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  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    484,95 kr.

    Il est largement admis que, même avant l'apparition de l'islam, les Arabes avaient établi des relations commerciales avec les habitants de la côte ouest de l'Inde du Sud. Leurs navires, chargés de marchandises, fréquentaient les ports de la côte ouest et se rendaient en Extrême-Orient via Ceylan. Certains Arabes s'installèrent dans diverses régions de la péninsule indienne, où les habitants se familiarisèrent avec l'arabe par leur intermédiaire. La propagation de l'islam s'est accélérée avec l'arrivée des commerçants musulmans, qui ont encouragé les adeptes à mémoriser des passages du Coran pour les réciter quotidiennement lors des cinq prières obligatoires. Le Coran n'étant pas encore traduit dans les langues locales, les musulmans l'étudiaient dans sa forme arabe originale. Les commerçants arabes se sont sentis obligés d'organiser l'enseignement du Coran et, plus tard, des traditions du Prophète pour leurs enfants et la communauté locale, en utilisant les mosquées comme centres éducatifs. Ils ont importé de la littérature islamique authentique, souvent apportée par des pèlerins, facilitant ainsi la diffusion des connaissances islamiques dans le sud de l'Inde. Dans le nord de l'Inde, la langue persane s'est répandue aux côtés des envahisseurs musulmans venus de Perse et d'Afghanistan, devenant finalement la langue officielle du pays.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    494,95 kr.

    It is widely acknowledged that even before the emergence of Islam, Arabs had established trade connections with the inhabitants of South India's west coast. Their vessels, loaded with merchandise, frequented the ports along the west coast and voyaged to the Far East via Ceylon. Some Arabs settled in various parts of the Indian peninsula, where the locals became acquainted with Arabic through them. The spread of Islam accelerated with the arrival of Muslim traders, who encouraged adherents to memorize sections of the Quran for daily recitation during the five obligatory prayers. As the Quran wasn't yet translated into local languages, Muslims studied it in its original Arabic form. Arab traders felt obliged to arrange Quranic teachings and later, Prophet traditions for their children and the local community, using mosques as educational centers. They imported authentic Islamic literature, often brought by pilgrims, facilitating the spread of Islamic knowledge across South India. In North India, Persian language permeated alongside Muslim invaders from Persia and Afghanistan, eventually becoming the country's official language.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    346,95 kr.

    In the pursuit of fostering a deeper understanding of Islamic teachings and values among our young generation, it's with utmost pleasure that this book embarks on a journey into the visionary world of Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi. Within these pages, we delve into the profound impact of Al-Nadwi's methodologies and pedagogical approaches in Islamic literature crafted specifically for the impressionable minds of our youth.Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi, a luminary in the realm of Islamic scholarship, envisioned a world where the vibrant tapestry of Islamic teachings was intricately woven into the fabric of children's literature. His works stand as a testament to his foresight, encapsulating a blend of Islamic ethos, cultural richness, and educational enlightenment meticulously tailored for young readers.This book seeks to unravel the underlying pedagogical foundations and methodologies embedded within Al-Nadwi's literature. It aims to dissect the essence of his approach, elucidating how his writings transcend mere narratives, offering a methodology steeped in Islamic teachings and an educational framework fostering moral development and cultural understanding.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    346,95 kr.

    In the fascinating journey of exploring the rich heritage of the Arwi Muslim community, this book aims to uncover the unique traditions, scholarly contributions, and cultural expressions that have flourished through centuries. Delving into the intricate tapestry of Arwi history, language, and customs, this work seeks to capture the essence of a vibrant community that has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of Tamil Nadu and beyond.Within the diverse fabric of the Arwi Muslim community lies a treasure trove of traditions and practices that reflect a distinctive blend of Arabic and Tamil influences. This book endeavors to illuminate the multifaceted aspects of this community's legacy, from the unique method of teaching Arabic to the sublime compositions that resonate with spiritual depth. From the eloquent epistles penned in poetic Arabic to the invocation for rain and the melodic folk songs reminiscent of Tamil culture, the Arwi Muslims have crafted a rich tapestry of expressions that blend faith, scholarship, and cultural nuances.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    627,95 kr.

    The literary landscape across various regions in India, particularly in areas like Vaniyambadi, Virinjipuram, Walajabad, Thiruvannamalai, and others, has been richly adorned by the contributions of numerous scholars, poets, and writers. Their diverse works, encompassing languages like Urdu, Arabic, Persian, and Tamil, have not only preserved cultural heritage but also enriched it with religious, philosophical, and literary depth. This compilation aims to highlight the impactful contributions of these remarkable personalities, shedding light on their works, legacies, and significant literary feats.The exploration into the literary tapestry of various Indian regions brings to the forefront a vibrant mosaic of poets, scholars, and writers. Among these luminaries, individuals like Dr. Azeez Tamannai, Badshah, Gundu Khaja Abdul Khader Shakir, and others stand as pillars, leaving indelible marks through their poetic, scholarly, and religious contributions. Spanning across languages, these figures have wielded Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Tamil, and even Sanskrit and Hindi words, infusing their compositions with an eclectic blend of linguistic richness.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    546,95 kr.

    Asia is home to all Muslim Tamils who have made their mark in several fields and have played a constructive role in Asia's economic rise and cultural influence across the world. Muslim Tamils involved in various trades. Muslim Tamils are identifiable by a common language and religion. Otherwise, they belong to multiple ethnicities such as Dravidian, Aryan, Oriental, Malay, Semitic etc. The home language of Sri Lankan Muslim Tamils and those of Tamil Nadu is Tamil. The Muslim Tamil (spoken at home) in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu is a dialect in that it has substantial number of Turko-Perso-Arabic loan words. There are close cultural systems between the Muslims of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu. This book may serve as a stepping-stone to a further study in Socio-religious aspects and their contributions. This work provides opportunities in research within the framework of socio-religious study of Muslim Tamils. Socio-religious practices display the common patterns among the Muslims of Tamil Nadu, common customs among this ethnic group are discussed in this work. Religious contributions in Quranic sciences are also discussed in this book.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    797,95 kr.

    A língua árabe alcançou o estatuto de língua internacional. As Nações Unidas adoptaram o árabe como uma das suas seis línguas oficiais. A língua árabe desempenha um papel vital nos domínios comercial e cultural na era da globalização. O árabe é uma língua muito rica, que pode ser comparada a um oceano sem limites de profundidade ou largura.Esta obra foi concebida para satisfazer as necessidades de comunicação em árabe a nível de licenciatura e pós-graduação nas faculdades e universidades. Foi dada especial atenção à realização de eventos comunitários. Há muito que se sentia a necessidade de um livro sobre Panfletos. O objectivo desta obra é formar os estudantes nos estudos da comunicação, preparando panfletos, folhetos, brochuras e desdobráveis do árabe para o inglês e vice-versa, através de exercícios elaborados. Espera-se que este livro ajude muito os estudantes e leitores que desejam aprender e praticar a elaboração de panfletos árabe-inglês para vários eventos comunitários, como exposições, festivais e ofertas culturais e feiras do património.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    317,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    346,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    469,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    469,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    346,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    346,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    288,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    467,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    528,95 kr.

  • af K M A Ahamed Zubair
    378,95 kr.

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