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  • af Jose O'Daly
    494,95 kr.

    Vemos o mundo com a retina, as células ganglionares enviam axónios para o nervo ótico até ao córtex occipital no cérebro. A mente cresce com todas as informações do mundo interior e exterior. A retina dos teleósteos é utilizada como modelo para a retina dos vertebrados. A partícula de campo eletromagnético Mindtron, explica a existência da mente no cérebro humano. Existem correlações entre o quociente de inteligência e o tamanho da massa cinzenta cerebral, as mulheres com os córtices de associação pré-frontal e temporal, os homens com a área temporal-occipital. As principais células receptoras de luz na retina são as células fotorreceptoras, os bastonetes e os cones. Uma terceira célula de deteção da luz, a célula ganglionar fotossensível, produz os ritmos circadianos e as respostas reflexas, o reflexo pupilar da luz. A retina tem 7 milhões de cones e 75-100 milhões de bastonetes com necessidades energéticas superiores às do cérebro para renovar os segmentos externos dos fotorreceptores, dos quais 10% são eliminados diariamente. A retina central contém predominantemente cones, enquanto a retina periférica contém bastonetes. No total, a retina tem cerca de sete milhões de cones e cem milhões de bastonetes. A retina central contém cones, enquanto a periférica contém bastonetes.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    494,95 kr.

    Vediamo il mondo con la retina, le cellule ganglionari inviano assoni al nervo ottico fino alla corteccia occipitale del cervello. La mente cresce grazie a tutte le informazioni provenienti dal mondo interno ed esterno. La retina dei teleostei è usata come modello per la retina dei vertebrati. La particella di campo elettromagnetico Mindtron spiega l'esistenza della mente nel cervello umano. Esistono correlazioni tra il quoziente di intelligenza e la dimensione della materia grigia cerebrale, le donne con le cortecce prefrontali e di associazione temporale, gli uomini con l'area temporo-occipitale. Le cellule recettrici primarie della luce nella retina sono i fotorecettori bastoncelli e i coni. Una terza cellula che percepisce la luce, la cellula gangliare fotosensibile, produce i ritmi circadiani e le risposte riflesse, il riflesso luminoso pupillare. La retina ha 7 milioni di coni e 75-100 milioni di bastoncelli con un fabbisogno energetico superiore a quello del cervello necessario per rinnovare i segmenti esterni dei fotorecettori, il 10% dei quali viene perso ogni giorno. La retina centrale contiene prevalentemente coni, mentre la retina periferica contiene bastoncelli. In totale, la retina ha circa sette milioni di coni e cento milioni di bastoncelli. La retina centrale contiene coni, mentre i bastoncelli periferici.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    494,95 kr.

    Nous voyons le monde avec la rétine, les cellules ganglionnaires envoient des axones au nerf optique jusqu'au cortex occipital dans le cerveau. L'esprit se nourrit de toutes les informations provenant des mondes intérieur et extérieur. La rétine des téléostéens sert de modèle à la rétine des vertébrés. La particule de champ électromagnétique Mindtron explique l'existence de l'esprit dans le cerveau humain. Il existe des corrélations entre le quotient intellectuel et la taille de la matière grise cérébrale, les femmes avec les cortex d'association préfrontal et temporal, les hommes avec la zone temporo-occipitale. Les principales cellules réceptrices de la lumière dans la rétine sont les cellules photoréceptrices à bâtonnets et à cônes. Une troisième cellule de détection de la lumière, la cellule ganglionnaire photosensible, produit les rythmes circadiens et les réponses réflexes, le réflexe pupillaire à la lumière. La rétine compte 7 millions de cônes et 75 à 100 millions de bâtonnets dont les besoins énergétiques sont supérieurs à ceux du cerveau pour renouveler les segments externes des photorécepteurs, dont 10 % sont éliminés chaque jour. La rétine centrale contient principalement des cônes, tandis que la rétine périphérique contient des bâtonnets. Au total, la rétine compte environ sept millions de cônes et cent millions de bâtonnets. La rétine centrale contient des cônes, tandis que la rétine périphérique contient des bâtonnets.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    494,95 kr.

    Wir sehen die Welt mit der Netzhaut, die Ganglienzellen senden Axone zum Sehnerv bis zur okzipitalen Rinde im Gehirn. Der Verstand verarbeitet alle Informationen aus der inneren und äußeren Welt. Die Netzhaut der Teleosteer wird als Modell für die Netzhaut der Wirbeltiere verwendet. Das elektromagnetische Feldteilchen Mindtron, erklärt die Existenz des Geistes im menschlichen Gehirn. Es gibt Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Intelligenzquotienten und der Größe der grauen Hirnsubstanz, bei Frauen mit dem präfrontalen und dem temporalen Assoziationscorticus, bei Männern mit dem temporal-okzipitalen Areal. Die primären Lichtrezeptorzellen in der Netzhaut sind die Stäbchen- und Zapfenphotorezeptoren. Eine dritte Lichtsinneszelle, die lichtempfindliche Ganglienzelle, erzeugt den zirkadianen Rhythmus und die reflexartigen Reaktionen, den Pupillenlichtreflex. Die Netzhaut besteht aus 7 Millionen Zapfen und 75-100 Millionen Stäbchen, deren Energiebedarf größer ist als der des Gehirns zur Erneuerung der äußeren Photorezeptorensegmente, von denen täglich 10 % abgestoßen werden. In der zentralen Netzhaut überwiegen die Zapfen, in der peripheren Netzhaut die Stäbchen. Insgesamt verfügt die Netzhaut über etwa sieben Millionen Zapfen und hundert Millionen Stäbchen. Die zentrale Netzhaut enthält Zapfen, während die peripheren Stäbchen enthalten.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    484,95 kr.

    We see the world with the retina, ganglion cells send axons to the optic nerve up to the occipital cortex in the brain. The mind growths by all the information from the inner and outer worlds. The teleost retina is used as a model for the vertebrate retina. The electromagnetic field particle Mindtron, explains the existence of the mind in the human brain. There are correlations between the intelligence quotient and cerebral gray matter size, women with prefrontal and temporal association cortices, men with temporal-occipital area. The primary light receptor cells in the retina are the photoreceptor cells rod and cones. A third light sensing cell, the photosensitive ganglion cell, produces the circadian rhythms and reflexive responses, the pupillary light reflex. The retina has 7 million cones and 75-100 million rods with energy requirements greater than the brain needed to renew the photoreceptor outer segments, of which 10% are shed daily. The central retina predominantly contains cones, while the peripheral retina contains rods. In total, the retina has about seven million cones and a hundred million rods. The central retina pcontains cones, while the peripheral rods.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    577,95 kr.

    Vergebung ist ein Prozess, bei dem der Geschädigte seine Gefühle gegenüber dem Täter ändert und die Straftat überwindet; rechtlich gesehen dient sie dem Erlass von Schulden, Darlehen und Verpflichtungen. Vergebung verbessert die körperliche Gesundheit des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems und des Nervensystems. Im Judentum wird eine Person, die einen Schaden verursacht, sich dann aber bei der geschädigten Person entschuldigt, ermutigt, Vergebung zu gewähren. Für die christliche Ethik ist sie von zentraler Bedeutung, da es bei Christus um Erlösung und Vergebung der Sünden geht. Jesus bittet Gott um Vergebung für diejenigen, die ihn gekreuzigt haben: Vater, vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun. Der Islam lehrt, dass Allah, der Allvergebende, die ursprüngliche Quelle aller Vergebung ist. In den Bahá'í-Schriften heißt es: Liebt die Geschöpfe um Gottes willen und nicht um ihrer selbst willen. Im Buddhismus verhindert die Vergebung, dass schädliche Gedanken das geistige Wohlbefinden beeinträchtigen. In der Hindu-Philosophie bedeutet Vergebung, mitfühlend, zärtlich und freundlich zu sein und den von jemandem verursachten Schaden oder Schmerz loszulassen. Vergebung ist Tugend, Opfer, die Veden, Askese, Heiligkeit, die das Universum zusammenhält. Im Jainismus ist Vergebung die wichtigste Tugend, die es zu kultivieren gilt.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    777,95 kr.

    Primeiros casos de COVID-19 em Wuhan, na China, no final de 2019, e depois em todo o mundo. Sintomas: Febre, tosse, dor de cabeça, fadiga, dificuldades respiratórias e perda do paladar transmitidos por partículas de gotículas de pessoas infetadas. O órgão pulmonar é o mais afetado. Tratamento: parar a tempestade de citocinas, principal causa de morbilidade e mortalidade na doença COVID-19. As vacinas evitaram 14,4 a 19,8 mortes em 185 países entre 8 de dezembro de 2020 e 8 de dezembro de 2021. 18 de junho de 2023 Foram administradas 13,42 mil milhões de doses de COVID-19 em todo o mundo. A resposta imunitária ao vírus Sars-Covid-19-2 é uma combinação de imunidade mediada por células e anticorpos. A pandemia resultou em 110 milhões de infecções confirmadas com 2,4 milhões de mortes em todo o mundo em fevereiro de 2021. A 6 de agosto de 2023, foram confirmados 552 695 casos com 5 856 mortes e 546 537 (96%) casos recuperados na Venezuela. No mundo 768.982.331 com 6.953.730 mortes. Vírus reactivados como o Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV), Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) foram encontrados em pacientes com COVID longo, a persistência viral é um condutor de sintomas de COVID longo, proteínas virais e RNA, no sistema reprodutivo, cérebro, olhos, músculos, sistema cardiovascular, gânglios linfáticos, apêndice, mama, hepático, tecido pulmonar.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    469,95 kr.

    First cases COVID-19 in Wuhan China end 2019 then went to the world. Symptoms: Fever, cough, headache, fatigue, breathing difficulties and loss of taste transmitted by droplets particles from infected people. Lung organ most affected. Treatment: stopping cytokine storm leading cause of morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 disease. Vaccines prevented 14.4 to 19.8 deaths in 185 countries from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. 18 June 2023 13.42 billion doses of COVID-19 have been given worldwide. Immune response to Sars-Covid-19-2 virus is a combination of cell mediated immunity and antibodies. Pandemic has resulted in 110 million confirmed infections with 2.4 million deaths worldwide in February 2021. August 6, 2023, confirm cases 552,695 with 5,856 deaths and 546,537 (96%) recuperated cases in Venezuela. In the world 768,982,331 with 6,953,730 deaths. Reactivated virus like Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV), Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) have been found in patients with long COVID, viral persistence is a driver of long COVID symptoms, viral proteins and RNA, in the reproductive system, brain, eyes, muscles, cardiovascular system, lymph nodes, appendix, breast, hepatic, lung tissue.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    577,95 kr.

    Les substrats neuronaux de la spiritualité sont inconnus, dans les lésions cérébrales grises périaqueducales du tronc cérébral associées à la spiritualité. Résonance magnétique fonctionnelle Lycée La Salle Lycée Caracas mage dans le cerveau, montre des anomalies de structure. Les pensées et les sentiments sont dans l'esprit, la conscience est la pensée, la perception, la mémoire, l'émotion, les processus cognitifs inconscients. Hippocrate : Du cerveau naissent nos plaisirs, nos joies, nos rires, nos plaisanteries, nos peines, nos douleurs, nos chagrins et nos larmes. Aristote : L'homme naît avec une table rase sur laquelle sont écrites les expériences pour former l'Esprit. Une centaine de milliards de neurones, dotés de cent mille milliards de synapses, se trouvent dans le cerveau pour produire la pensée humaine. Les dommages causés à la zone de Broca entraînent l'incapacité de parler. Penfield a fait une stimulation électrique du cerveau et a déclenché des souvenirs d'événements passés. Sperry, en divisant le corps calleux, a divisé le moi, a produit deux personnes, John Doe Left s'exprimant de manière plus logique dans la planification et John Doe Right, plus agressif, impulsif et émotif. Pythagore : L'âme a de l'intelligence, de la raison et de la passion. Léonard de Vinci : L'âme est au-dessus du chiasma optique.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    577,95 kr.

    Os substratos neurais da espiritualidade são desconhecidos, nas lesões cerebrais cinzentas periaquedutais do tronco cerebral associadas à espiritualidade. Ressonância magnética funcional Escola Secundária La Salle High School Caracas imagens no cérebro, mostram anormalidades estruturais. Pensamentos e sentimentos estão na Mente, consciência é pensamento, percepção, memória, emoção, processos cognitivos inconscientes. Hipócrates: Do cérebro surgem nossos prazeres, alegrias, risos, piadas, tristezas, dores, tristezas e lágrimas. Aristóteles: O homem nasce com uma tabula rasa na qual as experiências são escritas para formar a Mente. Cem bilhões de neurônios com cem trilhões de sinapses estão no cérebro produzindo o pensamento humano. Danos na área de Broca resultam em incapacidade de falar. Penfield fez estimulação elétrica do cérebro e desencadeou memórias de eventos passados. Sperry dividindo o corpo caloso dividiu o eu, produziu duas pessoas, John Doe Left se expressa de forma mais lógica no planejamento e John Doe Right mais agressivo, impulsivo, emocional. Pitágoras: A alma tem inteligência, razão e paixão. Leonardo da Vinci: A alma está acima do quiasma óptico.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    577,95 kr.

    I substrati neurali della spiritualità sono sconosciuti, nelle lesioni cerebrali grigie periacqueduttali del tronco cerebrale associate alla spiritualità. La risonanza magnetica funzionale Scuola Secondaria La Salle Liceo Caracas, diagnosticata nel cervello, mostra anomalie strutturali. Pensieri e sentimenti sono nella Mente, la coscienza è pensiero, percezione, memoria, emozione, processi cognitivi inconsci. Ippocrate: Dal cervello nascono i nostri piaceri, le gioie, le risate, gli scherzi, i dolori, i dolori, le pene e le lacrime. Aristotele: L'uomo nasce con una tabula rasa su cui sono scritte le esperienze per formare la Mente. Cento miliardi di neuroni con cento trilioni di sinapsi si trovano nel cervello e producono il pensiero umano. Il danno all'area di Broca provoca l'incapacità di parlare. Penfield ha stimolato elettricamente il cervello e ha innescato ricordi di eventi passati. Sperry dividendo il corpo calloso ha diviso il sé, ha prodotto due persone, John Doe Left si esprime in modo più logico nella pianificazione e John Doe Right più aggressivo, impulsivo, emotivo. Pitagora: L'anima ha intelligenza, ragione e passione. Leonardo da Vinci: L'anima è al di sopra del chiasma ottico.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    272,95 kr.

    Nejronnye substraty duhownosti neizwestny, w stwole golownogo mozga periakweduktal'nye porazheniq serogo mozga swqzany s duhownost'ü. Funkcional'nyj magnitnyj rezonans srednej shkoly La Sal' srednej shkoly Karakasa pozwolqet prowesti issledowanie mozga, obnaruzhiwaq strukturnye anomalii. Mysli i chuwstwa nahodqtsq w Razume, soznanie ¿ äto mysl', wospriqtie, pamqt', ämocii, bessoznatel'nye poznawatel'nye processy. Gippokrat: Iz mozga woznikaüt nashi udowol'stwiq, radosti, smeh, shutki, pechali, boli, pechali i slezy. Aristotel': Chelowek rozhdaetsq s tabula rasa, na kotoroj zapisywaütsq perezhiwaniq, formiruüschie Razum. Sto milliardow nejronow so sotnej trillionow sinapsow nahodqtsq w mozgu i proizwodqt chelowecheskuü mysl'. Powrezhdenie zony Broka priwodit k newozmozhnosti goworit'. Penfild prowodil älektricheskuü stimulqciü mozga i wyzywal wospominaniq o proshlyh sobytiqh. Sperri, razdeliw mozolistoe telo, razdelil lichnost', obrazowaw dwuh chelowek: Dzhon Dou Lewyj proqwlqet sebq bolee logichno pri planirowanii, a Dzhon Dou Prawyj ¿ bolee agressiwno, impul'siwno i ämocional'no. Pifagor: Dusha obladaet razumom, razumom i strast'ü. Leonardo da Vinchi: Dusha nahoditsq nad perekrestom zritel'nyh nerwow.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    577,95 kr.

    Neuronale Substrate der Spiritualität sind unbekannt, im Hirnstamm sind periaquäduktale graue Hirnläsionen mit Spiritualität verbunden. Funktionelle Magnetresonanz-Sekundarschule La Salle High School Caracas Maging im Gehirn zeigt Strukturanomalien. Gedanken und Gefühle befinden sich im Geist, Bewusstsein ist Gedanke, Wahrnehmung, Erinnerung, Emotion, unbewusste kognitive Prozesse. Hippokrates: Aus dem Gehirn entstehen unsere Freuden, Freuden, Lachen, Scherze, Sorgen, Schmerzen, Trauer und Tränen. Aristoteles: Der Mensch wird mit einer tabula rasa geboren, auf der Erfahrungen niedergeschrieben sind, um den Geist zu formen. Hundert Milliarden Neuronen mit hundert Billionen Synapsen produzieren im Gehirn menschliches Denken. Eine Schädigung des Broca-Bereichs führt zu Sprechunfähigkeit. Penfield stimulierte das Gehirn elektrisch und löste Erinnerungen an vergangene Ereignisse aus. Sperry spaltete das Corpus Callosum, spaltete das Selbst und brachte zwei Personen hervor: John Doe Left drückte sich logischer in der Planung aus und John Doe Right drückte sich aggressiver, impulsiver und emotionaler aus. Pythagoras: Die Seele hat Intelligenz, Vernunft und Leidenschaft. Leonardo da Vinci: Die Seele liegt über dem optischen Chiasma.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    346,95 kr.

    Neural substrates of spirituality are unknown, in the brainstem periaqueductal grey brain lesions associated with spirituality. Functional magnetic resonance Secondary School La Salle High School Caracas maging in the brain, show structure abnormalities. Thoughts and feelings are in Mind, consciousness is thought, perception, memory, emotion, unconscious cognitive processes. Hippocrates: From the brain, arise our pleasures, joys, laughter, jests, sorrows, pains, griefs and tears. Aristotle: Man is born with a tabula rasa on which experiences are written to form the Mind. A hundred billion neurons with a hundred trillion synapses, are in brain produce human thought. Damage to Broca area results in inability to talk. Penfield did electrical stimulation of the brain and triggered memories of past events. Sperry splitting the corpus callosum split the self, produced two persons, John Doe Left express himself more logical at planning and John Doe Right more aggressive, impulsive, emotional. Pythagoras: The soul has intelligence, reason and passion. Leonardo da Vinci: Soul is above the optic chiasm.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    527,95 kr.

    Human consciousness adapt to circumstances using moral principles as honesty, fairness, and equality. No pattern of brain activity indicates consciousness. Absolute principles are universal based on the nature of human beings. Relative principles depend on the situation based on opinions changing from person to person. Conscious awareness from billions of nerve cells is an unanswered questions of life. In disorders of consciousness, there is reduced connectivity and physical damage in connections between cortex and deep brain structures. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and electroencephalography revealed the neural activity that accompanies disorders showing the networks involved in working memory, attention, and mind wandering. Integrated Information theory is a key theory of consciousness proposing it is a fundamental property of all physical systems. In lucid dreaming the person becomes aware that they are dreaming during the dream. Neurocognitive evidence insight into dreaming is a prognostic factor for help in schizophrenia. Conscience is a mental faculty that determines the rightness and wrongness of actions. Communication is a behavior to change attitude of another.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    267,95 kr.

    Piramida Hufu - odno iz semi chudes sweta, pogrebal'noe sooruzhenie, stroiwsheesq bolee 2700 let. Piramidy nahodqtsq w Egipte, Sudane, Jefiopii, Zapadnoj Azii, Grecii, Kipre, Italii, Indii, Tailande, Mexike, Juzhnoj Amerike, Solnca i Luny w Teotiuakane w central'noj Mexike, Kastil'o w Chichen-Ice, sooruzheniq inkow i chimu w Andah. Korrelqciq mezhdu raspolozheniem treh krupnejshih piramid Gizy i Poqsa Oriona iz sozwezdiq Oriona, swqzannogo s Osirisom, bogom wozrozhdeniq i zagrobnoj zhizni. My zhiwem w mire, kotoryj opredelqetsq tremq prostranstwennymi izmereniqmi i odnim wremennym. Uchenye predlagaüt shestimernuü geometricheskuü formu, predstawlennuü w forme Kalabi-Yau. My znaem o treh prostranstwennyh izmereniqh i odnom wremeni, drugie izmereniq nahodqtsq za predelami nashego ogranichennogo wospriqtiq, äto mesto, gde obitaüt duhi. Chetwertoe izmerenie - äto lüboe prostranstwo, perpendikulqrnoe kubu, kotoroe my ne mozhem wizualizirowat'. Teoriq strun predlagaet 10 izmerenij. Teoriq Mul'tiwselennoj predlagaet parallel'nye wselennye, sozdannye Bol'shim wzrywom. V teorii superstrun suschestwuet 10 izmerenij - dewqt' prostranstwennyh i odno wremennoe. Osnownymi edinicami Vselennoj qwlqütsq struny - beskonechno malye, wibriruüschie niti änergii. Bol'shoj adronnyj kollajder.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    346,95 kr.

    Pyramid of Khufu is one of the Seven Wonders of the World funerary edifice built over 2700 years. Pyramids are in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, western Asia, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, India, Thailand, Mexico, South America, of the Sun and the Moon at Teotihuacán in central Mexico, the Castillo at Chichén Itzá, and Inca and Chimú structures in the Andeans. Correlation between the location of the three largest pyramids of Giza and Orion's Belt of the constellation Orion associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and afterlife. We live in a world defined by three spatial dimensions and one of time. Scientists propose a six-dimensional geometric shape shown in a Calabi-Yau shape. We are certain of 3 spatial dimensions and one of time, other dimensions are beyond our limited perception, a place where spirits lived. The fourth dimension is any space perpendicular to a cube that we can't visualize. String theory, propose 10 dimensions. Multiverse theory proposed parallel universes creating a Big Bang. For Superstring theory there are 10 dimensions nine of space and one of time. The basic units of the universe are strings infinitesimally small, vibrating filaments of energy, Large Hadron Collider.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    570,95 kr.

    Galaxies move away from our universe which is expanding after a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Normal matter is 5 % of the universe, dark matter 26 %, and dark energy 69 %, the real world force of Einstein¿s cosmological constant, preventing a Big Crunch collapse. For Catholics and Christians God is the author of the universe, man depend on the universe for survival. Creation theology integrates the wisdom of all religions with the scientific understanding of the universe. Humans must stop their destructive industries, and preserve the environment. Science must answer how the universe came into being; the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets and whether there is life on other worlds. A. Einstein developed the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics the two pillars of modern physics. His mass energy formula E = mc2, is the world's most famous equation.

  • af Jose O'Daly
    997,95 kr.

    Otto pianeti: Mercurio, Venere, Terra, Marte, Giove, Urano, Nettuno e Plutone fanno parte del sistema solare di una galassia, la Via Lattea, con 200 miliardi di stelle. Al centro della galassia si trova un enorme buco nero. L'Universo si sta espandendo dopo il Big Bang. Un fulmine ha fornito l'energia per l'inizio della vita, generando aminoacidi e zuccheri da un'atmosfera. Il DNA immagazzina informazioni per altre molecole. La vita sulla Terra è iniziata > 3 miliardi di anni fa. L'RNA ha creato il DNA e le proteine. Panspermia: La vita è arrivata sulla Terra dallo spazio. L'abiogenesi è un processo attraverso il quale la vita è nata da 4 sostanze chimiche chiave: i lipidi per le membrane cellulari, i carboidrati per gli zuccheri, gli aminoacidi per il metabolismo delle proteine e gli acidi nucleici DNA e RNA per l'ereditarietà. Gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (IPA) sono precursori del mondo dell'RNA. Una protocellula è un insieme auto-organizzato e sferico di lipidi, un trampolino di lancio per l'origine della vita che richiede una perdita di entropia, quando le molecole si organizzano in materia vivente. La chemiosmosi è il principale sistema di conversione energetica di una cellula. I mitocondri producono adenosina trifosfato, la moneta energetica della cellula. Teorie sull'origine della vita: 1. Gli organismi viventi si sono formati sul nostro pianeta per opera di Dio...

  • af Jose O'Daly
    997,95 kr.

    Oito planetas: Mercúrio, Vénus, Terra, Marte, Júpiter, Urano, Neptuno e Plutão fazem parte do Sistema Solar de uma galáxia, a Via Láctea, com 200 mil milhões de estrelas. O centro galáctico tem um enorme buraco negro. O Universo está a expandir-se após o Big Bang. Os relâmpagos forneceram a energia para o início da vida, gerando aminoácidos e açúcares a partir de uma atmosfera. O ADN armazena informação para outras moléculas. A vida na Terra começou há > 3 mil milhões de anos. O ARN criou o ADN e as proteínas. Panspermia: A vida chegou à Terra vinda do espaço. A abiogénese é um processo pelo qual a vida surgiu a partir de 4 substâncias químicas fundamentais: lípidos para as membranas celulares, hidratos de carbono para os açúcares, aminoácidos para o metabolismo das proteínas e ácidos nucleicos ADN e ARN para a hereditariedade. Os hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) são precursores do mundo do ARN. Uma protocélula é um conjunto esférico e auto-organizado de lípidos, um trampolim para a origem da vida que requer uma perda de entropia, quando as moléculas se organizam em matéria viva. A quimiosmose é o principal sistema de conversão de energia de uma célula. As mitocôndrias produzem trifosfato de adenosina, a moeda energética da célula. Teorias da Origem da Vida: 1. Os organismos vivos foram formados no nosso planeta por Deus...

  • af Jose O'Daly
    997,95 kr.

    Huit planètes : Mercure, Vénus, Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune et Pluton font partie du système solaire d'une galaxie, la Voie lactée, qui compte 200 milliards d'étoiles. Le centre galactique abrite un trou noir massif. L'Univers est en expansion après le Big Bang. La foudre a fourni l'énergie nécessaire à l'apparition de la vie, générant des acides aminés et des sucres à partir d'une atmosphère. L'ADN stocke des informations pour d'autres molécules. La vie sur Terre a commencé il y a plus de 3 milliards d'années. L'ARN a créé l'ADN et les protéines. La panspermie : La vie est arrivée sur Terre depuis l'espace. L'abiogenèse est un processus par lequel la vie est apparue à partir de quatre substances chimiques clés : les lipides pour les membranes cellulaires, les glucides pour les sucres, les acides aminés pour le métabolisme des protéines, et les acides nucléiques ADN et ARN pour l'hérédité. Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) sont des précurseurs du monde de l'ARN. Une protocellule est un ensemble sphérique auto-organisé de lipides, un tremplin vers l'origine de la vie qui nécessite une perte d'entropie, lorsque les molécules s'organisent en matière vivante. La chimiosmose est le principal système de conversion énergétique d'une cellule. Les mitochondries produisent de l'adénosine triphosphate, la monnaie énergétique de la cellule. Théories sur l'origine de la vie : 1. les organismes vivants ont été formés sur notre planète par Dieu...

  • af Jose O'Daly
    757,95 kr.

    Eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluton are part of the Solar System of a galaxy, the Milky Way with 200 billion stars. The Galactic Center has a massive black hole. The Universe is expanding after the Big Bang. Lightning provided the energy for life to begin, generating amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere. The DNA store information for other molecules. Life on Earth began > 3 billion years ago. RNA, created DNA and proteins. Panspermia: Life came to earth from space. Abiogenesis is a process by which life has arisen from 4 key chemicals: lipids for cell membranes, carbohydrates for sugars, amino acids for protein metabolism, and nucleic acids DNA and RNA for heredity. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are precursors to the RNA world. A protocell is a self-organized, spherical collection of lipids a stepping-stone to the origin of life which requires a loss of entropy, when molecules organize into living matter. Chemiosmosis is a cell's primary system of energy conversion. Mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate the energy currency of the cell. Theories of Origin of Life: 1. Living organisms were formed on our planet by God..

  • af Jose O'Daly
    414,95 kr.

    What is the truth? The true is a part of humans to know what is happening mentally, emotionally, physically. Human actions affect human sphere and nature. Thru reincarnations humans develop his higher potential. There is no final statement of truth. What is truth? Pilate¿s question to Jesus Christ has reverberated thru the centuries of human experience. Christ: ¿And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free¿. The universe seem infinite. The Big Rip: everything will be torn to shreds, when dark energy, becomes stronger than gravity, apocalyptic scenarios won¿t happen for billions of years to come. Rosicrucian conception of God Hermeticism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Enrico Fermi question referred to extraterrestrials are discussed in detail. Jung individuation is the central concept of analytical psychology for differentiation of conscious and unconscious elements, the main task of human development. Key concepts of analytical psychology: Anima and animus, Archetype, Archetypal images, Collective unconscious, Complex, Extraversion ntroversion, Individuation.

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