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  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 fotografías en color de Juan Pablo II y la Ciudad del Vaticano, incluyendo su Bendición Apostólica, la Guardia Suiza, la Plaza de San Pedro, Basílica Papal de San Pedro en el Vaticano, la Plaza de San Pedro como un lugar de peregrinación santa, la Iglesia Católica Romana, obras de arte, esculturas de mármol y estatuas, arquitectura antigua, los mosaicos del piso; vistas de Roma desde la cúpula de la Iglesia de San Pedro (diseñado por Miguel Ángel, ) una estatua de la Virgen María con el Niño Jesús y del Rostro de Jesús se muestra en una piedra mortaja. Tomado durante un corto descanso, vacaciones económicas Roma, Italia 10 10 al 17 2004. [Fotografía de la portada: Papa Juan Pablo II saludando a las multitudes de su 'Papa móvil' en San Pedro, Plaza de San Pedro, Ciudad del Vaticano, Roma, Italia] [Española Versión]

  • - A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    148,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the south coast of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius, beach barbecue, boat trips, Black River Gorge, coco isle, Chamarel coloured volcanic earths, coral reefs, endemic forest, family life, filao trees, historical museum, Hindu wedding, kite surfing, le morne mountain, lovebirds, Mahebourg historical and naval museum, memorial shrine on the beach, montagne du remparts, Mortello tower, musicians, Nile crocodiles (in captivity, breeding program, ) painting of naval battle Grand Port, paragliding raft, powerboat rides, public transport, picturesque south coast road, SSR international airport, St. Aubin sugar estate, sunsets, surfing, swimming, Tamarin, turquoise sea, volcanic mountains, waterfalls, [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [Korean Edition

  • - Port Hope Simpson Misteri
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    Non tutto e come sembra essere!Selvaggio Bay e un romanzo storico basato su unica esperienza di prima mano a Port Hope Simpson, Terranova e Labrador, Canada, che offre grandi lezioni nel modo in cui si puo venire a patti con qualcosa che disturba veramente e nel contempo, ottenere grande soddisfazione personale e benefici lungo la strada. Il meglio dei due mondi! Oppure, visto in un altro modo, come si puo cercare di risolvere una serie di coincidenze, puzzles, misteri o piu gravi, gravi problemi in modo che il vostro lavoro sara forse beneficiare gli altri ...."La pace e la tranquillita della baia selvaggia la mattina presto mentre l'acqua lambiva e scintillava contro il litorale era davvero una medicina per Richard ap Meurig mentre prendeva la sua passeggiata quotidiana. L'atmosfera dei suoi dintorni aveva un silenzio che si sviluppa su di lui come il suo pensieri si chiese dal passato al presente. Richard penso a se stesso. Tutto questo e realmente accadendo? Sto in realta a piedi il litorale stesso dopo un 33 anni di assenza da questa comunita? Cosi tanto dell'aspetto fisico e migliorato, mentre il warm-hearted, gente ospitale ancora condividere le loro case e la vita con gli stranieri che visitano. Richard era uscito tanti anni fa per lavorare a Bay selvaggio come un giovane, 18 anni, insegnante di VSO. suo background in Galles non lo aveva preparato per l'avventura da 1969-1970 che doveva svolgere un ruolo cosi affascinante nella sua vita futura. Ha vita ci danno un destino o dobbiamo fare nostra medito. Perche le cose accadono come fanno? (Per inciso, il nome di Richard e stato derivato da quello di un mercante gallese a Bristol, in Inghilterra: "Richard ap Meurig" che gli era apparso nel ruolo doganale come "ap Meryke," che avrebbe dovuto essere stato il piu pesante degli investitori nella spedizione di Giovanni Caboto in America nel 1498 e, quindi, molto probabile che l'America aveva acquisito il nome dalla versione Bristolian del nome di quest'uomo: Richard Ameryk) Questo percorso iniziale era la sua routine e ogni giorno ha portato un nuovo risveglio nella sua anima e senso di scopo per il suo ritorno si sentiva cos

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    All is not as it seems to be!!! Wild Bay is a novel of historical fiction based on unique first-hand experience in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada that offers great lessons in how you can come to terms with something that really bothers you whilst simultaneously gaining great personal satisfaction and benefits along the way. The best of both worlds! Or, looked at in another way, how you can endeavour to resolve a series of coincidences, puzzles, mysteries or most grave, serious issues in such a way that your work will maybe benefit others....[Disclaimer This book is a work of historical fiction and is not to be taken literally. If the reader sees similarities between characters in this work of fiction and people in real life, they should be thought of as merely coincidental.] [Russian Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Photographs of Rome Italy' besteht aus 100 farbige fotografien aus 10 - 17 Oktober 2004 getroffen, die die alte geschichte der stadt zu betonen. Es schildert zum beispiel das Kolosseum, Olympique Stadien, Romische Mosaiken, Forum Romanum, Obelisk des Kaisers (Pharao) Augustus und dem Pantheon, Skulptur der Gottin Aphrodite. Ebenfalls dargestellt ist die Ferrari - Geschaft; Fountains of Travi; Jesus auf dem Berg Malerei; Konig Victor Emmanuel Monument (den spitznamen "The Typewriter "); Michelangelos Steps Tiber; Vesuv (Napoli Tag Besuch); National Museum of Modern Art (einschlieblich Henry Moore, Van Gogh); Painted Dach Galerien in den Vatikan; Malerei von Gefangenen im Gefangnis; Arbeiter uber kopfsteinpflaster in der Romischen pflaster; Skulptur des Zeus; Face of Jesus am Leichentuch;

  • - O Suveniruri Colectie de color fotografii cu legende
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    148,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the south coast of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius, beach barbecue, boat trips, Black River Gorge, coco isle, Chamarel coloured volcanic earths, coral reefs, endemic forest, family life, filao trees, historical museum, Hindu wedding, kite surfing, le morne mountain, lovebirds, Mahebourg historical and naval museum, memorial shrine on the beach, montagne du remparts, Mortello tower, musicians, Nile crocodiles (in captivity, breeding program, ) painting of naval battle Grand Port, paragliding raft, powerboat rides, public transport, picturesque south coast road, SSR international airport, St. Aubin sugar estate, sunsets, surfing, swimming, Tamarin, turquoise sea, volcanic mountains, waterfalls, [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [Romanian Edition

  • - Placo Sankta Petro, Vatikano, Romo, Italio
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Koloro Fotoj de Johano Paulo la dua kaj la Vatikana Urbo inkluzive sian Apostola Beno; la Svisa Gvardio; Placo Sankta Petro; Papa baziliko de Sankta Petro en Vatikano; Placo Sankta Petro kiel loko de sankta pilgrimcelo: la Roma Katolika Eklezio, artverkoj, marmoro skulptajoj kaj statuoj, antikva arkitekturo, planko mozaikoj; vidpunktoj de Romo de la Kupolo de la Baziliko Sankta Petro Pregejo (desegnita de Mikelangelo), statuo de la Virgulino Maria, tenante bebon Jesuo kaj la vizago de Jesuo montras sxtonon sudario. Prenita dum mallonga pauzo, bugeto feriado Romo, Italio 10-17 Oktobro 2004. [Kovrilo foto: Papo Johano Paulo II salutante al amasojn de siaj 'Papo Mobile' en Sankt Pietro, Placo Sankta Petro, Vatikano, Romo, Italio.] [Esperanto Edition]

  • - A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    148,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the south coast of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius, beach barbecue, boat trips, Black River Gorge, coco isle, Chamarel coloured volcanic earths, coral reefs, endemic forest, family life, filao trees, historical museum, Hindu wedding, kite surfing, le morne mountain, lovebirds, Mahebourg historical and naval museum, memorial shrine on the beach, montagne du remparts, Mortello tower, musicians, Nile crocodiles (in captivity, breeding program, ) painting of naval battle Grand Port, paragliding raft, powerboat rides, public transport, picturesque south coast road, SSR international airport, St. Aubin sugar estate, sunsets, surfing, swimming, Tamarin, turquoise sea, volcanic mountains, waterfalls, [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [Bulgarian Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Idayari amanothi kubandakanya color izithombe 36 mayelana emzaneni elihle Laruns (kokuwa 525 m., labantu 1425) Phakathi in the Valley D' Ossau, enkabeni the Pyrenees National Park, France siqukethe indlela ucwaningo - based ekufezeni ukuthola ukubaluleka Laruns ngaphakathi endaweni yayo womhlaba. [Zulu Edition]

  • - Pamiatka Kolekcja kolorowych zdjec podpisami
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    148,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the south coast of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius, beach barbecue, boat trips, Black River Gorge, coco isle, Chamarel coloured volcanic earths, coral reefs, endemic forest, family life, filao trees, historical museum, Hindu wedding, kite surfing, le morne mountain, lovebirds, Mahebourg historical and naval museum, memorial shrine on the beach, montagne du remparts, Mortello tower, musicians, Nile crocodiles (in captivity, breeding program, ) painting of naval battle Grand Port, paragliding raft, powerboat rides, public transport, picturesque south coast road, SSR international airport, St. Aubin sugar estate, sunsets, surfing, swimming, Tamarin, turquoise sea, volcanic mountains, waterfalls, [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [Polish Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Diary notes including 36 colour photographs about the beautiful village of Laruns (altitude 525 m., population 1425) nestling in the Valley D'Ossau, centre of the Pyrenees National Park, France consists of a research-based approach towards discovering the importance of Laruns within its geographical area. [Yoruba Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Diary notes including 36 colour photographs about the beautiful village of Laruns (altitude 525 m., population 1425) nestling in the Valley D'Ossau, centre of the Pyrenees National Park, France consists of a research-based approach towards discovering the importance of Laruns within its geographical area. [Welsh Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Diary notes including 36 colour photographs about the beautiful village of Laruns (altitude 525 m., population 1425) nestling in the Valley D'Ossau, centre of the Pyrenees National Park, France consists of a research-based approach towards discovering the importance of Laruns within its geographical area. [Urdu Edition]

  • - Sommet Special
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    318,95 kr.

    Les journaux originaux de Ernie Llewelyn Pritchard - ecrit comme un moyen de l'aider a s'adapter a son nouvel environnement quand il avait 18 ans sur le service volontaire a l'etranger de 1969 a 1970 a Port Hope Simpson, au Labrador, Terreneuve, au Canada.

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Diary notes including 36 colour photographs about the beautiful village of Laruns (altitude 525 m., population 1425) nestling in the Valley D'Ossau, centre of the Pyrenees National Park, France consists of a research-based approach towards discovering the importance of Laruns within its geographical area. [Nepali Edition]

  • - Ein Budget Kurz - Pause
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Verschonern sie ihre tage und nachte [selbst bei regen, misty wetter!] Durch genieben alle den spab des karnevals entlang der Promenade Anglais, der blumenmarkt; parcs, hafen und altstadt von Nizza in diesem schonsten, wandern, whistle-stop tour von einem kurzurlaub gunstigen urlaub in Nizza, Frankreich. Siehe der Konig Franc drosselung der neuen euro-wahrung auf einem Karnevalswagen auf der Franzosisch Riviera ! [enthalt tagebuchnotizen und farb fotos mit bildunterschriften.] [German Edition]

  • - St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Colour Photographs of John Paul II and the Vatican City including his Apostolic Blessing; the Swiss Guards; St. Peter's Square; Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican; St. Peter's Square as a place of holy pilgrimage; the Roman Catholic Church, works of art, marble sculptures and statues, ancient architecture, floor mosaics; views of Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's Church (designed by Michelangelo, ) a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus and the Face of Jesus shown in a stone shroud. Taken during a short-break, budget holiday Rome, Italy 10-17 October 2004. [Cover photograph: Pope John Paul II waving to crowds from his 'Pope Mobile' in St. Pietro, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.] [Traditional Chinese Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Una collecció única de 49 fotografies històriques amb títols originals sobre el canotatge, la pesca i la caça a Terranova i Labrador, Canadà 1965-1966 [ Incloent imatges gràfiques d'una caça de foques] Feta per John Penny un jove de 18 anys d'edat, professor Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) des del Regne Unit, que va viure i va treballar a l'escola de la comunitat local de 1965-1966. Les fotografies fan una important contribució a la història cultural, educatiu i natural del període i bellament representen el ric tapís de la vida en i al voltant de Nain en el moment. Cada àlbum de fotos es centra en diferents aspectes de la forma en què la comunitat de vida. Si us plau noti: alguns lectors poden trobar algunes de les fotografies inquietants. [Fotografia de la portada: apedaçant xarxes a la Wharfe, fotografies cortesia John Penny] [Català Edició]

  • - Port Hope Simpson Misterios
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    98,95 kr.

    No todo es lo que parece ser! Salvaje Bahia es una novela de la ficcion historica basada en la unica experiencia de primera mano en Port Hope Simpson, Terranova y Labrador, Canada, que ofrece grandes lecciones de como se puede llegar a un acuerdo con algo que realmente le molesta mientras que al mismo tiempo obtener una gran satisfaccion personal y beneficios a lo largo del camino. Lo mejor de ambos mundos! O, mirado de otra manera, como se puede tratar de resolver una serie de coincidencias, rompecabezas, misterios o mas graves, problemas graves de tal manera que su trabajo puede que beneficiara a otros ...."La paz y la tranquilidad de la bahía salvaje en la madrugada como el agua lamía y brillaban contra la costa era verdaderamente un medicamento para Richard ap Meurig mientras tomaba su paseo diario. El ambiente que le rodeaba tenía una quietud que se extendio sobre el como su pensamientos se pregunto desde el pasado hasta el presente. Richard penso para sus adentros. Es todo esto realmente suceda? Estoy realmente caminar por la orilla misma despues de una ausencia de 33 anos de esta comunidad? Gran parte del aspecto físico ha mejorado, mientras que el de buen corazon, gente hospitalaria siguen compartiendo sus hogares y sus vidas con los forasteros que visitan. Richard habia salido todos esos anos para trabajar en la Bahía de Wild como un joven de 18 anos de edad, profesor de VSO. Su experiencia en Gales no lo había preparado para la aventura de 1969 a 1970 que iba a desempenar un papel tan cautivador en su vida futura. La vida nos de un destino o hacemos nuestro propio reflexionaba. Por que las cosas suceden como lo hacen (Por cierto, el nombre de Richard se deriva de la de un comerciante gales en Bristol, Inglaterra. "Richard ap Meurig" que había aparecido en el rollo de Aduanas como "ap Meryke," que se suponia que había sido el mayor inversor en la expedicion de Juan Cabot a America en 1498, es, por lo tanto, muy probable que America había adquirido su nombre de la version Bristolian del nombre de este hombre: Richard Ameryk) Este paseo temprano era su rutina y cada dia traía un nuevo despertar en su alma y sentido de proposito para su regreso sintio el privilegio de haber sido especialmente volado a "Coming Home" Fiestas de la ciudad, pero nunca en sus suenos mas locos habia que esperaba lo que le esperaba... " (Renunciar Este libro es una obra de ficción histórica y no debe ser tomado literalmente. Si el lector ve similitudes entre los personajes de esta obra de ficción y la gente en la vida real, deben ser considerados como una mera coincidencia.)

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Valuable historical photographs about seal hunting in Nain-Nunatsiavut, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Taken by John Penny an 18 year old Voluntary Service Overseas teacher from the UK who lived and worked in the local community school from 1965-66. They make an important contribution to the cultural - educational history of the period and graphically depict the rich tapestry of life in and around Nain at the time. Each photo album focuses on different aspects of the community's way of life. Please note that some readers may find some of these photographs disturbing. (Cover Photograph: David Harris shoots and Albert Ford at tiller) Chinese/English captions

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    En unik samling av 49 historiska fotografier med originaltexter om båtliv, fiske och jakt i Newfoundland och Labrador, Kanada 1965-1966 [inklusive grafiska bilder av en säljakt. ] Tagen av John Penny en 18 år gammal Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) lärare från Storbritannien som bodde och arbetade i det lokala samhället skola 1965-66. Fotografierna är ett viktigt bidrag till den kulturella, utbildningsmässiga och naturhistoria av perioden och vackert skildra den rika palett av livet i och runt Nain på tiden. Varje fotoalbum fokuserar på olika aspekter av samhällets sätt att leva. Notera: en del läsare kan hitta några av fotografierna störande. [Omslagsfoto: lagning nät på Wharfe, fotografier artighet John Penny] [Svenska Upplagan]

  • - A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the centre of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius [Google, ] Bambous, Black River Gorge National Park, Casela Nature and Leisure Park, Casela Park parakeets, Curepipe, Flamingoes, Grand Bassin, Grand Riviere Noire, Hindu holy pilgrimage, Lord Shiva, montagne du remparts, Nile crocodiles la Vanille Park, parrots, Quatre Bornes, roadside shrine, sacred lake, sugar cane plantation, sugar cane plantation worker, Trou Aux Cerfs volcanic crater, view of Montagne du Rempert from near Grand Riviere Noire, volcanic mountains; [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [Russian Edition

  • - A Souvenir Koleksi foto werna karo tulisan cathetan
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Mauritius iku sawijining Tropis Pulo dumunung ing Samudra India. Kanthi gunung wonten ing tlatah vulkanik lan Sandy pesisir diubengi dening Koral reefs iki Koleksi Souvenir Kding Photographs portrays lan sawetara menarik wisata lan aktivitas diakses saka tengah pulo. Kalebu Peta Mauritius [Google, ] Bambous, Black River Gorge National Park, Casela nature Leisure Park, Casela Park parakeets, Curepipe, Flamingos, Grand Bassin, Grand Riviere Noire, Hindu suci ziarah, Gusti Shiva, Montagne du Remparts, Nil baya la Vanille Park, parrots, Quatre Bornes, roadside kuil, sakti sendhang, gula tebu sawah, gula tebu sawah worker, Trou Aux Cerfs vulkanik kawah, ndeleng saka Montagne du Rempert saka cedhak Grand Riviere Noire, vulkanik gunung; Coordinates: 20:17 kidul, 57:33 Timur Madagaskar, Afrika.] [Jawa Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Fotografiile de Roma Italia' este format din 100 de fotografii colorate luate de la 10 - 17 Octombrie 2004, care pun accentul pe istoria veche a orasului [cu miniaturi si legende.] [Romanian Edition]

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    48 Colour photographs of John Paul II and the Vatican City including his Apostolic Blessing; the Swiss Guards; St. Peter's Square; Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican; St. Peter's Square as a place of holy pilgrimage; the Roman Catholic Church, works of art, marble sculptures and statues, ancient architecture, floor mosaics; views of Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's Church (designed by Michelangelo, ) a statue of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus and the Face of Jesus shown in a stone shroud. Taken during a short-break, budget holiday Rome, Italy 10-17 October 2004. [Cover photograph: Pope John Paul II waving to crowds from his 'Pope Mobile' in St. Pietro, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy.] [Russian Edition

  • - A Souvenir Collection foto berwarna dengan keterangan
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Mauritius adalah sebuah pulau tropis yang terletak di Samudera Hindia. Dengan gunung asal vulkanik dan pantai berpasir yang dikelilingi oleh terumbu karang ini Souvenir Koleksi Foto warna menggambarkan berbagai menarik atraksi dan kegiatan diakses dari tengah pulau. Termasuk Peta Mauritius [Google, ] Bambous, Black River Gorge National Park, Casela Nature and Leisure Park, Taman Casela parkit, Curepipe, Flamingoes, Grand Bassin, Grand Riviere Noire, ziarah suci Hindu, Dewa Siwa, montagne du remparts, buaya Nil la Vanille Park, beo, Quatre Bornes, kuil pinggir jalan, danau suci, perkebunan tebu, tebu pekerja perkebunan, Trou Aux Cerfs kawah gunung berapi, pandangan Montagne du Rempert dari dekat Grand Riviere Noire, gunung berapi; [Koordinat: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagaskar, Afrika.] [Edisi Indonesia

  • - Gipfel Spezielle
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    318,95 kr.

    Die ursprunglichen tagebucher von Ernie Pritchard - als eine moglichkeit, ihm zu helfen, seine neue umgebung anzupassen, als er 18 Jahre alt war am Voluntary Service Overseas 1969 bis 1970 in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Neufundland, Kanada geschrieben.

  • - A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    143,95 kr.

    Mauritius is a tropical island situated in the Indian Ocean. With mountains of volcanic origin and sandy beaches surrounded by coral reefs this Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs portrays an interesting range of attractions and activities accessible from the centre of the island. Includes Map of Mauritius [Google, ] Bambous, Black River Gorge National Park, Casela Nature and Leisure Park, Casela Park parakeets, Curepipe, Flamingoes, Grand Bassin, Grand Riviere Noire, Hindu holy pilgrimage, Lord Shiva, montagne du remparts, Nile crocodiles la Vanille Park, parrots, Quatre Bornes, roadside shrine, sacred lake, sugar cane plantation, sugar cane plantation worker, Trou Aux Cerfs volcanic crater, view of Montagne du Rempert from near Grand Riviere Noire, volcanic mountains; [Coordinates: 20:17 South, 57:33 East of Madagascar, Africa.] [ Hindi Edition

  • af Llewelyn Pritchard
    198,95 kr.

    'Photographs of Rome Italy' consists of 100 coloured photographs taken from 10-17th October 2004 which emphasise the ancient history of the city [with thumbnails and captions.] [Bulgarian Edition]

  • - [Vol 5b] Chinese/English
    af Llewelyn Pritchard
    138,95 kr.

    What was really going on behind the scenes? For the first time, declassified official British Government papers shine new light on amongst other things, Government mismanagement as knowledge hidden by an incongruous granite tombstone in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada marked the starting point for this unique history of development of a logging settlement in southern Labrador. Tombstone [The British Government's Cover-Up] Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada [Part 2/3] Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries [Vol 5b]

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