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  • - Learning the Basic Building Blocks of Christianity
    af Christopher & Kristina Anderson
    232,95 kr.

    This book was written to be used as either a group Bible study or as an individual Bible study. It is designed to walk the learner through the basic building blocks of Christianity, so that the learner truly knows the basic tenants of their faith. We as believers must understand the God we say we believe in. To KNOW God is to love him. Jesus said in Mathew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. We find rest for our very souls as we learn more of the God we love. We learn to love him more and more as we learn more about Him and His holiness. 2 Timothy 2: 15-16 states 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. This is teaching us that we must study to learn more of God, that we need to know the Word so that we can "rightly divide" it - meaning properly interpret and understand it, so that we can share it with others. We are warned that just talking - without a proper understanding - can lead others to increase in ungodliness, so it is critical that we LEARN of God, study Him, study His ways, and fall more in love with Him as we do so.To complete this study, you will need the following:1.A Bible - one that you can underline passages in that speak to your heart, one that you will cherish as God's very word.2.An Online Bible - for quick reference, and to read multiple translations in seconds - technology is amazing!3.A pen to fill in the blanks in this book4.A journal to capture your thoughts as you go through this journey5.A quiet place to study and ponder over the Word of our GodWe offer this book as a love letter to the Saints of God. We have used this as a guide to teach Bible studies since 2012, to both adult small groups and teen small groups, and have rejoiced each and every time a learner grows in faith because they learn a new facet of their beloved Father God. Join us, and countless others, on the journey of a lifetime of learning and loving our God through Bible Study.

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