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  • - Madrid
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    137,95 kr.

  • - Merza
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    262,95 kr.

    Esta compilación contén 31 encantadoras historias escritas no fermoso idioma galego, con animais orixinais de España como protagonistas. As historias amosan o humor, a sabedoría e a creatividade dos contos populares galegos.Dende corvos intelixentes a conexos travexos, pastores perdidos e burros filosóficos, estas fábulas rurais retratan aos animais non só como bestas, senón como personaxes con atributos humanos. Amostra aos animais a pensar, falar, conspirar e ata aprender leccións de vida.As historias tratan temas sinxelos e profundos. Celebran a amizade, exploran perigos, examinan desexos e impulsos y ilustran conceptos como a paciencia, a curiosidade e a bondade. Por riba de todo, fano sonrile amosando as manías e trastadas das nosas criaturas compañeiras, grandes e pequenas.Os contos trasladan ao lector a un tempo e lugar máis sinxelos, evocando imaxes de vales verdes, regatos serpeantes, granxas e bosques cheos de vida. Presentan aos animais que coñecemos e queremos: amigos felinos, cans leais, águias planando, agora falando na lingua lírica de Galicia.Así que adentrémonos neste mundo encantador de creatividade e sabedoría rural e pasamos un tempo na cautivadora compaña dos animais. Quizais atopes algo novo no espírito humano e en ti mesmo. Jose Pardal

  • - New York
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    182,95 kr.

    Warm-up book for jazz trombones, classical, etc. In the world of brass instrument players, many hobbies and illnesses develop, including Bell's palsy, oromandibular dystonia, bruxism, Satchmo syndrome, and performance anxiety. Wind instrumentalists are the most affected and represent 70% of patients in the profession. A 2009 study of 450 musicians from Argentina found that 53% had ever suffered muscle, tendon, and joint injuries, 22% from trauma, and 17% from dystonia. .Dystonia is a less frequent syndrome, but it also affects musicians, generating problems in the central nervous system, with involuntary movements triggered by a certain repetitive act. Oromandibular dystonia is a focal dystonia characterized by involuntary spasms of the masticatory, facial, and lingual muscles. Different forms of oromandibular dystonia are distinguished: open, with lateral deviation and closed depending on the affected muscles.Oromandibular closure dystonia is caused byDystonic spasms of the temporalis and masseter musclesMainly in this group suffer problems in the muscles of the lips.Satchmo syndrome, which is a muscle tear due to the effort of said muscle to sound the instrument.Oromandibular dystonia Disorders of the temporomandibular joint, the symptoms of which increase especially during practice. Playing wind instruments damages the blood vessels in the brain. Just like athletes, they require a regular and regular warm-up, especially for beginners. The coordination of the muscles of the face, lips and tongue helps to breathe! Knowing the correct way to warm up prevents medical sequelae, such as tears, and drastically improves performance!All this heating is coordinated with the facial muscles, the air, the lungs and the diaphragm, which is one of the strongest muscles in the human body. The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the main muscle for breathing. It is an elongated, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continuously and, most of the time, involuntarily. As you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and the chest cavity widens. This contraction creates a vacuum that draws air into the lungs. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes back into its dome shape and air is expelled from the lungs. Some emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety or stress can influence diaphragmatic activity or its proper functioning. In turn, these emotions can cause alterations in the perception of pain. The activity of the diaphragm is also fundamental in maintaining posture and changes in body position, both because of its location and its insertion areas in the center of the body, and because of its isolated contractions; which has been shown to produce postural alterations depending on the position in which we find ourselves. At the level of the circulatory system, the diaphragm facilitates venous and lymphatic return; This is because their movements can cause changes in body pressure. This function will be important for the absorption of substances from the peritoneal cavity, as well as for good blood circulation in the liver and abdomen. The pressures on the abdominal viscera produced by the movement of the diaphragm favor peristaltic movements and digestive function. In turn, its gastroesophageal function is also relevant, since the crural part of the diaphragm prevents gastroesophageal reflux and is involved in other important processes. Full control of the diaphragm is important for playing any wind instrument. Jose Pardal

  • - Caracas
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    237,95 kr.

    This book N-66 of exercises are used to play different styles and for improvisationJoseph Pardal

  • - London
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    242,95 kr.

    Technical exercise book for trumpet N-1000

  • - New York
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    357,95 kr.

    Flexibility book for jazz trombone, classical, etc. In the world of brass instrument players, many hobbies and diseases develop, such as Bell's palsy, oromandibular dystonia, bruxism, Satchmo syndrome and anxiety scenic. Wind instrumentalists are the most affected and represent 70% of patients in the profession. A 2009 study of 450 musicians from Argentina found that 53% had ever suffered muscle, tendon and joint injuries, 22% due to trauma and 17% due to dystonia.Dystonia is a less frequent syndrome, but it also affects musicians, generating problems in the central nervous system, with involuntary movements triggered by a certain repetitive act. Oromandibular dystonia is a focal dystonia characterized by involuntary spasms of the masticatory, facial and lingual. Different forms of oromandibular dystonia are distinguished: open, with lateral deviation and closed depending on the affected muscles.Oromandibular closure dystonia is caused byDystonic spasms of the temporalis and masseter musclesMainly in this group suffer problems in the muscles of the lips.Satchmo syndrome, which is a muscle tear due to the effort of said muscle to sound the instrument.Oromandibular dystonia Disorders of the temporomandibular joint, the symptoms of which increase especially during practice. Playing wind instruments damages the blood vessels in the brain. Like athletes, they require regular and regular warm-up, especially for beginners. Coordination of the muscles of the face, lips and tongue helps to breathe! Knowing the correct way to warm up prevents medical sequelae, such as tears, and drastically improves performance!All this heating is coordinated with the facial muscles, the air, the lungs and the diaphragm, which is one of the strongest muscles in the human body. The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the main muscle for breathing. It is an elongated, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continuously and, most of the time, involuntarily. As you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and the chest cavity widens. This contraction creates a vacuum that draws air into the lungs. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes back into its dome shape and air is expelled from the lungs. Some emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety or stress can influence diaphragmatic activity or its proper functioning. In turn, these emotions can cause alterations in the perception of pain. The activity of the diaphragm is also fundamental in maintaining posture and changes in body position, both because of its location and its insertion areas in the center of the body, and because of its isolated contractions; which has been shown to produce postural alterations depending on the position in which we find ourselves. At the level of the circulatory system, the diaphragm facilitates venous and lymphatic return; This is because their movements can cause changes in body pressure. This function will be important for the absorption of substances from the peritoneal cavity, as well as for good blood circulation in the liver and abdomen. The pressures on the abdominal viscera produced by the movement of the diaphragm favor peristaltic movements and digestive function. In turn, its gastroesophageal function is also relevant, since the crural part of the diaphragm prevents gastroesophageal reflux and is involved in other important processes. Full control of the diaphragm is important for playing any wind instrument. Jose Pardal

  • - Lalin
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    242,95 kr.

    Libro de flexibilidad para trompetistas de jazz, clásica, etc. En el mundo de los instrumentistas de instrumentos de metal se desarrollan muchas aficiones y enfermedades, como la parálisis de Bell, la distonía oromandibular, el bruxismo, el síndrome de Satchmo y la ansiedad escénica. Los instrumentistas de viento son los más afectados y representan el 70% de los pacientes de la profesión. Un estudio de 2009 de 450 músicos de Argentina encontró que el 53% había sufrido alguna vez lesiones musculares, tendinosas y articulares, el 22% debido a traumatismos y el 17% debido a distonía.La distonía es un síndrome menos frecuente, pero también afecta a los músicos, generando problemas en el sistema nervioso central, con movimientos involuntarios desencadenados por determinado acto repetitivo. La distonía oromandibular es una distonía focal caracterizada por espasmos involuntarios de los músculos masticatorio, facial y lingual. Se distinguen diferentes formas de distonía oromandibular: abierta, con desviación lateral y cerrada dependiendo de los músculos afectados.La distonía del cierre oromandibular es causada porEspasmos distónicos de los músculos temporal y maseteroPrincipalmente en este grupo sufren problemas en los músculos de los labios.Síndrome de Satchmo, que es un desgarro muscular debido al esfuerzo de dicho músculo para hacer sonar el instrumento.Distonía oromandibular Trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular, cuyos síntomas aumentan especialmente durante la práctica. Tocar instrumentos de viento daña los vasos sanguíneos del cerebro. Al igual que los atletas, requieren un calentamiento regular y regular, especialmente para los principiantes. ¡La coordinación de los músculos de la cara, los labios y la lengua ayuda a respirar! ¡Conocer la forma correcta de calentar previene secuelas médicas, como lágrimas, y mejora drásticamente el rendimiento!Todo este calentamiento está coordinado con los músculos faciales, el aire, los pulmones y el diafragma, que es uno de los músculos más fuertes del cuerpo humano. El diafragma, ubicado debajo de los pulmones, es el principal músculo para respirar. Es un músculo alargado en forma de cúpula que se contrae de forma rítmica y continua y, la mayoría de las veces, de forma involuntaria. Al inhalar, el diafragma se contrae y se aplana, y la cavidad torácica se ensancha. Esta contracción crea un vacío que atrae aire hacia los pulmones. A medida que exhala, el diafragma se relaja y recupera su forma de cúpula y el aire es expulsado de los pulmones. Algunas emociones como la tristeza, el miedo, la ansiedad o el estrés pueden influir en la actividad diafragmática o en su correcto funcionamiento. A su vez, estas emociones pueden provocar alteraciones en la percepción del dolor. La actividad del diafragma también es fundamental en el mantenimiento de la postura y los cambios de posición corporal, tanto por su ubicación y sus zonas de inserción en el centro del cuerpo, como por sus contracciones aisladas; que se ha demostrado que produce alteraciones posturales dependiendo de la posición en la que nos encontremos. A nivel del sistema circulatorio, el diafragma facilita el retorno venoso y linfático; Esto se debe a que sus movimientos pueden provocar cambios en la presión corporal. Esta función será importante para la absorción de sustancias de la cavidad peritoneal, así como para una buena circulación sanguínea en el hígado y el abdomen. Las presiones sobre las vísceras abdominales producidas por el movimiento del diafragma favorecen los movimientos peristálticos y la función digestiva. A su vez, su función gastroesofágica también es relevante, ya que la parte crural del diafragma previene el reflujo gastroesofágico y está involucrada en otros procesos importantes. El control total del diafragma es importante para tocar cualquier instrumento de viento.

  • - San Sebastian
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    247,95 kr.

    Método dedicado al País Vasco. Contiene diferentes escalas y diferentes ritmos. jose pardal

  • - New York
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    182,95 kr.

    Warm-up book for jazz trombonists, classical etc. In the world of brass instrument players, many hobbies and diseases develop, such as Bell's palsy, oromandibular dystonia, bruxism, Satchmo syndrome and stage anxiety .Wind players are the most affected and represent 70% of the patients in the profession. A 2009 study of 450 musicians from Argentina found that 53% had ever suffered muscle, tendon and joint injuries, 22% from trauma and 17% from dystonia. .Dystonia is a less frequent syndrome, but it also affects musicians, generating problems in the central nervous system, with involuntary movements triggered by a certain repetitive act. Oromandibular dystonia is a focal dystonia characterized by involuntary spasms of the masticatory, facial, and lingual muscles. Different forms of oromandibular dystonia are distinguished: open, with lateral deviation and closed depending on the affected muscles.Oromandibular closure dystonia is caused byDystonic spasms of the temporal muscles andmassetersMainly in this group suffer problems in the muscles of the lips.Satchmo syndrome, which is a muscle tear due to the effort of said muscle to sound the instrument.Oromandibular dystonia Disorders of the temporomandibular joint, the symptoms of which increase especially during practice. Playing wind instruments damages the blood vessels in the brain. Like athletes, they require regular and regular warm-up, especially for beginners. The coordination of the muscles of the face, lips and tongue helps to breathe! Knowing the correct way to warm up prevents medical sequelae, such as tears, and drastically improves performance!All this heating is coordinated with the facial muscles, the air, the lungs and the diaphragm, which is one of the strongest muscles in the human body. The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the main muscle for breathing. It is an elongated, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continuously and, most of the time, involuntarily. As you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and the chest cavity widens. This contraction creates a vacuum that draws air into the lungs. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes back into its dome shape and air is expelled from the lungs. Some emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety or stress can influence diaphragmatic activity or its proper functioning. In turn, these emotions can cause alterations in the perception of pain. The activity of the diaphragm is also fundamental in maintaining posture and changes in body position, both because of its location and its insertion areas in the center of the body, and because of its isolated contractions; which has been shown to produce postural alterations depending on the position in which we find ourselves. At the level of the circulatory system, the diaphragm facilitates venous and lymphatic return; This is because their movements can cause changes in body pressure. This function will be important for the absorption of substances from the peritoneal cavity, as well as for good blood circulation in the liver and abdomen. The pressures on the abdominal viscera produced by the movement of the diaphragm favor peristaltic movements and digestive function. In turn, its gastroesophageal function is also relevant, since the crural part of the diaphragm prevents gastroesophageal reflux and is involved in other important processes. Full control of the diaphragm is important for playing any wind instrument. Jose Pardal

  • - Lisboa
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    237,95 kr.

    This book N-55 of exercises are used to play different styles and for improvisationJoseph Pardal

  • - London
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    282,95 kr.

    Una serie de cuentos dedicados al bello continente Africano. José Pardal

  • - Spain
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    242,95 kr.

    Libro de calentamiento para trompetistas de jazz, clásica, etc. En el mundo de los instrumentistas de instrumentos de metal, se desarrollan muchas manías y enfermedades, como la parálisis de Bell, la distonía oromandibular, el bruxismo, el síndrome de Satchmo y la ansiedad escénica. Los instrumentistas de viento son los más afectados y representan el 70 % de pacientes en la profesión. Un estudio de 2009 de 450 músicos de Argentina encontró que el 53% había sufrido alguna vez lesiones en los músculos, tendones y articulaciones, el 22% por trauma y el 17% por distonía. .La distonía es un síndrome menos frecuente, pero también afecta a los músicos, presentando problemas en el sistema nervioso central, con movimientos involuntarios desencadenados por determinado acto repetitivo.La distonía oromandibular es una distonía focal caracterizada por espasmos involuntarios de los músculos masticatorios, faciales y musculares lingual. Se distinguen diferentes formas de distonía oromandibular: abierta, con desviación lateral y cerrada dependiendo de los músculos afectados.La distonía del cierre oromandibular es causada porEspasmos distónicos de los músculos temporales ymaseteros.Principalmente en este grupo sufren problemas en los músculos de los labios.Síndrome de Satchmo, que es un desgarro muscular debido al esfuerzo de dicho músculo para hacer sonar el instrumento.Distonía oromandibular Trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular, cuyos síntomas aumentaron especialmente durante la práctica. Tocar instrumentos de viento daña los vasos sanguíneos del cerebro. Al igual que los deportistas, requiere un calentamiento regular y regular y sobre todo en los principiantes. ¡La coordinación de los músculos de la cara, los labios y la lengua ayuda a respirar! ¡Conocer la forma correcta de calentar prevenir los efectos secundarios médicos como las lágrimas y mejorar el rendimiento!Todo este calentamiento está coordinado con los músculos faciales, el aire, los pulmones y el diafragma, que es uno de los músculos más fuertes del cuerpo humano. El diafragma, que se encuentra debajo de los pulmones, es el principal músculo de la respiración. Es un músculo alargado en forma de cúpula que se contrae de forma rítmica y continua y, la mayoría de las veces, de forma involuntaria. Al inhalar, el diafragma se contrae y se aplana, y la cavidad torácica se ensancha. Esta contracción crea un vacío que atrae aire hacia los pulmones. Al exhalar, el diafragma se relaja y vuelve a su forma de cúpula, y el aire es expulsado de los pulmones.Emociones como la tristeza, el miedo, la ansiedad o el estrés pueden influir en la actividad diafragmática o en su correcto funcionamiento.A su vez, estas emociones pueden provocar alteraciones en la percepción del dolor.La actividad del diafragma también es fundamental en el mantenimiento de la postura y los cambios de posición corporal, tanto por su ubicación y sus zonas de inserción en el centro del cuerpo, como por sus contracciones aisladas; que se ha demostrado que producen alteraciones posturales dependiendo de la posición en la que nos encontramos. A nivel del sistema circulatorio, el diafragma facilita el retorno venoso y linfático; Esto se debe a que sus movimientos pueden provocar cambios en la presión corporal. Esta función será importante para la absorción de sustancias de la cavidad peritoneal, así como para una buena circulación sanguínea en el hígado y el abdomen. Las presiones sobre las vísceras abdominales producidas por el movimiento del diafragma favorecen los movimientos peristálticos y la función digestiva. También es relevante su función gastroesofágica, ya que la parte crural del diafragma previene el reflujo gastroesofágico e interviene en otros procesos importantes. El control total del diafragma es importante para tocar cualquier instrumento de viento. José Pardal

  • af Jose Lopez Perez
    397,95 kr.

    Bellos poemas de amor en diferentes ciudades deEspaña y Portugal Jose Pardal

  • - Praga
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    237,95 kr.

    The good execution of a musical instrument depends on the cardiorespiratory capacity and the correct practice of warm-up exercises. Studying avoiding fatigue and muscle pain by practicing flexibility correctly generates a high level of resistance and comfort, avoiding the effort and pain of future injuries. Fluency and comfort for correct playing can be developed with this method. It is progressive and is focused on the needs of jazz, classical, modern and contemporary music to avoid discomfort due to incorrect musical practices. Jose Pardal

  • af Jose Lopez Perez
    272,95 kr.

    Cuentos fantásticos y espeluznantes de vampiros de diferentes paises del mundo. José Pardal

  • - Tokyo
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    237,95 kr.


  • - London
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    157,95 kr.

    This bass trombone book is dedicated to Mr. Antonio Emilio Rodriguez Rodriguez. Joseph Pardal

  • - London
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    292,95 kr.

    This book is the first volume of a series of high-level progressive technique books for trombone, these exercises should be practiced at different speeds and articulations in classical, jazz, Latin style etc. Joseph Pardal

  • - New York
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    297,95 kr.

    Flexibility book for jazz trombone, classical, etc. In the world of brass instrument players, many hobbies and diseases develop, such as Bell's palsy, oromandibular dystonia, bruxism, Satchmo syndrome and anxiety scenic. Wind instrumentalists are the most affected and represent 70% of patients in the profession. A 2009 study of 450 musicians from Argentina found that 53% had ever suffered muscle, tendon and joint injuries, 22% due to trauma and 17% due to dystonia.Dystonia is a less frequent syndrome, but it also affects musicians, generating problems in the central nervous system, with involuntary movements triggered by a certain repetitive act. Oromandibular dystonia is a focal dystonia characterized by involuntary spasms of the masticatory, facial and lingual. Different forms of oromandibular dystonia are distinguished: open, with lateral deviation and closed depending on the affected muscles.Oromandibular closure dystonia is caused byDystonic spasms of the temporalis and masseter musclesMainly in this group suffer problems in the muscles of the lips.Satchmo syndrome, which is a muscle tear due to the effort of said muscle to sound the instrument.Oromandibular dystonia Disorders of the temporomandibular joint, the symptoms of which increase especially during practice. Playing wind instruments damages the blood vessels in the brain. Like athletes, they require regular and regular warm-up, especially for beginners. Coordination of the muscles of the face, lips and tongue helps to breathe! Knowing the correct way to warm up prevents medical sequelae, such as tears, and drastically improves performance!All this heating is coordinated with the facial muscles, the air, the lungs and the diaphragm, which is one of the strongest muscles in the human body. The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the main muscle for breathing. It is an elongated, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continuously and, most of the time, involuntarily. As you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and the chest cavity widens. This contraction creates a vacuum that draws air into the lungs. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes back into its dome shape and air is expelled from the lungs. Some emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety or stress can influence diaphragmatic activity or its proper functioning. In turn, these emotions can cause alterations in the perception of pain. The activity of the diaphragm is also fundamental in maintaining posture and changes in body position, both because of its location and its insertion areas in the center of the body, and because of its isolated contractions; which has been shown to produce postural alterations depending on the position in which we find ourselves. At the level of the circulatory system, the diaphragm facilitates venous and lymphatic return; This is because their movements can cause changes in body pressure. This function will be important for the absorption of substances from the peritoneal cavity, as well as for good blood circulation in the liver and abdomen. The pressures on the abdominal viscera produced by the movement of the diaphragm favor peristaltic movements and digestive function. In turn, its gastroesophageal function is also relevant, since the crural part of the diaphragm prevents gastroesophageal reflux and is involved in other important processes. Full control of the diaphragm is important for playing any wind instrument. Jose Pardal

  • - Paris
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    242,95 kr.

    Degrés de mode Lydien1 2 3 #4 5 6 7Ionienne1 2 3 4 5 6 7Mixolydien1 2 3 4 5 6 b7Dorique1 2 b3 4 5 6 b7Vent1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7Phrygien1 b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7Locrien1 b2 b3 4 b5 b6 b7 Les modes occidentaux modernes utilisent le même ensemble de notes que la gamme majeure, dans le même ordre, mais en partant de l'un de ses sept degrés comme tonique, générant ainsi des distances différentes entre ses notes de musique. Étant la séquence d'intervalles de la gamme majeure T-T-1/2T-T-T-T-1/2T, où "T" signifie un ton entier et "1/2T" un demi-ton ou un demi-ton, il est possible de générer les modes suivants: Distances de la nomenclature romaine en mode grec: T = ton et 1/2T = demi-ton Exemple en C(C)Ionienne I T-T-1/2T-T-T-T-1/2T C-D-E-F-G-A-B-CDorique II T-1/2T-T-T-T-1/2T-T D-E-F-G-A-B-C-DPhrygien III 1/2T-T-T-T-1/2T-T-T E-F-G-A-B-C-D-ELydien IV T-T-T-1/2T-T-T-1/2T F-G-A-B-C-D-E-FMixolydien V T-T-1/2T-T-T-1/2T-T G-A-B-C-D-E-F-GVent VI T-1/2T-T-T-1/2T-T-T A-B-C-D-E-F-G-ALocrio VII 1/2T-T-T-1/2T-T-T-T B-C-D-E-F-G-A-BL'analyse de chaque gamme modale est effectuée avec un chiffre romain qui marque sa position par rapport à la gamme majeure ou mode ionien. note caractéristiqueChaque mode ou gamme modale a une note caractéristique qui lui donne son unicité et avec elle sa sonorité particulière.12 Les notes caractéristiques des sept modes grecs sont: Mode ionien: La quarte parfaite (4)Mode dorique: La sixte majeure (6)Mode phrygien: La seconde mineure (b2)Mode Lydien: Quatrième augmentée (#4)Mode Mixolydien: La septième mineure (b7)Mode éolien: la sixte mineure (b6)Mode locrien: la quinte diminuée (b5)Jose Pardal

  • - Merza
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    242,95 kr.

    Libro de flexibilidad y glisandos para trombon con seisillos de corchea Jose Pardal

  • - Madrid
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    282,95 kr.

    15 cuentos para todos los publicos y todas las edadades. Jose Pardal

  • - Madrid
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    207,95 kr.

    Book of different rhythmic formulas for bass trombone, with quadruplets, cinquillos, seisillos and septillos. Jose Pardal

  • - London
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    357,95 kr.


  • - Merza
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    267,95 kr.

    Esta compilación contiene 31 encantadoras historias escritas en el hermoso idioma gallego, con animales originales de España como protagonistas. Las historias muestran el humor, la sabiduría y la creatividad de los cuentos populares gallegos. Desde cuervos inteligentes hasta traviesos conejos, pastores perdidos y burros filosóficos, estas fábulas rurales retratan a los animales no solo como bestias, sino como personajes con atributos humanos. Muestran a los animales pensando, hablando, conspirando e incluso aprendiendo lecciones de vida. Las historias tratan temas simples y profundos. Celebran la amistad, exploran peligros, examinan deseos e impulsos e ilustran conceptos como la paciencia, la curiosidad y la bondad. Sobre todo, lo hacen sonreír mostrando las manías y travesuras de nuestras criaturas compañeras, grandes y pequeñas. Los cuentos trasladan al lector a un tiempo y lugar más sencillos, evocando imágenes de valles verdes, arroyos serpenteantes, granjas y bosques llenos de vida. Presentan a los animales que conocemos y queremos: amigos felinos, perros leales, águilas planeando, ahora hablando en la lírica lengua gallega. Así que adentrémonos en este mundo encantador de creatividad y sabiduría rural y pasemos tiempo en la cautivadora compañía de los animales. Quizás encuentres algo nuevo en el espíritu humano y en ti mismo. Jose Pardal

  • - New York
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    182,95 kr.

    Warm-up book for jazz, classical, etc. trumpets. In the world of brass instrument players, many hobbies and illnesses develop, including Bell's palsy, oromandibular dystonia, bruxism, Satchmo syndrome, and performance anxiety. Wind instrumentalists are the most affected and represent 70% of patients in the profession. A 2009 study of 450 musicians from Argentina found that 53% had ever suffered muscle, tendon, and joint injuries, 22% from trauma, and 17% from dystonia. .Dystonia is a less frequent syndrome, but it also affects musicians, generating problems in the central nervous system, with involuntary movements triggered by a certain repetitive act. Oromandibular dystonia is a focal dystonia characterized by involuntary spasms of the masticatory, facial, and lingual muscles. Different forms of oromandibular dystonia are distinguished: open, with lateral deviation and closed depending on the affected muscles.Oromandibular closure dystonia is caused byDystonic spasms of the temporalis and masseter musclesMainly in this group suffer problems in the muscles of the lips.Satchmo syndrome, which is a muscle tear due to the effort of said muscle to sound the instrument.Oromandibular dystonia Disorders of the temporomandibular joint, the symptoms of which increase especially during practice. Playing wind instruments damages the blood vessels in the brain. Just like athletes, they require a regular and regular warm-up, especially for beginners. The coordination of the muscles of the face, lips and tongue helps to breathe! Knowing the correct way to warm up prevents medical sequelae, such as tears, and drastically improves performance!All this heating is coordinated with the facial muscles, the air, the lungs and the diaphragm, which is one of the strongest muscles in the human body. The diaphragm, located below the lungs, is the main muscle for breathing. It is an elongated, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and continuously and, most of the time, involuntarily. As you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, and the chest cavity widens. This contraction creates a vacuum that draws air into the lungs. As you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes back into its dome shape and air is expelled from the lungs. Some emotions such as sadness, fear, anxiety or stress can influence diaphragmatic activity or its proper functioning. In turn, these emotions can cause alterations in the perception of pain. The activity of the diaphragm is also fundamental in maintaining posture and changes in body position, both because of its location and its insertion areas in the center of the body, and because of its isolated contractions; which has been shown to produce postural alterations depending on the position in which we find ourselves. At the level of the circulatory system, the diaphragm facilitates venous and lymphatic return; This is because their movements can cause changes in body pressure. This function will be important for the absorption of substances from the peritoneal cavity, as well as for good blood circulation in the liver and abdomen. The pressures on the abdominal viscera produced by the movement of the diaphragm favor peristaltic movements and digestive function. In turn, its gastroesophageal function is also relevant, since the crural part of the diaphragm prevents gastroesophageal reflux and is involved in other important processes. Full control of the diaphragm is important for playing any wind instrument. Jose Pardal

  • - New York
    af Jose Lopez Perez
    242,95 kr.

    Book of technical studies of flexibility, applied to improvisation on the trombone. jose pardal

  • af Jose Pardal Merza, Jose Lopez Perez & Nieves Lopez Morales
    142,95 kr.

  • af Jose Pardal Merza, Jose Lopez Perez & Nieves Lopez Morales
    278,95 kr.

  • af Jose Lopez Perez, Jose Pardal Merza Merza & Nieve Lopez Perez
    222,95 kr.

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