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  • - A Fallen Fairytales Dark M/M Romance
    af Kim Fielding
    107,95 kr.

    With their band on the brink of stardom, Johnny Gehrings is cast out by his stepmother and half brothers because he's not pretty enough for social media. He takes some solace when Zimri Hayes quits the band too-beautiful Zimri, who is Johnny's secret heart's desire. A job at a grocery store and a part-time music gig at a drag club pay the bills, but Johnny is still emotionally adrift, a wanderer abandoned in the forest. And when Zimri is offered a chance to make it big, Johnny fears that a devious manager will eat Zimri alive. Finding his way out of the woods is hard enough, but Johnny would also like to save Zimri-if Zimri even wants to be saved. *** Bread Crumbs is a dark M/M romance between a rejected drummer and a rising star, and is part of the Fallen Fairytale series. Fallen Fairytales is a dark M/M romance, multi-author series. Each book may be read as a standalone, but why not load up your Kindle, kick back, and enjoy sexy men, shenanigans, and deliciously dark fairytale retellings.

  • af Kim Fielding
    187,95 kr.

    You can't fly away from destiny. Crow Rapp assumes he'll spend his life growing corn in rural Illinois, like the grandparents who raised him. But during a visit to a traveling carnival, he encounters a handsome stranger named Simeon Bell-and receives a prophecy of a horrifying future. When that future materializes soon afterward, Crow flees... only to find that no matter how far he goes, fate pursues him. Simeon reenters his life a decade later and causes Crow to consider whether actively fighting his fate might be better than constant attempts at escape. In a world tinged by magic, where myths are as real as the sky above them, the men try to determine Crow's true identity. Along the way, they test the powers of friendship and love and explore the boundaries of free will-ultimately discovering whether the force of destiny can be overcome. Crow's Fate is part of the multi-author Carnival of Mysteries Series. Each book stands alone, but each one includes at least one visit to Errante Ame's Carnival of Mysteries, a magical, multiverse traveling show full of unusual acts, games, and rides. The Carnival changes to suit the world it's on, so each visit is unique and special. This book contains an Illinois farmboy, a roustabout from London, and realizations about the power of love.

  • af Kim Fielding
    197,95 kr.

    A sickly man seeks recovery in a seaside cottage. A temple slave tends a man due to be sacrificed. A soldier releases a genie. In seven fantasy short stories and novellas, men find passion with other men in the most unexpected places, and even the gravest circumstances may open the door to hope and love. This anthology includes two brand-new short stories. In "The Sacrifice," Rylo is a temple slave tasked with comforting a man who is scheduled to be killed in the morning. In "Chasing Away Cold," Daku builds an ice sculpture of the god Jarli in order to ensure the end of winter. The collection also includes three novellas and two additional short stories, gathered for the first time in a single volume. "Treasure" introduces Jules, a young man who travels to the quirky seaside town of Urchin Cove to regain his health-and finds an unexpected treasure washed up on the beach. Xolani, a soldier in "Three Wishes," picks up a small glass bottle and unleashes a surprise. Another soldier, Volos in "Guarded," will risk everything to save Prince Berhanu. In the sequel, "Mato's Tale," an unassuming innkeeper gets a chance for adventure. And in "The Downs," Enitan is unjustly banished and comes to discover that the demons he must face aren't the ones he expected. Join Kim Fielding on journeys through imagined worlds where magic is commonplace and romance lies just around the next bend. All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontiers.

  • af Kim Fielding
    87,95 kr.

    After the hard winter of 1888 ended Alby Boyle's work as a Nebraska ranch hand, he returned to New York City in search of his long-lost family. His mother and brothers are nowhere to be found, however, and after Alby's years of absence, Five Corners no longer feels like home. His prospects seem as dim as the nighttime alleys.When Alby pauses to admire an angel ornament in a department store window's Christmas display, he meets Xeno Varnham-Summerfield. Wealthy, handsome, and enthusiastic, Xeno brings Alby some temporary cheer. But for Alby to achieve his dreams of love and a real home, well, that may take a bit of holiday magic.

  • af Kim Fielding
    182,95 kr.

    Brutus führt ein einsames Leben in einer Welt, in der Magie nichts Ungewöhnliches ist. Er ist über zwei Meter groß, hässlich, und stammt aus einer Familie von schlechtem Ruf. Niemand, er selbst eingeschlossen, hält ihn für gut genug, mehr als nur Knochenarbeit zu verrichten. Aber Heldentum kommt in allen Formen und Größen. Als er bei der Rettung eines Prinzen schwer verletzt wird, ändert sich sein Leben schlagartig. Er wird in den Palast von Tellomer gerufen, um als Wärter für einen Gefangenen zu dienen. Das hört sich recht einfach an, stellt sich aber als die größte Bewährungsprobe seines bisherigen Lebens heraus. Wenn man den Gerüchten Glauben schenken darf, ist Gray Leynham ein Hexer und Verräter. Sicher ist nur, dass er Jahre im Elend verbracht hat: blind, in Ketten gelegt und nahezu stumm durch sein fürchterliches Stottern. Und er träumt vom Tod anderer Menschen. Träume, die sich bewahrheiten. Brutus gewöhnt sich an das Leben im Palast und lernt Gray kennen. Er entdeckt dabei seinen eigenen Wert - erst als Freund, dann als Mann, und schließlich als Geliebter. Brutus lernt auch, dass Helden manchmal vor schwierige Entscheidungen gestellt werden und dass es nicht ungefährlich ist, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen.

  • - Volume Four
    af Kim Fielding
    169,95 - 197,95 kr.

    This collection contains the ninth and tenth Bureau novellas. CAUGHT Art Gundersen did not make it as an agent with the Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs. But when Chief Townsend orders him out of the lab and into the mountains of northern California to collect evidence from a murder scene, Art's happy to go. He looks forward to tromping around in the wilderness-and finds he enjoys the company of the forest technician who discovered the hiker's corpse surrounded by sasquatch footprints. Jerry Humboldt lives a somewhat reclusive life in the fire lookout tower. Nobody comments much on his enormous size. Or his unusually hairy feet. Then Art shows up, and Jerry is forced into some new realizations. As Art and Jerry interact, they discover some long-past connections as well as some very present dangers. It's a risky equation: an awkward not-agent, a virginal "wild man" of the forest, and a multiple murderer-with the Bureau's help six hundred miles away. CHAMBERED Agent Dash Cooke likes simple assignments: annihilate the dangerous monsters and move on. He likes a simple life too: a furnished apartment that he switches out for a new one every few years and no messy personal connections. Then his boss gives him an assignment that's not simple at all. Reports claim that a beautiful old house in Sacramento is haunted by a poltergeist, but Dash soon discovers a very different type of spirit. Henry will be destroyed if Dash evicts him. And suddenly Dash's life has become very complicated indeed.

  • - Healthy Eating and Living in College and Beyond
    af Kim Fielding
    172,95 kr.

    The Alpha plan is a blueprint for good nutrition and healthy living for college bound students. It offers practical, easy and effective ways to set up a healthy trajectory for life. It describes essential dietary elements and gives practical advice for specific situations, like how to equip student's kitchen or what to eat when there is none. More than 250 simple, tasty and inexpensive recipes are offered to the novice cook.

  • - Volume 1
    af Kim Fielding
    152,95 kr.

    This collection contains the first three Bureau novellas: CORRUPTION Once a proud demon of the night sky who carried nightmares to humans, Tenrael has spent decades in captivity as the star attraction of a traveling carnival. He exists in miserable servitude to men who plunk down ten dollars to fulfill their dark desires. Charles Grimes is half human, half... something else. For fifteen years he's worked for the Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs, ridding the country of dangerous monsters. When his boss sends him to Kansas to chase a rumor about a captive demon, Charles figures it's just another assignment. Until he meets Tenrael. CLAY WHITE Someone-or something-is murdering young men in San Francisco. Clay White has been fired from the Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs, but he's determined to track down the killer. When he comes across a vampire named Marek, Clay assumes he's caught the perp. But the encounter with Marek turns out to be more complicated than Clay expected, and it forces him to deal with his own troubled past and murky psyche. As Clay discovers, sometimes the truth doesn't come easy-and the monsters are not who we expect. CREATURE Alone in a cell and lacking memories of his past, John has no idea who-or what-he is. Alone on the streets of 1950s Los Angeles, Harry has far too many memories of his painful past and feels simply resignation in facing his empty future. When Harry is given a chance to achieve his only dream-to become an agent with the Bureau of Trans-Species Affairs-all he has to do is prove his worth. Yet nothing has ever come easy for him. Now he must offer himself and John as bait, enticing a man who wants to conquer death. But first he and John must learn what distinguishes a monster from a man-and what a monster truly wants.

  • af Kim Fielding
    162,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    162,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    162,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding & Emmanuelle Rousseau
    170,95 kr.

    Brute mène une vie solitaire dans un monde où la magie est omniprésente. Ce qui le définit le mieux serait sans doute ses deux mètres trente de laideur, et son ascendance honteuse. Personne, pas même Brute, ne s'attend donc à ce qu'il puisse être autre chose qu'une main-d'oeuvre corvéable. Mais les héros sont de toutes sortes et de toutes tailles, et quand il se retrouve handicapé pour avoir sauvé un prince, la vie de Brute change brusquement. Il est invité à venir travailler au palais de Tellomer afin de devenir le gardien d'un seul et unique prisonnier. La tâche semble facile, mais elle s'avérera être le défi de sa vie. Les rumeurs prétendent que le prisonnier, Gray Leynham, est un sorcier et un traître. Ce qui est certain, c'est qu'il a passé les dernières années dans une misère à peine imaginable: aveugle, enchaîné, et rendu presque incompréhensible par un bégaiement extrême. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il est assailli par des cauchemars durant lesquels il assiste à la mort de gens vivant à proximité - pire, ses rêves se réalisent. Tandis que Brute s'habitue à la vie au palais et apprend à connaître Gray, il découvre sa propre valeur, d'abord en tant qu'ami et en tant qu'homme, puis en qualité d'amant. Mais Brute apprend aussi que les héros sont parfois confrontés à des choix difficiles et que faire ce qui lui semble juste peut aussi l'exposer à de grands dangers.

  • af Kim Fielding
    197,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    217,95 kr.

    Pour sauver son vaisseau, le contrebandierHaz Taylor accepte de convoyer un prisonnier de la Coalition. Mais lorsqu'ildécouvre le sort qui attend son captif, il change d'avis. Sous son épaissecuirasse d'égoïsme, Haz garde encore une conscience. Ce qui risque de lui coûterla vie.

  • af Kim Fielding
    117,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    152,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    172,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    197,95 kr.

    To save his ship, interstellar smuggler Haz takes a prisoner transport assignment from the Coalition. But when he finds out what awaits his captive, he balks. Somewhere under the space grime, Haz has a sliver of principle. Too bad it's probably going to get him killed.

  • af Kim Fielding
    117,95 kr.

    When interstellar smuggler Haz Taylor loses his ship, his money, and his tattered reputation, drinking himself to death on a backwater planet seems like his only option. Then the Coalition offers him a contract to return a stolen religious artifact. Sounds simple enough, but politics can be deadly—and the artifact’s not enthusiastic about being returned. Haz didn’t sign up to be prisoner transport, but he’s caught between a blaster and hard vacuum. Still, that doesn’t mean he can’t show his captive some kindness. It costs him nothing to give Mot the freedom to move about the ship, to eat when he’s hungry… to believe that he’s a person. It’s only until they reach Mot’s planet. Besides, the Coalition would hate it, which is reason enough.Then he finds out what awaits Mot at home, and suddenly hard vacuum doesn’t look so bad. Haz is no hero, but he can’t consign Mot to his fate. Somewhere under the space grime, Haz has a sliver of principle. It’s probably going to get him killed, but he doesn’t have much to live for anyway….

  • af Kim Fielding
    267,95 kr.

    Il silenzioso e magrolino Dylan Warner era il classico tipo che passava inosservato finche un'avventura di una notte non lo ha trasformato in un lupo mannaro. Ora, nonostante quel piccolo inconveniente peloso, vuole solo vivere una vita normale, anche se solitaria, facendo l'architetto. Cerca di tenere sotto controllo i suoi impulsi piu selvaggi, ma dopo troppi episodi rischiosi in citta, Dylan rinuncia alla vita cittadina e si trasferisce in campagna, dove avra meno occasioni di fare del male a qualcuno.Acquista una nuova casa, derelitta ma promettente, circondata da un vecchio bosco di abeti destinati a diventare alberi di Natale e piena di sorprese. Per esempio, c'e il suo vicino Chris Nock, dall'aspetto un po' rustico ma attraente, che si rivela un uomo molto piu complesso di quanto appaia. E poi c'e lo spirito importuno che minaccia di distruggere cio che Dylan e Chris stanno costruendo. E inoltre, come scopre l'amico artista di Dylan, Ery Phillips, c'e anche un bellissimo e misterioso uomo di nome Karl, che emerge all'improvviso dal laghetto di Dylan.L'amore non e qualcosa di semplice, soprattutto quando intervengono forze soprannaturali, e sia Dylan che Chris, e piu tardi Ery e Karl, dovranno impegnarsi per creare relazioni durature.

  • af Kim Fielding
    157,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    167,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    182,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    177,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    162,95 kr.

    Brutus fuhrt ein einsames Leben in einer Welt, in der Magie nichts Ungewohnliches ist. Er ist uber zwei Meter gro, hasslich, und stammt aus einer Familie von schlechtem Ruf. Niemand, er selbst eingeschlossen, halt ihn fur gut genug, mehr als nur Knochenarbeit zu verrichten. Aber Heldentum kommt in allen Formen und Groen. Als er bei der Rettung eines Prinzen schwer verletzt wird, andert sich sein Leben schlagartig. Er wird in den Palast von Tellomer gerufen, um als Warter fur einen Gefangenen zu dienen. Das hort sich recht einfach an, stellt sich aber als die grote Bewahrungsprobe seines bisherigen Lebens heraus.Wenn man den Gerchten Glauben schenken darf, ist Gray Leynham ein Hexer und Verrter. Sicher ist nur, dass er Jahre im Elend verbracht hat: blind, in Ketten gelegt und nahezu stumm durch sein frchterliches Stottern. Und er trumt vom Tod anderer Menschen. Trume, die sich bewahrheiten.Brutus gewhnt sich an das Leben im Palast und lernt Gray kennen. Er entdeckt dabei seinen eigenen Wert - erst als Freund, dann als Mann, und schlielich als Geliebter. Brutus lernt auch, dass Helden manchmal vor schwierige Entscheidungen gestellt werden und dass es nicht ungefhrlich ist, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen.

  • af Kim Fielding
    145,95 kr.

    A Love Can't NovelYet another series of poor decisions lands Parker Levin back in his mother's house, working at her coffee shop, and feeling like a failure. Then he learns his ex-boyfriend has died by suicide and things go from bad to worse. When he meets a handsome stranger, he doesn't have much left to lose.Ten years ago Wesley Anker made a grave mistake. Since then he's lived in near isolation, supporting himself by making custom furniture and only rarely connecting with other people. When he attempts to make amends, he encounters Parker, a beautiful and colorful young man, and he agrees to Parker's impulsive request to join him.Together, Parker and Wes find quick friendship and fierce attraction. But Wes's past demons haunt his footsteps, and Parker's struggle to plan a future has him stumbling through life. Then they uncover evidence that suggests Parker's ex's death might not have been a straightforward suicide, and every path seems to lead to dead ends and destruction. Can Parker and Wes find their way to lasting love when the route is hidden?

  • af Kim Fielding
    112,95 kr.

    A Stars from Peril NovelPainting themselves a life together will be a royal ordeal.Small-town boy Cal Walters doesn't know whether he owes his phenomenal success as an artist to talent or to his connections to famous people. Doubt leaves him secluded-until a lost bet lands him on yet another blind date. But this one is different.To Teofilo Vabriga-Kastav, playboy prince of the tiny nation of Porvunia and passionate art lover, Cal's paintings are as intriguing as Cal himself. When Teo invites Cal to his country for an art competition, a whirlwind romance sweeps them up. But it can't last-loyalties and obligations bind them to lives that are worlds apart.Cal and Teo might've found their perfect complements in each other, but to hold on to their happiness, they'll have to get creative.

  • af Kim Fielding
    177,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    162,95 kr.

  • af Kim Fielding
    99,95 kr.

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