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En af Ken Folletts tidlige spændingsromaner, der foregår hen over en dag på en avisredaktion i London.Det er tidlig morgen i London. En gift politiker vågner op ved siden af en smuk, fremmed kvinde. En korrupt finansmand spiser morgenmad med en højtstående funktionær i Bank of England. En bandeleder briefer sin gruppe.Da den unge ambitiøse journalist Kevin Hart opdager en forbindelse mellem de tre mænd, er han pludselig på sporet af sin karrieres hidtil vigtigste historie. I et hektisk tempo over en enkelt dag afdækker han de korrupte forbindelser mellem finansverdenen, det kriminelle miljø og pressen og afslører dermed en storstilet svindelsag.
Det som alle frygter mest i Californien, er et altomfattende jordskælv. Det som manden, der kalder sig Præst, frygter mest, er ødelæggelsen af hans kollektiv i det smukke Sierra Nevada - det eneste sted hvor han kan gemme sig for sin skumle fortid. I forbindelse med opførelsen af et nyt kraftværk vil regeringen oversvømme dalen, hvor kollektivet bor, og kollektivets verbale protester kan ikke forhindre projektet. Præst bliver nødt til at få Californiens guvernør til at tage protesten alvorligt, hvis ikke kollektivet skal blive jævnet med jorden. Og nu har han fundet ud af hvordan: Han kan fremkalde jordskælv ved hjælp af en stjålen seismisk vibrator, og hvis hans krav ikke bliver indfriet kommer det fatale jordskælv om 48 timer... Pressen skrev: »Det er lykkedes Ken Follett at ryste en uhyggelig cocktail sammen i Guds Næve. En roman, der accelererer i spænding, jo tættere vi kommer på klimakset« – Jydske Vestkysten
Spionroman fra de hektiske måneder i 1944, da de allierede planlagde invasionen i Normandiet. Hitlers mesterspion "die Nadel" har gennemskuet planerne og må for enhver pris stoppes
Et planlagt indbrud mod en medicinalfabrik i Skotland, der skal skaffe dødelige antistoffer til terrorister, besværliggøres af en voldsom snestorm, der hæmmer både forbrydere og forfølgere
Anden Verdenskrig er brudt ud, og i England gør en række personer sig klar til at flygte ud af landet med luksusflyet Clipperen. Om bord er fascisten lord Percy Oxenford og hans familie, tyven Harry Marks, der har planer om at starte en ny tilværelse i USA (gerne finansieret af lady Oxenfords smykker), Diana Lovesey og hendes elsker samt Karl Hartmann, en jødisk videnskabsmand. Og så er der Tom Luther til at sikre, at flymaskinist Eddy Deakin elsker sin kone højt nok til at gøre, som han har fået besked på! Forude venter seksogtredive timer lukket inde i en flyvende blikæske, i stormvejr over Atlanten og med en ubehagelig – ja, livstruende – overraskelse i vente.
Minearbejderne på George Jamissons gods i Skotland levede under slavelignende vilkår. Drengebørn blev allerede, når de blev holdt over dåben, lovet bort som arbejdskraft i hans miner, og deres liv blev ikke langt. De, der gjorde oprør, blev brutalt belært om deres plads i livet og fik lagt en jernbølje om halsen. På Mack McAshs halsbånd stod der: "Denne mand tilhører sir George Jamisson af Fife", men Mack har ikke i sinde at leve som slave resten af sit liv. Han stikker af til London og finder arbejde som kulslæber, og da han er den, han er, varer det ikke længe, før han bliver talsmand for "Londons bærme", som i 1768 gjorde oprør over deres elendige vilkår. Sir Georges arm rækker imidlertid langt, og snart befinder Mack sig i fodlænker om bord på et skib med kurs mod Amerika.
Det er sommeren 1942, 2. Verdenskrig har været i gang i mere end to år, og Tyskland har tromlet gennem Europa uden at have mødt nævneværdig modstand. I Nordafrika har Rommels effektive krigsmaskine trængt englænderne op i en krog, men de allierede har ikke desto mindre tænkt sig at gøre ørkenlandene til den slagmark, hvor krigslykken skal vende.Rommels stærkeste våben mod englændernes omgruppering er mesterspionen, den halvt tyske og halvt arabiske Alex Wolff, og fra sin base på en husbåd i Cairo og udstyret med en snedig kode baseret på Daphne du Mauriers Rebecca lykkes det Wolff at opsnappe de allieredes planer.Var det ikke på grund af én lillebitte fejl, ville Wolff endnu en gang have kunnet vende krigens gang, men nu havde han desværre begået denne lillebitte fejl, og i stedet endte det med en menneskejagt.
Under en forhandling i 1914 mellem England og Rusland om en hemmelig traktat planlægger nogle russiske anarkister at myrde zarens forhandler for at hindre planens gennemførelse
Det var næsten, som om noget ondt var steget op fra det dybe vand den dag i 1866, da en fl ok drenge trodsede udgangsforbuddet og gik ned til stenbrudssøen for at bade. Den dag druknede Peter Middleton. Den dag gik Hugh Pilasters far fallit, og Maisie Robinsons far blev arbejdsløs. Den dag smededes også et højst usundt venskab mellem Edward Pilaster, arvingen til et af de største bankfi rmaer i England, og Micky Miranda, søn af en af Sydamerikas store kvægavlere. I tre årtier bevaredes hemmeligheden om, hvordan Peter Middleton døde. Tre årtier, hvor verden var i rivende udvikling, og hvor grunden til så mange formuer blev lagt. I kølvandet fulgte magtkampe, korruption, hensynsløse ambitioner og grådighed, men også et begyndende opbrud i det stive klassesystem i victoriatidens England og kærlighed på tværs af klasseskel. Pressen skriver: »Velskrevet som altid hos Follett og med et fint blik for at skildre en historisk periode med mange detaljer – både i forretningsverdenen og i overklassens sociale og daglige liv. Den victorianske periode sitrer under begyndende kvindebevidstgørelse og et spirende opgør med stive klasseskel og hævdvundne privilegier. Som i alle gode og farverige romaner er der også plads til drama og hævn, kærlighed og bedrag.« – Helle Winther Olsen, Lektør
I det herrens år 1327 sniger fire børn sig ud af katedralbyen Kingsbridge. En tyvetøs, en slagsbror, en ualmindelig kløgtig dreng og en pige, hvis største ønske er at blive læge. På vej gennem den omgivende skov ser de to mænd blive dræbt. Som voksne præges deres liv af ambitioner, kærlighed, grådighed og hævn. De oplever økonomisk fremgang, men også sult, pest og krig. En af drengene rejser Europa tyndt, men vender i sidste ende hjem til Kingsbridge - den anden bliver en magtfuld og korrupt adelsmand. En af pigerne trodser den katolske kirkes magt - den anden jager en håbløs kærlighed. Fælles for dem alle er, at de lever i skyggen af de uforklarlige mord, de så blive begået i skoven.Pressen skriver:»Som altid er Follett leveringsdygtig i intriger, blodig vold og dramatisk kærlighed, og både nyankomne og veteraner udi Folletts verden vil for firehundrede kroner kunne nyde rutsjeturen gennem middelalderens mørke med en mester ved roret.«- TJECK»1066 sider er mange, men jeg kunne godt have brugt nogle flere. Uendelige Verden er et mesterværk i sin genre.«- Ekstra Bladet
Spionroman fra de hektiske måneder i 1944, da de allierede planlagde invasionen i Normandiet. Hitlers mesterspion "die Nadel" har gennemskuet planerne og må for enhver pris stoppes
Action, kærlighed, had og forræderi er hovedingredienserne i bestsellerforfatter Ken Folletts intense og hæsblæsende spændingsroman, som fører fra terror-planer i Paris til guerilla-krig i Afghanistan.De fem løvers dal er navnet på en bjergomkranset floddal i Afghanistan og et legendarisk sted langt væk fra al civilisation. Afghanske guerilla-grupper har her tappert taget kampen om mod den russiske besættelsesmagt, og her mødes også den korrupte franske læge Jean-Pierre og hans engelsk-fødte hustru, Jane, med Ellis, amerikansk antiterror-agent – og Janes tidligere elsker. Af Det Hvide Hus har Ellis fået til opgave at kontakte Masud, en berømt og effektiv guerilla-leder, men også russerne driver en indædt jagt på Masud. Han skal findes – død eller levende…
Set in an era of turbulent social changes, A Place Called Freedom is a magnificent novel from the undisputed master of suspense and drama, Ken Follett.A Life of PovertyScotland, 1767. Mack McAsh is a slave by birth, destined for a cruel and harsh life as a miner. But as a man of principles and courage, he has the strength to stand up for what he believes in, only to be labelled as a rebel and enemy of the state.A Life of Wealth Life feels just as constrained for rebellious Lizzie Hallim, as she struggles with the less cruel circumstances of wealth and privilege. Fiercely independent, she is engaged to a man she doesn't care for, a landlord's son and heir to an exploitative business empire.A Search for FreedomLizzie finds herself helping Mack after he becomes a fugitive. Separated by class but bound by their yearning for freedom, they escape to London. True freedom, though, lies further afield, in a new life that awaits across the Atlantic Ocean . . .
Eye of the Needle, Ken Follett's breakthrough international bestseller, is a heart-racingly exciting tale about the fate of the war resting in the hands of a master spy, his opponent and a brave woman.Victory Hangs in the Balance1944. In the weeks leading up to D-Day the Allies are disguising their invasion plans with elaborate decoys of ships and planes. If they can land a force on mainland Europe they will gain the upper hand in a war that has ravaged the world for years, and take the fight to the Nazi menace.A Cold-blooded KillerHis weapon is the stiletto, his codename: The Needle. He is Hitler's prize undercover agent - a ruthless and professional murderer. In England he uncovers the Allies' D-Day plans but his cover is blown in the process.A Deadly ChaseLeaving a trail of bodies in his wake, The Needle ruthlessly races to a U-boat waiting to convey him and his critical message to Germany, with MI5 on his tail. But he hasn't planned for a storm-battered island and the remarkable young woman who lives there . . .
Action, kærlighed, had og forræderi er hovedingredienserne i bestsellerforfatter Ken Folletts intense og hæsblæsende spændingsroman, som fører fra terror-planer i Paris til guerilla-krig i Afghanistan. De fem løvers dal er navnet på en bjergomkranset floddal i Afghanistan og et legendarisk sted langt væk fra al civilisation. Afghanske guerilla-grupper har her tappert taget kampen om mod den russiske besættelsesmagt, og her mødes også den korrupte franske læge Jean-Pierre og hans engelsk-fødte hustru, Jane, med Ellis, amerikansk antiterror-agent – og Janes tidligere elsker. Af Det Hvide Hus har Ellis fået til opgave at kontakte Masud, en berømt og effektiv guerilla-leder, men også russerne driver en indædt jagt på Masud. Han skal findes – død eller levende…
Den unge ambitiøse kunsthistoriker Dee Sleign får nys om et hidtil ukendt Modigliani-maleri og beslutter sig for at forsøge at finde det, men hun er ikke den eneste, der er intresseret.Julian Black, der er ved at åbne sit eget galleri med økonomisk støtte fra sin svigerfar, og Charles Lampeth, Dees onkel og indehaver af et førende galleri i London, forsøger også at få fingre i maleriet.Samtidig har en ung kunstner, Peter Usher, set sig sur på den etablerede kunstscene, og sammen med en kammerat besluttet sig for at tage hævn over kunstnermiljøet og statuere et eksempel. Deres hensigt er ikke at tjene penge på det, men at vise, at kunsthandlerne i virkeligheden ikke går op i kunsten, men er motiveret af grådighed.Alt er tilladt: tyveri, falskneri, forræderi, måske endda mord.
Anden Verdenskrig er brudt ud, og i England gør en række personer sig klar til at flygte ud af landet med luksusflyet Clipperen.Om bord er fascisten lord Percy Oxenford og hans familie, tyven Harry Marks, der har planer om at starte en ny tilværelse i USA (gerne finansieret af lady Oxenfords smykker), Diana Lovesey og hendes elsker samt Karl Hartmann, en jødisk videnskabsmand. Og så er der Tom Luther til at sikre, at flymaskinist Eddy Deakin elsker sin kone højt nok til at gøre, som han har fået besked på!Forude venter seksogtredive timer lukket inde i en flyvende blikæske, i stormvejr over Atlanten og med en ubehagelig – ja, livstruende – overraskelse i vente.
A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, The Pillars of the Earth is Ken Follett's classic historical masterpiece.A MASON WITH A DREAM1135 and civil war, famine and religious strife abound. With his family on the verge of starvation, mason Tom Builder dreams of the day that he can use his talents to create and build a cathedral like no other.A MONK WITH A BURNING MISSIONPhilip, prior of Kingsbridge, is resourceful, but with money scarce he knows that for his town to survive it must find a way to thrive, and so he makes the decision to build within it the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has ever known.A WORLD OF HIGH IDEALS AND SAVAGE CRUELTYAs Tom and Philip meet so begins an epic tale of ambition, anarchy and absolute power. In a world beset by strife and enemies that would thwart their plans, they will stop at nothing to achieve their ambitions in a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state, and brother against brother . . .The Pillars of the Earth is the first in The Kingsbridge Novels series, followed by World Without End and A Column of Fire.
Jackdaws is an irresistible novel of the French Resistance, love, courage and revenge set in the Second War War.A Failed MissionTwo weeks before D-Day, the French Resistance try to destroy a telephone exchange vital to Nazi communications. Heavily defended, the mission fails disastrously.A Daring PlanWith invasion looming, Flick Clairet, a British secret agent, proposes a daring but perilous new plan. She, along with an all-female team - the Jackdaws - will infiltrate and neutralize the exchange before Allied Forces land in France.A Race Against TimeHowever, unbeknownst to Flick, Field Marshal Rommel has assigned a brilliant spy-catcher - Dieter Franck - to crush the French Resistance. And now Franck is closing in . . .
Paper Money is a gripping novel of high-finance and underworld villainy from bestselling author Ken Follett. Will reporters uncover the web of criminality at the heart of two seemingly unconnected crimes?Several Daring CrimesLondon. A politician wakes with a beautiful girl; a criminal briefs his team; a tycoon breakfasts with a Bank official. Then three stories break: an attempted suicide, a hijack and a take-over bid.One Shocking ConspiracyThey seem unrelated - until Evening Post reporters ask questions. Why is a Jamaican bank in trouble? Who drove the Rolls-Royce seen near the raid? Who was the man with gunshot wounds? Over the course of a single day, fortunes will be destroyed, reputations shattered and principles shredded.A Dangerous TruthIt is only when a blackmailed politician decides to take matters into his own hands and to set a pair of fearless reporters on the trail that a criminal web at the heart of the conspiracy is uncovered. Will the truth be too dangerous to print on this unforgettable day in the capital?
Filled with startling twists, Whiteout is the ultimate knife-edge drama from Ken Follett - an international bestselling author who is in a class of his own.A Family ReunitedAs a blizzard descends from the north on Christmas Eve, several people converge on a remote family estate in Scotland. Stanley Oxenford, director of a pharmaceutical research company, has everything riding on a drug he is developing to fight a lethal virus.A Brewing StormSeveral others are interested in his success too: his children, at home for Christmas with their offspring, have their eyes on the money he will make; Toni Gallo, forced to resign from the police department in disgrace, is betting her career on keeping the drug safe; and a local television reporter, determined to move up, has sniffed the story, even if he has to bend the facts to tell it.A House Under SiegeA sinister gang spots an opportunity to use one of Stanley's children against him and steal the virus. As everyone takes shelter, it becomes apparent that being inside the house may be more dangerous than the storm outside, especially when a lethal virus might be on the loose . . .
#1 New York Times BestsellerIn 1989, Ken Follett astonished the literary world withThe Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected. Critics were overwhelmed';it will hold you, fascinate you, surround you' (Chicago Tribune)and readers everywhere hoped for a sequel. Look out for the next book in this series, A Column of Fire, available now.World Without Endtakes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart ofThe Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroads of new ideasabout medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human racethe Black Death.Three years in the writing and nearly eighteen years since its predecessor,World Without Endbreathes new life into the epic historical novel and once again shows that Ken Follett is a masterful author writing at the top of his craft.
On Wings of Eagles is the thrilling novel based on the incredible real-life rescue of two Americans by a Green Beret colonel and a group of corporate executives from revolutionary Iran, from number one bestseller Ken Follett.A Terrifying PrisonAs Iran descends into revolution, two Americans get caught up in the upheaval. They are captured and held in a heavily guarded fortress. Their situation is desperate, with the US government refusing to get them out. But all hope is not lost . . .A Daring RescueThis is the fictionalised real-life story of a Green Beret colonel, who came out of retirement to lead a secret raid; the computer executives, shaped into a crack commando team; and the Texas industrialist, Ross Perot, who would not abandon two Americans in an Iranian jail.A Dangerous EscapeBreaking the prisoners out is only the beginning of the mission. In order to get to the safety of the Turkish border, they must make a treacherous overland journey whilst avoiding an enemy that is closing in . . .
Triple is the story of the most successful espionage coup - and best-kept secret - of this century. This taut espionage thriller comes from master of the genre, Ken Follett.A Frightening Discovery 1968. The fledgling nation of Israel is threatened when the intelligence services find out that Egypt is only months away from developing nuclear weapons. An untimely end awaits the young nation unless a source of uranium for Israeli bombs can be obtained in complete secrecy. Impossible, of course, unless someone as improbable as the plan can be found to steal it.A Daring MissionWorking alone, Israeli agent Nat Dickstein concocts an ingenious scenario for the biggest, and quietest, hijacking in history. A task made all the more difficult by the factions trying to stop him.Time is Running OutDickstein plans to steal the uranium and fool the Russian KGB, Egyptian Intelligence and the Arab extremists, the Fedayeen. As the nuclear arms race in the Middle East escalates to frightening proportions, the fate of millions of lives hangs in the balance in this fictionalized account of one of the best-kept secrets of the twentieth century.
En januardag i 1958 vågner en møgbeskidt mand op med tøjet i laser på et offentligt toilet og spørger: »Hvem er jeg?« Det er den forrygende start på Ken Follets roman, der som ledemotiv har kapløbet om hvem - russerne eller amerikanerne - der skal herske i rummet.Mens hovedpersonen fortvivlet forsøger at genvinde sin hukommelse, kredser en række velklædte mænd omkring ham, følger efter ham og forsøger at forhindre ham i at få kontakt med eventuelle mennesker, der kan sprede lys over, hvad der egentlig er hændt ham.Luke er hans navn, og ved et lykketræf opdager han, at han på en eller anden måde har noget at gøre med rumprogrammet. Men da han borer videre, begynder ubehagelige oplysninger om kontakt med russerne at cirkulere, og imens gør NASA sig klar til at opsende deres første rumsatellit, Explorer 1.
The saga that has enthralled the millions of readers of The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End now continues with Ken Follett's magnificent, gripping new story. Young Ned Willard is coming home to Kingsbridge at Christmas as A Column of Fire opens. The year 1558 will turn Ned's life upside-down and change Europe for ever. The ancient stones of Kingsbridge Cathedral look down on a city torn by religious hatred. High principles clash bloodily with friendship, loyalty and love. Ned finds himself on the opposite side from the girl he longs to marry, Margery Fitzgerald. When Elizabeth Tudor becomes queen, all of Europe turns against England. The shrewd, determined young monarch sets up the country's first secret service, to give her early warning of assassination plots, rebellions and invasion plans. Waiting in Paris is the alluring, headstrong Mary Queen of Scots, part of a brutally ambitious French family. Proclaimed the rightful ruler of England, she has her own supporters scheming to get rid of Elizabeth. Ned Willard hunts the slippery, enigmatic Jean Langlais, not knowing that the false name hides a childhood classmate who knows him all too well. Over a turbulent half-century, the love between Ned and Margery seems doomed, as extremism sparks violence from Edinburgh to Geneva. Elizabeth clings precariously to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents. The real enemies, then as now, are not the rival religions. The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone else - no matter what the cost.
#1 New York Times BestsellerOprah's Book Club SelectionThe "extraordinary . . . monumental masterpiece" (Booklist) that changed the course of Ken Follett's already phenomenal career-and begins where its prequel, The Evening and the Morning, ended."Follett risks all and comes out a clear winner," extolled Publishers Weekly on the release of The Pillars of the Earth. A departure for the bestselling thriller writer, the historical epic stunned readers and critics alike with its ambitious scope and gripping humanity. Today, it stands as a testament to Follett's unassailable command of the written word and to his universal appeal. The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known . . . of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect-a man divided in his soul . . . of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame . . . and of a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state and brother against brother. A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, this is Ken Follett's historical masterpiece.
Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read#1 New York Times BestsellerOprah''s Book Club SelectionFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Column of Fire, the “monumental masterpiece” (Booklist) that changed the course of Ken Follett’s already phenomenal career. “Follett is a master,” extolled the Washington Post on the release of The Pillars of the Earth. A departure for the bestselling thriller writer, the historical epic stunned readers and critics alike with its ambitious scope and gripping humanity. Today, it stands as a testament to Follett’s unassailable command of the written word and to his universal appeal. The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known . . . of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect—a man divided in his soul . . . of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena, haunted by a secret shame . . . and of a struggle between good and evil that will turn church against state and brother against brother. A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, this is Ken Follett’s historical masterpiece.
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER';Absorbing . . . impossible to resist.'The Washington PostAs Europe erupts, can one young spy protect his queen? #1New York Timesbestselling author Ken Follett takes us deep into the treacherous world of powerful monarchs, intrigue, murder, and treason with his magnificent new epic,A Column of Fire. A thrilling read that makes the perfect gift for the holidays. In 1558, the ancient stones of Kingsbridge Cathedral look down on a city torn apart by religious conflict. As power in England shifts precariously between Catholics and Protestants, royalty and commoners clash, testing friendship, loyalty, and love. Ned Willard wants nothing more than to marry Margery Fitzgerald. But when the lovers find themselves on opposing sides of the religious conflict dividing the country, Ned goes to work for Princess Elizabeth. When she becomes queen, all Europe turns against England. The shrewd, determined young monarch sets up the country's first secret service to give her early warning of assassination plots, rebellions, and invasion plans. Over a turbulent half century, the love between Ned and Margery seems doomed as extremism sparks violence from Edinburgh to Geneva. Elizabeth clings to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents. The real enemies, then as now, are not the rival religions. The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone elseno matter what the cost. Set during one of the most turbulent and revolutionary times in history,A Column of Fireis one of Follett's most exciting and ambitious works yet. It will delight longtime fans of the Kingsbridge series and is the perfect introduction for readers new to Ken Follett.
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