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  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    602,95 kr.

    Os estudantes universitários têm dificuldade em compreender a matéria leccionada, principalmente devido à falta de referências normalizadas. Durante a preparação deste "THE REFERENCE BOOK OF CLINICAL NUTRITION" (um programa revisto baseado na Universidade de Periyar) foi preparado para servir a referência especial dos estudantes universitários. Este livro explica a investigação avançada em nutrição clínica de uma forma simplificada. Este livro de referência pode ser utilizado por estudantes de zoologia da UG e PG, que procuram uma revisão rápida antes do exame semestral. Este livro foi escrito para estudantes e preparadores no domínio da Nutrição Médica e Dieta, não existe nenhum livro que cubra uma imagem adequada com a explicação necessária, princípios gerais de estudos de Nutrição Clínica e sensibilize o público e a prática.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    602,95 kr.

    Gli studenti universitari hanno difficoltà a comprendere la materia insegnata soprattutto a causa della mancata comprensione dei riferimenti standard. Durante la preparazione di questo libro "THE REFERENCE BOOK OF CLINICAL NUTRITION" (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) è stato preparato per servire il riferimento speciale degli studenti universitari. Questo libro spiega in modo semplificato la ricerca avanzata in nutrizione clinica. Questo libro di riferimento può essere utilizzato dagli studenti di zoologia UG e PG che desiderano una rapida revisione prima dell'esame semestrale. Questo libro è stato scritto per gli studenti e per i preparatori nel campo della Nutrizione Medica e della Dieta, non esiste un libro simile che copra un quadro adeguato con le spiegazioni necessarie, i principi generali degli studi di Nutrizione Clinica e che crei consapevolezza nel pubblico e nella pratica.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    602,95 kr.

    Les étudiants ont du mal à comprendre la matière enseignée, principalement parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas les références standard. En préparant ce "LIVRE DE RÉFÉRENCE DE NUTRITION CLINIQUE" (un syllabus révisé basé sur l'Université de Periyar), nous l'avons préparé pour servir de référence spéciale aux étudiants. Ce livre explique la recherche avancée en nutrition clinique d'une manière simplifiée. Ce livre de référence peut être utilisé par les étudiants en zoologie de niveau UG et PG qui cherchent à réviser rapidement avant l'examen semestriel. Ce livre a été écrit à l'intention des étudiants et des préparateurs dans le domaine de la nutrition médicale et de l'alimentation. Il n'existe aucun ouvrage de ce type qui présente une image appropriée avec les explications nécessaires, les principes généraux des études sur la nutrition clinique et qui sensibilise le public et les praticiens.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    603,95 kr.

    Die College-Studenten finden es schwierig, das gelehrte Thema zu verstehen, vor allem weil sie die Standardreferenzen nicht verstehen. Während der Vorbereitung dieses "THE REFERENCE BOOK OF CLINICAL NUTRITION" (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) wurde vorbereitet, um die spezielle Referenz der College-Studenten zu dienen. Dieses Buch erklärt die fortgeschrittene Forschung in der klinischen Ernährung in einer vereinfachten Weise. Dieses Nachschlagewerk kann für UG- und PG-Zoologiestudenten verwendet werden, die vor der Semesterprüfung eine schnelle Wiederholung suchen. Dieses Buch wurde für Studenten und zur Vorbereitung auf das Gebiet der medizinischen Ernährung und Diätetik geschrieben. Es gibt kein solches Buch, das ein geeignetes Bild mit den erforderlichen Erklärungen, allgemeinen Prinzipien der klinischen Ernährungsstudien abdeckt und ein Bewusstsein für die Öffentlichkeit und die Praxis schafft.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    603,95 kr.

    The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "THE REFERENCE BOOK OF CLINICAL NUTRITION" (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special reference of college students. This book explains the advanced Research in Clinical nutrition in a simplified manner. This reference book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester Examination. This book has been written to students and preparatory the field of Medical Nutrition& Diet, no such book which cover suitable picture with needed explanation, General principles of Clinical Nutrition studies and create awareness to public and practice.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    300,95 kr.

    Studenty kolledzhej ispytywaüt trudnosti s ponimaniem prepodawaemogo im prakticheskogo predmeta, chto w osnownom swqzano s neponimaniem standartnoj literatury. V swqzi s ätim "Podgotowitel'noe prakticheskoe rukowodstwo po bespozwonochnym i hordowym" (peresmotrennyj uchebnyj plan, sostawlennyj w Uniwersitete Periqr) bylo podgotowleno special'no dlq studentow kolledzhej. V ätom podgotowitel'nom prakticheskom rukowodstwe w uproschennoj forme ob#qsnqütsq obschie prakticheskie woprosy po bespozwonochnym i hordowym. Jeta kniga mozhet byt' ispol'zowana studentami zoologicheskih fakul'tetow uniwersitetow, kotorye hotqt bystro prosmotret' material pered semestrowym prakticheskim äkzamenom.Jeta kniga byla napisana dlq studentow i podgotowitel'nyh kursow w oblasti bespozwonochnyh i hordowyh, i net takogo rukowodstwa, kotoroe ohwatywalo by podhodqschuü original'nuü kartinu s neobhodimymi ob#qsneniqmi, obschie principy bespozwonochnyh i hordowyh, a takzhe prakticheskie metody i praktiku.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    500,95 kr.

    The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this ¿DIVERSITY AND FUNCTION OF INVERTEBRATES&CHORDATS¿ (THE TEXT BOOK OF ALLIED ZOOLOGY) (A revised syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This book explains the advanced research in diversity and function of invertebrates & chordates in a simplified manner. This book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester examination. This book has been written to students and preparatory the field of life sciences no such book which cover suitable picture with needed explanation, general diversity of organisms studies and create awareness to public and practice.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    673,95 kr.

    The Text book adheres to the scope and sequence of most one major course nationwide also strives to make the ¿THE TEXT BOOK OF DIVERSITY AND FUNCTION OF INVERTEBRATES & CHORDATES (ALLIED ZOOLOGY)¿ as a discipline, interesting and accessible to students. In addition to a comprehensive coverage of core concepts and foundational Diversity and function of invertebrate& chordates and its importance features that draw learners into the discipline in meaningful ways. This book provides a fundamental concept of invertebrates & chordates with a scope that is manageable for instructors and students alike with this. This book can help teachers develop a shared vision and understanding of basic concepts of diversity of invertebrates & chordates and techniques of Nutrition & Diet and its flexible uses across subjects and grade levels. Instructors and students alike will find that this book offers a strong introduction to diversity of invertebrates & chordates in an accessible format.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    500,95 kr.

    The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this ¿PRACTICAL MANUAL OF DIVERSITY AND FUNCTION OF INVERTEBRATES&CHORDATS (ALLIED ZOOLOGY)¿ (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This Manual explains the advanced Invertebrates & chordates practical in a simplified manner. This Manual can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester practical Examination. This Manual has been written to students and preparatory the field of diversity and function of invertebrates &chordates, no such book which cover suitable picture with needed explanation, General principles of Practical and create awareness to public and practice.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    648,95 kr.

    The college students to find difficult to understand the subject taught to mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this ¿THE TEXT BOOK OF CELL BIOLOGY¿ (A Revised Syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This book explains the advanced Research in cell biology in a simplified manner. This book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester Examination. This book has been written to students and preparatory the field of Life science & zoology , no such book which cover suitable picture with needed explanation, General principles of Medical Nutrition studies and create awareness to public and practice.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    528,95 kr.

    College students find it difficult to understand the subject taught mainly due to understanding standard references. While preparing this THE TEXTBOOK OF HEAVY METALS AND TOXIC EFFECT OF FISH Labia rohita (Analysis of Textile waste in freshwater bodies of Native Place in Namakkal District) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This book explains the advanced Research in toxicology and the effect of heavy metals on fish in a simplified manner. This book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester Examination. This book has been written for students and preparation in the field of fishery biology, no such book covers a suitable original picture with needed explanation, General principles of toxicology studies and creates awareness to public and practice.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    673,95 kr.

    The college students of colleges find it difficult to understand the practical subject taught to him/her this difficulty is mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this "THE PREPARATORY PRACTICAL MANUAL OF INVERTEBRATES&CHORDATA"(A Revised syllabus based on Periyar University) has been prepared to serve the special purpose of college students. This preparatory Practical Manual explains the advanced Invertebrate &Chordates general practical in a simplified manner. This book can be used for UG and PG zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before the semester Practical Examination. This book has been written to students and preparatory the field of Invertebrate &Chordates, no such Manual which cover suitable original picture with needed explanation, General principles of Invertebrate &Chordates and Practical techniques and practice.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    562,95 kr.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    586,95 kr.

    The current practical syllabus of Zoology has been framed Periyar University as well as State level. As there are no such books which cover diagrams only but we have insert the original specimen picture were included. we thought to prepare such a book for students and teachers as well as for those people who have scientific aptitude and interest for the subject. The book is richly illustrated with figures and original photographs. First aid, precautionary methods and safety rules and regulations and also included specific guidelines, how to handling the equipment in the laboratory and also add up the Glossary and Reference.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    500,95 kr.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    500,95 kr.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    454,95 kr.

  • af Kalaimani Subramani
    500,95 kr.

    A Students who has just entered the portals of colleges finds it difficult to understand the research taught to him/her this difficulty is mainly due to understand standard references. While preparing this book ¿PHYSIO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS IN SELECTED SITES AND MOLECULAR STUDIES WITH CONSERVATION STATUS OF FRESH WATER STREAM FISHES IN PALANI HILLS OF SOUTHERN INDIA "has been prepared to serve the special purpose of research students. This book explains the basic research methodology and Techniques in a simplified manner. This book can be used for PG and research scholar of Zoology students, who are looking for a quick revision before their research.

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