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  • - Vibrant Plant-Based Recipes to Eat Well Through the Seasons
    241,95 kr.

    The blogger behind the Saveur award-winning blog The First Mess shares her eagerly anticipated debut cookbook, featuring more than 125 beautifully prepared seasonal whole-food recipes. Home cooks head to The First Mess for Laura Wright's simple-to-prepare seasonal vegan recipes but stay for her beautiful photographs and enchanting storytelling. In her debut cookbook, Wright presents a visually stunning collection of heirloom-quality recipes highlighting the beauty of the seasons. Her 125 produce-forward recipes showcase the best each season has to offer and, as a whole, demonstrate that plant-based wellness is both accessible and delicious.Wright grew up working at her family's local food market and vegetable patch in southern Ontario, where fully stocked root cellars in the winter and armfuls of fresh produce in the spring and summer were the norm. After attending culinary school and working for one of Canada's original local food chefs, she launched The First Mess at the urging of her friends in order to share the delicious, no-fuss, healthy, seasonal meals she grew up eating, and she quickly attracted a large, international following.The First Mess Cookbook is filled with more of the exquisitely prepared whole-food recipes and Wright's signature transporting, magical photography. With recipes for every meal of the day, such as Fluffy Whole Grain Pancakes, Romanesco Confetti Salad with Meyer Lemon Dressing, Roasted Eggplant and Olive Bolognese, and desserts such as Earl Grey and Vanilla Bean Tiramisu, The First Mess Cookbook is a must-have for any home cook looking to prepare nourishing plant-based meals with the best the seasons have to offer.

  • af Cat Schield & LAURA WRIGHT
    70,95 kr.

    Farlige vibrationerMiniserie: Det højeste bud (5/6)Elizabeth Minerva har altid faldet for de forkerte fyre. Og da hun godt kender sin egen svaghed, forsøger hun at holde sig væk fra den sexede Roark Black, hvis ry er alt andet end snehvidt, og på at fokusere på sin karriere, og på at blive gravid. Men hun indser hurtigt, at den udsvævende eventyrer kan hjælpe hende nå sit mål.Roark har på sin side brug for en smuk kvinde, en person, der midlertidigt kan være hans forlovede at redde hans- og auktionshuset Waverlys omdømme og Elizabeth er den helt rigtige. Han har tænkt sig at beholde hende, for enhver pris, men har ingen idé om, at han lige fået sin største udfordring nogensinde ...Et leje af sandRita skal giftes. Hun har bare ikke inviteret brudgommen – sin chef, sheik Sakir Al-Nayhal – til hans eget bryllup. Rita har strikket det hele sammen for at genforene sin familie. Alt går efter planen, indtil hun ser Sakir står ved alteret og venter på hende!

  • af LAURA WRIGHT & Dixie Browning
    69,95 kr.

    Reelle hensigterDiæt er et ord på fire bogstaver. Det er også Rafe, som i Rafe Webber, den hårdkogte playboy - og kulinariske troldmand – der pludselig invaderer Mollys uge i paradis. En uge, hvor denne lillebypige havde lovet at genopfinde sig selv. Men for hvert seksuelt ladet minut af deres bekendtskab forvandles Mollys sult til noget helt andet ...Fra bestyrelseslokalet til køkkenet er Rafe altid i kontrol. Men da han strander sammen med den lækre Molly Dewhurst, forsvinder hans selvkontrol. Molly nægter at tro, at hans intentioner er ægte, og Rafe er fast besluttet på at vise hende, at hun er den helt rigtige kvinde for ham!Vilde hjerterMaggie Conner har måske ikke meget erfaring med mænd - okay, hun har absolut ingen erfaring med mænd – men det betyder ikke, at hun ikke kan finde kærlighedsmatches til sine kvindelige klienter. Alt, hvad hun behøver, er den rigtige mand ....Det eneste problem er, at hun har fundet den helt forkerte mand – Nick Kaplan, en hård muskuløs, elsk-dem-og-forlad-dem-type med et farligt forførende smil. Ikke alene er Nick en ren fristelse i læderjakke, han er også Maggies nye bofælle! Så hvorfor ikke gøre ham til en andens perfekte mand? Jo mere tid de tilbringer sammen, jo mere får Maggie lyst til at holde Nick helt for sig selv ...

  • - Kinnie Wagner
    108,95 kr.

    Kinnie Wagner was the last of the true Appalachian outlaws. His exploits earned him the title the "Appalachian Houdini." From circus worker, to infamous "cop killer," the myths surrounding Wagner are as colorful and imaginative as any mobster. Wagner's life, however, was anything but romantic. From one brutal extreme to the next, Wagner was often without friends, and surrounded by abject poverty. His only advantage was an uncanny ability to escape imprisonment and evade authorities. When the authorities had ulterior motives, and it seemed like the conspiracies crossed many states, he did the only thing he could. He fled.

    83,95 kr.

    Addison She is totally and utterly in love. She can't focus, can't sleep. She doesn't want to hang out with friends, doesn't even care if she graduates from college in a week. All she wants is Rush, and her obsession for him is scaring her. Unable to handle the fear that brings up ugly memories of being abandoned as a child, Addison withdraws to protect herself. But that may backfire when an old flame of Rush's reappears in his life. Rush Addison is the only woman he wants in his bed. Hell, he's inked her name into his skin, and he plans on asking her to move in with him. Problem is, she's acting like she doesn't feel the same way about him. It's like something's changed between them. And when an old girlfriend comes back into the picture - stirring up memories and fears about his past - Rush knows that if he and Addison are ever going to have a chance at happiness, it's time to shatter the walls between them once and for all.

    593,95 - 1.543,95 kr.

    Ecocriticism and Appalachian studies continue to grow and thrive in academia, as they expand on their foundational works to move in new and exciting directions. When researching these areas separately, there is a wealth of information. However, when researching Appalachian ecocriticism specifically, the lack of consolidated scholarship is apparent. With Appalachian Ecocriticism and the Paradox of Place, editors Jessica Cory and Laura Wright have created the only book-length scholarly collection of Appalachian ecocriticism. Appalachian Ecocriticism and the Paradox of Place is a collection of scholarly essays that engage environmental and ecocritical theories and Appalachian literature and film. These essays, many from well-established Appalachian studies and southern studies scholars and ecocritics, engage with a variety of ecocritical methodologies, including ecofeminism, ecospiritualism, queer ecocriticism, and materialist ecocriticism, to name a few. Adding Appalachian voices to the larger ecocritical discourse is vital not only for the sake of increased diversity but also to allow those unfamiliar with the region and its works to better understand the Appalachian region in a critical and authentic way. Including Appalachia in the larger ecocritical community allows for the study of how the region, its issues, and its texts intersect with a variety of communities, thus allowing boundless possibilities for learning and analysis.

    93,95 kr.

    ANGEL Dr. Angel Savary is dedicated to his skills as a Healer. After the death of his mother, he's determined never to fail another Pantera. But when he's kidnapped by a human female, he discovers that her brutal past offers the answers he's been seeking. Even more astonishing, she stirs his cat with a ruthless need to claim her. Suddenly, he realizes there's more to life than duty. Indy's life has been one of grim survival. The last thing she wants is the distraction of a lover. Until she captures Angel. The Pantera is stunningly gorgeous and sexy as hell. Unfortunately, she hasn't captured him to fulfill her fantasies. As much as she might ache with the need to give in to their mutual passion, he's the only hope she has of saving the child she's rescued from a ruthless enemy who threatens to destroy them all. HISS Caged like the beast he is, Hiss-former Hunter and traitor to the Pantera-has accepted his fate as a tortured prisoner in the hideous experimentation lab known as the Sub. In fact, he wishes death would come more quickly. Until he connects with the female in the cage beside him, that is. As he helps his fellow captive through her pain and her nightmares, she forces him to envision the possibility of forgiveness after the hell he's wrought on his kind. But when their captors plan to use her in their brutal breeding program, Hiss has no choice but to attempt a risky escape. Stunning and fierce, Gia used to be a water Hunter in her shifter sect before she was abducted and tossed in the lab for blood drains, and worse. Threatened with a hopeless future as a lab brood mare, escape seems like her only possibility for survival. After refusing to give herself to the breeding program, she escapes with Hiss to his Wildlands. Giving Hiss her heart and her loyalty in the face of the Pantera's overwhelming guilt, all she expects in return is his honesty. But when she wakes up one morning to find him gone, will she too deem him a traitor to their love?

    88,95 kr.

    Rush Women in his bed, celebs and rockers in his chair and a killer bank account at his disposal, life is pretty freaking swell. Then she walks back into it again. With her mismatched eyes, perfect pink mouth and a laugh that still haunts him, she gave him nothing but marvelous misery. Now she wants his hands on her again. Not for pleasure, but for pain. For Ink. A bleeding heart to match the one she left him with five years ago. Addison She can't forget him. No matter how hard she's tried. The pain she caused him in the past eats at her daily, and she can't move on with her life. But she has a plan, a hope for redemption - a way for him to take his revenge out on her flesh. But it'll only work if he lets her inside his exclusive world, under his famous artist's needle and into his bed-and heart-once again.

    93,95 kr.

    Sebastian A DIPLOMAT WITH THE HEART OF A SAVAGE Sebastian Duval has devoted his life to ensuring the survival of his people. He'll do whatever is necessary to protect the Wildlands, even if it means working with the human FBI to prove the Pantera aren't responsible for the sudden rash of puma attacks. But his honorable intentions have met their match when his liaison turns out to be a beautiful, mysterious woman who stirs his most primitive instincts. A WOMAN WITHOUT A PAST Reny Smith refuses to allow her amnesia to ruin her life. She's created a new identity and is determined to become a successful FBI agent. Unfortunately, that means working with a Pantera diplomat to solve the latest assaults in New Orleans. Sebastian is not only a risk to the secrets she's worked so hard to conceal, but also to her career. She'll have to choose whether to run from the man who threatens to strip away her defenses, or listen to her heart and become the woman she was always meant to be. Aristide HE MUST MATE A PANTERA FEMALE Gorgeous Nurturer Aristide, is a rare male. He wants to be mated, wants love and a family. But only a Pantera female will do. The problem is, the one female Ari can't resist is human, and when she's captured by the Pantera and called their greatest enemy, Aristide must decide between the abiding want of his puma heart and the vow he's made to his shifter species. A HUMAN WOMAN WITH A DANGEROUS SECRET Reporter Katherine Burke lives for one thing. Her five-year-old son, Noah. She will do anything to protect him, including writing heinous lies about a group of puma shifters she doesn't even believe exist. But when she's captured by the Pantera, sees the amazing truth of who they are, and gains the love of an honorable male, she knows she must choose between more lies or trusting someone for the first time in her life.

  • af Shawna Delacorte, Cathy Williams, LAURA WRIGHT & mfl.
    29,50 kr.

    I chefens klør Kim Donaldson har bestemt ikke lyst til at arbejde for Jared Stevens i sin ferie, men hvis hun gør det, får hun betalt af på sin fars gæld og gjort en ende på den mangeårige familiefejde, deres bedstefædre har startet. Hvis bare Jared ikke var en flot mand med en utrolig tiltrækning og en veltalende, sexet stemme, der gør det ekstremt vanskeligt at koncentrere sig! Playboyen Jared er helt anderledes end sin samvittighedsløse far ... han er flittig og ansvarsbevidst ... og han føler sig omgående og voldsomt tiltrukket af sin nye medarbejder. Deres temperamentsfulde diskussioner på kontoret fører til hed elskov. Men kan en pige, der ikke har nogen tillid, finde kærligheden sammen med en mand, der ikke tør binde sig?Når stormen lægger sig Miranda mister orienteringen i Alperne under en snestorm. Hun er på skitur i de franske alper, da en lavine sender hende ud på sit livs opdagelsesrejse ... og det bliver ikke kun en rejse ud i sneen, men også ud i sindets og kærlighedens mange kringelkroge. Luke, der har søgt ensomheden i sin hytte i Alperne, finder en forfrossen Miranda med kun en ski og en forstuvet ankel på sit dørtrin. En yderst uvelkommen gæst fra et liv, som han forsøger at vende ryggen. Men ensomheden og isolationen tvinger de to til at se på deres liv, og de opdager, at ikke alting er, som de troede ...Sultanens elskerinde Mariahs nye nabo, den arrogante Zayad Al Nayhal, er lige præcis den type mand, hun har lært, at man ikke skal stole på, men hans mørke look og uimodståelige charme truer med at underminere hendes forsvarsværker. Zayad er kommet til Californien for at løse en familiekrise. Og han har ikke tænkt sig at give efter for den temperamentsfulde og fristende Mariah.En hemmelig nat Darrel Collier er en ganske almindelig pige fra provinsen og enlig mor. Så da Alexander Valleder slår benene væk under hende, er hun fast besluttet på ikke at lade sig presse ind i et ægteskab, bare fordi han som konge forlanger det! Alex er en god leder og ansvarsfuld konge. Men en hemmelig nat for mange år siden gjorde han oprør, og resultatet, opdager han nu, er et barn. Det vil chokere hans familie og ryste monarkiet. Men først skal han overbevise denne trodsige kvinde om, at hun er som skabt til at blive dronning!

    128,95 kr.

    ENEMY TO LOVER Kayden is obsessed with revenge after his parents disappeared when he was just a cub. Now the gorgeous Hunter has discovered the man responsible for betraying them - Joshua Ford - and it's time for payback. Beginning with the kidnapping of Joshua's daughter, Bianca. But last thing he expects is to be confronted with the horrifying realization that Bianca is his mate. Will he put revenge before his chance for eternal happiness? BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Sexy male model, Simon refuses to give up his exciting life in New York City to return to the slow heat of the Wildlands. For a decade, many pantera have tried to capture the rogue Diplomat and bring him home, but all have failed. Now it's Tryst's turn. The hard, brilliant, and gorgeous, Hunter is the ultimate tracker. But can the admitted beast-girl of the Wildlands capture her prey without losing her heart in the process?

    123,95 kr.

    **2 Books in 1** From the USA Today Bestselling Bayou Heat Series comes an all-new sexy, romantic suspense saga... The Pantera Security League Six shifters, representing all factions, working deep undercover. They prowl through the gray area between good and evil, willing to do whatever is necessary to protect their pack. One Down Cerviel is trained not to feel and not to get attached. But when he sees the female naked and bruised inside the cage, every instinct he's forced down surges to the surface. Like him, the female is broken and alone in the world. But if he gives in to his raw, possessive nature, his cover will be blown, and danger will befall everyone he protects. Two to Go! Once upon a time, a young Pantera female called Elyon was ripped from her family and left to roam the jungles of South America. She foraged and fought to stay alive. And by the time she was rescued, she'd grown into a Badass Beauty who could kill without mercy. Cage fighter, Max is no prince charming. The human male has spent his entire life protecting his parents. With every strike, every win in the illicit matches he fights in New York City. Night after night he's forced to shed blood and crack bone, as a slave to the men who hold his parent's prisoner. But when an Cinderella in black leather walks through his doors, for the first time in his life, Max wonders what is truly worth fighting for.

  • af Alexandra Ivy & LAURA WRIGHT
    113,95 kr.

    TALON After the tragic death of his parents when Talon was young, he's dedicated his life to protecting the Pantera. To the strikingly gorgeous man, loyalty and honor mean everything. So it's no surprise that he's determined to treat Isi Rousseau as the enemy. If the elders believe she is a danger then he will do whatever necessary to prevent her from destroying his beloved Wildlands. But discovering the delicate beauty sleeping in his bed, Talon discovers his noble intentions wavering. The female, with short, jet black hair streaked with blue, and a pair of dark eyes, might act tough, but it's obvious to him that she's as desperate as he is for a place to call home. More importantly, her presence is helping keep Ashe and her baby alive. Suddenly things are not quite as black and white as Talon assumed, and he must decide if his loyalty to his people is worth losing his true mate. XAVIER He shouldn't want his best friend's little sister... The drop-dead gorgeous leader of the Geeks, Xavier has one goal: find the human male his enemies seek. Devoted to his work, and to the Pantera, there is nothing that can distract him from accomplishing his goal. Until he spots his best friend's little sister alone and partying it up with a bunch of human males at the local bar. Consumed with possessiveness, Xavier takes her home and refuses to leave her side until her brother returns. He tries to convince himself he's just looking out for her, but the longer he's around Amalie, the harder it is to deny the molten attraction that burns between them. She has three days to change his mind... Beautiful and strong-willed Hunter, Amalie is free. No brother to tell her what to do, and no Pantera watching over her because she happens to be the last Pantera born. But before she can truly enjoy herself, her brother's best friend tries to put her on lockdown. Xavier has been the star in all of Mal's fantasies, and there's no one she'd rather give her virginity to. But the sexy male refuses to open his eyes and see what's right in front of him. Mal knows she has three days to change his mind. Three days to make him see her as grown, and the one female he can't resist.

  • af Alexandra Ivy & LAURA WRIGHT
    103,95 kr.

    118,95 kr.

    Get Wild in the Wildlands From New York Times Bestsellers, Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright, the heat of the bayou is back with RAGE/KILLIAN in an all-new duel 'tail'. Enter the Wildlands where a new, volatile danger threatens the sizzling hot Pantera.

    193,95 kr.

    98,95 kr.

    98,95 kr.

    98,95 kr.

    Lucian Roman knows he must stay away from Bronwyn Kettler for sanity's sake. Since feeding her his blood, he can think of nothing else but possessing her-fighting an uncontrollable desire to kill her, if need be, and the vampire she has sworn to wed. Bronwyn, a brilliant vampire genealogist, can never escape her connection to Lucian. He sustained her when she was starving. He still rules her dreams. And when the nights get dark enough, she still craves him. Though his essence still courses through her body, she has found a true mate in someone else. But when a dangerous enemy threatens Bronwyn, only Lucian-bound to her forever by blood-can save her life. Even if it means sacrificing his own…

    98,95 kr.

    453,95 kr.

    Textbooks inform readers that the precursor of Standard English was supposedly an East or Central Midlands variety which became adopted in London; that monolingual fifteenth century English manuscripts fall into internally-cohesive Types; and that the fourth Type, dating after 1435 and labelled ¿Chancery Standard¿, provided the mechanism by which this supposedly Midlands variety spread out from London. This set of explanations is challenged by taking a multilingual perspective, examining Anglo-Norman French, Medieval Latin and mixed-language contexts as well as monolingual English ones. By analysing local and legal documents, mercantile accounts, personal letters and journals, medical and religious prose, multiply-copied works, and the output of individual scribes, standardisation is shown to have been preceded by supralocalisation rather than imposed top-down as a single entity by governmental authority. Linguistic features examined include syntax, morphology, vocabulary, spelling, letter-graphs, abbreviations and suspensions, social context and discourse norms, pragmatics, registers, text-types, communities of practice social networks, and the multilingual backdrop, which was influenced by shifting socioeconomic trends.

    98,95 kr.

    98,95 kr.

    109,95 kr.

    128,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • - Forest of Tangled Lies
    153,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • - Variety Show of Anxiety
    128,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • - Angry Sea of Past Deeds
    128,95 - 208,95 kr.

    86,95 kr.

    86,95 kr.

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