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  • af Joseph Curry
    120,95 kr.

    The power of prayer isn't in the person praying. It's not a magic formula. It isn't keywords. It is an open heart, humble and filled with awe of who our mighty God is. Rather, the power resides in the God who is being prayed to.1 John 5:14-15 tells us, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him."In fact, Jesus rebukes those who pray using repetitions or those who pray in public to seek attention or those who don't have the right heart, "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your father knows what you need before you ask him" (Matthew 6:7-8).Psalm 107:28-30 reminds us, "Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven." There is power in prayer! P.R.A.Y.E.R. = Positive Reassuring Action Yielding Eternal Results

  • af Joseph Curry
    151,95 - 172,95 kr.

    Scott Ortega has been release from the State Correctional Facility, trying to move on with his life. Now he's being force to do something he doesn't want to do, and that's go back to the tunnel. The tunnel is full of his past and hurt, but to save innocent lives Scott has to go back. Is Scott ready to face his fears, only time will tell.

  • af Joseph Curry
    172,95 kr.

    When Billionaire William Mercer hire a team, to work on a special project with the help of his Executive Foreman, the team discover that this isn't no ordinary work task. It becomes a game of cat and mouse, everything becomes more than meets the eye. Now it's up to the team to find not only a missing Mr. Mercer, but what's so important in the tunnel. It's going to take a lot of wit and skill to survive the tunnel. Team leader Jax calls on the help from not only the National guard but his long time best friend Reese, who both served in the United States Military. Can Jax and his team do what it take's to survive this mysterious tunnel? "Stay Away From The Tunnel"

  • - "The Revenge"
    af Joseph Curry
    172,95 kr.

    William Mercer finds a way to get free from prison with the help of his daughter's ex, but the ex is not happy with her new lifestyle that she decided to choose for herself and not anyone else, not even her father. but when she finds out the truth and how her new boyfriend is running from death it's up to Iris to free him from the path of death. Now with the help from The Hounds of Justice, can she break the chains of terror and get her life back to being happy? By starting a new chapter in her life, time will only tell.

  • - The Final Piece
    af Joseph Curry
    172,95 kr.

    A new team is assembled this time it's a group of men who won't stop at nothing to get what they want. Everybody has a past, but when the truth comes out there's a thin line between trust and betrayal. One man tries his best to do the right thing until he finds out his life is in danger. Can he find the final piece to get his life back together? Or will he become another victim of Greed, Hate, and Envy. Be careful "Everything is more than meets the eye"

  • - God Is Re-Building Me
    af Joseph Curry
    172,95 kr.

    Your architect is the Most High God. He's designed a specific plan for your life.The good news is the messy places can't stop your destiny. The delays, the things you don't understand, even the mistakes you've made, he's already taken them into account, and you may not see how your dream could ever work out. You feel like you're stuck. God is saying, "You're right on schedule. You're not a finished product. I'm still working on you. What I started; I'm going to bring to completion". The enemy in your life will whisper, "Not you. You have too many flaws, too many weaknesses. You've made too many mistakes". Remind him, "I'm under construction. I may have some messy places, but God's not finished with me".Paul said in Ephesians: "You're a Masterpiece". You may not be there quite yet but instead of beating yourself up, living with that negative recording, how you don't measure up, our attitude should be, "I'm a masterpiece in the making".

  • af Joseph Curry
    151,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Curry
    151,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Curry
    97,95 kr.

    Joseph Curry - author of The Wartime Winger and Scoring For the Stasi has created a page turning epic about `pitz' - the Mayan game played with a small rubber ball for life or death stakes.

  • af Joseph Curry
    322,95 kr.

    When Billionaire William Mercer hire a team, to work on a special project with the help of his Executive Foreman, the team discover that this isn't no ordinary work task. It becomes a game of cat and mouse, everything becomes more than meets the eye. Now it's up to the team to find not only a missing Mr. Mercer, but what's so important in the tunnel. It's going to take a lot of wit and skill to survive the tunnel. Team leader Jax calls on the help from not only the National guard but his long time best friend Reese, who both served in the United States Military. Can Jax and his team do what it take's to survive this mysterious tunnel? "Stay Away From The Tunnel"

  • af Joseph Curry
    97,95 kr.

    Growing up in East Germany in the 1960's, football mad Karl wants nothing more than to play for his hometown club. However, when this dream finally comes true, he soon finds out that playingfor the mighty Dynamo Berlin comes at a cost. Karl realises that the team are run by the dreaded Stasi Police and he's required to become an informant.

  • af Joseph Curry
    112,95 kr.

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