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Bøger af Klaus Feyrer

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  • - Tension, Endurance, Reliability
    af Klaus Feyrer
    2.221,95 kr.

    This book on wire ropes is dedicated mainly to all users of wire ropes - the construction engineers, operators and supervisors of machines and instal- tions running on wire ropes - and it is divided into three main sections. The ?rst section deals with the di?erent types of wire rope and their component parts, the second looks into the e?ects of wire ropes under tensile forces (s- tionary ropes), while the third takes a look at the wire ropes under bending and tensile force (running ropes). In addition to deriving the various tensile, bending and twisting stresses, the compression and the extensions, the book includes the ?ndings and descriptions of a great number of detailed experiments, in particular those concerning rope endurance under ?uctuating tension and bending and rope discard criteria. As far as possible, the test ?ndings have been evaluated s- tistically so that not only the mean value but also the scattering is apparent. It has been the main concern of this book to present the methods used to calculate the most important rope quantities (rope geometry, wire stresses in the rope under tension, bending and twist, rope elasticity module, rope torque, rope e?ciency, the bearable number of load cycles or bending cycles and the discard number of wire breaks, etc.) as well as to explain how they are applied by means of a large number of calculations as examples.

  • - Bemessung, Betrieb, Sicherheit
    af Klaus Feyrer
    3.494,95 kr.

    Anwendungsorientierte Methoden zur Berechnung wichtiger Seilgrößen werden dargestellt und durch zahlreiche Rechenbeispiele erläutertBewährte Gliederung mit neuen technischen ErkenntnissenInternational anerkanntes, in mehreren Sprachen veröffentlichtes, renommiertes Fachbuch auf dem Gebiet der Drahtseiltechnik

  • - Bemessung, Betrieb, Sicherheit
    af Klaus Feyrer
    5.665,95 kr.

    Der Sicherheitsaspekt steht im Vordergrund dieses detaillierten Werks uber Bemessung und Betrieb von Stahlseilen. Es wendet sich damit vor allem an Konstrukteure und Betreiber in der Fordertechnik. Aus dem Inhalt: - Drahtseilelemente und Drahtseile - Drahtseile unter Zugbelastung - Drahtseile unter Biege- und Zugbelastung - Seilbelastung durch Querkraft - Seilendverbindungen und Seilverbindung - Seile im Betrieb

  • - Tension, Endurance, Reliability
    af Klaus Feyrer
    2.428,95 kr.

    The main goal of this book is to present the methods used to calculate the most important parameters for ropes, and to explain how they are applied on the basis of numerous sample calculations. The book, based on the most important chapters of the German book DRAHTSEILE, has been updated to reflect the latest developments, with the new edition especially focusing on computational methods for wire ropes. Many new calculations and examples have also been added to facilitate the dimensioning and calculation of mechanical characteristics of wire ropes.This book offers a valuable resource for all those working with wire ropes, including construction engineers, operators and supervisors of machines and installations involving wire ropes.

  • - Tension, Endurance, Reliability
    af Klaus Feyrer
    2.222,95 - 2.224,95 kr.

    The main goal of this book is to present the methods used to calculate the most important parameters for ropes, and to explain how they are applied on the basis of numerous sample calculations.

  • - Hebezeuge, Aufzuge, Flurfoerderzeuge
    af Martin Scheffler, Klaus Feyrer & Karl Matthias
    1.272,95 kr.

    In Form eines Grundlagenwerkes werden die rechnerischen, konstruktiven und planerischen Inhalte für den Praktiker dargestellt. Die Systematik deckt alle Bereiche der Hebe- und Flurförderzeuge ab.

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