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Bøger af Josh McDowell

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  • - Como desarrollar una relacion profunda y duradera
    af Josh McDowell
    172,95 kr.

    Como lograr relaciones permanentes, maduras, y satisfactorias.

  • - Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World
    af Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell
    462,95 kr.

    God's Word tells us we must "always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15). This updated classic from Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell will give you the tools you need to do just that.

  • af Josh McDowell & Kevin Johnson
    147,95 kr.

    Kids have endless, important questions about Jesus, God, and faith. Respected Christian apologist Josh McDowell provides biblical answers in engaging language perfect for children ages 8 to 12. Parents and teachers will appreciate the clear responses and activities that lead the children they love to a lasting foundation of faith.

  • - Your Toughest Questions Answered
    af Josh McDowell
    135,95 kr.

    The McDowells offer real-life, on-the-street apologetics-concise, accessible presentations that answer classic questions like "Is there scientific proof God exists?" "Why does God allow suffering?" "Aren't there errors and contradictions in the Bible?" and contemporary questions like "Is God sexist?" "Is religion the real cause of violence in the world?"

  • - A Daily Adventure in Making Right Choices
    af Josh McDowell
    187,95 kr.

    The daily readings in Josh McDowell's One Year Book of Youth Devotions may make you laugh or cry. Some are fiction, some are stranger than fiction, but each will help you discover how to make right choices in the everyday ups and downs of life.

  • - Setting a generation free to know truth and love
    af Josh McDowell
    132,95 kr.

    Josh and Sean McDowell present a powerful, biblical view of tolerance, love, and acceptance of others.

  • af Josh McDowell
    87,95 kr.

  • af Josh McDowell
    157,95 kr.

    Why does a good God allow evil to continue? This and other tough questions asked by skeptics of the Christian faith are tackled by McDowell and Stuart.

  • af Josh McDowell
    47,95 kr.

  • - Experimenta El Gozo de Ser Tu Mismo
    af Josh McDowell
    157,95 kr.

    Who are you? Who told you who are you? Do you like what you see? It's not always easy to love and accept yourself for who you really are. Your experience probably has convinced you that your identity is shaped by how you look, how you perform, and what you achieve. But your identity can be reshaped as you come to see yourself as God sees you---no more and no less. Here, in this freshly revised edition of Josh's best-selling book 'His Image, My Image', you will discover the Biblical basis for a healthy self-identity, redefine your self image, learn to embrace God's view that you are loveable, valuable and competent and come to know yourself as God really knows you. Regardless of your past, God sees you for who you really are, and He likes what He sees. That's why He took the extraordinary, self-sacrificing steps to form a relationship with you. Accept that relationship, and experience the true joy of being you!

  • af Josh McDowell & Don Stewart
    147,95 kr.

  • - Experience the 12 Essentials of a Relevant Faith
    af Josh McDowell
    202,95 kr.

    From one of the most trusted names in Christian apologetics. The ultimate handbook on relevant Christian faith. Know what you believe, why you believe it and how to pass it on.

  • af Josh McDowell
    157,95 kr.

    "Seven in 10 Protestants ages 18 to 30---both evangelical and mainline---who went to church regularly in high school said they quit attending by age 23, according to the survey by LifeWay Research." (USA Today) Don't Check Your Brains at the Door gives teens answers that make sense, even for the toughest of questions.

  • - Den sande historie om en mands rejse fra ubeskrivelige smertelige minder til ufattelig nåde
    af Josh McDowell & Cristóbal Krusen
    117,95 kr.

    En sand beretning om en mands rejse fra ubeskrivelige smertelige minder til ufattelig nådeJosh McDowell er en af verdens mest kendte evangelister. Men hans historie begynder med en lille dreng på en gård ... som ikke troede på Gud.Det siges, at barndommen er den smukkeste af livets årstider. Og sådan bør det være. Men det var ikke sandt for Josh McDowell. Josh voksede op i en familie, der boede på en gård, hvor Josh og de andre søskende arbejdede meget. Hans far var alkoholiker, og ofte meget stærkt beruset og voldelig, og viste ham ikke kærlighed og satte kun pris på ham som en medhjælper på gården. Han gennemlevede også flere års smerteligt seksuelt misbrug. Joshs mor elskede ham, men kunne ikke redde ham, og midt i en situation, som intet barn burde være udsat for, skreg Josh til Gud om hjælp, men Gud virkede tavs. Derfor mente Josh, at Gud ikke hørte på ham – eller at han måske slet ikke fandtes. Da Joshs mor døde, flyttede han hurtigt hjemmefra og satte sig for at få sig en uddannelse. På uddannelsesstedet støder han på en gruppe kristne, og i den forbindelse bliver han udfordret til at bevise, at Kristus ikke opstod fra de døde. Han griber det meget videnskabeligt an og tager rundt til forskellige lærde mennesker rundt om ved læreanstalter i Europa, men jo flere oplysninger han får og jo flere skrifter han studerer, desto mere kommer han til den konklusion, at Kristus rent faktisk stod op fra de døde.Hvordan går det til, at en dreng overvinder så megen modgang og bliver en af de mest indflydelsesrige evangelister for Kristus, verden nogensinde har kendt?Dette er Josh McDowells historie. For første gang afslører Josh hele den dramatiske åndelige forvandling, der skete, da han så sin fortid i øjnene og lagde alt fuldstændig i Guds hænder. Det er en historie om at overvinde skam, sorg og fortvivlelse og tage imod ægte kærlighed for første gang. Det er en beretning om Guds nåde: Når det værste, livet har at byde på, sker, kan man komme ud på den anden side med en tro, der er hel, fri – og uforfærdet.

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