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  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    245,95 kr.

    The Paladin's Ascension Pt 2 Kinship's Revenge, the 2nd installment where the Musical Parody of Arthurian mystic humor and divine Faith valiantly tumble onward... After the clandestine 'hiding' of Squire Finn's chosen heart upon the sacred tree, even more ominously brewing mayhem was simmering up for the Quad Squad plus more; Dinny Sapphire was still soon be retrieved from the Other Tyme by Galahad with the help of his best mates, who have unknown, imperative secrets of their own, for the awful demented Dr.Krunk Jr. had made a pact with the Dark young sly Liege Momos, Apa's male twin; they were in cahoots and had connived a dastardly plan; Lyraevega, the other female twin half to Finn has planted herself into their avenging Underworld palace lair incognito to spy and investigate, reap anything to thwart them, gaining and gleaming indispensable information to aid the Provicial Knights and her brother to surmout their tyrrany; Galahad, Bors, Perci and Finn were collecting intel and courageously learning all they needed to become Knights of the Providence...yet sly sister Apa the spy continued her trajectory to upend Finn at all Galahad and Finn discover in surprise, that there are certain days of the Full moon station when they might be able to meet up with their Chosen Ones (Dinny Sapphire & Calliope) and use this blessing to gain more information and heartfelt bloom; they also unearth another incredible but true fact about the anomaly Finn & his stuck in a hex Calliope; and with that known, their Djinn Status, also comes so many more possibilities and pitfalls. Squire Finn in his unrelenting research, chances upon the answer of how to transport the Quad Squad into the Other Tyme to finally retrieve Galahad's Chosen one Dinny Sapphire, ...but it is jinxed and foiled, heinously upended by the master of malignity that suave, mordacious leader Momos, and his sidekicks the despicable Krunk Jr and sister Apa, who are all out to seek that awful atrocious revenge and then some; this thwarted threesome places Squire Galahd and his crew in an almost bizarrely impossible situation, actually being framed for... a double homicide murder he didn't commit, but outwardly, all signs point to it. Now trapped in a most dangerous predicament in our Other Tyme they must find a way to clear their innocence. By and by, all the while, Finn is now using his absurdly insane abilities to wrangle time and space in this 24hr blue moon snippet of time to Quest this quest properly...and with the help of his brave little 'Goldie Tink' sphere of light always about him...they both with mystic tandem attempt the impossible; Knight Bismuth and Knightess Lumonyx are swiped into the mix there to help sort it, the escapade of escalation in of all things...a courtroom, along with the stalwart Knight Charitus and 200 costumed guests, in a lawful role to never forget; Does this costumed caper and musical marauding into the Other Tyme wormhole visit turn out tripping the light fantastic, or fall flat on its face?Only one way to find on, valiant ones!

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    218,95 kr.

    The Continuing Parody of humoristic fantasy, the Saga of the Knights of the Provincial Order, Residing in the Magic Dream Realm have done it again, for now even more harrowing chaos and evil dastardly doings to surmount and encounter have entered their paths. Young Squire Galahad, a Chosen half of a Divine love-bonded couple that gives their Realm and ours its existence has now entered the Honah Lee Academy as a Squire and returned to the Magic Dimension Realm, having to leave his beloved best friend Dinny Sapphire behind who abides within our Earthly dimension of life. Galahad has pledged a heart-wrenching vow to somehow find a way to transport Dinny Sapphire to the Magic realm by her coming-of-age 18th Birthday, yet he needs the aid and support of his newly acquired Bunkmates at the Academy: Squire Perci, the epitome of Divine Otherworldly chastity, and Squire Bors, his valiant, strong, humorous partner in Dynamic duo, and the anomalistic B-pyxis Finnimbrun, the twin of a magically borne male/female pair of oddly symbiotic twins, or... 'just plain Finn' as his male half would put it; Finn, Borne of pure magic and actually of 11yrs of age while birthed (go figure that out read the tale!) He is confronted by his own inborn curse the night he is born, and befriended by a twee tiny little light globe who sprinkles sparkling healing dust and smooches him every night to help subdue the debilitating hex upon him and devotedly follows him everywhere he goes since his birthnight. The new Quad Squad of Squires vow an inter-dimensional retrieval plan to find a way to aid their brother Galahad while learning of their mystic and physical esoteric studies...but a newly arrived and Mysterious Sister Apa, a hypnotic, bewitching young beauty enters the Academy and bunks right next door to them with her Triplet suitemates and seems to have other plans to thwart this...most of it all targeted in oddly obsessive amour...towards Squire Finn, who alike Perci and Bors had pledged a vow of chastity and clear intent just to aid Galahad, for he was borne for just that purpose. When Finn is besieged by Sister Apa's wiles and wild rebellion...which she surely takes too far...he also is astounded and stunned to find out through a strange missive adventure that he himself is also Divinely Chosen, has a Sacred Chosen Love bonded partner, a hexed and Cursed adopted Fae Princess Calliope, who was also born in the Other Tyme like Dinny Sapphire but now resides in their Magic Dimension, only placed under a horrible vile spell by the posthumous Villainess Empress Shar; This debacle of distortion of Finn Sandwiched between a quandary of two females is disrupting the trajectory of what Finn knows he was born to do, find a way Galahad can be with his Love Dinny Sapphire physically...which also involves a 'heavenly intervention', for Dinny Sapphire is founded to also be of...Otherworldly Alien lineage, one not seen nor heard of in a long, long time...and this brings other Villians into the mix, a Mr. Krunk Jr lurking about Dinny Sapphire's every move to oust her otherworldly secrets and finally get the revenge he so craves, with the help of even another Twin...who is tied to the alluring sister Apa, the Mordacious Warlock Wizard Momos, who has her in his partnership of tyrannic take down to set her torrid trap into motion; Will Galahad, with his best Mate Finn and the Dynamic duo of Bors and Perci, be able to get through their trials and tribulations and reach their goals of Knighthood and Chivalric Quest to aid Dinny Sapphire and Galahad's Chosen Love bond? Or will it all end in infamy and disgrace? Read on, valiant ones, and find out...

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    227,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    262,95 kr.

    The Paladin's Ascension, Pt 3: Eclipse of Epiphany; the epic parody, the insanely incredulous thrilling conclusion to a Tales Of Good & Evil Trilogy~ It starts off just as it left off: The legendary Fab Four plus more Provincial Knights of Legend, and The Quad Squad soon-to-be dubbed plus more Squires' hallowed Ceremony at Honah Lee Academy is finally underway, is at its imminent zenith in the Dream Dimension Realm;...and so is the portentous Full moon Eclipse and the augmented energies it creates slated at the very time of all the action. The Ceremony starts off starry-eyed and full of betrothal bliss...until Knight Finn stuns everyone with a most startling, stunning betrothal reversal reveal involving his "Twee little globe," the tiny enchanted and cursed piece of Princess Calliope; the intrigue intensifies, and all the guests and participants are totally traumatized by a dramatic, un-ceremonial party crashing, the inglorious invasion of those tyrannic twinned Monstrous meddlesome evil doers, the Demonic Duo of Mordacity, the Underground Liege Leader Momos, Knightess Apa's twin brother, and the Skunky Dr. Krunk Jr, conjured and transfigured into the morphed Ogre Troll Demon, "Halcyon the Great"- they hijack and kidnap, nab Knightess Sapphire, and start their 'Torrid Titanic Takeover of the Dream Dimensional Realm and Other Tyme World'...and the parody of all crazy parodies of the "Grail Quest" begins for Sir Knight Galahad and his Best Mates to fetch Knightess Sapphire from their evil clutches. The Djinn twin Finn and Lyraevega, his female half, Bors the Batman Dark Knight Loyal, strong and true, and Knight Perci the Golden One who would sacrifice all... all have their roles to perform; Knightess Apex Apa is still in the mix and luridly lurking, yet she also is ousted, abducted and betrayed, bested by her own brother Momos and needs some saving herself of both a spiritual and physical nature. It all comes to a head in the desecrated and demolished Western Realm. Incredible transformations, Transfigurations, and trinity surprises await all...Will Galahad, and his pristine Knightly brotherly mates, along with the help of their powerful female emerging allies Genie Calliope and Mystic Lyraevega surmount such vile villainy as never before seen in epochs within the Dream Realm, and beyond? Hold on to your Hopping Hare-ish horrors and hearts, for there are twists and turns, surprises and shocks...come finish the mash-up Modern Fairy Tale of all ages and more! The Third installment is a charm! Magic and mayhem, music and melody...battalions and beauty...the epic end to the adventure Trilogy awaits thee...if it ever does end, that is!

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    297,95 kr.

    The Paladin's Ascension Pt 2 Kinship's Revenge, the 2nd installment where the Musical Parody of Arthurian mystic humor and divine Faith valiantly tumble onward... After the clandestine 'hiding' of Squire Finn's chosen heart upon the sacred tree, even more ominously brewing mayhem was simmering up for the Quad Squad plus more; Dinny Sapphire was still soon be retrieved from the Other Tyme by Galahad with the help of his best mates, for the awful demented Dr.Krunk Jr. had made a pact with the Dark young sly Liege Momos, Apa's male twin; they were in cahoots and had connived a dastardly plan; Lyraevega, the other female twin half to Finn has planted herself into their avenging Underworld palace lair incognito to spy and investigate, reap anything to thwart them, gaining and gleaming indispensable information to aid the Provicial Knights and her brother to surmout their tyrrany; Galahad, Bors, Perci and Finn were collecting intel and courageously learning all they needed to become Knights of the Providence...yet sly sister Apa the spy continued her trajectory to upend Finn at all Galahad and Finn discover in surprise, that there are certain days of the Full moon station when they might be able to meet up with their Chosen Ones (Dinny Sapphire & Calliope) and use this blessing to gain more information and heartfelt bloom; they also unearth another incredible but true fact about the anomaly Finn & his stuck in a hex Calliope; and with that known, their Djinn Status, also comes so many more possibilities and pitfalls. Squire Finn in his unrelenting research, chances upon the answer of how to transport the Quad Squad into the Other Tyme to finally retrieve Galahad's Chosen one Dinny Sapphire, ...but it is jinxed and foiled, heniously upended by the master of malignity that suave, mordacious leader Momos, and his sidekicks Krunk Jr and sister Apa, who are all out to seek that awful atrocious revenge and then some; this thwarted threesome places Squire Galahd and his crew in an almost bizarrely impossible situation, actually being framed for... a double homicide murder he didn't commit, but outwardly, all signs point to it. Now trapped in a most dangerous predicament in our Other Tyme they must find a way to clear their innocence. By and by, all the while, Finn is now using his absurdly insane abilities to wrangle time and space in this 24hr blue moon snippet of time to Quest this quest properly...and with the help of his brave little 'Goldie Tink' sphere of light always about him...they both with mystic tandem attempt the impossible; Knight Bismuth and Knightess Lumonyx are swiped into the mix there to help sort it, the escapade of escalation in of all things...a courtroom, along with the stalwart Knight Charitus and 200 costumed guests, in a lawful role to never forget; Does this costumed caper and musical marauding into the Other Tyme wormhole visit turn out tripping the light fantastic, or fall flat on its face?Only one way to find on, valiant ones!

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    262,95 kr.

    The Continuing Parody of humoristic fantasy, the Saga of the Knights of the Provincial Order, Residing in the Magic Dream Realm have done it again, for now even more harrowing chaos and evil dastardly doings to surmount and encounter have entered their paths. Young Squire Galahad, a Chosen half of a Divine love-bonded couple that gives their Realm and ours its existence has now entered the Honah Lee Academy as a Squire and returned to the Magic Dimension Realm, having to leave his beloved best friend Dinny Sapphire behind who abides within our Earthly dimension of life. Galahad has pledged a heart-wrenching vow to somehow find a way to transport Dinny Sapphire to the Magic realm by her coming-of-age 18th Birthday, yet he needs the aid and support of his newly acquired Bunkmates at the Academy: Squire Perci, the epitome of Divine Otherworldly chastity, and Squire Bors, his valiant, strong, humorous partner in Dynamic duo, and the anomalistic B-pyxis Finnimbrun, the twin of a magically borne male/female pair of oddly symbiotic twins, or... 'just plain Finn' as his male half would put it; Finn, Borne of pure magic and actually of 11yrs of age while birthed (go figure that out read the tale!) He is confronted by his own inborn curse the night he is born, and befriended by a twee tiny little light globe who sprinkles sparkling healing dust and smooches him every night to help subdue the debilitating hex upon him and devotedly follows him everywhere he goes since his birthnight. The new Quad Squad of Squires vow an inter-dimensional retrieval plan to find a way to aid their brother Galahad while learning of their mystic and physical esoteric studies...but a newly arrived and Mysterious Sister Apa, a hypnotic, bewitching young beauty enters the Academy and bunks right next door to them with her Triplet suitemates and seems to have other plans to thwart this...most of it all targeted in oddly obsessive amour...towards Squire Finn, who alike Perci and Bors had pledged a vow of chastity and clear intent just to aid Galahad, for he was borne for just that purpose. When Finn is besieged by Sister Apa's wiles and wild rebellion...which she surely takes too far...he also is astounded and stunned to find out through a strange missive adventure that he himself is also Divinely Chosen, has a Sacred Chosen Love bonded partner, a hexed and Cursed adopted Fae Princess Calliope, who was also born in the Other Tyme like Dinny Sapphire but now resides in their Magic Dimension, only placed under a horrible vile spell by the posthumous Villainess Empress Shar; This debacle of distortion of Finn Sandwiched between a quandary of two females is disrupting the trajectory of what Finn knows he was born to do, find a way Galahad can be with his Love Dinny Sapphire physically...which also involves a 'heavenly intervention', for Dinny Sapphire is founded to also be of...Otherworldly Alien lineage, one not seen nor heard of in a long, long time...and this brings other Villians into the mix, a Mr. Krunk Jr lurking about Dinny Sapphire's every move to oust her otherworldly secrets and finally get the revenge he so craves, with the help of even another Twin...who is tied to the alluring sister Apa, the Mordacious Warlock Wizard Momos, who has her in his partnership of tyrannic take down to set her torrid trap into motion; Will Galahad, with his best Mate Finn and the Dynamic duo of Bors and Perci, be able to get through their trials and tribulations and reach their goals of Knighthood and Chivalric Quest to aid Dinny Sapphire and Galahad's Chosen Love bond? Or will it all end in infamy and disgrace? Read on, valiant ones, and find out...

  • - Darkened Promise Part Two
    af Laura Jean Lysander
    268,95 kr.

  • - Darkened Promise Part Two
    af Laura Jean Lysander
    253,95 kr.

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    282,95 kr.

  • af Laura Jean Lysander
    207,95 - 222,95 kr.

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