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Bøger af Kim Michaels

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  • - MIND OVER MATTER - Hvordan sindet skaber din virkelighed
    af Kim Michaels
    248,95 kr.

    ET KURSUS I OVERFLOD frigives som direkte åbenbaring fra den opstegne mester Moder Maria, der holder Embedet for den Guddommelige Moder for alle mennesker på jorden. Hendes varme, personlige og omsorgsfulde vejledning viser dig, hvordan du overvinder psykologiske blokeringer, der forhindrer dig i at udtrykke dit fulde kreative potentiale. I denne bog vil du lære:• Hvordan du kan acceptere livet i overflod som den naturlige, gudgivne tilstand for dig selv.• Hvordan du kan frigøre dig fra bevidstheden om mangel, der får de fleste mennesker til at bruge deres liv på at kæmpe.• Hvordan du kan holde op med underbevidst at afvise overfloden og bevidst acceptere, hvad der gives til dig frit.• Hvor overfloden kommer fra, og hvorfor du ikke kan tage en passiv tilnærmelse til at modtage den.• Hvordan dit sind er designet til at være en kanal for strømmen af åndelig energi.• Hvordan du kan åbne op for og lede energistrømmen, så den skaber åndelig og materiel overflod i dit liv.• Hvorfor sindets herredømme over materien ikke kun er muligt, men naturligt, fordi materie er sind.

  • af Kim Michaels
    298,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en direkte åbenbaring fra den opstegne mester Jesus Kristus, som forklarer at den ultimative succes, enhver åndelig lærer får, er at mindst nogle blandt eleverne opnår samme bevidsthedstilstand, som blev demonstreret af læreren. Fordi den konventionelle kristendom har forvansket Jesu lære og fokuseret på en ydre frelse i stedet for en indre transformation af bevidstheden, har han ikke opnået den høst som forventet for sine bestræbelser. Men i dag er titusinder af mennesker klar til at demonstrere deres Kristusbevidsthed og millioner flere kan opnå en vis grad af Kristusbevidsthed, den bevidsthedstilstand som blev demonstreret af Jesus.Denne bog er skrevet sådan, at mennesker fra enhver religiøs eller spirituel baggrund, endda mennesker fra en ikke-religiøs baggrund, kan følge dette kursus og arbejde mod at transformere deres bevidsthed. Bogen er ikke ment til kun at forstås intellektuelt. Denne bog indeholder 17 lektioner i hvordan du personligt kan opnå Kristusbevidsthed, den højere bevidsthed som blev demonstreret af Jesus, sammen med praktiske øvelser der vil hjælpe dig transformere din bevidsthed, en proces, som er afgørende for frelsen.

  • - Progressiv åbenbaring - levende ord fra Jesus
    af Kim Michaels
    158,95 kr.

    I dag har mange mennesker opgivet Jesus, fordi de ikke kan finde mening i de officielle kirkers doktriner og dogmer. I virkeligheden er Jesus et åndeligt væsen, som arbejder på at hjælpe alle mennesker med at hæve deres bevidsthedstilstand. Igennem de sidste to tusind år har han kommunikeret med os gennem mennesker, som var villige til at være budbringere for det levende ord. Disse mystikere kunne ikke være tilfredse med officielle doktriner, men søgte en dybere oplevelse af Jesus og hans lære.I denne bog videregiver den opstegne Jesus den lære, som han gav til sine mest avancerede disciple. Han forklarer hvorfor hans lære er relevant for nutidens åndeligt søgende mennesker. Du vil også lære, hvordan du kan opnå et personligt forhold til ham - en af de mest bemærkelsesværdige åndelige lærere menneskheden har set.Hvis du føler, at officielle religioner ikke har besvaret dine spørgsmål om livet og dets åndelige side, er det befriende at læse de meningsfulde svar i denne bog.Befri dig selv fra de illusioner, der blev skabt af den kristne kirke af pollitiske grundeHelbred dig selv fra dine psykologiske sårFå indre vejledning fra Jesus - opnå indre fred og lykke

  • af Kim Michaels
    333,95 kr.

    Înv─â╚¢─âturile din aceast─â carte au ajutat sute ╚Öi mii de oameni s─â ob╚¢in─â o apreciere mai adânc─â pentru înv─â╚¢─âturile lui Isus despre calea mistic─â pe care el a predat-o acum 2000 de ani ╚Öi pe care o pred─â ╚Öi ast─âzi -- pentru cei care sunt capabili s─â realizeze o conexiune interioar─â cu el.AST─éZI MUL╚ÜI OAMENI NU POT g─âsi o conexiune a inimii de durat─â cu Isus cel real ╚Öi înv─â╚¢─âturile sale deoarece, dup─â cum spun majoritatea bisericilor cre╚Ötine, Isus nu ne mai vorbe╚Öte. In realitate, Isus este o fiin╚¢─â spiritual─â ╚Öi el lucreaz─â pentru a ajuta to╚¢i oamenii care sunt capabili s─â-╚Öi creasc─â con╚Ötiin╚¢a ╚Öi s─â se acordeze la Prezen╚¢a lui. În ultimii 2000 de ani el a men╚¢inut o linie de comunicare prin aceia care au fost dispu╚Öi s─â-l serveasc─â ca ╚Öi mesageri pentru Cuvântul Viu ╚Öi care au urm─ârit o în╚¢elegere a mesajului s─âu adev─ârat în locul accept─ârii doctrinelor oficiale cre╚Ötine.      În aceast─â carte, Isus cel ascensionat dezv─âluie înv─â╚¢─âturile mistice pe care el le-a dat celor mai avansa╚¢i discipoli ai s─âi. El explic─â de ce înv─â╚¢─âturile sale adev─ârate sunt la fel de relevante azi ca ╚Öi acum 2 milenii ╚Öi cum po╚¢i dezvolta o rela╚¢ie personal─â cu el -- unul din înv─â╚¢─âtorii spirituali cei mai remarcabili ai tuturor timpurilor.Odat─â ce admi╚¢i c─â tradi╚¢iile religioase principale nu ╚¢i-au r─âspuns la întreb─ârile tale despre via╚¢─â, este cu adev─ârat eliberator s─â cite╚Öti r─âspunsurile adânci ╚Öi pline de în╚¢eles din aceast─â carte. Încurajatoare, mi╚Öc─âtoare ╚Öi profund─â, aceast─â carte luminat─â te va ajuta s─â ob╚¢ii acordajul interior cu Isus, chiar uniunea mistic─â cu el.Vei înv─â╚¢a cum s─â : recuno╚Öti lini╚Ötita, interioara voce a Cristului din inima taob╚¢ii pace interioar─â permanent─â ╚Öi fericire conectându-te la con╚Ötiin╚¢a Cristic─âte vindeci singur de r─ânile emo╚¢ionaleob╚¢ii ghidaj de la Isus, care este înv─â╚¢─âtorul ╚Öi prietenul t─âu cel mai mare

  • af Kim Michaels
    298,95 kr.

    Kim Michaels har i over 20 år fungeret som budbringer for de opstegne mestre. Han har modtaget utallige direkte dikteringer og udgivet over 70 bøger. Denne bog er en gave fra Herren Maitreya, en universel åndelig lærer, til dem, der ønsker den fulde sandhed om vejen til åndelig frihed, eller frelse. Den afslører de kræfter, der i det skjulte påvirker det religiøse liv på denne planet, kræfter der ofte forvrænger det oprindelige formål med religion, som er at sætte menneskene fri.Vil du se ud over dine eksisterende overbevisninger, så du kan finde den højere forståelse, der vil åbne døren, så dit spørgsmål kan besvares, eller vil du klynge dig til dine nuværende overbevisninger og lukke døren til svaret? Maitreya giver også dybtgående beskrivelser af, hvordan hele universet virker, oprindelsen til ondskab, eksistensen af sfærer der er over og hinsides vores egen, jordens alder og de mange evolutioner, der har passeret gennem jordens skole, siden den først blev beboet af selvbevidste væsner for 2.5 milliarder år siden.Kun de, der er villige til at se ud over deres eksisterende verdenssyn, vil få gavn af denne bog – eller en hvilken som helst anden bog om livets mysterier.

  • af Kim Michaels & Noël Wan
    498,95 kr.

    Ce livre contient une combinaison d'enseignements et d'outils sur la matrice de guérison spirituelle, transmise à travers Kim Michaels par huit Maîtres ascensionnés représentant la Mère divine pour la planète Terre. L'objectif de cette matrice est de vous aider à élever votre conscience en utilisant le pouvoir de la parole pour invoquer la lumière spirituelle. Vous pourrez ainsi faire l'expérience de la puissance divine pour guérir toute condition imparfaite.La pratique du Chant de Vie consiste à lire à haute voix chaque jour une invocation pendant une vingtaine de minutes. Les invocations contiennent des clés subtiles qui agiront sur vos différents corps vibratoires pour amener progressivement tout votre être en alignement avec le Fleuve de Vie. Ce travail en profondeur vous permettra de dissoudre vos blocages inconscients et de vous transcender pour manifester votre abondance.

  • af Kim Michaels
    378,95 kr.

    This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer allow ideologies to dominate thinking on this planet. We do this by raising the collective consciousness and invoking assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers. You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual causes behind ideology, plus practical tools that allow you to make a contribution to removing the fear-based energies and dark forces that support the ideological mindset. Some of the topics covered:How ideologies appeal to the rational mind and lead people into making a commitment that can cause fanaticismHow we are affected by numerous unrecognized ideologiesHow science has been perverted by the ideological mindsetHow ideologies become closed, self-validating systemsHow ideologies are used by an elite to control the populationHow ideologies lead to conflicts between groups of people by defining epic causes that justify violence and forceHow ideologies limit human progress by forcing us to think within certain boundaries, preventing conceptual leapsHow everyone has a personal ideology that colors how we think

  • af Kim Michaels
    263,95 kr.

  • af Kim Michaels
    257,95 kr.

    The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. Each book presents the initiations of one of the seven spiritual rays. The way to increase your creative powers and manifest the life you want is to master the creative energies of these rays.This book presents the seven initiations of the First Ray of power and will. Master MORE is the main teacher of the First Ray, and he gives you profound teachings on how to use creative power, as opposed to the force-based use of power so common on earth. He also explains how to become teachable so you do not subconsciously reject the instructions of a true spiritual teacher and instead follow your ego or the false teachers. You will learn:How to avoid the abuse of power through speech How to use your higher reasoning abilityHow to accept and receive unconditional loveHow to accelerate to a higher level of creativityHow to acknowledge dark forces without fearHow to start freeing yourself from the epic struggleHow to depersonalize your personal life

  • af Kim Michaels
    257,95 kr.

    The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. This book is the foundation for the following books by the seven Chohans. In this book, the leader of the Chohans, the Maha Chohan, gives foundational teachings on how we use our co-creative powers to create spirits that reside in our subconscious minds. These spirits are like computer programs that take over our reactions to many situations. In fact, most non-spiritual people have their entire lives run by these internal spirits. The only way to make real progress towards a higher state of consciousness is to learn how to make these spirits visible, so we can consciously change the decisions that created them. You will learn:We are more than our minds, more than the spiritsHow internal spirits oppose our spiritual growthThe spiritual situation we face on earthSeeing spirits is the secret to spiritual growthHow to make a spirit visible and overcome itHow to overcome the death consciousness

  • - Din livsplan for overflod
    af Kim Michaels
    278,95 kr.

    ET KURSUS I OVERFLOD (3 bøger) frigives som direkte åbenbaring fra den opstegne mester Moder Maria. Hendes varme, personlige og omsorgsfulde vejledning viser dig, hvordan du virkelig kan manifestere livet i overflod, både åndeligt og materielt. I denne bog vil du lære:• Hvordan du forøger den kreative kraft i dit sind og frigør det fra begrænsningerne i den fysiske hjerne• Hvordan du overvinder den tilbagevendende strøm af dine tidligere valg• Hvordan du forvandler emotionel energi, der gør det smertefuldt at se på din fortid• Hvordan du afvikler vanemønstrene fra fortiden, der overtager dine reaktioner• Hvordan du genforbinder mig med kærligheden, der bragte dig ind i inkarnation på jorden• Hvordan du tuner dig ind på din livsplan og opnår indre vejledning fra dine åndelige lærere• Hvordan du bruger alle fire planer af dit sind i dine bestræbelser på at manifestere overflod• Hvordan du begynder at strømme med livets kreative kraft i stedet for at modsætte dig strømmen.

  • - Udtryk din kærlighed til livet
    af Kim Michaels
    248,95 kr.

    De tre bøger i denne serie udgør et dybtgående og omfattende kursus i mystisk eller åndelig psykologi. Den enestående kombination af visdomslære og praktiske øvelser giver dig alt, du har brug for, så du kan forandre dit liv og manifestere større overflod.ET KURSUS I OVERFLOD frigives som direkte åbenbaring fra den opstegne mester Moder Maria, der holder embedet for den Guddommelige Moder for alle mennesker på jorden. I denne bog tilbyder Moder Maria dig en systematisk proces til at forandre din bevidsthed, så du kan acceptere overflod i stedet for at afvise den. I denne bog vil du lære:• Hvordan du accepterer din rolle som en medskaber• Hvordan en del af din psyke blokerer manifestationen af overflod• Hvordan du lukker op for den vigtigste del i selvet• Hvordan du slutter fred med din kilde og lægger den vrede Gud i himlen bag dig• Hvordan du åbner for glæden ved medskabelse• Hvordan du forbinder dig til din egen højeste vilje og bruger den til at bryde igennem oppositionen mod forandring• Hvordan du får en tro, der er bygget på indre viden snarere end blind tro• Hvordan dette at mestre de fire planer af dit sind er nøglen til at manifestere overflod

  • af Kim Michaels
    378,95 kr.

    A cascade of profound spiritual insights on women''s situation and how women have a historical opportunity to turn society in a new direction. Learn why certain manipulative beings chose that women should be the inferior sex on earth and how this has impacted civilization. Learn how women can free themselves from the consequences of this manipulation and thereby also free society from the male-dominated bias that is still affecting the world, even in modern democracies.Beyond mere insights, this book also contains a series of practical tools whereby women can call into physical manifestation the changes that already exist in the spiritual realm and the higher levels of the collective consciousness. Some of the topics covered:Why women need to question infallible truthThe unknown forces behind the suppression of womenWe are spiritual beings and not created as men or womenThe potential for solidarity between women on a world scaleWhy certain religions blame women for the "fall of man"Jesus never wanted Christianity to suppress womenHow to overcome control games between men and womenHow to overcome violence against womenHow to free women (and men) from sexual exploitationHow to free women from control from the power eliteHow to help all women have a better life

  • af Kim Michaels
    443,95 kr.

    Offene, rationale und folgerichtige Antworten auf die fundamentalen Fragen des Lebens. Finde heraus, werdu wirklich bist, woher du kamst undwarum du auf diesem Planeten bist.Erfahre die ungöttliche Wahrheit über die Religionund entdecke, warum die Religion oftmals deinespirituelle Freiheit begrenzt, anstatt sie zu erweitern.Entdecke, was wirklich im Garten-Eden geschah und dass der Fall des Menschen ein Fall in einendualistischen Bewusstseins-Zustand war. Erfahre wie das Dualitäts-Bewusstseinund das menschliche Ego die Religion seittausenden von Jahren pervertiert haben.Finde heraus wie du Teil einer neuen, universalenInitiative werden kannst, um die Religion und die Spiritualität vom Einfluss des dualistischenBewusstseins zu befreien.

  • af Kim Michaels
    348,95 kr.

    Millions of people see themselves as spiritual, but not religious and they have very specific needs that most societies either ignore or even put down and ridicule. In this book one such person describes with deep insight how he experienced growing up in a society that claimed to be a free democracy, but still had no tolerance for those who do not fit the standard of being either Christians or materialists.Kim Michaels has spent 44 years pursuing his spiritual growth, seeking to understand how the human mind and the world really work. He shares his own process and gives profound insights that can resolve the many explanation problems that dominate modern society. A book that will inspire and enlighten any spiritual seeker.You will learn:What kind of beings we really are and how we functionWhy modern democracies see an increase in mental illness and why we can either pay up or smarten upWhy we need to shift from focusing on material welfare to psychological well-beingWhy some people need a sense that life has meaningWhy we cannot talk about life, death, God and JesusWhy our societies cannot explain evil or stop itThe psychological mechanisms that limits all human beings and how we can free ourselves and find peace of mindHow spiritual people can make a contribution to society, but not the way most people think

  • af Kim Michaels
    398,95 kr.

    This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer allow fanaticism to dominate thinking on this planet. We do this by raising the collective consciousness and invoking assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers.You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual causes behind fanaticism, plus practical tools that allow you to make a contribution to removing the fear-based energies and dark forces that support the fanatical mindset. Some of the topics covered: Fanaticism is when we hold an idea that we think cannot be replaced by a higher understanding. Why modern democracies need to move beyond fanaticism Why there is something we can all do about fanaticism How fanaticism keeps society trapped in Materialism How fanaticism violates biological survivability The fear-based energies that keep us trapped in fanaticism How fanaticism becomes an addiction Why fanaticism is against nature's quest for diversity Why fanatics think there are super-humans and sub-humans The dualistic thinking and epic mindset behind fanaticism

  • af Kim Michaels
    343,95 kr.

    This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer accept dictators on this planet. The way to go beyond the era of dictatorships is to raise the collective consciousness and to invoke assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers.You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual causes behind dictators, plus practical tools that empower you to make a contribution to removing the fear-based energies and dark forces that support the existence of dictators. Some of the topics covered: Why dictators always have the consent of the governed Why dictators are not normal human beings Why dictators want their followers to love them Why dictatorships go against biological survivability Why dictatorships are based on a vision that leads to division Why democracy is not the opposite of dictatorships Why dictators and their followers need to feel special Why dark forces support and use dictators Why dictators get people to point the finger at each other

  • af Kim Michaels
    413,95 kr.

    This book is for experienced spiritual students who understand that we who are in embodiment must decide what we allow on earth. And it is high time for us to decide that we will no longer allow elitism to dominate life on this planet. We do this by raising the collective consciousness and invoking assistance from the ascended masters, our designated spiritual teachers.You will find a series of profound teachings on the spiritual causes behind elitism, plus practical tools that allow you to make a contribution to removing the fear-based energies and dark forces that support the elitist mindset. Some of the topics covered: Why God or nature did not define some people as superior Why elitism is incompatible with democracy How power elites use war to control us Why there is no conscious conspiracy running the world Why people fear the elite and the elite fears the people How the elite rules us by using human opinions How the elite controls our thinking by creating labels How the elite can hide their real identity from the people Why we need a second feminist revolution How the elite dominates us by limiting our imagination Why the elite has a negative attitude towards the population

  • af Kim Michaels
    368,95 kr.

    In this book Saint Germain explains that his actual vision for what is possible in his Golden Age is so far beyond what we see manifest today that most people will not be able to accept it as possible. And if people cannot accept it as a realistic possibility, it cannot be manifest. That is why this book contains both teachings and tools that will help ascended master students raise their own consciousness and make the calls to help society and the more open-minded people accept that the future can be brighter than most people dare to envision. You will learn: The need to manifest direct democracy because the people always know better than the elite. How the legal system needs to be simplified so that the elite cannot use it to secure privileges and escape accountability. Why some nations need to take the historically essential step and abandon the military. How the public discourse will change in the Golden Age. Why the responsibility of a democratic government is to protect the people from exploitation by an elite. How religion and spirituality will change in the Golden Age. How business and the economy will change. How bureaucracy and government will change. How free energy technology will transform life and give people options they cannot envision today.

  • af Kim Michaels
    438,95 kr.

    Met een boeiend persoonlijk verhaal slaagt dit boek erin om alle paradigma's waarop onze beschaving wordt gebouwd, te onderzoeken en tevens antwoord te geven op de grotere vragen van het leven met in de eerste plaats: "Waarom bestaat het kwaad op deze wereld?"Ervaar het contrast tussen het leven op natuurlijke planeten (99% van de miljarden bewoonde planeten in ons universum) en onnatuurlijke planeten met oorlogen, armoede, lijden en dood. Kom te weten hoe de aarde een onnatuurlijke planeet is geworden en dat bepaalde levensstromen hier toen konden incarneren. Die 'gevallen wezens' voelen geen empathie met menselijke wezens, maar beschouwen ons enkel als een werktuig om experimenten op uit te voeren. Een aantal gevallen wezens hebben een episch doel, terwijl anderen zichzelf als kunstenaar beschouwen die 'met het bloed van de mensheid schilderen'.Volg de hoofdpersoon bij zijn schokkende eerste incarnatie op aarde, waarin hij wordt blootgesteld aan vreselijke martelingen en samenzweringen hem in een patroon hebben gedwongen waardoor hij wel op de gevallen wezens moest reageren. Volg hem op zijn lange en moeizame tocht omhoog, totdat hij het enige kon doen wat hem van de gevallen wezens bevrijdt.Volg het lot van drie van de meest wrede en ongevoelige gevallen wezens en hoe dit op een complexe manier verband hield met de missie van Jezus. De hoofdpersoon geeft een verslag uit eerste hand van de levens van Jezus, waarin hij het verbazingwekkende proces beschrijft dat hem heeft gemaakt tot wie hij was en is. Lees over de ware missie van Jezus en hoe de gevallen wezens dat hebben verdoezeld. Ontdek dat 10.000 mensen hebben beloofd om de afgelopen 2000 jaar geïncarneerd te blijven om de ware boodschap van Jezus voor onze tijd te bewaren - en ontdek of jij ook tot die mensen behoort.Als je dacht dat 'De DaVinci Code' een provocerend beeld op het leven van Jezus heeft gegeven, dan gaat dit boek nog veel verder en vernietigt het effectief de Geprogrammeerde Illusie over wat Normaal (GIN) is die de gevallen wezens hebben gewekt. Zij willen niet dat iemand het voorbeeld van Jezus volgt en op die manier ervoor zorgt dat de Duistere Meester wordt verwijderd, die een gevallen wezen is dat verantwoordelijk is voor de oorlogen in de 20e eeuw.

  • af Kim Michaels
    373,95 kr.

    The books in The Path to Self-Mastery series present a set of mystical and practical initiations designed to raise your consciousness and unlock your creative potential. Each book presents the initiations of one of the seven spiritual rays. This book presents the seven initiations of the Seventh Ray of Freedom as taught by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. You will find profound teachings on how to manifest the circumstances you desire and attain harmony between your spiritual and practical life. You will learn: How to approach life as a work of art and create by using energy instead of "things" made of matter How to realize which circumstances you can and cannot change with the powers of the mind How to bring your outer dreams and desires in line with your own Divine plan How to approach earth as a reality simulator in which many conditions can be changed by you How to stop seeing limitations and start seeing how your circumstances can be changed with the mind How the process of manifestation works and how you can overcome the self based on lack

  • af Kim Michaels
    318,95 kr.

    A workbook for ascended master students who want to perform a powerful spiritual clearance for America, specifically for the government apparatus in Washington, D.C. The book contains profound teachings along with practical tools for invoking a change in the government of America. You will find the following tools:Invoking a better foundation for making decisions in America Invoking an openness to new solutions to old problemsInvoking an end to fiat money and the Federal Reserve Invoking a willingness to make major changes Invoking a new vision of the purpose of democracy Invoking an end to the elitist tendencies in Congress Invoking a more direct form of democracy Invoking a higher dedication to freedom in the Supreme Court Invoking a higher vision of the presidencyInvoking a Golden Age President 

  • af Kim Michaels
    423,95 kr.

    This book is for people who are open to the spiritual side of life and who realize that everything manifest in the material world is the effect of causes in the higher energetic realms. Therefore, it is possible to change material conditions by changing the causes in the non-material world. You will find a series of profound teachings on some of the deeper problems in America, plus practical tools that allow you to make a contribution to changing the unseen causes behind material conditions. Some of the topics covered:The need for a greater social awarenessDeveloping a non-confrontational public discourseHow Christianity prevents growth in AmericaDeveloping the United Peoples of AmericaA new American CreedPolitical changes for bringing a Golden AgeThe need for transparency in governmentOvercoming the slavery of CapitalismThe need for a new kind of leadershipFreeing Americans from the power eliteA non-elitist foreign policy

  • af Kim Michaels
    333,95 kr.

    This book is one of the workbook companions to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or "avatars." We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it explains why we sometimes feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or why there are certain issues we cannot overcome. This book is very direct about earth being a dense and difficult planet. You will learn the differences between being creative on earth and on natural planets (these are planets without war and conflict). This will help you use your creative abilities more freely and without judging yourself for not being perfect. The book also tells you how to reconnect to your original purpose for coming to earth and learn how to experience being your true self on this planet. You will learn how to erase unpleasant memories and become free from your past. You will find profound teachings on time and how to avoid being a slave of time. This book gives you the teachings and the practical tools to attain what few spiritual people have achieved, namely being at peace with being on earth.This book is not for people who are new to the spiritual path or who are hearing about the concept of a Divine plan for the first time. It is for people who have walked the path for some time and who are familiar with ascended master teachings, especially about overcoming your spiritual traumas and separate selves.

  • af Kim Michaels
    358,95 kr.

    This book is one of the workbook companions to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or "avatars." We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it explains why we sometimes feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or why there are certain issues we cannot overcome. This book tells you how to fulfill the growth potential that you incorporated in your Divine plan before coming into embodiment. This includes attaining the higher states of consciousness, called Christhood and Buddhahood. The book contains profound teachings from the ascended masters about how to overcome the blocks that prevent you from expressing your highest potential. This will set you free to make changes in your personal life and make a contribution to society, including the manifestation of Saint Germain's Golden Age. You will also learn how to overcome the spiritual poisons of ignorance, anger, pride, greed, jealousy, non-will and non-being. The book contains practical tools for healing your psychology and invoking the anti-dotes to the spiritual poisons.This book is not for people who are new to the spiritual path or who are hearing about the concept of Christhood and Buddhahood for the first time. It is for people who have walked the path for some time and who are familiar with ascended master teachings, especially about overcoming your spiritual traumas and separate selves.

  • af Kim Michaels
    318,95 kr.

    This book is one of the workbook companions to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or "avatars." We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it explains why we sometimes feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or why there are certain issues we cannot overcome. This book tells you how to reconnect to your Life plan or Divine plan, which is the plan you made for this lifetime before coming into embodiment. When you made your Divine plan, you were in a higher state of consciousness and had a clearer vision than you might have now. By using the teachings and tools in this book, you can raise your consciousness and begin to see the higher aspects of your Divine plan. This may include how to work directly with the ascended masters in order to bring forth new ideas or inventions, how to play an active role in society, how to bring the judgment of Christ and how to be the Buddha in embodiment. It may also include qualifying for your ascension after this lifetime, or choosing to stay with earth in order to help manifest Saint Germain's Golden Age. Connecting to your Divine plan can also help you find purpose and a sense of peace with your life and with being on a difficult planet like earth,This book is not for people who are new to the spiritual path or who are hearing about the concept of a Divine plan for the first time. It is for people who have walked the path for some time and who are familiar with ascended master teachings, especially about overcoming your spiritual traumas and separate selves.

  • af Kim Michaels
    348,95 kr.

    This book is the workbook companion to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or "avatars." We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it can explain why we sometimes can feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or why there are certain issues we cannot overcome. This book contains further teachings on these concepts as well as practical tools for helping you heal the traumas and overcome any negativity in your attitude to life on this planet. You will learn: How to love yourself How to heal your original birth trauma How to heal any psychological trauma How to receive and accept Divine love How to recognize your spiritual modus operandi How to overcome the fear of making decisions How to make peace with being on earth How to use spiritual anger management therapy How to be free of your primal self How to feel good about being on earth How to free yourself from inordinate desires How to solve the enigmas of the mystical path

  • af Kim Michaels
    413,95 kr.

    An inspiring and insightful guide to solving your problems or changing your life by using the creative powers you already have, the Power of Self. The key to unlocking your creative power is to know the self, including its origin and components. Achieving Self-mastery has been an enigmatic quest for humankind for eons. Yet, a few masters have solved the riddle and completed the path to enlightenment. The Power of Self outlines the secrets and principles that these masters have taught about the human mind. The author guides and inspires, making it easy to see how to unlock the infinite potential of your real Self. He also gives practical advice about how this time-honored wisdom can be applied to daily life. The spiritual masters offer a path of self-mastery, whereby we can gradually attain control over our reactions to the situations we encounter in the material world. Instead of going through life in an unaware way, we can purify the mind from all limitations until we can meet life with a higher form of awareness. The Path to Self-mastery is a process, whereby we gradually cleanse the mind from all of the limited ideas, beliefs, paradigms and assumptions that spring from the material world. We gradually throw out what colors our perception, and one day we will see the light entering the mind without having it colored at all. The real key to unlocking the power of self is not to find some kind of magical formula that forces the light. The key is to empty your mind of the elements in the human kaleidoscope that block the flow of light from your higher Self. This book gives you both the knowledge and the practical tools to master the Self.

  • af Kim Michaels
    358,95 kr.

    Spiritual teachings and tools for helping other people or yourself become free of a difficult or traumatic past.

  • af Kim Michaels
    313,95 kr.

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