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  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    153,95 kr.

    Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includes a brief log and a day visit to The Rock of Gibraltar.) A wide range of topics are covered in alphabetical order including an interesting history of the Growth of Torremolinos as a major tourist destination. From a small peaceful agricultural, fishing and flour producing village of 30,000 inhabitants in 1920 to the place of today that caters for about 250,000 tourists in peak season. [Finnish Edition]

  • - San Pietru Pjazza, Vatikan Belt, Ruma, Italja
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Colour Photographs of John Paul II and the Vatican City including his Apostolic Blessing; the Swiss Guards; St. Peter's Square; Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican; St. Peter's Square as a place of holy pilgrimage; the Roman Catholic Church, works of art, marble sculptures and statues, ancient architecture, floor mosaics; views of Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's Church (designed by Michelangelo, ) a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus and the Face of Jesus shown in a stone shroud. Taken during a short-break, budget holiday Rome, Italy 10-17 October 2004. [Cover photograph: Pope John Paul II waving to crowds from his 'Pope Mobile' in St. Pietro, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.] [Maltese Edition

  • - St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Colour Photographs of John Paul II and the Vatican City including his Apostolic Blessing; the Swiss Guards; St. Peter's Square; Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican; St. Peter's Square as a place of holy pilgrimage; the Roman Catholic Church, works of art, marble sculptures and statues, ancient architecture, floor mosaics; views of Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's Church (designed by Michelangelo, ) a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus and the Face of Jesus shown in a stone shroud. Taken during a short-break, budget holiday Rome, Italy 10-17 October 2004. [Cover photograph: Pope John Paul II waving to crowds from his 'Pope Mobile' in St. Pietro, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.] [Slovak Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    153,95 kr.

    Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includes a brief log and a day visit to The Rock of Gibraltar.) A wide range of topics are covered in alphabetical order including an interesting history of the Growth of Torremolinos as a major tourist destination. From a small peaceful agricultural, fishing and flour producing village of 30,000 inhabitants in 1920 to the place of today that caters for about 250,000 tourists in peak season. [Dutch Edition]

  • - "wrigglesworth Korrupta Grupp Vidare Med Forsiktighet"
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Right to the Top är den andra av två romaner av historiska romaner som bygger på unika direkta erfarenheter i Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Kanada. Den berättar den fortsatta historien om Richard Ap Meurig äventyr. Gå med honom i hans eskapader som han försöker rättigheter de oförrätter i det förflutna. [Disclaimer: Denna bok är ett verk av historisk fiktion och skall inte tas bokstavligt. Om läsaren ser likheter mellan tecken i detta arbete av fiktion och människor i verkliga livet, bör de ses som enbart en tillfällighet.] [Svenska upplagan]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    128,95 kr.

    Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includes a brief log and a day visit to The Rock of Gibraltar.) A wide range of topics are covered in alphabetical order including an interesting history of the Growth of Torremolinos as a major tourist destination. From a small peaceful agricultural, fishing and flour producing village of 30,000 inhabitants in 1920 to the place of today that caters for about 250,000 tourists in peak season. [Danish Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Foto van Rome Italie' bestaat uit 100 gekleurde foto genomen van 10 - 17 Oktober 2004 waarin de oude geschiedenis van de stad te benadrukken.

  • - Trg Petra Svetog, Vatikan, Rim, Italija
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Colour Photographs of John Paul II and the Vatican City including his Apostolic Blessing; the Swiss Guards; St. Peter's Square; Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican; St. Peter's Square as a place of holy pilgrimage; the Roman Catholic Church, works of art, marble sculptures and statues, ancient architecture, floor mosaics; views of Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's Church (designed by Michelangelo, ) a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus and the Face of Jesus shown in a stone shroud. Taken during a short-break, budget holiday Rome, Italy 10-17 October 2004. [Cover photograph: Pope John Paul II waving to crowds from his 'Pope Mobile' in St. Pietro, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.] [Croatian Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    153,95 kr.

    Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includes a brief log and a day visit to The Rock of Gibraltar.) A wide range of topics are covered in alphabetical order including an interesting history of the Growth of Torremolinos as a major tourist destination. From a small peaceful agricultural, fishing and flour producing village of 30,000 inhabitants in 1920 to the place of today that caters for about 250,000 tourists in peak season. [ Catalan Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Fotografier af Rom Italien' bestAr af 100 farvede fotografier taget fra den 10 - 17 Oktober, 2004, som fremhaever den gamle historie i byen.

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    153,95 kr.

    Useful background information and photographs of a budget-based Spanish holiday in Malaga -Torremolinos, situated on the Costa del Sol, Spain. (Includes a brief log and a day visit to The Rock of Gibraltar.) A wide range of topics are covered in alphabetical order including an interesting history of the Growth of Torremolinos as a major tourist destination. From a small peaceful agricultural, fishing and flour producing village of 30,000 inhabitants in 1920 to the place of today that caters for about 250,000 tourists in peak season. [Norwegian Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    A collection of 49 historical colour photographs with original captions about boating, fishing and hunting in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 1965 - 66 [ including graphic images of a seal hunt. ] Taken by John Penny an 18 year old Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) teacher from the UK who lived and worked in the local community school from 1965-66. The photographs make an important contribution to the cultural, educational and natural history of the period and beautifully depict the rich tapestry of life in and around Nain at the time. Each photo album focuses on different aspects of the community's way of life. Please note: some readers may find some of the photographs disturbing. [Cover photograph: mending nets on the wharfe; photographs courtesy John Penny] [Vietnamese Edition]

  • - "wrigglesworth Grupa Truaillithe Aghaidh Leis an Rabhadh"
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    An ceart chun an Barr Is é an dara ceann de dhá úrscéal ficsin stairiúil atá bunaithe ar an taithí phearsanta ar leith i bPort Dóchais Simpson, Labradar, Talamh an Éisc, Ceanada. Insíonn sé an scéal leanúnach eachtraí Richard AP Meurig ar. Bí dó ina escapades mar féachann sé le cearta na héagóracha an am atá caite. [Séanadh: Is é seo an leabhar saothar ficsin stairiúil agus nach bhfuil a bheidh le glacadh literally. Má fheiceann an léitheoir na cosúlachtaí idir na carachtair san obair seo de ficsean agus daoine i saol fíor, ba chóir iad a cumha mar comhtharlaitheach.] [Edition na hÉireann]

  • - en Port Hope Simpson, Terranova y Labrador, Canada
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    288,95 kr.

    Lo que realmente sucede detras de las escenas?Por primera vez, los periodicos britanicos de-clasificado oficiales del gobierno brilla una nueva luz sobre, entre otras cosas, la mala gestion del Gobierno como el conocimiento oculto por una lapida de granito incongruente en Port Hope Simpson, Terranova y Labrador, Canada marco el punto de partida de esta historia unica de desarrollo de un acuerdo de registro en el sur de Labrador.Correspondencia original contenida dentro de una Consulta Publica en los asuntos de la compania Labrador Development Ltd. con sede en Port Hope Simpson 1934 a 48 por fin ha salido a la luz despues de haber sido enterrado por el Gobierno Britanico.Por lo menos, se revela cuando la ganancia personal se encuentra en la ascendencia sobre un bien mayor de la gente entonces solo bases muy endebles estan previstas para el desarrollo futuro.Esto demuestra que cuando el Gobierno britanico se dio cuenta de sus errores en el apoyo del desarrollo Labrador Company Ltd. empresa en primer lugar, en vez de ser capaz de liberarse de sus compromisos financieros (por cuenta britanicos de los contribuyentes antes del inicio de la Segunda Guerra) la historia solo fue de mal en peor.Una ilusion de desarrollo habia sido tejida por John Osborn Williams, el propietario del Labrador Development Company Ltd., que posteriormente llevo al Gobierno britanico (Dominios Office) vergonzosamente decidir que los resultados de la Consulta Publica fueron enterrados mejor en cuanto a la publicacion local de sus resultados permitieron.Descubre una historia venerable de la codicia, el dinero, la crueldad, el engano, el auge y caida, hacerse rico rapido, la industrializacion 1930 insostenible de los bosques Labrador y aprender acerca de las dificultades terribles economica y la pobreza sufrida por los primeros colonos y sus familias.Lea acerca vista un Ranger de Terranova de las condiciones de vida en el distrito de Port Hope desde septiembre 1940 a marzo 1942 y considerar los motivos de los protagonistas diferentes para el desarrollo como una obstruccion de la justicia se produjo en relacion con dos muertes inexplicables, el 3 de febrero de 1940, ya que las raices poco profundas de insostenible desarrollo se hicieron sentir terrible.Una historia fascinante de la corrupcion politica, la intriga, terror y misterio que se extiende desde los individuos involucrados a la hora de britanicos y funcionarios del gobierno de Terranova.Las lecciones del pasado son ahora claro para que todos lo vean, como raices mas profundas hacia un futuro mas sostenible con el gobierno adecuada, responsable y una mayor diversificacion economica en torno a la tala, la pesca, los viajes y el turismo estan echando raices en Port Hope Town Simpson por su gente y Labrador regional.Hoy en dia, la R.C.M.P. expediente ubicada en el Departamento de Justicia, St. Johns, Terranova y Labrador, Canada acerca de las muertes no explicadas el 3 de febrero de 1940 de Arthur Eric Williams, un gales y Erica D'Anitoff Williams su hija pequena en Port Hope Simpson debe permanecer abierta hasta que el momento en que el Departamento ha asegurado en sus propias palabras, "la administracion imparcial de la justicia y la proteccion del interes publico ..." Decide por ti mismo si es un "cover-up" esta todavia en curso-el dia de hoy ...

  • - "wrigglesworth Spillt Hopur Halda Afram Meo Varuo"
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Right to the Top er onnur af tveimur skaldsogum sogulegan skaldskap, byggt a einstaka fyrstu hendi reynslu i Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Nyfundnalandi, Kanada. Hun segir aframhaldandi sogu af aevintyrum Richard Ap Meurig er. Join honum a escapades hans sem hann leitast vio ao rettindi eg hef gert rangt i fortioinni. [Fyrirvari: Pessi bok er verk sogulegu skaldskapur og er ekki ao taka bokstaflega. Ef lesandinn ser likt stafi i skaldrit og folk i raunveruleikanum, aettu peir ao vera hugsun af eins og bara tilviljun.] [Islenskur Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Les fotografies de Roma Italia' consta de 100 fotografies en color preses de 10-17 d'Octubre 2004, que posen l'accent en la historia antiga de la ciutat.

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Guztia ez da izango dirudiena da! Wild Bay oinarritutako berezia lehen eskuko Port Hope Simpson, Ternua eta Labrador, Kanada ikasgai handia eskaintzen duten nola duzun termino etorri daiteke benetan molesta duzu aldi berean asebetetze pertsonal handia eta onurak irabazten bitartean zerbait in esperientzia buruzko fikzio historikoa Eleberri bat da bidean. Mundu bi onena! Edo, beste modu batean begiratu, nola kasualitateak, puzzleak, misterioak edo gehien larria, gai serio serie bat konpontzeko, hala nola, zure lana izango da beste batzuk agian mesede modu batean saiatuko dezakezu .... [Lege-oharra liburu hau lan bat da fikzio historiko eta ez da hitzez hitz hartu behar. Irakurleari fikzioan eta bizitza errealean pertsonen lan honetan pertsonaien arteko antzekotasunak ikusten bada, haiek behar bezala koinzidentzia besterik pentsatu.] [Basque Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Photographs of Rome Italia' bestar av 100 fargede fotografier tatt fra 10 til 17 Oktober 2004 som vektlegger den gamle historien til byen.

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    A collection of 49 historical colour photographs with original captions about boating, fishing and hunting in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 1965 - 66 [ including graphic images of a seal hunt. ] Taken by John Penny an 18 year old Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) teacher from the UK who lived and worked in the local community school from 1965-66. The photographs make an important contribution to the cultural, educational and natural history of the period and beautifully depict the rich tapestry of life in and around Nain at the time. Each photo album focuses on different aspects of the community's way of life. Please note: some readers may find some of the photographs disturbing. [Cover photograph: mending nets on the wharfe; photographs courtesy John Penny] [Korean Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Voce ja pensou em ajudar as outras pessoas nao tao afortunados como a si mesmo? Bem, isso e exatamente o que 53 jovens 18-19 anos de idade, principalmente a partir do Reino Unido propos a fazer 1960-70. Volte o relogio para a frente 33 anos e descobrir o que ainda esta acontecendo hoje: Uma historia verdadeira sobre a atual pesquisa em curso para os restantes 7/53 Servico Voluntario Overseas (VSO) de 18 anos que trabalhavam em escolas das pequenas comunidades costeiras de Labrador, Terra nova, Canada 1960-1970. O ano e 2002: como e por que a busca pelo VSO surgiu. Eu estava navegando na internet um dia em 2002 ... tentando encontrar uma maneira de retribuir a generosidade dos encargos Margaret, o Prefeito de Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Terranova, no Canada, por ter pago para minha viagem de volta para "Coming Home" da cidade celebracoes em 2002. Tudo isso tinha acontecido porque 1969-70 eu tinha trabalhado como professor VSO na Escola Anglicana de Port Hope Simpson e 32 anos mais tarde, completamente fora-da-azul, tinha chegado esta completamente inesperado convite fantastico, que eu simplesmente tinha que pagar.

  • - "wrigglesworth Grupo Corrupto Proceder Con Cautela"
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Right to the Top é a segunda de dúas novelas de ficción histórica baseado na única experiencia de primeira man en Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Terra Nova, en Canadá. El conta a continuación da historia de aventuras Richard Ap Meurig. Únete lo nas súas aventuras como pretende dereitos os erros do pasado. [Disclaimer: Este libro é unha obra de ficción histórica e non debe ser tomado literalmente. O lector ve similitudes entre os personaxes nesta obra de ficción e xente na vida real, eles deben ser considerados como mera coincidencia.] [Galego Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Photographs of Rome Italy' consists of 100 coloured photographs taken from 10-17th October 2004 which emphasise the ancient history of the city [with thumbnails and captions.] [Afrikaans Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Kleur fotos van John Paul II en die Vatikaan, insluitend sy Apostoliese seën die Switserse wagte; St Peter 's Square, Pous basiliek van St Peter in die Vatikaan, St Peter 's Square as 'n plek van die heilige pelgrimstog, die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk, kunswerke, marmer beelde en standbeelde, 'n ou argitektuur, vloer mosaïek; menings van Rome van die koepel van St Peter 's Church (ontwerp deur Michelangelo, ) 'n standbeeld van die Maagd Maria hou die baba Jesus en die aangesig van Jesus wat in 'n klip kleed. Geneem tydens 'n kort pouse, begroting vakansie Rome, Italië 10-17 Oktober 2004. [Cover foto: Pous Johannes Paulus II waai vir die skare van sy "Pous Mobile 'in St Pietro, St Peter 's Square, Vatikaanstad, Rome, Italië] [Afrikaans Edition]

  • - "wrigglesworth Korruptoitunut Ryhma Edeta Varovaisesti"
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Right to the Top ontoinen kahdesta romaaneja historiallinen fiktio perustuvat ainutlaatuiseen ensikaden kokemusta Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Kanada. Se kertoojatkuvan tarinan Richard Ap Meurig seikkailuista. Liity hanta hanen seikkailunsa, kun han pyrkii oikeudetvaaryydet menneisyyden. [ Disclaimer: Tama kirja ontyon historiallinen fiktio ja ei pida ottaa kirjaimellisesti. Jos lukija nakee yhtalaisyyksia merkkia tassa kaunokirjallisen teoksen ja ihmiset tosielamassa, ne pitaisi ajatella pelkastaan sattumaa.] [Suomen Edition]

  • - : Italy, Holidays, Venice, Travel, Tourism
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    183,95 kr.

    60 werna foto ngumumke gesang kutha Venice portraying pasamuwan, canals, otomatis Terusan resik, misteri wong ing pangilon, ngirimke groceries, cafe kursi ing banyu, Doges Palace, St Tandhani Square, Contemporary Art, tutup, patung, Designer toko mimpin [Sisley, Versace, GF, Ferre, Guggi, Pucci;] kreteg; banjir Nyegah lan melu-melu rencana; waterways, Gondolaskuva lan shopfronts. [kalebu tulisan cathetan] [Jawa Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Erroma Italia Argazkiak', 100 Argazki, koloretako 10 - 17 tik 2004ko urriaren hartu duen azpimarratu hiriaren historia zaharra osatzen dute.

  • - : Italy, Holidays, Venice, Travel, Tourism
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    183,95 kr.

    60 foto berwarna mengungkapkan kehidupan kota Venesia menggambarkan gereja, kanal, saluran otomatis cleaner, pria misterius di cermin, memberikan bahan makanan, kafe kursi di air, Doges Palace, St Mark Square, Seni Kontemporer, masker, patung, etalase toko Designer [Sisley, Versace, GF Ferre, Guggi, Pucci;] jembatan, pencegahan banjir dan intervensi skema, saluran air, gondola dan gerai-gerai. [termasuk keterangan] [Edisi Indonesia]

  • - : Italy, Holidays, Venice, Travel, Tourism
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    183,95 kr.

    60 colour photographs revealing the city life of Venice portraying churches, canals, automated canal cleaner, mystery man in a mirror, delivering groceries, cafe seats on water, Doges Palace, St. Mark's Square, Contemporary Art, masks, sculptures, Designer shop fronts [Sisley, Versace, GF, Ferre, Guggi, Pucci;] bridges; flood prevention and intervention scheme; waterways, gondolas and shopfronts. [includes captions] [Hindi Edition]

  • - "wrigglesworth Corrupte Groep Voorzichtig Te Werk Gaan"
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Right to the Top is de tweede van twee romans van historische fictie op basis van unieke eerste hand ervaring in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada. Het vertelt het vervolgverhaal van Richard Ap Meurig avonturen. Bij hem in zijn escapades als hij probeert om de rechten van de misstanden uit het verleden. [Disclaimer: Dit boek is een werk van historische fictie en is niet letterlijk te worden genomen . Als de lezer ziet gelijkenissen tussen personages in dit werk van fictie en de mensen in het echte leven, moeten ze worden gezien als louter toeval.] [Nederlandse Editie]

  • - A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    148,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the south coast of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius, beach barbecue, boat trips, Black River Gorge, coco isle, Chamarel coloured volcanic earths, coral reefs, endemic forest, family life, filao trees, historical museum, Hindu wedding, kite surfing, le morne mountain, lovebirds, Mahebourg historical and naval museum, memorial shrine on the beach, montagne du remparts, Mortello tower, musicians, Nile crocodiles (in captivity, breeding program, ) painting of naval battle Grand Port, paragliding raft, powerboat rides, public transport, picturesque south coast road, SSR international airport, St. Aubin sugar estate, sunsets, surfing, swimming, Tamarin, turquoise sea, volcanic mountains, waterfalls, [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [Hindi Edition

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