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  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    547,95 kr.

    Ao ler este livro, apercebi-me de que ele é cem por cento realista em relação à questão central que aborda. Trata-se de um esforço coletivo para interpretar o impacto do sistema punitivo na inserção dos reclusos na sociedade, no emprego e na família, mas, como o leitor já pode antecipar, é um processo falhado. Na minha experiência como profissional de saúde e de comportamento, tenho testemunhado inúmeros casos de readaptação social em que o recluso constrói uma nova identidade através da terapia e da redescoberta da consciência de si próprio. Observei como os reclusos desenvolvem competências e capacidades em torno da sua subsistência e da inteligência para enfrentar desafios. Convivi e entrevistei reclusos que se reinventam com uma nova perspetiva de si próprios perante qualquer adversidade e o seu desenvolvimento emocional e humano aumenta à medida que atravessam os momentos mais difíceis da sua reabilitação. Em algumas ocasiões, observei como uma recaída na droga ou na violência é motivo suficiente para regressar a uma identidade mais forte.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    547,95 kr.

    En lisant ce livre, je me suis rendu compte qu'il est cent pour cent réaliste en ce qui concerne la question centrale qu'il aborde. Il s'agit d'un effort collectif pour interpréter l'impact du système punitif sur l'insertion des détenus dans la société, l'emploi et la famille, mais comme le lecteur peut déjà l'anticiper, il s'agit d'un processus qui échoue. En tant que professionnel de la santé et du comportement, j'ai été témoin d'innombrables cas de réadaptation sociale dans lesquels le détenu se construit une nouvelle identité grâce à la thérapie et à la redécouverte de la conscience de soi. J'ai observé comment les détenus développent des compétences et des capacités autour de leurs moyens de subsistance et l'intelligence nécessaire pour relever les défis. J'ai vécu et interviewé des détenus qui se réinventent avec une nouvelle perspective d'eux-mêmes face à l'adversité et leur développement émotionnel et humain augmente alors qu'ils traversent les moments les plus difficiles de leur réinsertion. J'ai parfois observé qu'une rechute dans la drogue ou la violence est une raison suffisante pour revenir à une identité plus forte.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    547,95 kr.

    Leggendo questo libro, mi sono reso conto che è realistico al cento per cento rispetto alla questione centrale che affronta. È uno sforzo collettivo per interpretare l'impatto del sistema punitivo sull'inserimento dei detenuti nella società, nel lavoro e nella famiglia, ma come il lettore può già anticipare si tratta di un processo fallimentare. Nella mia esperienza di professionista della salute e del comportamento ho assistito a innumerevoli casi di riadattamento sociale in cui il detenuto costruisce una nuova identità attraverso la terapia e la riscoperta della consapevolezza di sé. Ho osservato come i detenuti sviluppino competenze e abilità per il loro sostentamento e l'intelligenza per affrontare le sfide. Ho vissuto e intervistato detenuti che si reinventano con una nuova prospettiva di sé di fronte a qualsiasi avversità e il loro sviluppo emotivo e umano aumenta mentre attraversano i momenti più difficili della loro riabilitazione. In alcune occasioni ho osservato come una ricaduta nella droga o nella violenza sia un motivo sufficiente per tornare a un'identità più forte.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    547,95 kr.

    Bei der Lektüre dieses Buches habe ich festgestellt, dass es in Bezug auf das zentrale Thema, das es behandelt, hundertprozentig realistisch ist. Es ist ein kollektiver Versuch, die Auswirkungen des Strafvollzugssystems auf die Eingliederung von Häftlingen in die Gesellschaft, in den Arbeitsmarkt und in die Familie zu interpretieren, aber wie der Leser bereits erahnen kann, ist dies ein gescheiterter Prozess. In meiner Erfahrung als Gesundheits- und Verhaltensexperte habe ich zahllose Fälle von sozialer Wiedereingliederung erlebt, in denen der Insasse durch Therapie und die Wiederentdeckung des Selbstbewusstseins eine neue Identität aufbaut. Ich habe beobachtet, wie Insassen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten entwickeln, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten und Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Ich habe mit Häftlingen gelebt und sie interviewt, die sich angesichts aller Widrigkeiten neu erfinden und ihre emotionale und menschliche Entwicklung vorantreiben, während sie die schwierigsten Momente ihrer Rehabilitation durchleben. Gelegentlich habe ich beobachtet, wie ein Rückfall in Drogen oder Gewalt Grund genug ist, zu einer stärkeren Identität zurückzukehren.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    673,95 kr.

    As I read this book, I realized that it is one hundred percent realistic in terms of the central problem it addresses. It is a collective effort to interpret the impact of the punitive system on the insertion of inmates into society, employment and family, but as the reader can already anticipate, it is a failed process. In my experience as a health and behavioral health professional, I have witnessed countless cases of social readaptation in which the inmate builds a new identity through therapy and the rediscovery of self-awareness. I have observed how inmates develop skills and abilities around their livelihood and the intelligence to face challenges. I have lived with and interviewed inmates who reinvent themselves with a new perspective of themselves in the face of any adversity and their emotional and human development increases as they go through the most difficult moments of their rehabilitation. On occasions I have observed how a relapse into drugs or violence is reason enough to return to a stronger identity.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    758,95 kr.

    Sustainable Development is presented in three phases. In the first phase, the entities that moderate the impact of the problems that prevent humanity from developing environmentally are described. In the second phase, the social theories that have been used to approach ecological problems are reviewed. Finally, in the third phase, the scope and limits of biospheric proposals are discussed.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    618,95 kr.

    O Desenvolvimento Sustentável é apresentado em três fases. Na primeira fase, descrevem-se as entidades que moderaram o impacto dos problemas que impedem a humanidade de se desenvolver ambientalmente. Na segunda fase, são revistas as teorias sociais que têm sido utilizadas para abordar as questões ecológicas. Finalmente, na terceira fase, discute-se o alcance e os limites das propostas biosféricas.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    618,95 kr.

    Le développement durable est présenté en trois phases. Dans la première phase, les entités qui modèrent l'impact des problèmes qui empêchent l'humanité de se développer sur le plan environnemental sont décrites. Dans un deuxième temps, les théories sociales qui ont été utilisées pour aborder les questions écologiques sont passées en revue. Enfin, dans la troisième phase, la portée et les limites des propositions biosphériques sont discutées.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    618,95 kr.

    Lo sviluppo sostenibile viene presentato in tre fasi. Nella prima fase vengono descritte le entità che moderano l'impatto dei problemi che impediscono all'umanità di svilupparsi dal punto di vista ambientale. Nella seconda fase, vengono passate in rassegna le teorie sociali che sono state utilizzate per affrontare le questioni ecologiche. Infine, nella terza fase, si discutono la portata e i limiti delle proposte biosferiche.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    618,95 kr.

    Die nachhaltige Entwicklung wird in drei Phasen dargestellt. In der ersten Phase werden die Instanzen beschrieben, die die Auswirkungen der Probleme, die die Menschheit an einer ökologischen Entwicklung hindern, abmildern. In der zweiten Phase werden die sozialen Theorien, mit denen ökologische Fragen angegangen werden, überprüft. In der dritten Phase werden schließlich die Reichweite und die Grenzen der biosphärischen Vorschläge diskutiert.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    768,95 kr.

    Three years ago the National Autonomous University of Mexico through the Dr. Gustavo Baz Prada Chair awarded me a grant to undertake research on migrants in the municipality of Xilitla, a magical town in the Huasteca zone of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. At that time, I had conducted a review of the state of knowledge of migration in Central America, Mexico and the United States. The literature broadly mentioned that the migration phenomenon involved the adaptation of migrant flows in central areas due to their economy, but there were also indications that migrants assimilated the culture that received them, although the most critical works warned of a multicultural identity that the descendants of migrants selected no longer to adjust to the imponderables, but to transform and innovate their environment.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    883,95 kr.

    In the year 2025, the impact of the hydrological waste of the affluent economic zones on the supply needs of the marginalized economic zones will be explained based on the theory of systemic competencies structured in six phases. In the first phase, the socio-economic, political and environmental context that prevents humanity from sustainable development will be presented. In the second phase, the antecedent theories and the relevance of exogenous and endogenous, moderating and mediating variables will be presented. In the third phase, these variables will be modeled in six logical trajectories. In the fourth phase, the quantifiable evaluation of the problem will be proposed. In the fifth phase, the reliability and validity of the instruments that measure three constructs will be analyzed: (1) environmental situation, (2) systemic competences, (3) community senses and (4) sustainable behaviors to establish the plausibility of the causal relationships between these variables, expecting that the irregular water supply will indirectly, positively and significantly determine its saving through the beliefs of scarcity of the resource and the conservation motives.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    683,95 kr.

    The text introduces us to several intertwined topics; on the one hand, resorting to important theoretical approaches of social psychology and on the other hand, to the analysis of the strong economic dependence of countries with emerging economies. Thus, the problems of migration of Mexicans from the Huasteca potosina, the social and environmental conditions that expel them from their communities of origin, the adaptive adjustments to the receiving culture in their journey to the United States, and the use of the economic resources generated are amalgamated, presenting a very valuable approach to the reality addressed.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    718,95 kr.

    The text introduces us to various intertwined themes; on the one hand, resorting to important theoretical approaches of social psychology and, on the other, to the analysis of the strong economic dependence of countries with emerging economies. Thus, the problems of the migration of Mexicans from the Huasteca Potosina, the social and environmental conditions that expel them from their communities of origin, the adaptive adjustments to the receiving culture on their journey to the United States, and the use of the economic resources generated are amalgamated to present a very valuable approach to the reality addressed.

  • af José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
    370,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios, José Marcos Bustos Aguayo & Gerardo Limón
    455,95 kr.

    From an economic perspective, the Sustainable Development of water in Mexico, Federal District, for a tariff system that has been set as the water availability has increased from 300 liters per day per person with a unit cost of, 025 pesos in 1950 is indicated 120 liters per day per capita in 2000 when it reached an average of 50 pesos per volume of bi - monthly consumption (Conagua, 2008). However, the collection system has been questioned by the psychosocial approach which warns a series of disputes arising out of drinking water and related - ph.

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