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  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Some people with giant hearts set out to help pets with disabilities. Other people somehow come to have special-needs pets before they realize how blessed they are to have received the pet they needed, even if it wasn't necessarily the pet they wanted at first. Whatever the case, many people find that their "special-abled" pets have added a new dimension to their lives that no readily-adoptable pet ever could. The book is for them!Since 2009, the heartwarming "Lost Souls: FOUND!" series has entertained and inspired people, helping many to see the rewards of adopting abused, neglected, and "less-adoptable" animals. This next book in the series is focused specifically on animals who have overcome (or are working to overcome) disabilities. There is no way around it: these stories will inspire YOU!A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: The "D" Word: Many people use the word 'disability' to describe you and me. Some things we do well, and some things we don't, but it's not because we don't try. There are many words that start with 'D' that better describe us: Daring, Driven, Dedicated, Determined, Diligent, Dauntless, Dashing, Dapper, Delightful, Devoted, Dignified, Dynamic, Dandy. We're not disabled. We're uniquely-enabled, and we can do amazing things." -Eric Melvin, inspired by Angelyne "The Amazing" DEAF Cattle Dog

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pugs
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pugs is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 60 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for pug lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO PUG RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "After foster Fanny busted through the kitchen baby gate, I found her upstairs in the bedroom with a shredded a box of tissues littering the rug. I was furious and determined to kick her out for this and previous antics, but the rescue politely asked me to hold her one more day, as they thought they had a family for her. Upstairs as I cleaned the mess, I realized it was not actually tissues at all. Fanny had peed on the rug and tried to dig to China to cover it. What I thought were tissues were actually white shreds of carpeting that were dug up from the bottom of my purple rug! Although I was really ticked, I must admit the ridiculousness of it all made me laugh, and as her imminent return to the rescue approached, and Fanny started her please don't give me back, I love you routine by approaching me and putting her head on my shoulder, I decided to let her stay...forever." -Rose Van Der VeldenRead more about Fanny and other amazing Pugs inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Chihuahuas
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Chihuahuas is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 50 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Chihuahua lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO CHIHUAHUA RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "Sandy suffered badly from seizures and was concerned about collapsing alone at home or being embarrassed by one in public. She discovered that while her husband, Bud, could not be with her all the time, a seizure alert dog could. Only a handful of dogs have the ability to alert their guardians when a seizure is coming, and it turned out that five-year-old Ben, who was about to be euthanized for outstaying his welcome at a shelter, did. Since adopting Ben, Sandy is more confident about going outside and being at home by herself because she knows he will tell her when a seizure is coming. Ben went from almost losing his life as an expiring pound puppy to giving a woman a whole new leash on life. What a dog!" -Barb Rabe and Debra J. WhiteRead more about Sandy and other amazing Chihuahuas inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About German Shepherd Dogs
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About German Shepherd Dogs is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 50 true stories which address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for German Shepherd lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "I was approved as a bone-a-fide dog mom by my local rescue and, confident I would be taking home a particular female, I had painted a room pink for her and purchased doggy nail polish. Upon finally meeting my girl, the rescue director cautioned me about her extreme dominance and need for discipline, which was not my forte by any means. Still stubborn and hopeful, I walked her until she quickly proved our mismatch by dragging me across the yard. Begrudgingly I moved on to meet several less dominant dogs, and to my surprise the one turned out to be Jackson (now Beau), a male with striking hazel eyes, who adopted me the moment we met. The pink doggy room is now used for storage, the nail polish was given away, and Beau is an absolute dream companion." -Lisa HallRead more about Beau and other amazing German Shepherds inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Boxers
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Boxers is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 50 true stories which address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Boxer lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO BOXER RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "A lady and her husband were hiking in the desert when a little, white something came running toward them at top speed. The blur turned out to be a Boxer with coyotes close on his tail. Rocky had been stray for at least a month before being taken into rescue, probably surviving by picking oranges from nearby orchards and then peeling them to enjoy the fruits of his labor (we have seen his talent with our own eyes). As a rescue volunteer, I was asked to foster Rocky, but I did not. I adopted him! Dubbed The Little Ambassador, Rocky turned out to be the perfect big brother for all foster dogs who passed through our home, nurturing them with love, patience, and understanding." -Judy Bailey Read more about Rocky and many other amazing Boxers inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Labrador Retrievers
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Labrador Retrievers is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 50 true stories that addresses the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Labrador Retriever lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO LABRADOR RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "Shortly after adopting Cooper my mother visited. Before running to the store, she'd pulled 24 meatballs out of the freezer and placed them in a dish by the stove. We returned to find the dish where we left it, but no meatballs (surprise!). Several months later she visited again - this time putting a baked ham in the same dish the meatballs had been stolen from. Having to again leave the house, I wisely hid the ham in the laundry room. Nevertheless, we came home to find it, along with the glass dish, in the family room! How did Cooper get the dish off the dryer without breaking the glass? Where was all the grease? Only Cooper knew for sure and he wasn't telling. But my wild, young Lab was training me... Next time I'll remember to close the laundry room door." -Mary Campisi

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pit Bulls
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Are Pit Bulls the vicious people-eaters the media portrays them to be? The stories submitted by loving families who have adopted and rehabilitated Pit Bulls in Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Pit Bulls will tell you they are a product of their environment. And, like any other dog, when treated with love and respect Pit Bulls are the most loyal, loving companions out there. This thought-provoking compilation, with introduction by acclaimed actress and animal advocate Linda Blair, shares the discrimination that Pit Bull owners face and the joy these dogs provide which makes it all worthwhile. A must-read for Pit Bull lovers and open-minded people who want to learn more about the breed. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO PIT BULL RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "One day my daughter called me in a panic: 'Mama! I saw this Pitty girl at a shelter in Boston... She needs a forever home. She needs YOU.' I only knew what I heard about Pit Bulls (nothing good), but eight-month-old Fergie, who was born to be a "bait" dog, stole my heart. At the same time an unfortunate cat/kitten situation also needed my attention. Was it possible for me to foster a mother cat with her six-week-old kitten in the home of a Pit Bull? To my surprise, Fergie acted like she was their mother, sleeping and cuddling with the cats. What do I now know about Pitties? Devoted, lovable, and intelligent - I'd get another in a heartbeat." -Gail Reed

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dachshunds
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Dachshunds is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of true stories that answer questions like: What is dog rescue? Do all adopted dogs come with baggage? It addresses the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy that rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Dachshund lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO DACHSHUND RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "As I reentered the kitchen, I saw everyone huddled around Wilbur, just staring at him. It turns out he found a 6-pack of Jell-O in the back of the fridge, climbed in, and pulled out the treasure. There he stood in the middle of the kitchen, removing the foil tops from each container and then passing them out like an ice cream truck driver passes out ice cream. Delilah and Bully were already enjoying their treats while my other two Doxies waited patiently in line. For a second I thought that Wilbur was going to turn around and ask them for twenty-five cents!" -Helen LaBuda

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Golden Retrievers
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Golden Retrievers love balls, swimming, and make great therapy pets. But did you know that some also hunt for Easter Eggs? Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Golden Retrievers is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of true stories that answer questions like What is dog rescue? and Do all adopted dogs come with baggage? It addresses the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse, and the joy that rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Golden Retriever lovers and for people who are considering adopting dogs. A PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO GOLDEN RETRIEVER RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "As I stepped through the door and onto the cold concrete floor, I was practically bowled over by a huge Golden, barreling towards me at full-speed! As he humped my leg and chewed on my forearm I looked around the sterile room, bare except for a dog crate, food bowl, and water bowl. Through the sliding glass doors I could see that the Scotties had a wonderful yard to play in, so why was this Golden stuck in the basement like this? There was no way I was leaving him there." -Shereen Raucci, regarding Pierce

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories of Adopted Boston Terriers
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Everybody knows that Boston Terriers smile, but do you know why they are smiling? The forever families of adopted Boston Terriers who shared their fascinating stories in this book know why, and they want you to know too! What is dog rescue? Do all adopted dogs come with baggage? This book is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of true stories that answer these questions and more! It addresses the cruelty of puppy mills and the joy that rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a MUST READ for Boston Terrier lovers and for people who are considering adopting dogs. A PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO BOSTON TERRIER RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "When I'd come home from work, my Boston Terrier Dylan was so overwhelmed with joy that he would jump up and bite me. To protect myself without killing his enthusiasm, I got inventive and shoved a toy in his mouth from a bucket I kept outside my door. After a month, Dylan began greeting me at the door, bringing me his own toy. On one occasion, I entered the house expecting to find my overly excited Boston with a toy in his mouth but instead he sat there ready to hand me the cordless phone! It turns out it was the only toy he could find. Some people may have been upset about the slobber on the buttons but I considered it "making progress!" -Jami David

  • - FOUND! Dachshund Adoption, Rescue & Education RESCUE STORIES
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    This wonderful book includes more than 40 stories from people who have fostered and adopted Dachshunds through Dachshund Adoption, Rescue & Education, a non-profit Florida Dachshund rescue.From the back of the book: "The stories in this book are a testament to the satisfying nature of helping Dachshunds in need. They show that even the smallest acts of kindness toward animals-like helping with a transport or volunteering at an event-can cause a chain reaction that makes this world a better place. Just by purchasing this book, you've become part of the adventure. As you read, DARE yourself to consider how you, too, can make a difference in a dog's life and, in turn, reap the rewards that volunteering and adopting have to offer. By the time you get to the final page, you'll have to take the plunge!" -Heidi Devlin, DARE Co-Founder & President Emeritus

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities, Vol. III
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities, Vol. III is the final installment in Happy Tails Books' series featuring pets who, with the help of loving, caring guardians, have overcome incredible obstacles to make the most out of their lives. The stories included in this book highlight how each pet, despite any difficulty, has become an indispensable family member and how the humans attached to these pets truly see these challenges as blessings instead of burdens. From the Back Cover: "Three-legged Ella has two sides: her crazy, unfocused, wild side that emerges when she's challenging her Newf sister, Zoe, and her motherly, gentle, loving side that she shows to blind Jake. I have a 20-second rule for Ella, during which she must 'focus' before I allow her to go wild again. In my opinion, she has earned the right to get a little crazy and to soak up every bit of her surroundings, so I reward her with that leeway once she gets through the 20 seconds. Ella certainly has a lot of living to do after being discarded by her breeder and almost not living at all! We should all be such a sponge for life!" -Judy Robinson

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dogs
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Dogs is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 60 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy adopted dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for dog lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO DOG RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "Wrinkles was found in a large pineapple field on the west side of Maui when he was a couple weeks old. We adopted him, and Wrinkles fit right in with our routine. One day we were watching a friend work on my broken-down car, and when we finally looked up, Wrinkles was missing. At first we didn t believe that our dog had run away, but after searching for him everywhere around our home, we knew he was gone. We drove my husband s truck around the neighborhood looking for Wrinkles until exhaustion finally forced us to retire for the night. The next day, I was up with the sun. While readying myself to start searching again, I heard a noise outside. I walked through our back yard and noticed something moving inside my broken car. When I opened the back door, I found..." -Celia LumsdenYou'll have to read the book to find out!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Cocker Spaniels
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Cocker Spaniels is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 60 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Cocker Spaniel lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO COCKER SPANIEL RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "One morning Winston-2, our second dog named Winston, jumped onto the bed and woke me by dropping something heavy, wet, and plastic on my face. In my daze, I remembered that my husband had taken out two steaks the night before and left them on the counter to thaw. Somehow Winston-2 got to the steaks, ate one, and then brought the other one to me, plopping it on my face in bed. He had never done anything like that before, but I thought it was a riot. What a guy! He wanted to share his delicious meal with Mom." -Bonnie Nordell (Read more about Winston-2 and other awesome Cocker Spaniels inside!)

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Beagles
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Beagles is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 60 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Beagle lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO BEAGLE RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "My mother-in-law lives next door, and while my husband and I were out running errands, she heard a commotion coming from our home office. One by one, our Beagles were jumping out of our office window like paratroopers! Now, you have to picture a 73-year-old woman trying to convince seven mostly self-absorbed Beagles to come back into the house after just a few minutes of unbridled freedom. She managed to wrangle two or three of the more compliant hounds and get them back inside before my husband returned home and rounded up the rest. Lesson learned. Thanks to our Beagle gates (not just for babies anymore!), our dogs have been safely secured ever since." -Paula Roy

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Cats
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Cats is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 60 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy adopted cats bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for cat lovers and people who are considering adopting cats. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO CAT RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "One night, as my aging cats, Tink and Sixx, smugly watched me clean out their litter box, I swore to the good Lord that once they passed, I would no longer have house cats. Maybe a small dog? It was storming outside, and just as I made my claim, there was a bright flash of lightning accompanied by a deafening crack of thunder...which was followed by a sweet meow coming from outside my back screen door. Really. Funny. Callie joined our family that day and has followed me around like a puppy ever since! When I feel overwhelmed, Callie comforts me and reminds me that I was there for her during the storm; I will be rescued someday, too. I will never be without cats: Thanks for the reminder!" -Kat TalamantesRead more about Callie and other wonderful rescued cats inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Great Danes
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Great Danes is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 50 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Great Dane lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO GREAT DANE RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "When we first brought Bella home from the rescue, our 10-year-old English Bulldog, Tonka, did not appreciate her enthusiasm to become instant best buddies. Bella took a quieter approach the second time we introduced them, which went well, and though Tonka remained the boss, they reached an agreement. Tonka quickly learned that Bella had many talents; for example, she could shield him from the rain when he used the bathroom. His strategy was to wait until Bella did her business and then quickly run down the stairs and stand under her to pee. Bella Umbrella tolerantly waited, checking between her front legs to make sure she was covering him completely. She s his perfect big little sister." -Debbie, Scott, Kaitlyn, and Ben McIntyreRead more about Bella and other wonderful Great Danes inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Boston Terriers, Vol. II
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    In 2009, we started sharing stories about the joy adopted dogs bring to their new families with a little book full of short stories entitled Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspirational Stories of Adopted Boston Terriers. That book showcased the stories of 50+ fostered/adopted Boston Terriers, sold more than 2,000 copies, raised thousands of dollars for dog rescue organizations, and gave us the confidence to do the same for multiple other breeds.Now, Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Boston Terriers, Vol. II continues to share the love and joy adopted Boston Terriers bring to their new homes.Excerpt: "The next day was my first valuable lesson in fostering. When my five-year-old son, Sean, came out to the front yard to ask us a question, he left the gate open just enough for Archie to wander out. Archie looked back at us casually before barreling down the street. My husband, my eight-year-old son, Ryan, and I went after him, as he ran up and down the street. After 20 tiring minutes, Archie still showed no sign of slowing down. While the neighbors enjoyed the 'entertainment, ' my husband pursued Archie on his Segway, and Ryan ran after him with a huge fishing net..." -Pam HessDid Ryan catch himself a giant "fish" that day? Or did Archie go running off into the sunset?Buy this book to find out!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Basset Hounds
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Basset Hounds is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of over 60 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Beagle lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO BASSET HOUND RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "While everyone else was counting down the final 24 hours before Christmas, we were on the countdown to our new foster dog, Pecos. Pecos came with a mystery affliction, but her saving grace was an apparent lack of pain. She wobbled when she walked, with an odd, over-reaching step, and any movement appeared to be a challenge. We learned that Pecos loved alternating between a doggie cart and a Red Flyer wagon for mobility. People applauded her effort to walk and asked to have their pictures taken with her. She adored the attention and gave a kiss to anyone who wanted one. She had a special fondness for licking the feet of squealing, excited babies. Between social calls, we were desperately searching for a diagnosis, which took us to several specialists. Pecos had blood tests, X-rays, a spinal tap, an MRI, rehab therapy, acupuncture, and holistic treatments. Then, one day, we finally received the diagnosis..." -Diane McManus Read Pecos whole story inside!

  • - ...And Their Most Memorable Posts
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Whether you are looking for pet-related entertainment, information, or inspiration, hundreds of eager pet bloggers are diligently clicking their keys, hoping for the chance to attract your attention. Some just love to write and share experiences that have touched their lives; others have more of an agenda, like animal welfare. Some want to introduce you to their favorite brands; others just want to make you laugh. What all of these blogs have in common is that they provide value to their readers, but which ones are best suited for your tastes? This book showcases 15 popular pet blogs and their author s favorite posts. Not only will each chapter help you get a feel for each blogger s style and disposition, but the posts the bloggers have chosen to share will make you laugh and make you think. 15 Great Pet Blogs provides value far beyond its pages. Think of it as the first few pieces of kibble in an endless bag. Once you tear it open, you ll find a new world chock-full of wonderful reading that will lead you to new ideas, new communities, and growth as an individual and a pet parent.

  • - FOUND! Rocky Mountain Cocker Rescue RESCUE STORIES
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: Found! Rocky Mountain Cocker Rescue RESCUE STORIES is full of 50+ stories from people who have fostered and adopted Cocker Spaniels through Rocky Mountain Cocker Rescue, a Colorado non-profit organization. People looking for Cocker Spaniel puppies, Cocker Spaniels for sale, or Cocker Spaniels for adoption should read this book first to learn about the breed and about breed rescue. If you're already involved with Cocker Spaniel rescue, these stories are sure to resonate with you! This book is a great gift for Cocker Spaniel lovers and a fun, easy read for you. Excerpt: "After living in a crate in a garage and producing puppies her whole life, middle-aged Clover came to RMCR blind from cataracts and deaf. She didn't bark or cry or whine, and she took life at her own speed. RMCR had her evaluated for cataract removal, and seven weeks after her arrival, she received her surgery. I can hardly describe the feeling I had when she first looked at me. Her eyes were now brown instead of cloudy blue, and they could see! Clover soon became much more aware of her surroundings and much quicker in her step. She'd plow down the hall and catch our slow Chihuahuas in her protective cone 'scooper'; they learned to stay out of her way. She became playful and made little sounds. Clover was becoming a real dog!" -Linda Cline

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Golden Retrievers Vol. II
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Golden Retrievers, Vol. II continues this series' heartwarming tradition of sharing stories about Golden Retrievers who have been rescued, fostered, and adopted. You'll find a wide variety of stories inside about Golden Retrievers who have been saved from dire situations as far away as Beirut and as close as your home state.These true stories address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy adopted dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for Golden Retriever lovers and people who are considering adding dogs to their family. Proceeds support Golden Retriever rescue groups.Excerpt: "After being our foster dog for more than five months, Ruby hit a roadblock when my husband, Joe, left on a work trip. My choices were to put her on the anti-anxiety prescription I had filled for her a couple of months earlier or to practice "tough love" by making her do the things that bothered her. I opted for tough love and even made her go to agility. Joe thought I was nuts, and the last thing he said was, "Don't lose her." Of course, I dropped her leash as soon as we got out of the car on busy Rt. 4..." -Pat Johnson Read more about Ruby and other great Golden Retrievers inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dogs Vol. III
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Like Volumes I and II, Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dogs, Vol. III is full of fantastic, heartwarming stories about dogs who have been rescued and adopted. While a wide variety of stories are included, this book has a special focus on older dogs, herding-type dogs, and northern-type dogs. Excerpt: "While searching in May, I found what I considered to be a treasure: Snowy, a deaf, blind, three-year-old, double-merle Sheltie. She was residing in a shelter in Missouri, half a continent away from our home in Pennsylvania, but, despite the distance, I knew she was meant to become a member of our family. I contacted the shelter, only to find out that I was too late. Snowy was being adopted by someone who lived in can you believe it Pennsylvania! Hmm, what were the odds of that? In August, I was still thinking about Snowy when I received an email from Northern Chesapeake Sheltie Rescue (NCSR) about two double-merle Shelties they had recently taken in. I did not think much about it until, later that week, I saw a post on the NCSR email list asking a question about a blind, deaf female double merle. I brushed aside the stray papers to find the picture of Snowy. My eyes went immediately to her face. Could it be?" -Debbie BauerRead more about Treasure and other wonderful rescued dogs inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Northern-Breed Dogs
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Northern-Breed Dogs is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of more than 50 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for fans of Akitas, Huskies, Malamutes, and Samoyeds! The book is perfect for those looking to bring a dog into their lives, too, as it is a great way to learn about life with these breeds. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO RESCUE GROUPS. Excerpt: "With three Akitas, a dogsled, and a custom canvas tent, my addiction to mushing was complete. Traveling with the dogs in winter was great: no bears, no bugs, no snakes, no people, and the entire world was our refrigerator! The hundreds of miles I journeyed in those years with my three furry companions made me see them differently. Their determination, trust, and unbelievable strength and spirit became clear, and I started to deeply understand their needs. Together we learned how to work with each other, and in the process, we became a close-knit team. Koji lived until age 14 and pulled like a maniac until he was 12. That 100-pound hunk of muscle, fur, and heart taught me more about myself than I ever imagined a dog could." - Chuck Weiss (Read more about Chuck's adventures and about other amazing northern-breed dogs inside!)

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Herding-Breed Dogs
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Herding-Breed Dogs is a heartwarming, thought-provoking compilation of more than 50 true stories that address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy rescued dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for fans of Australian Cattle Dogs (ACDs, aka Blue Heelers and Red Heelers), Border Collies, Collies, Shelties (aka Shetland Sheepdogs) and Corgis! The book is perfect for those looking to bring a dog into their lives, too, as it is a great way to learn about life with these breeds. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO HERDING BREED RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "The first few months with Clem, my adopted Cattle Dog, were impossibly difficult. She was skittish and shy of everything. She constantly chewed and got in the trash. Every noise and movement caused her to roll over and pee in submission. The shelter s behavior helpline was quick to suggest giving her a job to do, attending classes that used positive training techniques, and providing lots of exercise. Playing disc, flyball, and agility immensely helped her behavior to improve! Clem knew I would change from pajamas to jeans before taking her outside. One day, as she whined to go out, I said, Hang on! You know I have to change my pants. She cocked her head to one side and trotted off to the bedroom. Thirty seconds later she came back dragging a pair of my jeans that she had dug out of the laundry basket. I had never taught her this trick. That s when I realized she was much smarter than I had thought!" -Aly Jabrocki Read more about Clem and other great herding-breed dogs inside!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dogs Vol. II
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories about Dogs Vol. II continues this series heartwarming tradition of sharing stories about dogs who have been rescued, fostered, and adopted. This book especially focuses on dogs who were deemed unadoptable - usually for reasons that were surmountable with the appropriate love, care, and patience. These true stories address the cruelty of animal neglect and abuse and the joy adopted dogs bring to their new homes. This book is a must-read for dog lovers and people who are considering adopting dogs. A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF PROCEEDS FROM EVERY SALE IS DONATED BACK TO DOG RESCUE GROUPS.Excerpt: "Angel, a stray who had been abused before I adopted her, has really lived up to her name. I live alone and have multiple sclerosis (MS); Angel is perfect for me because we take care of each other. However, it turns out I m not the only one she s watching out for. One night during the wee hours, Angel became restless and woke me up. I rarely go out late at night, but she seemed so anxious that I figured I should take her out. Since she stays by me either on or off the leash, I unhooked her leash so she could do what she needed to do, but instead of going back to the grass, Angel ran into the parking lot and went between two vehicles. When I caught up with Angel, I found her sitting next to one of our tenants, who was lying on the ground in a fetal position with his walker nearby..." -Jan NashRead this exciting story and more in the book!

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dogs, Vol. IV
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    With more stories than ever before, "Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Dogs, Vol. IV" is sure to steal your heart and take your breath away as you embark on rescue journeys with these amazing dogs. From Boston Terriers to Border Collies and Shih Tzus to Shelties, this book includes our greatest variety of "tails" to date. Don't miss this chance to take a trip around the globe and through the trials and triumphs of rescue and adoption. Get your copy today!Excerpt: "When a malnourished Staffordshire Terrier-mix came to Friends of DeKalb Animals, the volunteers weren't sure if they could save her. Weighing less than five pounds at about four months old, she was the most severe case of neglect they had seen. A miraculous turnaround earned her the name "Xena, the Warrior Puppy," and two months after her rescue, Xena deeply connected with a young boy at a pizza party held in her honor. Soon thereafter, she went to his home on a trial visit. Xena's many fans who had been following her journey were thrilled to find out that the family felt she was a good fit, but the biggest surprise was yet to come..." -Maureen Beadles

  • - FOUND! Great Dane Friends of Ruff Love RESCUE STORIES
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    Lost Souls: FOUND! Great Dane Friends of Ruff Love RESCUE STORIES includes more than 40 true, heartfelt stories about Great Danes who have been rescued, fostered, and adopted through GDFRL. The stories address the cruelty suffered by some of the dogs we have helped as well as the joy they've gone on to provide to their foster and forever families. This book is a must-read for Great Dane lovers and people who are considering adding dogs to their family. From the Back Cover: "Six years ago, I formed Great Dane Friends of Ruff Love (GDFRL) along with 10 other volunteers. Our vision was to help as many distressed Danes as possible-including those with special needs and expensive medical concerns-and to treat everyone associated with the rescue like family. This collection of 'happy tails' is a reflection of these values that we hold so dear. It includes stories straight from the hearts of foster and forever homes, highlighting the loving nature of the people associated with GDFRL and the incredible resilience of the Great Dane breed. We hope these stories inspire you to join the GDFRL family, if you haven't already, and to consider adopting a Great Dane if you have room in your heart and home." -Cinnamon Ellison, GDFRL Founder

  • - FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities, Vol. II
    af Lowrey Mumford
    152,95 kr.

    This book is the much-anticipated second volume in the Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Pets with Disabilities series. It features more than 40 inspiring stories about pets who have overcome physical and emotional challenges to go on to become great family pets. This is a must-read for any cat lover or dog lover. These books are especially inspiring for people who are battling difficult times in their lives, as seeing how these pets overcome hardships gives many people hope of overcoming their own challenges.Excerpt: "Almendra was born without front legs, and instead of teaching her how to walk, the family that was responsible for her litter dumped her at the Mexican veterinary school, where I am a student. She was covered in open wounds from dragging her body around, and she could only move one of her back legs. The hand-off from her former guardian was strange. The woman gave her to me and said, 'Please take care of her.' Then she started crying and ran away! I was left there alone, holding this disfigured, bloody puppy in my hands, thinking, 'What is next?'" -Adhara Talamantes

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