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Bøger af Josh Lacey

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  • af Josh Lacey
    60,95 kr.

    Sjette bind i den sjove og let-læste serie om dragepasseren Edvard, som skal passe onkel Olufs noget ”energiske” drage. "Kære onkel Oluf, Jeg har desværre dårligt nyt ...Arthur er blevet væk fra os. Han er et sted i London, men jeg ved ikke hvor."Bøgerne er skrevet som en e-mail-korrespondance, som gør dem lette at læse.

  • af Josh Lacey
    60,95 kr.

    Femte bind i den sjove og let-læste serie om dragepasseren Edvard, som skal passe onkel Olufs noget ”energiske” drage. "Kære onkel Oluf, Kan du komme til min fødselsdag? Det bliver så sjovt! Der kommer en tryllekunstner. Mor siger, at dragerne ikke er inviteret, men du kan få noget kage med hjem til dem ... "Bøgerne er skrevet som en e-mail-korrespondance, som gør dem lette at læse.

  • af Josh Lacey
    88,95 kr.

    'Dear Uncle Morton. You'd better get on a plane right now and come back here. Your dragon has eaten Jemima.'It had sounded so easy: Edward was going to look after Uncle Morton's unusual pet for a week while he went on holiday. But soon the fridge is empty, the curtains are blazing, and the postman is fleeing down the garden path.'Short, sharp and funny' - Telegraph

  • af Josh Lacey
    60,95 kr.

    Tredje bind i den sjove og let-læste serie om dragepasseren Edvard, som skal passe onkel Olufs noget ”energiske” drage. Bøgerne er skrevet som en e-mail-korrespondance, som gør dem lette at læse.”Kære Onkel Oluf, Dine drager er her stadig. De har ædt alt, hvad der var i køleskabet og det meste af dåsemaden i skabet. Arthur har også slugt tre skeer og fjernbetjeningen til tv’et. Mor siger, at det hele nok kommer ud i den anden ende, men det glæder jeg mig ikke rigtig til. Hun spørger, hvornår du kommer og henter dem.”

  • af Josh Lacey
    58,95 kr.

    Det hele starter såmænd bare med, at onkel Oluf tager på ferie, og lader sin nevø, Eddie passe sin drage. Hvor svært kan det egentlig være at passe en drage? Temmelig svært, viser det sig.Hele den hæsblæsende historie er skrevet som e-mail-korrespondance mellem Eddie og hans onkel – og det er ikke kedeligt!Dette er 1. bind i den supersjove serie om Dragepasseren.”Kære Onkel Oluf, Du må hellere hoppe på en flyver og skynde dig hjem. Din drage har spist Tove. Emilie elskede den kanin!”

  • af Josh Lacey
    60,95 kr.

    Andet bind i den sjove og let-læste serie om drengen Edvard, som skal passe onkel Olufs noget ”energiske” drage. Bøgerne er skrevet som en e-mail-korrespondance, som gør dem lette at læse.”Kære Onkel Oluf, Du er nødt til at komme og hjælpe os. Der sidder en kæmpe drage i vores have, og den vil ikke gå væk. Den ankom lige før, vi skulle i seng. Mor var på vej i bad, da vi pludselig hørte et brag udenfor…”

  • af Josh Lacey
    86,95 kr.

    Twins Scarlett and Thomas have been learning about the Maya at school. They even had a go at making hot chocolate from cacao beans. When Grandad falls ill, the twins know what the perfect cure will be - hot chocolate! They nervously borrow Grandad's time machine and travel back to the time of the Mayas. Scarlett pretends to be a god, and gets taken in by the royal family. Thomas is not quite so lucky, and ends up playing for his life in a brutal Mayan ball game. Watch out, Thomas, if you lose, you might be sacrificed to the gods!How far would you go to find the best hot chocolate?

  • af Josh Lacey
    98,95 kr.

    Discover two sides of history with the Time Travel Twins!Twins Scarlett and Thomas are learning about the Stone Age, so Grandad lets them use his time machine. Thomas wants to see a sabre-toothed tiger; Scarlett wants to see Stonehenge. They were thousands of years apart, what should they do? Go back in time twice of course!From perilous encounters with Neanderthals and woolly mammoths, to being roped into a mysterious ancient ceremony, the twins will need to keep their wits about them to survive their visits to the Stone Age!Also in the series: The Viking AttackThe Roman Invasion

  • af Josh Lacey
    98,95 kr.

    Discover two sides of history with the Time Travel Twins!Twins, Scarlett and Thomas, are learning about the Romans at school. So Grandad uses his time machine to send them back to Roman Britain.Scarlett finds herself in a Roman camp and is chosen as a slave by the Emperor Claudius¿s daughter, Antonia. The two become friends and Scarlett sees first hand the glamour and treachery of the Roman court.Thomas joins a rabble of local kids who hate the Romans. Their leader is a small red-headed girl called Boudicca. Even when the kids are overwhelmed and taken as slaves, Bou hatches another plan to attack the Romans.Will the twins find each other and escape, or will they both be stuck as Roman slaves for ever?Also in the series: The Viking Attack

  • af Josh Lacey
    88,95 kr.

  • af Josh Lacey
    213,95 kr.

    Jory John meets Sophie's Squash in this delightful, offbeat, and hilarious picture book, The Pet Potato, about finding companionship in unlikely places.Potatoes can't do anything a pet should. They can't learn tricks, or go for walks, or snuggle up with Albert.But to Albert's surprise, his potato begins to grow on him, and soon he can't imagine having any other pet.When the potato begins to rot, Albert is devastated. He buries it in his garden, and with a lot of care and a bit of patience, he discovers that his potato can do a great trick after all . . .Josh Lacey and Momoko Abe have created a delightful, offbeat picture book about finding companionship in unlikely places.

  • af Josh Lacey
    128,95 kr.

    A little boy complains to his uncle in a series of emails about how hard it is to pet sit his dragon. Readers will love seeing the hilarious havoc the dragon causes.

  • af Josh Lacey
    118,95 kr.

    1588: John Dee, Magier im Dienste Königin Elizabeth I., versucht mit einem Zauberspruch die spanische Armada zu zerstören. Doch nichts funktioniert. In seiner Verzweiflung beschwört er einige Dämonen herauf.Heute: Noah, Ruby und Layla machen einen Schulausflug ins British Museum. Als sie an John Dees magischen Utensilien vorbeikommen, greift Noah in die offene Vitrine und berührt den magischen Spiegel von John Dee. Zeit und Raum verschmelzen in einer beeindruckenden Wolke aus Rauch und Feuer und ein fantastisches Abenteuer beginnt.Inkl. Hörbuchversion für Smartphone und Tablet über Klett Augmented

  • af Josh Lacey
    123,95 kr.

    Eddie nimmt die Drachen mit auf seinen Schulausflug nach London. Da dauert es nicht lange, bis das Chaos ausbricht und beide Drachen verlorengehen. Wo können sie nur sein: vom Natural History Museum zum London Eye, durch die U-Bahn und Hotels - Eddie jagt die Drachen quer durch die StadtDas Hörbuch zur Lektüre können Sie kostenlos via Klett Augmented auf Smartphone oder Tablet downloaden und abspielen oder streamen.

  • af Josh Lacey
    338,95 kr.

    Det eneste, Albert ønsker sig, er et kæledyr. Og endelig får han det. Der er bare et problem. Det er en kartoffel ... Alberts far kan godt lide at drille, og Albert er sikker på, at det er en af fars skøre ideer, at han har fået en kælekartoffel. Men kælekartoflen har det godt hos Albert, der bygger togbaner og læser bøger sammen med den. En dag er den væk ...En finurlig historie om at tage sig godt af andre – og dele ud af sin glæde.

  • af Josh Lacey
    98,95 - 126,95 kr.

  • af Josh Lacey
    59,95 kr.

    Eddie havde regnet med, at det ville gå nemt med at passe dragen denne gang - lige indtil Ziggy forsvinder. Eddie finder den i klædeskabet, og den nægter at komme ud. Men at få Ziggy ud af skabet er ikke Eddies største problem - da han finder ud af, at hans onkels drage bærer på en stor hemmelighed ...Anden lydbog i den sjove serie om drengen Eddie, der skal passe sin onkels noget energiske drage. Bøgerne er skrevet som e-mailkorrespondancer mellem Eddie og onkel Oluf.”Kære onkel Oluf. Du er nødt til at komme og hjælpe os. Der sidder en kæmpe drage i vores have, og den vil ikke gå væk. Den ankom lige før, vi skulle i seng. Mor var på vej i bad, da vi pludselig hørte et brag udenfor…”

  • af Josh Lacey
    59,95 kr.

    Det hele starter såmænd bare med, at onkel Oluf tager på ferie og lader sin nevø, Eddie, passe sin drage. Og hvor svært kan det egentlig være at passe en drage? Temmelig svært, viser det sig ...Hele den hæsblæsende historie er indlæst som e-mail-korrespondance mellem Eddie og hans onkel – og det er ikke kedeligt!”Kære onkel Oluf,Du må hellere hoppe på en flyver og skynde dig hjem. Din drage har spist Tove. Emilie elskede den kanin!”Dette er 1. lydbog i den supersjove serie om Dragepasseren.

  • af Josh Lacey
    83,95 kr.

    Hope Jones hates cars - they turn the air brown and make everyone sick. Her friend Selma has asthma, and Hope's bogeys are black, not green like they should be! There's an air pollution problem where Hope lives, and she's decided to do something about it. Writing on her blog and protesting outside her school, Hope has decided to clear the air by taking on the cars. But with adults so busy thinking about their busy lives, can one child really make a difference?

  • af Josh Lacey
    83,95 kr.

  • af Josh Lacey
    73,95 kr.

    Eddie has travelled with his uncle Morton to Mongolia, in hope of being one of the few to watch the Great Dragon Battle Ceremony. Meanwhile, back at home, Mum can't quite believe her son has really run off to Mongolia, and now she has been left with the tricky task of dragonsitting .

  • af Josh Lacey
    83,95 kr.

    A racy romp for young readers involving spies, and helicopters, and a dramatic dash across a border.

  • af Josh Lacey
    79,95 kr.

    New York might be the Big Apple, but for Tim it's sausage city! A priceless golden statue has been stolen and Tim has a vital clue. He follows the trail of hot dogs in a sizzling chase from sleepy Central Park to boisterous Brooklyn - helped by the hottest dog of all, Grk!

  • af Josh Lacey
    73,95 kr.

    Eddie was given a dragon's egg by his uncle for his last birthday, and one day he notices a crack in the egg. Soon the egg breaks open and out comes a very unusual creature. Just as Eddie and Emily are trying to cope with this new arrival, their mum announces that she has a surprise of her own...

  • af Josh Lacey
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Uncle MortonAre you sitting down? Someone has stolen one of your dragons. Eddie's mum is getting remarried, to Uncle Morton's Scottish neighbour Gordon. But then Ziggy is stolen. It's not long before Arthur is taken too. Eddie must track the thief down, rescue Uncle Morton's dragons and get to the church on time. . .

  • af Josh Lacey
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Uncle MortonYour dragons are still here. When Eddie has to take Uncle Morton's dragons away with him in the Christmas holidays - it's not long before they're causing all sorts of mischief again! A castle, a sneezing dragon and a big box of fireworks.

  • af Josh Lacey
    73,95 kr.

    Dear Uncle Morton, Ziggy won't move from the linen cupboard. Eddie had thought that this time dragonsitting would be easy - until Ziggy disappears, only to be found in the linen cupboard, refusing to budge. But moving Ziggy is the last thing on Eddie's mind when he learns that his uncle's dragon has been keeping a big secret . . .

  • af Josh Lacey
    119,95 kr.

    This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme to combine books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Year 5 Blue B (NC level 4a) fiction novel ... A restaurant in France, a fat man who collapses while eating, and a poisoned chocolate pudding: another mystery that has to be solved! Who dunnit? Inspecteur Timbre is baffled - this time, there is no obvious suspect. But Matt and Véronique are soon on the case!

  • af Josh Lacey
    119,95 kr.

    This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme to combine books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Year 5 Blue A (NC level 4b) fiction novel ... A stately home, a stolen painting, a thief dressed in black with a missing finger: these are the elements in a mystery that Inspector Stamp thinks is an open-and-shut case. The butler did it! Matt and his French exchange partner, Véronique, are far from convinced. The hunt is on to find the real thief!

  • af Josh Lacey
    73,95 kr.

    Eddie is dragonsitting again, but this time he's looking after Uncle Morton's Scottish island too. Written as a series of emails between Eddie and Uncle Morton, this quirky, original series has a growing legion of fans and offers something different to young readers.

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