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Bøger af Lloyd Dixon

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  • af Lloyd Dixon, Noreen Clancy, Debra Knopman, mfl.
    347,95 kr.

    The federal Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program can help develop community resilience through mitigation activities that emphasize equity goals alongside reduction of risk to physical assets, as described in this report.

  • - Projected Performance of Proposed Programs
    af Lloyd Dixon
    322,95 kr.

  • - Current Practices of State and Local Government and Options for Closing the Insurance Gap
    af Lloyd Dixon
    349,95 kr.

    For this report, researchers examined state and local financial risk management practices, the role that the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Public Assistance program plays in these practices, and options for closing the insurance gap.

  • - Post-Storm Challenges and Potential Courses of Action
    af Lloyd Dixon, Noreen Clancy & Dan Elinoff
    480,95 kr.

    Puerto Rico''s housing sector was hit hard by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and needs a big fix. In this detailed and comprehensive analysis of the housing damage caused by the 2017 hurricanes, the authors make informed recovery recommendations for policymakers so they can repair and rebuild safe and affordable housing in Puerto Rico and create a modernized housing infrastructure that is more resilient to future natural hazards and code-compliant.

  • af Lloyd Dixon & Nicholas M Pace
    264,95 kr.

    The authors describe illustrative instances of human-made disasters in which the potentially responsible party (PRP) offered early assistance to the affected community. The authors also explore the benefits and drawbacks of such assistance in stakeholders'' eyes and examine potential approaches that policymakers might want to take in encouraging PRPs to provide early assistance.

  • - Alternatives to Relying Solely on Traditional Civil Litigation
    af Lloyd Dixon & Nicholas M Pace
    612,95 kr.

    This report reviews various alternatives to relying exclusively on traditional civil litigation to assign responsibility for the human causes of a catastrophe and to determine the types of losses that a designated responsible party must reimburse.

  • af Lloyd Dixon & Geoffrey McGovern
    170,95 kr.

    This report investigates whether bankruptcy reduces the likelihood that exposures to the asbestos-containing products of bankrupt parties will be identified in interrogatories and depositions.

  • - Problems and Recommendations for Change
    af Lloyd Dixon
    344,95 kr.

  • af Lloyd Dixon
    427,95 kr.

    Examines benefits going to those who were killed or seriously injured in the 9/11 attacks and benefits to individuals and businesses in New York City that suffered losses from the attack on the World Trade Center

  • af Lloyd Dixon
    310,95 kr.

    This book examines how state tort laws and court proceedings consider the compensation available from asbestos bankruptcy trusts and the evidence submitted in trust claim forms, and how the establishment of the trusts can affect compensation.

  • - An Overview of Trust Structure and Activity with Detailed Reports on the Largest Trusts
    af Lloyd Dixon
    301,95 kr.

    This report describes the creation, organization, and operation of asbestos personal-injury trusts and compiles publicly available information on the assets, outlays, and governing boards of the 26 largest trusts. The authors find that the publicly available information provides a rich source of information on trust activity but that more detailed information is needed to determine their impact on important compensation outcomes.

  • af Lloyd Dixon
    227,95 kr.

    Examines the central issues in the debate over whether to extend, modify, or end the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, which requires insurers to make terrorism coverage available to commercial policyholders

  • - Are the Benefits of California's Emission Vechile Program Worth the Cost?
    af Lloyd Dixon
    227,95 kr.

    California's Zero Emission Vechile program requires automakers to offer vehicles for slae that produce no emisssions starting in 2003. This study examines the costs and emission benefits of technologies that may be used to meet program requirements, including battery-powered electric vehilces, direct hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, and gasoline hybird electric vechiles. The authors conclude California should eliminate the program, tighten emission standards on light-duty vehicles, and focus on setting emission performance performance standards.

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