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Bøger af Judy Moore

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  • - Esercizi per Ridurre il Girovita, Tonificare Gambe, Addome e Glutei - Sfida di 28 Giorni - Ideato per le Donne
    af Judy Moore
    159,95 kr.

    IN SOLI 20 MINUTI AL GIORNO POTRAI MIGLIORARE LA TUA FORMA FISICA !Sei alla ricerca di esercizi efficaci per Ridurre il Girovita, Tonificare Gambe, Addominali e Glutei?Non hai tempo per andare in palestra e vorresti allenarti in casa con esercizi facili e veloci?Non cercare altro: ti basterà una parete e questo libro di esercizi di Pilates a Muro!Il Pilates a Muro offre una serie di benefici straordinari per la tua salute e per il tuo benessere, bruciare calorie e sentirti in forma ogni giorno! In questo libro troverai: - Esercizi accuratamente selezionati da allenatori esperti: permetteranno di allenare tutti i gruppi muscolari. Troverai anche dei suggerimenti su come combinare gli esercizi e ottenere dei progressi!- Illustrazioni chiare e dettagliate: indicano passo dopo passo i movimenti da compiere in modo da semplificare l'esecuzione dell'esercizio.- Esercizi di riscaldamento: essenziali per preparare il tuo corpo all'allenamento Total Body.- Routine di allenamento di 28 Giorni: le donne che hanno eseguito questo tipo di allenamento in 28 giorni hanno ottenuto un buon miglioramento fisico!- Metodi di Respirazione per migliorare il Benessere mentale: per rilassarti e non affaticarti durante l'esecuzione degli esercizi.Il Pilates a muro è una disciplina innovativa adatta a tutti.Presenta innumerevoli benefici, tra cui: - Migliorare la flessibilità e la postura grazie all'uso del muro.- Perdere grasso nei punti più critici in soli 20 minuti al giorno grazie agli esercizi illustrati.- Rimodellare il tuo corpo in 28 giorni.- Tonificare l'addome, i glutei e le gambe.Con il Pilates a muro potrai metterti in forma e ottenere i risultati che desideri per un corpo da sogno!

  • - La disciplina ideal para mantenerse en forma en la vejez, preservando el equilibrio, la flexibilidad, la movilidad articular y el tono muscular.
    af Judy Moore
    164,95 kr.

    ¿Le gustaría mantener su cuerpo en una condición física óptima mejorando y manteniendo la flexibilidad muscular, la movilidad de las articulaciones y el tono muscular? Si busca ejercicios eficaces y fáciles de realizar para alcanzar estos objetivos, ¡este es el libro adecuado para usted! El Yoga en Silla es un deporte realmente al alcance de todos debido a la sencillez de sus ejercicios. Esta disciplina es apta para personas de todas las edades, incluso para aquellas que han sufrido lesiones y, por tanto, necesitan una recuperación no traumática de su condición física. En este caso, recuerde que siempre debe pedir consejo a su médico. Así que no te preocupes si crees que no tienes suficiente flexibilidad, agilidad o elasticidad: El yoga en silla es realmente una disciplina abierta a todos sin distinción. Con la edad, es normal y fisiológico asistir a una reducción de la movilidad articular y a una pérdida de tono muscular, elasticidad y flexibilidad: el cuerpo se agarrota, las articulaciones reducen su amplitud de movimiento y los músculos se atrofian. El sedentarismo y la escasa actividad física aceleran este proceso. Este libro contiene numerosos ejercicios centrados en diversos aspectos del movimiento articular y muscular; su objetivo es mantener el cuerpo sano, pero no sólo: se ha demostrado que el deporte en general, y el yoga en particular, a través de sus ejercicios de concentración y respiración, ayudan mucho a mantener no sólo la salud física, sino también la mental. Los ejercicios están diseñados para implicar a todas las partes del cuerpo, desde las piernas hasta la pelvis, la espalda, el cuello y los hombros; los encontrará divididos en: Ejercicios respiratorios, destinados a favorecer la concentración y la relajación. Calentamiento, destinado a activar la función muscular y la actividad articular. Resistencia, destinado a aumentar la capacidad muscular para hacer frente a la fatiga. Entrenamiento de potencia, destinado a aumentar la fuerza muscular. Estiramientos, para favorecer el alargamiento muscular y mejorar la elasticidad.El libro también contiene sugerencias detalladas para un estilo de vida correcto y una dieta sana, tomando como referencia las directrices elaboradas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Por lo tanto, resumiendo este libro, mejorará y mantendrá los siguientes aspectos Flexibilidad y elasticidad muscular Tono muscular Movilidad articular Resistencia y potencia muscular-Concentración Respiración Resistencia y equilibrio psíquico.¿A qué estás esperando? ¡COMPRA TU COPIA AHORA!

  • - A 28-Day Challenge Step-By-Step Exercises to Tone Your Glutes, Abs and to Increase Strength, Flexibility, Balance
    af Judy Moore
    149,95 kr.

    Are you looking for effective exercises to Reduce Waistline, Tone Legs, Abs and Glutes?You don't have time to go to the gym and would like to work out at home with quick and easy exercises?Look no further: All you need is a wall and this Pilates on the Wall exercise book! Wall Pilates offers a number of amazing benefits for your health and well-being, burning calories and feeling fit every day!In this book you will find: Exercises carefully selected by experienced coaches: they will allow you to train all muscle groups. You'll also find tips on how to combine exercises and make progress!Clear and detailed illustrations: show step by step the movements to be performed so as to simplify the execution of the exercise.Warm-up exercises: essential for prepping your body for Total Body training.28-Day Workout Routine: women who have performed this type of workout over 28 days have achieved noticeable results after only a few days!Breathing Methods to Improve Mental Well-Being: to relax and not fatigue while performing the exercises.It has countless benefits, including: Improve flexibility and posture through the use of the wall.Lose fat in the most critical places in just 20 minutes a day through the exercises shown.Reshape your body in 28 days.Tone your abdomen, buttocks and legs.With wall Pilates you can get in shape and get the results you want for a dream body!

  • af Judy Moore
    132,95 kr.

    This book provides basic information for understanding what your mind, body and emotions are capable of. It is great for teenagers as well as adults. This knowledge can empower the individual to pursue further development of the faculties to achieve whatever one sets out to accomplish. This book identifies seven powers, three tools, fifteen functions, and five main skills you absolutely have just from being human.

  • af Judy Moore
    157,95 kr.

    Beck O'Rourke and her grandmother own Beach Reads bookstore and coffee shop, a gathering place for locals and tourists, a block off the ocean in Manatee Beach, Florida. They live above the bookstore with Beck's feisty younger sister, Lizzie, a lifeguard. Beck is excited to host the country's bestselling cozy mystery writer for a book signing event until a member of the audience turns up dead later that night. Afterward, Beck decides to pursue her lifelong dream of being a detective to try to catch the killer. The amateur sleuth finds a slew of suspects, but the murderer isn't happy about her interference. Neither is the town's handsome new police detective who has a history with Beck.

  • af Judy Moore
    182,95 kr.

    Mandy Carter, the pretty 18-year-old cart girl, is found buried in a sand trap at an upscale country club in New England. Who clubbed her to death ... and why? That's the question haunting Detective Abby Sanders, whose own teenage daughter looks so much like the victim they could have been sisters. A former competitive golfer herself, Abby quickly lets the country club crowd know that no one is above suspicion.

  • af Judy Moore
    117,95 kr.

    In this book Judy will inspire you to sing out the messages you were designed to carry, and tell the story you have been uniquely crafted to tell.You‿ll find strategies for renewing your soul, dealing with comparison and overcoming imposter syndrome.

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