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Karin Slaughter

Bøger af Karin Slaughter

Karin Slaughter er en succesfuld amerikansk krimiforfatter. Hun blev født i 1971 i sydstaten Georgia, hvor hun voksede op i en lille landsby Covington. Hun studerede to år på universitet Georgia State, men færdiggjorde ikke sin uddannelse. Inden sin debutroman ”Blindsighted” udkom i 2001, arbejde Karin Slaughter blandt andet som husmaler, skadedyrsbekæmper og ved et skiltefirma. Debutromanen ”Blindsigthed” som på dansk udkom under titlen ”Mord for øjet”, er den første bog i den bestialske Grant County serie, som har tryllebundet og underholdt læsere verden over. Serien foregår i Georgia, og har tre hovedpersoner: Sara Linton, som er børnelæge og detidsansat ligsynsmand, hendes eksmand Jeffery Tolliver, som er politichef og detektiven Lena Adams. Det er blevet til seks bøger i Grant County serien. Karin Slaughter er kendt for sit hårdkogte og voldsomme sprog, der kan få hårene til at rejse sig, på selv den mest garvede krimilæser. Hun er optaget af at afdække menneskets skyggesider og hemmeligheder, og af hvordan volden og kriminaliteten påvirker mennesker. Udover bøgerne i Grant Coutny serien, har Karin Slaughter udgivet en række andre kriminalromaner, hvilke blandt andet tæller serien om Will Trent, der bor den voldelige storby Atlanta. Man bliver hurtigt afhængig af Slaughters velskrevene bøger, der både er underholdende, uhyggelige og tankevækkende. Hendes forståelse for den menneskelige psyke, samt talent for at skabe voldsomme, nytænkende og blodige plots, gør hende til en af krimigenrens bedste forfattere. Karin Slaughters forfatterskab er for alle krimielskere, der godt kan lide at læse eller lytte til en velskrevet og gennemtænkt historie, fyldt med forbrydelser, mørke hemmeligheder og personlige intriger.
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  • af Karin Slaughter
    147,95 kr.

    En flygtede. En blev. Hvem er...den gode datter. For otteogtyve år siden blev søstrene Charlotte og Samantha Quinns lykkelige lillebyliv slået i småstykker ved et grusomt angreb på deres barndomshjem. Moderen blev skudt, og hendes død efterlod deres far, Pikevilles berygtede forsvarsadvokat, sønderknust. Den lille familie blev knust og ødelagt for altid, fortæret af minderne og hemmelighederne fra den frygtelige nat. Otteogtyve år senere er Charlie – som den gode datter, hun er – fulgt i sin fars fodspor og selv blevet advokat. Men da volden vender tilbage til Pikeville og chokerer og traumatiserer hele byen, befinder Charlie sig pludselig i sit værste mareridt. Ikke blot er hun et af de første vidner på gerningsstedet, men sagen kan ikke undgå at få alle de forfærdelige minder, hun har brugt alle de mellemliggende år på at fortrænge, til at vende tilbage med fornyet styrke. Den chokerende sandhed om forbrydelsen, der ødelagde hendes familie for næsten tredive år siden, vil ikke forblive begravet for altid. "Jeg kan kun sige én ting: LÆS Karin Slaughter!"-Sara Blædel "Mørke sandheder og hemmeligheder kommer op til overfladen i denne pageturner, der kryber under huden på læseren."-Camilla Läckberg

  • - (Will Trent Series Book 1)
    af Karin Slaughter
    107,95 kr.

    When Atlanta police detective Michael Ormewood is called out to a murder scene at the notorious Grady Homes, he finds himself faced with one of the the most brutal killings of his career: Aleesha Monroe is found in the stairwell in a pool of her own blood, her body horribly mutilated.

  • - (Grant County series 5)
    af Karin Slaughter
    117,95 kr.

    A walk in the woods takes a sinister turn for police chief Jeffrey Tolliver and medical examiner Sara Linton when they stumble across the body of a young girl. Incarcerated in the ground, all the initial evidence indicates that she has been scared to death. But as Sara embarks on the autopsy, something even more horrifying comes to light.

  • - (Grant County series 4)
    af Karin Slaughter
    117,95 kr.

    Medical examiner Sara Linton and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver suffer a shockingly brutal attack which threatens to destroy both their lives. While visiting Jeffrey's hometown, they are first on the scene when Jeffrey's best friend Robert shoots dead an intruder who has broken into his home.

  • - (Grant County series 3)
    af Karin Slaughter
    117,95 - 140,95 kr.

    The mutilated body provides little in the way of clues - and the college authorities are keen to avoid a scandal - but for Sara and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, things don't add up.

  • - (Grant County series 2)
    af Karin Slaughter
    107,95 kr.

    When a teenage quarrel in the small town of Heartsdale explodes into a deadly shoot-out, Sara Linton -- paediatrician and medical examiner --finds herself entangled in a horrific tragedy. And unless Sara and Jeffrey can uncover the deadly secrets the children hide, it's going to happen again...

  • - (Will Trent Series Book 2)
    af Karin Slaughter
    117,95 kr.

    When Atlanta housewife Abigail Campano comes home one afternoon, she walks into a nightmare. A broken window, a bloody footprint on the stairs and, most devastating of all, the horrifying sight of her teenage daughter lying dead on the landing, a man standing over her with a bloody knife. The struggle which follows changes her life forever.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    137,95 kr.

    Will Trent er forelsket og begynder så småt at lægge sin plagede fortid bag sig. Men så forsvinder en lokal universitetsstuderende, og Will bliver holdt væk fra efterforskningen af sin chef, Amanda Wagner. Will kan ikke gennemskue Amandas motiver, før de to i bogstaveligste forstand støder sammen i et forladt børnehjem, som de begge har opsøgt af vidt forskellige grunde. Årtier tidligere – mens Wills far var fængslet for mord – var dette hans hjem.En fyrre år gammel efterforskningssag, der var indledningen på Amandas karriere hos politiet, dukker pludselig op igen, flettet sammen med mysteriet om Wills fødsel og herkomst. De to ukuelige efterforskere må hver især stå ansigt til ansigt med fortidens dæmoner, hvis de vil afværge en endnu større katastrofe.Forbryder er Slaughters hidtil stærkeste og mest bevægende bog.1970-1979, 2010-2019, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, krimi, seriemordere

  • af Karin Slaughter
    127,95 kr.

    Faith Mitchells mor tager ikke telefonen. Som specialagent er Faiths instinkt yderst veludviklet, og det fortæller hende, at noget er galt. Da hun ankommer til sin mors hus, står hoveddøren åben. Der er et blodigt håndaftryk over dørhåndtaget. Og Faiths lille datter, som moren passer, ligger skjult i et skur bag huset. Faith tilkalder forstærkning og træder derefter ind i sin mors hus med trukket pistol. Hun ser en død mand i bryggerset. Hun ser en gidselsituation i soveværelset. Hvad hun ikke ser, er sin mor …Faiths kollega, specialagent Will Trent, tilkaldes, og kort efter er traumelæge Sara Linton også mødt op. Efterforskningen er i gang, men Faith er ikke længere blot specialagent – hun er også vidne. Og mistænkt.“En af USA’s bedste krimiforfattere.” - Washington Postkrimi, narkokriminalitet, korruption, USA, Georgia, 2000-2009

  • af Karin Slaughter
    188,95 kr.

    The next thrilling suspense featuring Will Trent and Sara Linton from Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of Pieces of Her and After That Night!

  • af Karin Slaughter
    112,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    62,95 kr.

    A beautiful young girl was walking down the street―when suddenly...Julia Carroll knows that too many stories start that way. Beautiful, intelligent, a nineteen-year-old college freshman, she should be carefree. But instead she is frightened. Because girls are disappearing.A fellow student, Beatrice Oliver, is missing. A homeless woman called Mona-No-Name is missing. Both taken off the street. Both gone without a trace.Julia is determined to find out the reasons behind their disappearances. And she doesn't want to be next...Michael Connelly calls Karin Slaughter "unrivaled among thriller writers." This gripping, unforgettable short story proves why. And be sure to order Karin's new novel, Pretty Girls, on sale September 29, 2015.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    112,95 kr.

    Karin Slaughter's internationally bestselling novels are as notable for their vivid portraits of lives shadowed by loss and heartbreak as they are for their dramatic criminal investigations. Her latest offering features the return of her most compelling characters and introduces memorable new ones in a tale of corruption, murder, and confrontation that will leave more than one life . . . When Special Agent Will Trent arrives in Grant County, he finds a police department determined to protect its own and far too many unanswered questions about a prisoner's death. He doesn't understand why Officer Lena Adams is hiding secrets from him. He doesn't understand her role in the death of Grant County's popular police chief. He doesn't understand why that man's widow, Dr. Sara Linton, needs him now more than ever to help her crack this case.While the police force investigates the murder of a young woman pulled from a frigid lake, Trent investigates the police force, putting pressure on Adams just when she's already about to crack. Caught between two complicated and determined women, trying to understand Linton's passionate distrust of Adams, the facts surrounding Chief Tolliver's death, and the complexities of this insular town, Trent will unleash a case filled with explosive secrets-and encounter a thin blue line that could be murderous if crossed.Spellbinding and keenly paced, Broken is Karin Slaughter at her best. Here is an unforgettable story of raw emotions, dangerous assumptions, the deadly and layered game of betrayal, and a man's determination to expose the most painful of human truths-no matter how deeply they're hidden . . . or how devastating.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    112,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    177,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Siden den aften blev intet nogensinde det samme igen...For 15 år siden ændrede Sara Lintons liv sig for altid, da en festlig aften i byen endte med et voldeligt overgreb, der rev hendes verden itu. Siden da har Sara skabt sig et nyt liv. Som succesfuld læge og forlovet med en mand, hun elsker, har hun endelig formået at lægge fortiden bag sig.Indtil en aftenvagt på skadestuen, hvor alting ændrer sig. Sara kæmper for at redde Dani Cooper, en ødelagt ung kvinde, der har været udsat for et brutalt overgreb. Under efterforskningen, ledet af specialagent Will Trent, viser det sig, at der er en uhyggelig sammenhæng mellem overfaldene på Dani og Sara selv.Og det ser ud til, at fortiden ikke vil lade sig forblive begravet for evigt …KARIN SLAUGHTER er en af verdens mest populære forfattere. Hun har skrevet flere end 20 øjeblikkelige Sunday Times bestsellerromaner, inklusiv den Edgar-nominerede Hævntørst (2014) og de selvstændige romaner De smukkeste (2016) og Den gode datter (2017).Slaughters bøger er udkommet i 120 lande og har solgt i flere end 40 millioner eksemplarer. Hendes roman Brudstykker (2018) (Pieces of Her) blev filmatiseret som en #1 tv-serie på Netflix i 2022. Thriller-serien Will Trent er netop kommet til Danmark på Disney+. Karin Slaughter står desuden bag Save the Library-projektet – en nonprofit organisation, der er etableret til støtte for biblioteker og biblioteksundervisningsprogrammer.Karin Slaughter er født i Georgia og bor i Atlanta, USA.♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥”Svær at lægge fra sig, når man først er kommet i gang.”– Nanna Frank Rasmussen, Politiken Om Will Trent-serien

  • af Karin Slaughter
    182,95 - 314,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    172,95 - 237,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    112,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    187,95 kr.

    Will Trent and Sara Linton are back! This is the 11th electrifying thriller featuring GBI investigator Will Trent and medical examiner Sara Linton from New York Times bestselling author Karin Slaughter.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    382,95 kr.

    Will Trent and Sara Linton are back! This is the 11th electrifying thriller featuring GBI investigator Will Trent and medical examiner Sara Linton from New York Times bestselling author Karin Slaughter.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    195,95 kr.

    ?Son los prodigiosos talentos de Slaughter para crear personajes lo que la hace sobresalir entre los escritores de suspenso?. ? Washington PostDe la autora del bestseller del New York Times, Pieces of her, llega un impresionante thriller que presenta la recién nombrada Mariscal de los Estados Unidos, Andrea Oliver, mientras investiga un caso sin resolver vinculado con el pasado de su padre. Un pueblo pequeño esconde un secreto grande...¿Quién mató a Emily Vaughn?Una chica con un secreto...Longbill Beach, 1982. Emily Vaughn se prepara para su baile graduación. Para una atleta, que es lista, bonita y muy querida, esta noche debería ser lo más memorable de su tiempo en la preparatoria. Pero Emily tiene un secreto. Y hacia el final de la noche, ese secreto será silenciado para siempre. Un asesinato sin resolver...Cuarenta años después, la muerte de Emily sigue siendo un misterio. Su grupo de amigos más cercanos cerró filas; su respetada y acaudalada familia retrocedió; el pequeño pueblo dejó atrás su siniestro ataque. Pero todo está a punto de cambiar.Una última oportunidad de descubrir a un asesino...La Mariscal estadounidense llega a Longbill Beach en su primer encargo: proteger a un juez que está recibiendo amenazas de muerte. Pero, en realidad, Andrea está allí para encontrar justicia para Emily. El asesino todavía sigue libre, y Andrea debe descubrir la verdad antes de que ella sea, también, silenciada... ?It's Slaughter's prodigious gifts of characterization that make her stand out among thriller writers.? ? Washington PostFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Pieces of Her, comes an electrifying thriller featuring newly minted US Marshal Andrea Oliver as she investigates a cold case with links to her father's past. A small town hides a big secret...Who killed Emily Vaughn?A girl with a secret...Longbill Beach, 1982. Emily Vaughn gets ready for the prom. For an athlete, who is smart, pretty and well-liked, this night should be the highlight of her high school career. But Emily has a secret. And by the end of the evening, that secret will be silenced forever. An unsolved murder...Forty years later, Emily's murder remains a mystery. Her tight-knit group of friends closed ranks; her respected, wealthy family retreated inwards; the small town moved on from her grisly attack. But all that's about to change.One final chance to uncover a killer...US Marshal Andrea Oliver arrives in Longbill Beach on her first assignment: to protect a judge receiving death threats. But, in reality, Andrea is there to find justice for Emily. The killer is still out there?and Andrea must discover the truth before she gets silenced, too...

  • af Karin Slaughter
    382,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    332,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    175,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    192,95 kr.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    62,95 - 76,95 kr.

    The fantastic prequel to THE GOOD DAUGHTER, the stunning new standalone from the No. 1 bestselling author of the Will Trent and Grant County series.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    112,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From Atlanta's wealthiest suburbs to its stark inner-city housing projects, a killer has crossed the boundaries of wealth and race. And the people who are chasing him must cross those boundaries, too. Among them is Michael Ormewood, a veteran detective whose marriage is hanging by a thread-and whose arrogance and explosive temper are threatening his career. And Angie Polaski, a beautiful vice cop who was once Michael's lover before she became his enemy. But unbeknownst to both of them, another player has entered the game: a loser ex-con who has stumbled upon the killer's trail in the most coincidental of ways-and who may be the key to breaking the case wide open. In this gritty, gripping firecracker of a novel, the author of the bestselling Grant County, Georgia, series breaks thrilling new ground, weaving together the threads of a complex, multilayered story with the skill of a master craftsman. Packed with body-bending switchbacks, searing psychological suspense and human emotions, Triptych ratchets up the tension one revelation at a time as it races to a shattering and unforgettable climax.

  • af Karin Slaughter
    112,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERKarin Slaughter's novels featuring detective Will Trent are utterly riveting and masterfully drawn. Her latest thriller, Unseen, pits detectives, lovers, and enemies against one another in an unforgettable standoff between righteous courage and deepest evil. Will Trent is a Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent whose latest case has him posing as Bill Black, a scary ex-con who rides a motorcycle around Macon, Georgia, and trails an air of violence wherever he goes. The cover has worked and he has caught the eye of a wiry little drug dealer who thinks he might be a useful ally. But undercover and cut off from the support of the woman he loves, Sara Linton, Will finds his demons catching up with him. Although she has no idea where Will has gone, or why, Sara herself has come to Macon because of a cop shooting: Her stepson, Jared, has been gunned down in his own home. Sara holds Lena, Jared's wife, responsible: Lena, a detective, has been a magnet for trouble all her life, and Jared's shooting is not the first time someone Sara loved got caught in the crossfire. Furious, Sara finds herself involved in the same case that Will is working without even knowing it, and soon danger is swirling around both of them. In a novel of fierce intensity, shifting allegiances, and shocking twists, two investigations collide with a conspiracy straddling both sides of the law. Karin Slaughter's latest is both an electrifying thriller and a piercing study of human nature: what happens when good people face the unseen evils in their lives.Praise for Unseen "Slaughter's most powerful book to date . . . No one writes like Slaughter. . . . Her words fairly growl on paper but yet her descriptions of relationships are tear inducing. This may make her an anomaly but she is the best damn anomaly writing books today. Make sure you read Unseen."-The Huffington Post "Compelling . . . [Slaughter] balances a complex plot with believable twists while sensitively exploring her realistic characters' emotions and problems."-South Florida Sun-Sentinel "An emotional roller coaster ride . . . fast-paced and edge-of-your seat . . . Slaughter is brilliant."-Wichita Falls Times Record News "Superb and emotionally wrenching . . . The despicable nature of the crimes being investigated only serves to enhance Will's innate goodness and humanity. Current series fans will be delighted, and newcomers to Slaughter's work will find a new obsession."-Library Journal "Slaughter plunges readers into the action from the get-go with her electrifying ability to write suspenseful, riveting confrontations between cops and criminals, all while deepening the backstories of her longtime series leads. Another intense read, on multiple levels, from the ever-reliable Slaughter."-Booklist "Tense and densely plotted . . . The twisted plot and shocking reveals remind readers why Slaughter remains a dominant voice in crime fiction."-Publishers Weekly

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