familles de protéines de stockage telles que les vicilines (globulines 7S composées de sous-unités d'environ 50 kDa), les légumines (globulines 11-13S composées de sous-unités de peptides acides de 30-40 kDa et de 15-20 kDa basiques) et l'albumine 2S (15 kDa).

  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    434,95 kr.

    Allergien sind heutzutage Krankheiten, von denen mehr als 30 % der Bevölkerung in den westlichen Ländern betroffen sind. Sie werden durch Einatmen, Verschlucken oder Kontakt mit Allergenen verursacht, Antigenen, die für die Induzierung der Synthese von spezifischem Immunglobulin E (IgE) verantwortlich sind, das unter bestimmten Bedingungen allergische Reaktionen auslöst.Die Häufigkeit von Lebensmittelallergien wird derzeit auf etwa 3 % in der erwachsenen Bevölkerung und 6-8 % in der pädiatrischen Bevölkerung geschätzt. Nahrungsmittelallergene sind meist lösliche Proteine mit einem Molekulargewicht zwischen 10-70 kDa. Die Allergie gegen Nüsse ist eine der häufigsten Nahrungsmittelallergien, wobei Baumnüsse weltweit zu den am häufigsten allergisch reagierenden Nahrungsmitteln gehören, so dass Haselnuss, Walnuss, Cashew, Erdnuss, Kastanie und Paranuss identifiziert wurden. Die Charakterisierung der Nussallergene hat ergeben, dass die meisten zu Speicherproteinfamilien gehören, wie Viciline (7S-Globuline, die aus Untereinheiten von etwa 50 kDa bestehen), Legumine (11-13S-Globuline, die aus Untereinheiten mit saurem Peptid von 30-40 kDa und 15-20 kDa basischem Peptid bestehen) und 2S-Albumin (15 kDa).

  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    434,95 kr.

    Atualmente, as alergias são doenças que afectam mais de 30% da população dos países ocidentais. São causadas pela inalação, ingestão ou contacto com alergénios, antigénios responsáveis pela indução da síntese de imuglobulina E (IgE) específica que medeia reacções alérgicas em determinadas condições.No caso das alergias alimentares, a incidência atual é estimada em cerca de 3% na população adulta e 6-8% na população pediátrica. Os alergénios alimentares são, na sua maioria, proteínas solúveis com um peso molecular entre 10-70 kDa. A alergia aos frutos secos é uma das alergias alimentares mais comuns, estando os frutos de casca rija entre os alimentos mais alérgicos em todo o mundo, pelo que foram identificados avelãs, nozes, cajus, amendoins, castanhas e castanhas do Brasil. A caraterização dos alergénios dos frutos de casca rija revelou que a maioria pertence a famílias de proteínas de armazenamento, como as vicilinas (globulinas 7S compostas por subunidades de cerca de 50 kDa), as leguminas (globulinas 11-13S compostas por subunidades de péptido ácido de 30-40 kDa e 15-20 kDa básico) e a albumina 2S (15 kDa).

  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    369,95 kr.

    Allergies are nowadays diseases affect more than 30 % of the population in western countries. They are caused by inhalation, ingestion or contact with allergens, antigens responsible for the inducing synthesis of specific immuglobulin E (IgE) that mediate allergic reactions under determine conditions.In the case of food allergies, the current incidence is estimated about 3 % in the adult population and 6-8 % in the pediatric. Food allergens are mostly soluble proteins with a molecular weight of between 10-70 kDa. Allergy to nuts is one of the most common food allergies, the tree nuts are among the most allergic foods world wide, and therefore from hazelnut, walnut, cashew, peanut, chestnut and Brazil nut have been identified. The characterization of nut allergens, has revealed that the majority belong to storage protein families such as vicilins (7S globulins composed of subunits of about 50 kDa), legumins (11-13S globulins composed of subunits acid peptide of 30-40 kDa and 15-20 kDa basic) and 2S albumin (15 kDa).

  • af Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano
    568,95 kr.

    The province of Loja is home to a great diversity of forest species such as C. officinalis, which has been subject to exploitation with no forecasts for the future; Its medicinal properties caused the populations of Loja to have an excessive demand for the cascarilla from the XVII century, causing the irrational exploitation of the species that comprise this genus, in the forests of Cajanuma and Uritusinga the cascarilla was exploited until the Second World War, It had a great commercial importance due to quinine, which is the alkaloid extracted from the bark of some of its species and was the only effective remedy against malaria; years later, the synthesis of synthetic chloroquinine displaced quinine in its pharmacological use. This book aims to contribute to the strengthening of the studies of the Cinchona species genus, in the generation of knowledge on the history, biology and plant physiology, to promote the conservation and preservation of the species C. officinalis in degraded ecosystems of the southern region of Ecuador.

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