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  • af Juan Villoro
    267,95 kr.

    Juan Villoro is recognized as one of the great current Latin American writers. Journalist, novelist, short story writer, essayist and chronicler, he collected for the first time his literary essays in Personal Effects (Mazatlán Prize 2001), which was followed by That's What It's About (2004), titles that we bring together today in this volume. As he also did in the later The Utility of Desire (2017), Villoro here converts his readings into stories of intelligence. Both works show a narrator immersed in the adventure of reading. The anecdotes follow one another as in a novel and the comments arise with the wit of a happy gathering. An exceptional gallery of characters pass through these pages: Goethe trapped in the geometry of love, Cervantes, founder of the road novel, Rousseau, who unites his destiny to the risky notion of author, and Lowry in the intoxicated paradise of Cuernavaca. We also find testimony of elective affinities: a reconstruction of Burroughs' turbulent stay in Mexico, the investigation of Bernhard's posthumous exile, the illustrated garden of Monterroso, the most heterodox side of Fuentes, Pitol's customs-free journey, and Rossi's distracted intelligence. Along with these - and others - tributes and portraits, there is space for the chronicler Villoro and for the one who explores the rites of passage of literary translation and the dialogue between the literatures of America and Europe.

  • af Juan Villoro
    153,95 kr.

  • af Juan Villoro
    232,95 kr.

    «La filosofía es la actividad disruptiva de la razón y ésta se encuentra en el límite de todo pensamiento científico.» La obra filosófica, histórica, ensayística y periodística de Luis Villoro se ha extendido a lo largo de más de siete décadas, y transcurre por las corrientes más importantes de la segunda mitad del siglo xx: el existencialismo, la filosofía de lo mexicano, la fenomenología, la filosofía analítica, el marxismo y el multiculturalismo. La lista completa de sus publicaciones es extensa y se ocupa de una diversidad de temas sobre metafísica, epistemología, ética, filosofía política y filosofía de la religión; por lo mismo, resulta relevante contar con una guía para empezar a leer su obra o adentrarse más en su pensamiento. Esta antología organiza la obra filosófica de Villoro a partir de cuatro ejes temáticos que la atraviesan y le dan unidad diacrónica a su pensamiento: la otredad; la relación entre los conceptos de conocimiento, verdad y racionalidad; la relación entre el poder y las ideas; y la relación entre los conceptos de comunidad, democracia y justicia. Cada uno corresponde a un capítulo de este libro: «Lo otro y los otros» comprende escritos sobre metafísica, filosofía de la religión y antropología filosófica. En «Conocimiento, racionalidad y verdad» se incluyen ensayos sobre teoría del conocimiento. «El poder y las ideas» recoge sus reflexiones sobre el poder, el cambio político, la ideología y el nexo entre las ideas y el poder. Y en «Comunidad, democracia y justicia» se agrupan textos que van desde la metafísica social hasta la teoría de la democracia, pasando por la teoría de la justicia. La razón disruptiva tiene como propósito, por un lado, que nuevos lectores se acerquen a la obra de uno de los filósofos más destacados de la cultura iberoamericana; y, por otro, que los lectores más avezados dispongan, en un solo volumen, de algunos de sus escritos más conocidos —sus «clásicos», por así decirlo— y de otros de enorme valía que quizá no han sido tan leídos fuera de los círculos de especialistas.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION“Philosophy is the disruptive use of reason and is on the frontiers of all scientific thought.” Luis Villoro’s essays, journalism, and writings on philosophy and history cover more than seven decades and touch on some of the most important trends of the second half of the twentieth century: existentialism, the philosophy of what it means to be Mexican, phenomenology, analytic philosophy, Marxism and multiculturalism. The complete list of his publications is lengthy and extends to a variety of topics across metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy and the philosophy of religion, making a guide indispensable for newcomers to his work or those interested in venturing more deeply into his thinking. This anthology organizes Villoro’s writings on philosophy into four main themes that intersect and give a diachronic unity to his thought: otherness; the relationship between concepts of knowledge, truth, and rationality; the relationship between power and ideas; and the relationship between concepts of community, democracy, and justice. Each has a corresponding chapter in this book: “The Other and Others” includes writings on metaphysics, philosophy of religion, and philosophical anthropology. “Knowledge, Rationality and Truth” is a compilation of essays on theories of knowledge. “Power and Ideas” features reflections on power, political change, ideology, and the nexus between ideas and power. Finally, “Community, Democracy and Justice” is a collection of texts ranging from social metaphysics to theories of democracy and justice. Disruptive Reason aims, on one hand, to introduce new readers to the work of one of Latin America’s most distinguished philosophers and, on the other hand, to provide more advanced readers with a single volume containing some of his best-known publications – “classics,” in other words – and others that have enormous value but are not as widely read outside of specialist circles.

  • af Juan Villoro
    197,95 kr.

    «¿Hasta dónde podemos recuperar una memoria ajena? ¿Es posible entender lo que un padre ha sido sin nosotros? Ser hijo significa descender, alterar el tiempo, crear un desarreglo, un desajuste que se subsana con pedagogía, a veces con afecto o transmisión de conocimientos.» Juan Villoro relata en La figura del mundo, el orden secreto de las cosas, algunos pasajes memoriosos en torno a su padre, el pensador mexicano-catalán, Luis Villoro. Sin el afán de hacer una biografía en estricto sentido, Juan evoca aquí la vida singular de quien fuera filósofo, luchador social, zapatista y autor de una obra fundamental. En este libro hace una aproximación a una figura a la vez íntima y pública, adentrándose en las complejidades que toda vida tiene, narrando con maestría instantes que se desdoblan para entender el ubicuo presente. Recupera así, pues, la esencia de un padre quien estuvo presente en la vida familiar de un modo intangible, un padre que debe ser indagado por un hijo que intuye sus afectos y renueva, así, el pasado. Escrito con gran sensibilidad y agudeza, este libro condensa el asombro y la emotividad para quien la escritura se convirtió en «una permanente carta al padre»ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONTo what extent can we recover a foreign memory? Is it possible to understand what a father has been without us? Being a son means to descend, to alter the time, to create a disruption, being a mismatch that is fixed with pedagogy, sometimes with affection or with the transmission of knowledge.   Juan Villoro recounts in The Figure of The World, the secret order of things, and some memorable passages about his father, the Mexican-Catalan thinker, Luis Villoro. Without the desire to make a biography in the strict sense, Juan evokes the unique life of a former philosopher, social fighter, Zapatista, and author of a fundamental work in his view. With this book, Villoro offers an approach to a figure that is both intimate and public, delving into the complexities that all lives have, and masterfully narrating moments that unfold to understand the ubiquity of the present. Thus, he recovers here the essence of a father who was present in his family life in an intangible way. This is a father who must be investigated by a son who senses his affections and therefore tries to renew the past. Written with great sensitivity and sharpness, this book condenses the astonishment and emotion of an author who feels writing is “a never-ending letter to the father”.

  • af Juan Villoro
    177,95 kr.

    A brilliant, kaleidoscopic exploration of soccer-and the passion, hopes, rivalries, superstitions, and global solidarity it inspires-from Juan Villoro, "e;Mexico's top futbol expert"e; (NBC News).On a planet where FIFA has more members than the United Nations and the World Cup is watched by more than three billion people, football is more than just a game. As revered author Juan Villoro argues in this passionate and compulsively readable tribute to the world's favorite sport, football may be the most effective catalyst for panglobal unity at the time when we need it most. (Following global consensus, Villoro uses "e;football"e; rather than "e;soccer"e; in the book.)What was the greatest goal of all time? Why do the Hungarians have a more philosophical sense of defeat than the Mexicans? Do the dead play football? In essays ranging from incisive and irreverent portraits of Maradona, Messi, Ronaldo, Pele, Zidane, and many more giants of the game to entertaining explorations of left-footedness and the number 10, Juan Villoro dissects the pleasure and pain of football fandom. God Is Round is a book for both fanatics and neophytes who long to feel the delirium of the faithful.

  • af Juan Villoro
    282,95 kr.

  • af Juan Villoro
    317,95 kr.

    Espejo retrovisor reúne los textos más representativos de Juan Villoro, escritos a lo largo de treinta años y seleccionados por él mismo. Este archivo narrativo se divide en dos géneros esenciales: el cuento, donde el humor, la tragedia y la traición coexisten con naturalidad y trazan senderos únicos; y la crónica, donde una mirada excepcional revela el sinfín de aristas que conforman la condición humana y determinan nuestro tiempo: la política, la familia, los viajes, el rock, los misterios de la vida literaria... Además, la antología incluye crónicas y cuentos inéditos en libro, que reciben aquí su primer hospedaje. Un mosaico de piezas escogidas, un volumen fundamental tanto para los conocedores como para quienes se acercan por primera vez al trabajo de uno de los escritores contemporáneos más leídos y admirados de Hispanoamérica. Guiado por los favores de la memoria, este libro muestra lo que quedó atrás; pero la literatura es una ilusión de cercanía, donde lo lejano se aproxima de acuerdo con el lema de los espejos retrovisores: Las cosas están más cerca de lo que aparentan. JUAN VILLORO Las mejores crónicas y ficciones seleccionadas por el autor.

  • af Juan Villoro
    127,95 kr.

  • af Juan Villoro
    152,95 kr.

  • af Juan Villoro
    212,95 kr.

    «Los relatos de Juan Villloro tienen ese raro poder no para asomarse al abismo sino para permanecer en el borde del abismo, durante mucho rato, balanceándose y por lo tanto haciéndonos balancear a nosotros sus lectores con movimientos que surgen de la duermevela o tal vez de una lucidez extrema». Roberto BolañoDiego González es un documentalista que habla dormido. Está casado con una sonidista que trata de descifrar lo que dice en sueños. Se muda a Barcelona, pero el pasado lo alcanza como una pesadilla. La visita de un viejo conocido, el periodista Adalberto Anaya, trastoca su reciente tranquilidad. Anaya -quien ha vigilado a Diego durante años con la atención casi desmedida de un admirador- lo culpa de haber hecho un documental para entregar a un narco. Diego se ve obligado a lidiar con este enemigo que es, al mismo tiempo, su único aliado. La tierra de la gran promesa es una metáfora del México contemporáneo. Una lectura amplia sobre las entretelas de la corrupción y la vida íntima donde las verdades se pronuncian al dormir. Una reflexión sobre la forma en que el arte influye en la realidad y en que la realidad distorsiona al arte. Una novela tan política como personal que mantiene a Juan Villoro como un testigo excepcional de nuestro tiempo.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION'Juan Villloro's stories have that rare power not to look out into the abyss but to remain on the edge of the abyss for a long time, swaying and therefore making us, his readers, sway with movements that arise from sleep or perhaps from extreme lucidity.' Roberto Bolaño Diego González is a documentary filmmaker who talks in his sleep. He's married to a sound engineer who tries to decipher what he says in his dreams. He moves to Barcelona, ​​but the past catches up with him like a nightmare. The visit of an old acquaintance, the journalist Adalberto Anaya, upsets his recent tranquility. Anaya - who has watched Diego for years with the almost excessive attention of an admirer - blames him for having made a documentary to give to a narco. Diego is forced to deal with this enemy who is, at the same time, his only ally. The Land of Great Promise is a metaphor for contemporary Mexico. A broad reading on the interweaving of corruption and intimate life where truths are spoken in sleep. A reflection on the way in which art influences reality and in which reality distorts art. A novel as political as it is personal that maintains Juan Villoro as an exceptional witness of our time.

  • - A City Called Mexico
    af Juan Villoro
    264,95 kr.

  • af Elena Poniatowska, Juan Villoro, Lydia Cacho, mfl.
    125,95 kr.

    A crucial testament - bringing together work from seven of Mexico's finest journalists - that lays bare the outrageous circumstances of more than a hundred journalists who have been murdered while investigating corruption and criminality

  • af Juan Villoro
    107,95 kr.

    A GLORIOUS HOMAGE TO LIBRARIES From one of Mexico's foremost authors comes a wondrous adventure story of a boy who goes to live with his kooky, book-obsessed uncle in a library where books have supernatural powers. An unforgettable adventure story about the magic of books, libraries and the power of reading

  • af Juan Villoro & Lawrence Schimel
    147,95 kr.

    From one of Mexicös foremost authors comes a wondrous adventure story of a boy who goes to live with his kooky, book-obsessed uncle in a library where books have supernatural powers.¿We walked toward the part of the library where the air smelled as if it had been interred for years¿.. Finally, we got to the hallway where the wooden floor was the creakiest, and we sensed a strange whiff of excitement and fear. It smelled like a creature from a bygone time. It smelled like a dragon.¿Thirteen-year-old Juan¿s summer is off to a terrible start. First, his parents separate. Then, almost as bad, Juan is sent away to his strange Uncle Titös house for the entire break! Who wants to live with an oddball recluse who has zigzag eyebrows, drinks fifteen cups of smoky tea a day, and lives inside a huge, mysterious library?As Juan adjusts to his new life among teetering, dusty shelves, he notices something odd: the books move on their own! He rushes to tell Uncle Tito, who lets his nephew in on a secret: Juan is a Princeps Reader, which means books respond magically to him, and he¿s the only one who can find the elusive, never-before-read Wild Book. But will Juan and his new friend Catalina get to The Wild Book before the wicked, story-stealing Pirate Book does?An unforgettable adventure story about books, libraries, and the power of reading, The Wild Book is the young readers¿ debut by beloved, prize-winning Mexican author Juan Villoro. It has sold over one million copies in Spanish.

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