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  • af László Molnár
    767,95 kr.

    This is your passport to the cutting-edge world of neuromarketing. This insightful book seamlessly guides readers from the evolutionary foundations of this revolutionary discipline to its practical applications and the use of state-of-the-art tools. Unveiling the secrets behind consumer behavior, the book explores the neurological landscape, providing marketers with a strategic roadmap to enhance their campaigns. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the dynamic landscape of modern marketing. Join the revolution and unlock the power of the mind in shaping consumer decisions.

  • af László Molnár
    927,95 kr.

    The aim of our book is to provide an insight into the changes in the field of qualitative marketing research, i.e., the continuous growing significance of online methods. In the book, we first present the drivers of change, i.e., the technological trends that have the greatest impact on this process. We also present in detail novel online qualitative research methods that are a response to the technological challenges, as well as tools that are a great help in planning, conducting and analyzing the results of this type of research.

  • af László Molnár
    897,95 kr.

    Le tendenze sociali e tecnologiche che definiscono l'era digitale pongono gli educatori di fronte a sfide continue. Essi devono cambiare i metodi di insegnamento tradizionali se vogliono trasmettere (efficacemente) le loro conoscenze alle nuove generazioni. Esiste un'intera gamma di metodi e strumenti innovativi, i più importanti dei quali vorremmo presentare in questo volume, come una sorta di guida sulla strada accidentata della transizione. Tra i moderni metodi di insegnamento, descriviamo l'apprendimento basato su problemi, l'apprendimento basato su casi, la gamification, l'apprendimento basato su progetti, l'apprendimento capovolto, l'apprendimento cooperativo e l'apprendimento basato sulle competenze. Nel descrivere questi metodi, ne affrontiamo la definizione e gli obiettivi, forniamo una descrizione completa delle loro caratteristiche principali, ne delineiamo i vantaggi e i possibili svantaggi e ne presentiamo l'applicazione in classe con esempi reali (best practice). Tra gli strumenti digitali che possono essere utilizzati in classe, vengono presentati i TOP30, la cui conoscenza e applicazione sono quasi indispensabili in questo mondo moderno.

  • af László Molnár
    897,95 kr.

    Die sozialen und technologischen Trends, die das digitale Zeitalter bestimmen, stellen Pädagogen vor ständige Herausforderungen. Sie müssen die traditionellen Lehrmethoden ändern, wenn sie ihr Wissen (effektiv) an die nächsten Generationen weitergeben wollen. Es gibt eine ganze Reihe innovativer Methoden und Instrumente, von denen wir die wichtigsten in diesem Band vorstellen möchten - als eine Art Leitfaden auf dem holprigen Weg des Übergangs. Unter den modernen Lehrmethoden beschreiben wir problembasiertes Lernen, fallbasiertes Lernen, Gamification, projektbasiertes Lernen, Flipped Learning, kooperatives Lernen und kompetenzbasiertes Lernen. Bei der Beschreibung der Methoden gehen wir auf ihre Definition und Ziele ein, geben eine umfassende Beschreibung ihrer Hauptmerkmale, skizzieren ihre Vor- und möglichen Nachteile und stellen ihre Anwendung im Unterricht anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis vor (Best Practices). Unter den digitalen Werkzeugen, die im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können, werden die TOP30 vorgestellt, deren Kenntnis und Anwendung in dieser modernen Welt nahezu unverzichtbar sind.

  • af László Molnár
    477,95 kr.

    Social'nye i tehnologicheskie tendencii, opredelqüschie cifrowuü äpohu, stawqt pered pedagogami postoqnnye zadachi. Esli oni hotqt (äffektiwno) peredawat' swoi znaniq sleduüschim pokoleniqm, im prihoditsq menqt' tradicionnye metody obucheniq. Suschestwuet celyj rqd innowacionnyh metodow i sredstw, naibolee wazhnye iz kotoryh my hoteli by predstawit' w ätom sbornike - w kachestwe swoeobraznogo putewoditelq po uhabistoj doroge perehodnogo perioda. Sredi sowremennyh metodow obucheniq my opisywaem problemnoe obuchenie, obuchenie na osnowe kejsow, gejmifikaciü, proektnoe obuchenie, perewernutoe obuchenie, kooperatiwnoe obuchenie i obuchenie na osnowe kompetencij. Pri opisanii ätih metodow my rassmatriwaem ih opredelenie i celi, daem polnoe opisanie ih osnownyh harakteristik, opisywaem ih preimuschestwa i wozmozhnye nedostatki, a takzhe predstawlqem ih primenenie w uchebnom processe na real'nyh primerah (luchshie praktiki). Sredi cifrowyh instrumentow, kotorye mogut byt' ispol'zowany w uchebnom processe, predstawleny TOP30, znanie i primenenie kotoryh prakticheski nezamenimo w sowremennom mire.

  • af László Molnár
    897,95 kr.

    As tendências sociais e tecnológicas que definem a era digital colocam os educadores perante desafios constantes. Estes têm de alterar os métodos de ensino tradicionais se quiserem transmitir (efetivamente) os seus conhecimentos às próximas gerações. Existe toda uma gama de métodos e ferramentas inovadores, os mais importantes dos quais gostaríamos de apresentar neste volume - como uma espécie de guia de ajuda no caminho acidentado da transição. Entre os métodos de ensino modernos, descrevemos a aprendizagem baseada em problemas, a aprendizagem baseada em casos, a gamificação, a aprendizagem baseada em projectos, a aprendizagem invertida, a aprendizagem cooperativa e a aprendizagem baseada em competências. Ao descrever os métodos, abordamos a sua definição e os seus objectivos, fornecemos uma descrição exaustiva das suas principais características, delineamos as suas vantagens e possíveis desvantagens e apresentamos a sua aplicação na sala de aula utilizando exemplos do mundo real (melhores práticas). Entre as ferramentas digitais que podem ser utilizadas na sala de aula, são apresentadas as TOP30, cujo conhecimento e aplicação são quase indispensáveis neste mundo moderno.

  • af László Molnár
    897,95 kr.

    Les tendances sociales et technologiques qui définissent l'ère numérique placent les éducateurs face à des défis permanents. Ils doivent modifier les méthodes d'enseignement traditionnelles s'ils veulent transmettre (efficacement) leurs connaissances aux générations suivantes. Il existe toute une série de méthodes et d'outils innovants, dont nous aimerions présenter les plus importants dans ce volume - comme une sorte de guide d'aide sur le chemin cahoteux de la transition. Parmi les méthodes d'enseignement modernes, nous décrivons l'apprentissage par problèmes, l'apprentissage par cas, la gamification, l'apprentissage par projets, l'apprentissage inversé, l'apprentissage coopératif et l'apprentissage basé sur les compétences. En décrivant ces méthodes, nous abordons leur définition et leurs objectifs, nous fournissons une description complète de leurs principales caractéristiques, nous soulignons leurs avantages et leurs éventuels inconvénients, et nous présentons leur application en classe à l'aide d'exemples concrets (meilleures pratiques). Parmi les outils numériques qui peuvent être utilisés en classe, les TOP30 sont présentés, dont la connaissance et l'application sont presque indispensables dans ce monde moderne.

  • af László Molnár
    897,95 kr.

    The social and technological trends that define the digital age present educators with ongoing challenges. They have to change the traditional teaching methods if they want to (effectively) pass on their knowledge to the next generations. There is a whole range of innovative methods and tools, the most important of which we would like to present in this volume ¿ as a kind of helping guide on the bumpy road of transition. Among the modern teaching methods, we describe problem-based learning, case-based learning, gamification, project-based learning, flipped learning, cooperative learning, and competency-based learning. In describing the methods, we address their definition and goals, provide a comprehensive description of their main features, outline their advantages and possible disadvantages, and present their application in the classroom using real-world examples (best practices). Among the digital tools that can be used in the classroom, the TOP30 are presented, that knowledge and application are almost indispensable in this modern world.

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