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Bøger af Knut Hamsun

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  • af Knut Hamsun
    72,95 kr.

  • - Nyoversat. Med forord af Kim Leine
    af Knut Hamsun
    43,94 - 189,95 kr.

    "Sult" (1890) repræsenterer med sine flakkende glimt fra sjælelivets dyb et afgørende brud med naturalismen og den borgerlige roman. Den handler om en sultende kunstner, der driver rundt i Kristiania, men dens ærinde er ikke at sætte fokus på materiel elendighed, men på et sind, der bevæger sig mellem eksistentielt sammenbrud, trodsig livsvilje og blomstrende fantasiliv.Nyoversat af Kim Leine, som også har skrevet forord.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    73,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Victoria - et af Knut Hamsuns hovedværker - er en lille, men stor bog om kærlighed og et impressionistisk mesterværk. Møllersønnen Johannes har i mange år været forelsket i godejerdatteren Victoria. Men i Norge sidst i 1800-tallet er kærlighed mellem to børn af hver sin stand umulig. Det ved Victoria, der i lang tid ignorerer Johannes, og indvilliger i at lade sig gifte med rigmanden Otto, da hendes fader mangler penge. Johannes rejser til byen, bliver forfatter og vender hjem igen, hvor han forlover sig med Camilla. Rollerne er byttet om, nu er det Johannes, der er blevet uopnåelig for Victoria, der samtidig oplever op til flere tragedier midt i det liv, der skulle have været så fint. Victoria er sprogligt revideret af Ida Jessen.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    88,95 - 187,95 kr.

    De fleste danske læsere kender Knut Hamsun for fremragende romaner som Sult, Pan, Victoria og Markens grøde – bøger som med rette bliver fremhævet som højdepunkter i skandinavisk litteratur. Men en stor og vigtig del af Hamsuns forfatterskab er desværre næsten gået i glemmebogen; nemlig de helt vidunderlige noveller og essays, som løbende blev udgivet gennem forfatterskabet. Det råder Turbine nu bod på med denne klassikerudgivelse. Knut Hamsun er den dag i dag hyldet for sin næsten hektiske og naturalistiske stil, som især kendes fra hovedværket Sult. Det er denne stil, som også flere af novellerne udmærker sig ved, og juvelen i novelle-kronen er den livlige og rørende Dronningen af Saba, om en ung mand, som genser sin ungdoms tabte kærlighed på toget fra København til Kalmar. Hun forsvinder for ham i perronens mylder, men han indlogerer sig på et hotel og søger, næsten som i en feber, den unge kvinde i Kalmars gader … for til sidst at finde hende spadserende i en park med sin mand. Hamsuns noveller er fulde af dybe personbeskrivelser, besynderlige situationer og et sprog så gnistrende levende, at man næsten kan høre det udtalt for sit indre øre. Dronningen af Saba og andre noveller af Knut Hamsun er vigtig, nordisk litteratur, sprogligt opdateret og klar til at finde nye læsere.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    72,95 - 174,95 kr.

    Pan udkom første 1894 og er blevet betegnet som en digterisk triumf for Knut Hamsun. Det er beretningen om løjtnant Thomas Glahn og hans forhold til to kvinder; den hengivne Eva og den solbrune, lunefulde Edvarda.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    173,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Den lille roman Under høststjernen fra 1906 er første bind i Hamsuns såkaldte vandrertrilogi. Dens jegfortæller bærer Hamsuns rigtige navn, nemlig Knut Pedersen. Det er en af Hamsuns fineste bøger, fortalt med vemod og vid og selvironi, poetisk og fuld af fortryllelse.Pedersen er en midaldrende digter der stikker af fra byen og den moderne tid for at lede efter et mere enkelt liv. Han vandrer omkring på landet hvor han finder arbejde på tilfældige gårde, før han igen drager videre. Han er en drømmer med et åbent sind der suger til sig af indtryk fra mennesker og natur, og han forelsker sig først i frøkenen på den ene gård, så i fruen på den næste.Romanens lavmælte stil er præget af længsel og melankoli over den forsvundne ungdom, men er samtidig fuld af intense naturskildringer, underfundig humor og skarpe psykologiske portrætter.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) fik i 1920 Nobelprisen i litteratur.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    97,95 - 117,95 kr.

  • af Knut Hamsun & W W Worster
    319,95 kr.

    Growth of the Soil, Knut Hamsun's Nobel Prize winning novel, is an abiding classic of Scandinavian literature.At the time it was published, the literary world was in the throes of shifting to a modernist style. Popular novels were set in the contemporary present, with technological and societal advancements forming part of the narrative backdrop. Growth of the Soil openly displays the conflicts between the old traditions of agrarian society, and the ever-mounting wonders and conveniences offered by modern society. The farmer Isak scarcely acknowledges the values of modern living. Illiterate but capable of carrying out the business of running a farm, he has physical strength and works with his hands. Although initially amazed by Isak's prowess - his wife Inger, who came into contact with modern society when imprisoned for killing her infant due to its birth defect, return to the home much less impressed by the country life.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    217,95 kr.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    121,95 kr.

    A grand, sweeping saga of sacrifice and struggle by a Nobel Laureate, this tale recaptures the world of Norwegian homesteaders at the turn of the 20th century.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    43,94 - 66,95 kr.

    I den lille bygd oppe i det nordlandske træffer vi sværmeren, telegrafisten Rolandsen, og de mennesker, der omgiver ham; bl.a. handelsmanden Mack og hans datter, præsten, orgeltræderen og den unge præstefrue. Det er en roman fuld af lyse sommernætter, serenader, branderter og godmodige originaler.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    73,95 - 348,95 kr.

    ”Den ene hændelse afløser den anden: Fru konsul Johnsen går en dag på gaden med sin datter, og de er begge tilfredse med sig selv og med andre, så ser de i en tværgade maleren som har malet fruens portræt, Sorenskriversønnen, de ser ham med en af konsul Olsens døtre under armen. Fru Johnsen er tyk og tung, hun kunne have villet sætte sig lige på stedet. Fia siger bare: Ja, de er blevet forlovet, hører jeg.””Konerne ved vandposten” er en satirisk roman om sladder og rygtespredning i en lille norsk by. Konerne, der mødes om vandposten flere gange om dagen, ved alt om alle, og de er ikke bange for at sladre om byens bedste og værste borgere.Denne udgave er fra 1920, og teksten er ikke blevet redigeret eller moderniseret.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) var en af Norges største forfattere. Han skrev en lang række romaner og noveller inden for forskellige genrer og modtog i 1920 Nobelprisen i litteratur. Han fik sit litterære gennembrud i 1890 med romanen ”Sult”, som er en af periodens vigtigste værker inden for norsk litteratur. Knut Hamsun stod endvidere bag en perlerække af digtsamlinger og skuespil.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    73,95 - 325,95 kr.

    Oliver er en knækket mand, da han vender hjem fra en rejse til Italien. Han er faldet ned fra et bjerg og har brækket ribbenene og tillige mistet sit ene ben. Oliver er ikke typen, der nemt kommer sig over den slags. Tværtimod truer hans ulykke med at sende ham i en tidlig grav. Samtidig svirrer rygterne om, hvad der egentlig skete dernede i Italien. For hvor er mon Fia henne? De tog af sted sammen, og indtil videre er kun Oliver vendt hjem.”Konerne ved vandposten” er en satirisk roman om sladder og rygtespredning i en lille norsk by. Konerne, der mødes om vandposten flere gange om dagen, ved alt om alle, og de er ikke bange for at sladre om byens bedste og værste borgere. Denne udgave er fra 1920, og teksten er ikke blevet redigeret eller moderniseret.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) var en af Norges største forfattere. Han skrev en lang række romaner og noveller inden for forskellige genrer og modtog i 1920 Nobelprisen i litteratur. Han fik sit litterære gennembrud i 1890 med romanen ”Sult”, som er en af periodens vigtigste værker inden for norsk litteratur. Knut Hamsun stod endvidere bag en perlerække af digtsamlinger og skuespil.

  • - Skitser
    af Knut Hamsun
    73,95 - 280,95 kr.

    En ung nordmand beslutter sig for at drage ud på en lang vandretur langs togskinnerne. Da han er kommet næsten helt til Göteborg i Sverige, er han udmattet af den lange tur. Han går ind på et gæstgiveri og beder om en seng for natten. Da den unge pige i baren meddeler ham, at alle senge desværre er optaget, går han straks ud fra, at det i virkeligheden er et spørgsmål om, at svenskerne hader nordmændene på grund af det højspændte forhold mellem de to lande. Han sætter sig imidlertid tungt ned på en stol og nægter at røre sig ud af flækken, før der er blevet redt op til ham. Den unge pige er fortvivlet. Hvordan skal hun få ham til at forstå, at der virkelig er fuldt optaget? Og hvordan slipper hun af med ham igen?Denne udgave er fra 1897, og teksten er ikke blevet redigeret eller moderniseret.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) var en af Norges største forfattere. Han skrev en lang række romaner og noveller inden for forskellige genrer og modtog i 1920 Nobelprisen i litteratur. Han fik sit litterære gennembrud i 1890 med romanen ”Sult”, som er en af periodens vigtigste værker inden for norsk litteratur. Knut Hamsun stod endvidere bag en perlerække af digtsamlinger og skuespil.

  • af Emily Brontë, Knut Hamsun, Mary Shelley, mfl.
    697,95 kr.

    GYLDENDALS KLASSIKERKASSE Fem seje, uhyggelige, banebrydende, skræmmende, tankevækkende, rystende og rørende klassikere skrevet af nogle af verden største forfattere. For første gang samlet i en kassette. Læseoplevelser, du aldrig kommer til at glemme.Alle er med nye omslag. Stormfulde højder”Han er mere mig, end jeg selv er. Hvad vores sjæle end er gjort af, så er hans og min den samme.”Dristig kærlighed, hæmningsløs lidenskab og sønderrivende ulykkelighed.Catherine og hittebarnet Heathcliff vokser op sammen på en gård i de stormomsuste højdedrag i 1800-tallets England og nærer en voldsom, lidenskabelig og næsten dæmonisk kærlighed til hinanden. Men da Heathcliff ydmyges af Catherines bror, planlægger han en grusom hævn for sine lidelser. Frankenstein”Hvis jeg ikke kan fremkalde kærlighed, vil jeg skabe frygt.” Når mennesket leger gud.Den unge videnskabsmand Victor Frankenstein plyndrer kirkegårde, besat af idéen om at skabe liv ud af ingenting. Da han opdager, at han har skabt et monster, er det allerede for sent. 1984”KRIG ER FREDFRIHED ER SLAVERIUVIDENHED ER STYRKE”Big Brother is watching you.Winston Smith lever i det totalitære Oceanien, hvor Partiet kontrollerer alt – selv folks tanker. Men Winstons længes efter frihed, og da han indleder et risikabelt forhold til sin oprørske kollega Julia, bliver han et farligt mål for den altseende Store Broder. Sult”Det var på den tid, hvor jeg gik rundt og sultede i Kristiania, denne mærkelige by, som ingen forlader, før han har fået mærker af den.”Det moderne menneskes flakkende sind.En ung, sultende kunster vandrer hvileløst rundt i Kristianias gader. På randen af sultedøden, forsøger han at opretholde en anstændig facade, mens maven knurrer og hallucinationerne tager til. Mrs. Dalloway“Det er synd og skam, at man aldrig siger, hvad man føler.”Ethvert øjeblik kan rumme et helt liv.En sommermorgen 1920’ernes London forbereder Clarissa Dalloway et selskab, mens hun mindes dem, hun engang elskede. I en anden del af byen lider krigsveteranen Septimus af granatchok. Deres liv flettes sammen på forunderlig vis, da Clarissas fest når sit strålende klimaks.

  • - in large print
    af Knut Hamsun
    515,95 - 686,95 kr.

    Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical works in large print to make reading easier for people with impaired vision.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    145,95 kr.

    Mothwise, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of Language and Literatures, Germanic, Scandinavian, and Icelandic literatures

  • af Knut Hamsun
    127,95 kr.

    In Knut Hamsun's timeless classic Hunger, follow the haunting journey of an unnamed protagonist through the streets of 19th-century Oslo. As he grapples with poverty, isolation, and existential turmoil, his relentless hunger becomes a metaphor for the human condition itself. A mesmerizing exploration of the psyche's darkest depths.

  • - Historier Og Skitser
    af Knut Hamsun
    246,95 kr.

    Este livro reúne uma seleção de contos e ensaios de Knut Hamsun, um dos grandes escritores noruegueses. Com um estilo literário marcante e uma habilidade única para retratar as paisagens e personagens do norte da Europa, Hamsun conquistou uma legião de leitores ao redor do mundo. Este livro é uma ótima introdução à sua obra.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Bd. Redaktør Lynge. Ny Jord...
    af Knut Hamsun
    395,95 kr.

    This collection of novels and short stories showcases the literary genius of Knut Hamsun, the Norwegian Nobel laureate widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. With themes ranging from love and nature to politics and human psychology, Hamsun's works offer a deep and nuanced exploration of the human soul. This edition, edited by Lynge Ny Jord, includes all of Hamsun's major works and is an essential addition to any library of Scandinavian literature.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    261,95 kr.

    Den Gaadefulde (The Gifted One) is a novel by the Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun, first published in 1920. The novel tells the story of a young man named Simen, who possesses extraordinary talent but must navigate a difficult path through life. The book is notable for its vivid characterizations, its naturalistic style, and its exploration of themes such as genius, alienation, and the search for meaning in modern society.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Skitser...
    af Knut Hamsun
    337,95 kr.

    This collection of sketches and short pieces by Knut Hamsun - one of the most influential writers of the 20th century - showcases his unique voice and perspective. Ranging from humorous anecdotes to profound philosophical musings, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in Hamsun's work or the development of modern literature.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    87,95 kr.

    Between "Hunger" and "Growth of the Soil" lies the time generally allotted to a generation, but at first glance the two books seem much farther apart. One expresses the passionate revolt of a homeless wanderer against the conventional routine of modern life. The other celebrates a root-fast existence bounded in every direction by monotonous chores. The issuance of two such books from the same pen suggests to the superficial view a complete reversal of position. The truth, however, is that Hamsun stands today where he has always stood. His objective is the same. If he has changed, it is only in the intensity of his feeling and the mode of his attack. What, above all, he hates and combats is the artificial uselessness of existence which to him has become embodied in the life of the city as opposed to that of the country.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    92,95 - 212,95 kr.

    When Knut Hamsun won the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1920, it was mostly because of this 1917 novel (Growth of the Soil), an epic vision of peasant life in Norway's backcountry. The saga of Isak and Inger (born with a harelip) and their hard times is by turns affecting and ponderous; the somewhat overheated first-person narrators of Hamsun's extraordinary early novels-"Hunger" and "Pan"-are replaced by a stately, almost distant third person. Yet Hamsun's eye and ear were still sharp; even his trees have special qualities ("Everybody knows that aspens can have an unpleasant, bullying way of rustling"). One of the greatest novels ever written, Growth of the Soil was described by H. G. Wells as "wholly beautiful; it is saturated with wisdom and humor and tenderness." The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    87,95 kr.

    I have gone to the forest. Not because I am offended about anything, or very unhappy about men's evil ways; but since the forest will not come to me, I must go to it. That is all. I have not gone this time as a slave and a vagabond. I have money enough and am overfed, stupefied with success and good fortune, if you understand that. I have left the world as a sultan leaves rich food and harems and flowers, and clothes himself in a hair shirt.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    192,95 kr.

    Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920 "for his monumental work, Growth of the Soil a grand, sweeping saga of sacrifice and struggle. This epic tale recaptures the world of Norwegian homesteaders at the turn of the 20th century. Rich in symbolism, it continues to resonate with modern readers." He insisted that the intricacies of the human mind ought to be the main object of modern literature, to describe the "whisper of the blood, and the pleading of the bone marrow". Hamsun pursued his literary program, debuting in 1890 with the psychological novel Hunger.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    224,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    215,95 - 349,95 kr.

    Growth of the Soil (Norwegian Markens Grøde), is a novel by Knut Hamsun which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. It follows the story of a man who settles and lives in rural Norway. First published in 1917, it has since been translated from Norwegian into languages such as English. The novel was written in the popular style of Norwegian new realism, a movement dominating the early 20th century. The novel exemplified Hamsun's aversion to modernity and inclination towards primitivism and the agrarian lifestyle. The novel employed literary techniques new to the time such as stream of consciousness. Hamsun tended to stress the relationship between his characters and the natural environment. Growth of the Soil portrays the protagonist (Isak) and his family as awed by modernity, yet at times, they come into conflict with it. The novel contains two sections entitled Book One and Book Two. The first book focuses almost solely on the story of Isak and his family and the second book starts off by following the plight of Axel and ends mainly focusing on Isak's family. (

  • af Knut Hamsun
    87,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Since the death of Ibsen and Strindberg, Hamsun is undoubtedly the foremost creative writer of the Scandinavian countries. Those approaching most nearly to his position are probably Selma Lagerlöf in Sweden and Henrik Pontoppidan in Denmark. Both these, however, seem to have less than he of that width of outlook, validity of interpretation and authority of tone that made the greater masters what they were.

  • af Knut Hamsun
    87,95 - 197,95 kr.

    An autobiographical element is evident in practically everything that Hamsun has written. But it is particularly marked in the two volumes now published under the common title of "Wanderers," as well as in the sequel named "The Last Joy." These three works must be considered together. They have more in common than the central figure of "Knut Pedersen from the Northlands" through whose vision the fates of Captain Falkenberg and his wife are gradually unfolded to us. Not only do they refer undisguisedly to events known to be taken out of Hamsun's own life, but they mirror his moods and thoughts and feelings during a certain period so closely that they may well be regarded as diaries of an unusually intimate character. It is as psychological documents of the utmost importance to the understanding of Hamsun himself that they have their chief significance. As a by-product, one might almost say, the reader gets the art which reveals the story of the Falkenbergs by a process of indirect approach equalled in its ingenuity and verisimilitude only by Conrad's best efforts. The line of Hamsun's artistic evolution is easily traceable through certain stages which, however, are not separated by sharp breaks. It is impossible to say that one stage ended and the next one began in a certain year. Instead they overlap like tiles on a roof. Their respective characters are strikingly symbolized by the titles of the dramatic trilogy which Hamsun produced between 1895 and 1898-"At the Gate of the Kingdom," "The Game of Life," and "Sunset Glow." "Hunger" opened the first period and "Pan" marked its climax, but it came to an end only with the eight-act drama of "Vendt the Monk" in 1902, and traces of it are to be found in everything that Hamsun ever wrote. Lieutenant Glahn might survive the passions and defiances of his youth and lapse into the more or less wistful resignation of Knut Pedersen from the Northlands, but the cautious, puzzled Knut has moments when he shows not only the Glahn limp but the Glahn fire. Just when the second stage found clear expression is a little hard to tell, but its most characteristic products are undoubtedly the two volumes now offered to the American public, and it persists more or less until 1912, when "The Last Joy" appeared, although the first signs of Hamsun's final and greatest development showed themselves as early as 1904, when "Dreamers" was published. The difference between the second and the third stages lies chiefly in a maturity and tolerance of vision that restores the narrator's sense of humour and eliminates his own personality from the story he has to tell.

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