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  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    For as long as they could remem-ber, Allie Moore, her daught-er, Elaine, her best friend, Vanessa Slate, and Va-nessa's son, Tommy, spend the final Tuesday-Friday of the last week of summer at the Slate's extra large beach house in Henley Beach, Florida. Even though the Moms were lifelong best friends, Tommy and Elaine were not. Even though Elaine and Tommy wouldn't admit to one other, they had no problem admitt-ing to them selves that they wanted the fighting to stop!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    107,95 kr.

    As she, her boyfriend, and best friends made their way to Miles' car, Maren could not help but feel excited. Not only was this week spring break, it was also her eighteenth birthday. Truth be told, this birthday was going to be packed and fun filled. Not only were Maren's boyfriend and best friends taking her out to lunch, as well as partaking in a big birthday party with a big group of their good friends at Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, but Maren, Maggie, and a big group of their girl friends were going to partake in an after party sleepover at Maren's family's mansion. Truth be told, this birthday was going to be huge and fun!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remem-ber, Mom and I have spent the entire month of June in Henley Beach, Florida with Mom's best friend, Ellie Brewer, and her son, uber popular actor, Easton. Even though I love and have always gotten along with Aunt Ellie (That's what I call Ellie), I have never gotten along with Easton. Not only is he annoy-ing (For the record, I am probably annoy-ing to him), we are two different people and person-alities!How-ever, I am tired of bicker-ing with Easton, want to call a truce, and maybe, just maybe, become friends.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    Two weeks ago, the best thing to ever happen to me in a long while happen-ed: My doctor told me that the brain cancer that I had fought for three years was officially gone! This news made me fall to my knees, and cry tears of joy. Getting on their knees, and rubbing my back, my parents began to cry tears of joy. Fast forward to two weeks later, I am out of the hospital for good, and on my way to Henley Beach, Florida with my parents to stay at our lifelong best friends extra large beach house with them for the week. Due to the cancer, it has been a long time since I have seen Gia and Chad David-son, as well as their twins Victoria and Wesley. The twist? Gia and Chad are the only ones who know that my cancer is gone, as well as the fact that Mom, Dad, and I are going to be staying with them for the week! Without a doubt, this wonder-ful surprise is going to be the one that the twins will not see coming!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    After I asked him how he would describe me, Carter had gotten a serious look on his face and said that he would describe me as beautiful inside and out. At that moment, it had hit me that Carter had been sending me the love notes! When I had asked him if he had, Carter had confirmed it!After confessing and confirming our feelings for each other, Carter presented me with a peace sign necklace and asked me to Prom! Immediately, I had said yes! Journal, I have not been this excited and happy in a long time!This prom, without a doubt is going to be the best prom ever. As a matter of fact, one would say it is definitely going to be the most enchanted prom ever! After all, with everything great that is going on, how could it not be?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    As I dance the night away with my best friends and the juniors and seniors of my school, I think about what is on the rise for the next couple of weeks for my best friends, the other members of our graduating class, and myself. Among these things include senior skip day, finals, graduation, etc. Before I can think about it too much, however, I decide to focus on now. After all, that is what matters at this very moment.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    "How do you feel about what Ella and Ethan brought up?" Mom asked, after I finished telling her everything."Excited yet conflicted." Clearing my throat, I continued, "I mean, I love the idea of graduating high school early and only having my music to focus on. However, I am also thinking about the cons.""In your mind, what are the cons in this situation?""Missing out on Prom and graduation, school activities, being away from my family and friends for such a long time, and disappointing you and Dad.""The only way you could disappoint us, baby, is not following your heart and doing what you think is best." Mom said, thoughtfully. "We could never be disappointed at you for following your heart.""That's the thing, Mom." I sighed. "I don't know what my heart is telling me to do."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    107,95 kr.

    On Tuesday morning, Ralston Nixon had asked Agnes if she would go on a date with him today. Of course, Agnes had immediately said yes. After all, she was secretly in love with Ralston. As the week went by, Ralston had had the date planned out. Not only would he and Agnes be going to Six Flags Magic Mountain during the day, but Ralston would be taking Agnes to dinner and dancing that night.Truth be told, it was going to be a great day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    87,95 kr.

    Thanks to the video that Ross had shot of her singing, Robyn had a meeting tomorrow in L.A. with her Aunt Kelly and some of Kelly's other staff. Besides being her Mom's best friend from college, Kelly Portman was also the owner of Portman Records. Even though Portman Records was located in Los Angeles, it would be moving to Denver in mid-September.With this being said, Robyn was so excited about the upcoming meeting that she could hardly stand it! After all, it could mean big things for her.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    72,95 kr.

    After I had hugged everyone, my best friends, sister, and I had gone upstairs to my room to change into our swimsuits. After all, there was an indoor pool (water slide included) calling our name. After we had arrived at the pool, I got the full story on how it was possible that my amazing best friends and wonderful sister, and wonderful parents were here in the first place. To start off the explanation, Olivia began to speak. Due to the fact that she, Wendy, and Halle had the entire summer off and did not have to take summer classes at the college that they attend (Baylor University. Sic Em', Bears!), as well as the fact that Mom and Dad had some vacation time, they had talked to my wonderful and amazing Aunt CeCe, and had come up with the plan to surprise me for my birthday. Truth be told, this surprise was truly the best that I could ever ask for!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    Stopping in her tracks, Imogen turned around and faced Isaac. There was no use trying to ignore him right now. After all, he had caught up with her."What is it, Isaac?" Imogen asked in an even tone."Imogen, I am so sorry about last night and how Isaac and I hurt you and Isabel.""I appreciate and accept your apology, but it is going to take more than saying that your sorry to fix it.""What can I do to make it better?""That is not for me to decide, because it is up to you." Imogen replied. Giving him a small smile and continuing on her way to Chemistry, Imogen said, "I'll see you around Isaac."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    For her birthday this year, eighteen year old Christine Parker had come up with the idea of having a foam pool party. She had seen parties like these on YouTube, and had read about them online and in magazines. Truth be told, they had sounded amazing and fun!As the girls got changed into their bikinis, they could not help but feel excited! After all, tonight was going to be awesome!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    87,95 kr.

    Today is my eighteenth birthday. To start off the day, Mom and I will be going to the spa and will be receiving facials, massages, manicures, and pedicures. After we come home and get cleaned up, we are going to rest a little bit. At 12:30, Mom, Dad, the Callums, and I will be enjoying a birthday lunch for me at Pei-Wei. A couple of hours later, Kenzie, Hadley, and I will be going to Galleria Dallas to look and buy party dresses for tonight. After all, tonight is my birthday party that my record company is throwing me at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. For this party, I invited my best friends, boyfriend, classmates, family, Greg's parents, etc. After the party, the girls from my class at school will be coming home with me for my sleepover birthday party. I am so excited that I can hardly wait! After all, it is going to be a big and wonderful day!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    After filming had wrapped up for the day on Monday, Pearce had approached me, and had asked me to go on a date with him tonight. Due to the fact that I am completely in love with the guy, I had said yes! After all, I had only dreamt of going on a date with Pearce since forever!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    For as long as I can remember, Denise's and my parents have sang in the adult choir at our church. Tonight, the two of us have the honor of singing with them tonight at the 6:30 Christmas Eve service. In fact, we will be singing solos! I am so excited that I can barely stand it!

  • - A Jerica Samuels Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    107,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, Not only is today the Tuesday of Spring Break, but it also happens to be my eighteenth birthday! I have anticipated this day since late February, and it is finally here! At the beginning of last month, Mom and Dad asked me if I wanted a party to celebrate my birthday. I had told them that I wanted a sleepover party with my best friends. After all, I did not want anything big. Moving on to tonight, let me tell you a little bit of what is going to go down tonight. After the girls arrive, we are going to dress up and go out to dinner. Afterwards, we are going to come back to my family's mansion, go swimming, enjoy my birthday cookie cake, and hang out. Truth be told, tonight is going to be awesome!-Jerica

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    "So, let me ask you this, girl," Spencer began. "What are your plans for the summer?""Honestly? Nothing." Sicily replied. "Why do you ask?""I ask because I am excited to tell you that you do!""What are you talking about, girl?""Starting on Saturday, you will be joining my family and me on our summer long vacation at our beach house in Henley Beach, Florida!"

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 - 87,95 kr.

    It has been three years since I have seen her. Sure, I've seen Zooey on t.v., and heard her on the radio. However, I have not seen her in person for a very long time. However, that is all about to change today. I will finally be getting to see the girl that I have been in love with we were ten. I am so excited that I can hardly wait!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    87,95 kr.

    "Zooey, I can't believe that you are actually going through with this." Hadley said, as she, Kenzie, and Zooey made their way to Galleria Dallas. "You are a braver person than I am.""What, you don't think I would look good with short hair?" Zooey asked, feeling a little sting in her heart."Of course I do!" Hadley exclaimed. "I'm just saying that I think it is cool that you are going through with a change that you really want. If I wanted a change like that, I don't think that I would have the bravery to go through with it."

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    117,95 - 142,95 kr.

    Awaking from her nap, Brianna Carter was sur-prised to see her amazing nurse's son, Harvey John-son, sitting in the lounge chair with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.For as long as Brianna could remem-ber, she and Harvey would pick at and tease one another, and found each other annoy-ing. How-ever, she did not find him annoy-ing today. In fact, she found it calming that he was there.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    Today's meet up with Lucy and Leah got me thinking about something that I have thought about a million times these past few weeks. Actually, make that the past month and a half. Due to the fact that all of us will be saying goodbye to one another soon, I think it would be a good idea to tell Logan that I lied about thinking that he and I were better off as friends, when the truth is that I am still completely in love with him. To this day, I do not know why I said that in the first place. Even though he said he agreed, I could tell that Logan was lying. Ever since I lied to him, I have wished with all my heart that I could take it back.Journal, I have decided that, at prom tonight, I am going to tell Logan that I still have strong feelings for him. I can't keep the secret of wanting Logan in my life as more than a brother figure. It hurts too much.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    172,95 kr.

    Dear Journal, the last time that I was at McKinley Christian Camp, a summer camp for students entering 5th-12th grade that is located three hours outside of my hometown of Houston, Texas, was the summer before high school. This was due to the fact that that was the same summer that I would get diagnosed with a very aggressive form of brain cancer. With this said, it has been three years since I have been at MCC, and seen my plethora of good camp friends, all of whom I have stayed in contact through the years. Due to the sickness, I have not been able to attend camp for the last three years. Well, guess what, journal? After three years of battling cancer, I was pronounced cancer free two weeks ago, and on my way to MCC as we speak!-Delilah XOXO

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    87,95 kr.

    As my family and I made our way to Red Robin to meet Aunt Kara for lunch, my mind was racing. What piece of news did Aunt Kara have for us? Was it good or bad? Finally, would this piece of news make or break my sister's and my music career?

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    87,95 kr.

    Ever since they were nine years old, Westlyn and the others had spent two weeks out of every summer at Anderson Christian Camp. It was located forty five minutes outside of Dallas, Texas, and was a place that they considered a second summer home. On a different note, ACC was also an ideal relaxation destinations for the teens. After everything that this summer had had to offer so far, the teens were ready for a break. In fact, they needed it.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    172,95 kr.

    From the summer before fifth grade up until the summer that Mom, Dad and I moved from Baton Rouge to LA, I had spent each June at Camp Sheldon, a summer camp for kids ages 10-18 that was located two hours outside of Baton Rouge, with my best friends, and the plethora of good friends that we had made at camp! To this day, I keep in contact with all of them!Speak-ing of my former camp, let me tell you about what is going to happen tonight! Tonight, I will be perform-ing in a concert for the camp-ers. The best part? Only the staff are in on it! Due to the fact that it has been a while since I have seen my best friends, Molly, Allie, and Sara, as well as our other good camp friends, I am beyond excited about this surprise concert!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    172,95 kr.

    "Thank you so much, guys! I love you, good night!" I smiled and cheered, as I made my way off stage, as the plethora of concert goers contin-ued to cheer."Great job tonight, beauti-ful." Derek smiled, greeting me with a sweet and gentle kiss, as I arrived back stage. "Just like always, you were amazing out there.""Are you sure, babe?" I asked, thought-fully. "I felt a little off tonight.""I'm sure, and you weren't off." Derek smiled. Putting his arm around me, he said, "Let's go get your things from your dressing room, and get to your birthday dinner. After all, I know that you are hungry.""Sounds good." I smiled.As soon as I opened the door, I gasped and clasped my hands over my mouth. Standing in it and cheer-ing "Sur-prise!" were my parents and best friends!

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    "How is it possible that this year will be our final year at Briar Christian Camp?" I asked, taking a bite of my French fry. "It's insane.""I know, right?" Serena asked. "I have been trying to wrap my head around the same thing that has you in question."Ever since the summer before fifth grade, Serena and I had attended Briar Christian Camp, a 5th-12th Christian camp for campers with learning disabilities located ten miles outside of Los Angeles. Just like always, Serena and I would be spending all of June (Session 1) at this wonderful camp where we have a plethora of good and genuine friends, awesome counselors, great memories, and good times had by all."Here's to a great summer at BCC." Serena smiled, raising her cup of root beer. "Cheers.""Cheers." I smiled back, clinking my cup with hers.

  • af Lindsay Anderson
    142,95 kr.

    As my wonder-ful and amazing co-star/ longtime boy-friend, Ezra, pulled into Maggi-ano's parking lot, I could not help but notice there was only a few cars in sight."It looks like no one was craving Maggi-ano's tonight." I said, as Ezra pulled into the parking lot, "There is barely a car in sight!""Those cars are the staff's, and it is suppo-sed to be that way." Ezra smiled. "After all, I called a couple of days ago to reserve the restaur-ant just for us. Not only did I want some privacy with you, but I wanted to make your big day special.""Oh, Ezra, thank you so much!" I smiled, kissing him on the cheek after he parked the car."My pleas-ure, sweet sweet!" Ezra smiled, giving my hand a kiss, getting out of the car, and closing the door. Walking around to my door and opening it, Ezra smiled, offered his hand to me, and asked, "Shall we?""We shall." I smiled and blushed, taking Ezra's hand in mine, and getting out of the car.

  • - An A.J. Ackerman Novel
    af Lindsay Anderson
    77,95 kr.

    For a little while, there was silence on the other line. This was making me feel anxious and nervous. Whenever Kevin became silent, that meant that he knew what he needed to tell me was something that I didn't want to hear."Kevin," I gently began. "Who was it that created that page?""A.J., I am so sorry, but Laine is the one who is behind it."

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