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Bøger af Kevin DeYoung

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  • af Kevin DeYoung
    255,95 kr.

  • - How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden
    af Kevin DeYoung
    136,95 kr.

    Short enough to be read in one sitting, this illustrated children's book imaginatively retells the biblical narrative in one continuous story, helping kids connect the dots from Genesis to Revelation.

  • - Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission
    af Kevin DeYoung
    126,95 kr.

    DeYoung and Gilbert help us think carefully about what the church is sent into the world to do. Looking at the Bible's teaching, they explore the what, why, and how of the church's mission for today.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    101,95 kr.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    253,95 kr.

    Large, Illustrated Storybook Pairs 104 Engaging Bible Stories for Ages 6-12 from Kevin DeYoung with Artwork by Don Clark The Bible is a BIG book about the BIGGEST story. Each page tells about the God who created the world, acted in history, and continues to act in the present. In The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, pastor Kevin DeYoung shares this grand story with children ages 6-12 through 104 short chapters. Beginning in Genesis and ending with Revelation, DeYoung provides engaging retellings of various Bible stories, explaining how they fit into the overarching storyline. Each reading is coupled with beautiful illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark and concludes with a reflective prayer. This 10" x 14.25" edition fits each Bible story on a single page with large poster art on the opposite page, making it ideal for story time at home or in church. Written by Kevin DeYoung and Illustrated by Don Clark: Creators of the bestselling companion book, The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden Memorable Retellings of 104 Biblical Stories: Helps kids ages 6-12 learn the unified story of the Bible Large Size: The 10" x 14.25" format features single-page Bible stories with vibrant artwork on the opposite page to engage children during story time or The Biggest Story lessons

  • - A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology
    af Kevin DeYoung
    288,95 kr.

    Learn Important Systematic Theology Topics Each Day with This Accessible One-Year Devotional All thoughtful Christians want to better understand the Bible, its author, and its influence on their beliefs. In short--whether they recognize it or not--they want to understand theology. But many find the subject matter too academic, dense, or difficult to understand, and they lack proper study resources to help expand their knowledge of God and his written word.Designed to make systematic theology clear and accessible for the everyday Christian, this devotional walks through the most important theology topics over the course of a year. Each month is categorized into broad themes, starting with the study of God and concluding with the end times. Written by bestselling author and associate professor of systematic theology Kevin DeYoung, each concise daily reading contains verses for meditation and application, building upon each other and easing readers into the study of systematic theology. Written for Thoughtful Christians: Offers pastors, ministry leaders, and everyday Christians access to a theologically rich yet accessible study One-Year Plan: Daily readings build off one another to help ease readers into systematic theology Covers Important Theological Topics: Each month covers a different broad theological topic, including mankind, salvation, the church, end times, and more Written by Kevin DeYoung: Pastor, bestselling author, and associate professor of systematic theology

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    74,95 kr.

    This booklet presents 5 Christlike ways to effectively communicate the Christian faith with the next generation--grab them with passion, win them with love, hold them with holiness, challenge them with truth, and amaze them with God.

  • - A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem): Un (Tout) Petit Livre Au Sujet d'Un (Tr
    af Kevin DeYoung
    193,95 kr.

    Qui n'a pas déjà été trop occupé ? C'est une réalité qui nous rattrape tous à un moment ou à un autre de notre vie. Nous n'avons qu'à consulter notre emploi du temps pour constater à quel point nous avons de la difficulté à mener une vie équilibrée. Pourtant, un rythme de vie complètement fou n'est pas ce que Dieu désirait pour nous lorsqu'il a envoyé son Fils pour que nous goûtions pleinement à la vie. Imprégné de l'humour caractéristique et de la sincérité rafraîchissante de l'auteur à succès Kevin DeYoung, Vie de fou présente des principes bibliques qui nous aident à mieux comprendre les problèmes liés à l'affairement. Il propose des conseils pertinents pour discerner nos priorités et amener de vrais changements dans nos vies. Ce tout petit livre au sujet d'un très grand problème vous aidera à briser l'habitude d'ètre toujours trop occupé.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    193,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre qui arrive à point nommé, l'auteur Kevin DeYoung nous incite tous - que l'on soit sceptique ou ouvert d'esprit, convaincu ou indécis - à examiner humblement ce que la Parole de Dieu enseigne au sujet de l'homosexualité. Après avoir examiné des passages clés de l'Ancien Testament et du Nouveau Testament ainsi que les enseignements bibliques qui se rattachent à la sexualité, DeYoung réagit aux principaux arguments des chrétiens et des non-chrétiens concernant l'homosexualité, ce qui fait de ce livre une ressource indispensable pour analyser l'un des sujets les plus controversés de notre époque.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    62,95 kr.

    An innovative new way to tell the gospel message, this tract illustrates how God's story of redemption is shown throughout the entire Bible.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    146,95 kr.

    Kevin DeYoung speaks to anxious Christians who feel inadequate or overwhelmed in their faith and assures them that they can experience lasting joy in a life of sincere and simple obedience.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    73,95 kr.

    These inspiring graduation speeches and sermons, presented by Kevin DeYoung, offer countercultural advice for high school and college students, guiding them to put Christ first as independent adults.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    208,95 kr.

    English Title: The Ten Commandments LES DIX COMMANDEMENTS SONT-ILS TOUJOURS D'ACTUALITÉ ? Doit-on encore les appliquer ? Si oui, lesquels ? Que signifient-ils à la lumière de la grâce de Dieu manifestée en Jésus-Christ ? En soulignant l'intemporalité et la bonté des commandements de Dieu, Kevin DeYoung nous expose des vérités cruciales au sujet des dix commandements. Il nous explique ce qu'ils représentent, les raisons pour lesquelles nous devrions les connaître, mais aussi comment leur obéir. Ce livre nous rappelle que les commandements de la loi de Dieu sont bons, justes et saints, et qu'ils ne doivent pas être ignorés. Comme le psalmiste, nous pouvons prendre plaisir dans la loi de Dieu, puisqu'elle met en lumière notre péché et révèle la grâce glorieuse de Dieu en Jésus-Christ. AuteurKEVIN DEYOUNG (M. Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) est le pasteur principal de la Christ Covenant Church située à Matthews, en Caroline du Nord. Il est également président du conseil de la Gospel Coalition, blogueur pour DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed, professeur adjoint de théologie systématique au Reformed Seminary (Charlotte, Caroline du Nord) et candidat au doctorat de l'université de Leicester. Il est l'auteur de plusieurs livres, incluant Vie de fou, La faille dans notre sainteté et Qu'enseigne réellement la Bible au sujet de l'homosexualité ?

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    138,95 kr.

    Chúng ta có th¿ tin c¿y Kinh Thánh hoàn toàn ch¿ng?Kinh Thánh có th¿ gi¿i quy¿t cüc s¿ng ph¿c t¿p c¿a chúng ta sao?Chúng ta có th¿ hi¿u ¿¿¿c ¿i¿u Kinh Thánh d¿y không?B¿ng s¿ hóm h¿nh và thông süt, tác gi¿ ¿¿¿c trao gi¿i th¿¿ng xüt s¿c là Kevin DeYoung ¿ã vi¿t ra m¿t tài li¿u d¿n nh¿p v¿ Kinh Thánh ¿¿ gi¿i ¿áp nh¿ng câu h¿i quan tr¿ng c¿a ng¿¿i ¿ã tin Chúa và ch¿a tin Ngài. Quy¿n sách này s¿ giúp b¿n hi¿u Kinh Thánh nói gì v¿ Kinh Thánh và nh¿ng ¿¿c ¿i¿m quan tr¿ng góp ph¿n vào s¿ t¿n t¿i lâu dài c¿a Kinh Thánh.B¿ qua nh¿ng bi¿t ng¿ v¿ m¿t k¿ thüt, thì quy¿n sách h¿p d¿n n¿y s¿ khuy¿n khích b¿n ¿¿c và ¿¿t lòng tin quy¿t vào nh¿ng gì Kinh Thánh ¿ã chép - th¿c s¿ là L¿i c¿a ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i."Lòng tin quy¿t c¿a tôi vào L¿i Chúa càng l¿n h¿n, s¿ thün ph¿c c¿a tôi tr¿¿c L¿i Chúa càng sâu s¿c h¿n, còn tình yêu c¿a tôi dành cho L¿i Chúa càng ng¿t ngào h¿n, ¿ó là k¿t qü c¿a vi¿c ¿¿c quy¿n sách này".- David Platt, M¿c s¿, H¿i thánh Brook Hills, Birmingham, Alabama; tác gi¿ quy¿n sách Quy¿t li¿t: Quay l¿i v¿i ¿¿c tin t¿ Gi¿c m¿ M¿."Quy¿n sách nh¿ n¿y là m¿t d¿n nh¿p r¿t d¿ ¿¿c v¿ s¿ d¿y d¿ c¿a Kinh Thánh v¿ Kinh Thánh nh¿m truy¿n ¿¿t l¿i các ¿¿c ¿i¿m giáo lý v¿ b¿n ph¿n và thông tin c¿a Kinh Thánh, mà không b¿ sa l¿y vào nh¿ng chi ti¿t ph¿c t¿p. Hãy mua th¿t nhi¿u quy¿n sách n¿y và phân ph¿i cho các tr¿¿ng lão, các ch¿p s¿, các giáo viên tr¿¿ng Chúa Nh¿t, và b¿t k¿ ai trong H¿i thánh mün hi¿u rõ h¿n n¿a v¿ Kinh Thánh. Giáo lý sai tr¿t ph¿n nào ¿¿n t¿ s¿ ngu müi. Ph¿¿c cho ng¿¿i nào làm th¿y cô và giáo s¿ ¿ trong H¿i thánh, h¿ gi¿ng nh¿ tác gi¿ c¿a quy¿n sách n¿y ph¿i tra c¿u th¿n h¿c k¿ l¿¿ng, r¿i truy¿n d¿y th¿t d¿ hi¿u mà không ¿¿ cho quá trình tiêu hóa th¿n h¿c tr¿ nên khó kh¿n".- D.A Carson, Giáo s¿ Nghiên c¿u Tân ¿¿c, Tr¿¿ng Th¿n h¿c Tin lành Ba Ngôi."M¿t trong nh¿ng l¿i c¿u nguy¿n c¿a tôi dành cho m¿c v¿ trong vòng 20 n¿m n¿a ¿ó là chúng ta s¿ ch¿ng ki¿n trình ¿¿ vi¿t lách v¿ Kinh Thánh có s¿ ¿¿t phá mãnh li¿t. ¿¿ ¿i¿u này x¿y ra, chúng ta ph¿i bi¿t Kinh Thánh nói gì và làm th¿ nào ¿¿ n¿¿ng c¿y h¿t mình vào L¿i ¿y. DeYoung ¿ã làm ¿i¿u này th¿t t¿t trong quy¿n Chúa Th¿t Nh¿ L¿i. C¿u xin m¿i ng¿¿i bi¿t ¿¿c Chúa Tr¿i c¿a Ngôi L¿i và yêu m¿n h¿t th¿y m¿i ¿i¿u ¿ trong ¿ó b¿i vì quy¿n sách nh¿ n¿y".- Matt Chandler, M¿c s¿ Tr¿¿ng, H¿i thánh Village, Dallas, Texas; Ch¿ t¿ch H¿ th¿ng M¿ H¿i thánh Acts 29.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    148,95 kr.

    Hyper-spiritual approaches to finding God's will don't work. It's time to try something new: give up.Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung counsels Christians to settle down, make choices, and do the hard work of seeing those choices through. Too often, he writes, God's people tinker around with churches, jobs, and relationships, worrying that they haven't found God's perfect will for their lives. Or--even worse--they do absolutely nothing, stuck in a frustrated state of paralyzed indecision, waiting...waiting...waiting for clear, direct, unmistakable direction.But God doesn't need to tell us what to do at each fork in the road. He's already revealed His plan for our lives: to love Him with our whole hearts, to obey His Word, and after that, to do what we like. No need for hocus-pocus. No reason to be directionally challenged. Just do something.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    126,95 kr.

    In The Lord's Prayer, Kevin DeYoung closely examines God's model for prayer, giving readers a deeper understanding of its content and meaning, and how it works in the lives of God's people.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    106,95 kr.

    Offering readers a valuable resource for thinking through a contentious issue, this timely book by award-winning author Kevin DeYoung summarizes the Bible's teaching on homosexuality and responds to popular objections raised by Christians and non-Christians.

  • - A Short, Biblical, Practical Introduction
    af Kevin DeYoung
    146,95 kr.

    Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung skillfully presents the biblical case for the distinctness of men and women in the church and addresses common objections to complementarianism.

  • - A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem
    af Kevin DeYoung
    128,95 kr.

    Constant busyness is dangerous for our souls. In this short, honest, and often humorous book, DeYoung rejects the "busyness as usual" mindset, helping us to make time for the things that really matter.

  • - Freedom, Forgiveness, Justice, Purpose
    af Kevin DeYoung
    108,95 kr.

    Discover how the cross delivers everything we need most: Freedom, forgiveness, justice, and purpose.

  • - Calvinism, Evangelicalism, and the Scottish Enlightenment
    af Kevin DeYoung
    585,95 - 1.818,95 kr.

  • - What a 400-Year-Old Confession Teaches Us about Sin, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God
    af Kevin DeYoung
    148,95 kr.

    A bestselling author introduces readers to the Canons of Dort, a 17th-century work summarizing the central doctrines of the Christian faith. Widely regarded as a key pillar of the Reformed tradition, the Canons of Dort stand as a faithful witness to God's Grace.

  • - What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them
    af Kevin DeYoung
    126,95 kr.

    The Ten Commandments were foundational to the lives of the ancient Israelites, but many Christians don't know how the list relates to their lives today. DeYoung delivers critical truth about God's Ten Commandments as he makes clear what they are and why believers should know and apply them.

  • - A Visual Guide
    af Kevin DeYoung & Chris Ranson
    173,95 kr.

    Illustrated throughout Brings the book of Acts to life Don't just read the Bible, 'see' it as well

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    193,95 kr.

  • af Kevin DeYoung
    98,95 kr.

    Each page of this board book by the bestselling author of "The Biggest Story" introduces a new letter of the alphabet with engaging and whimsical illustrations from award-winning artist Clark, retelling the biblical narrative in one continuous story. Full color.

  • - Why the Bible Is Knowable, Necessary, and Enough, and What That Means for You and Me
    af Kevin DeYoung
    193,95 kr.

    Is the Bible reliable, authoritative, or even necessary? DeYoung tackles these questions and more as he builds a compelling case for trusting and relying on Scripture as the Word of God for all of life.

  • - Filling the Gap between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness
    af Kevin DeYoung
    126,95 kr.

    Given the lack of holiness in our culture today, DeYoung presents a popular-level treatment of sanctification and union with Christ, helping readers to see what matters most--being like Jesus.

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