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  • - The Importance of Being There
    af Luciano Drusetta
    193,95 kr.

    This book is a work with an important historical content. In fact, I don't need to understand for which locality we have to domificate at the precise instant of a Solar Return. I know that very well, on the basis of my enormous experience. And I know it because, taking stock of the situation until 2007 - when I stopped being a professional astrologer and only followed consultations with relatives and friends - in almost forty years of activity I had advised over 20,000 people to spend their Solar Returns in every part of the world. If my methods were wrong, I couldn't have aimed 20,000 Solar Returns correctly, but I would have suffered 20,000 ferocious attacks by as many people damaged by my wrong instructions. No, the problem, in these terms, doesn't exist, also considering that thousands of my students are also advising thousands of people using the same method, and that every astrologer is able to understand whether, twelve months after an aimed journey, Mars had fallen in the Third or in the Seventh or in the Twelfth House of a Solar Return. Why, actually, have Luciano Drusetta and I written this book? We have written it to explain the historical position of the greatest astrologers in the world, long ago, in the recent past and now, about this topic. In particular, Luciano Drusetta studies the possibility to domificate beyond the Earth and he is very good at it. He makes a mention of this in his chapters. You will read, in the appendix of this volume, a chapter by Margherita Fiorello, a scholar of Classic Astrology, about the thought of the most ancient astrologers in history regarding this matter. You could think that an astrologer of the year 1100 or 1400 A.D. did not have to deal with this problem since at that time, for example, a return journey from Rome to Lisbon could take several months; thus, being practically impossible to put the Aimed Solar Returns into practice, they ALL, without even conceiving such a thing, only drew a chart for the birth location. Instead, Margherita Fiorello, who supports the domification of the birth location, will inform you that some very important astrologers of the Middle Ages such as Tommaso Campanella used the domification for the location in which the subject was at the moment of the Solar Return. Different, as you will see, is the supposed thinking of the great Persian Abû Ma'shar, about whom you will read again in Margherita Fiorello's chapter as well as in my chapter on the ancient astrologers. You will read in this book my short correspondence with Benjamin N. Dykes, the most important contemporary scholar of the great Persian astrologer, concerning Abû Ma'shar's opinion on relocation. Successively you will read the position of Jean-Baptiste Morin, the one who ferried astrology from its ancient moorings to the modern era, enriching this operation with a personal genial contribution. Further on, you will read a chapter of mine about the thinking of all the most important astrologers of the world, our contemporaries or almost contemporaries, who unanimously agree on the domification aimed at the place of being on a birthday. However, you will ask yourself why certain great contemporary astrologers do not use Aimed Solar Returns, and you will read the reason in another chapter of mine. Ciro Discepolo

  • af Luciano Drusetta
    278,95 kr.

    Questo manuale spiega come fare previsioni astrologiche con le Rivoluzioni Solari; in particolare con le rivoluzioni rilocate, tecnica studiata e praticata in tutto il mondo. Il testo è corredato da numerosi esempi pratici, grafici a colori e in bianco e nero e offre un innovativo metodo di valutazione e autovalutazione delle Rivoluzioni Solari. Pur destinato a chi ha già una discreta conoscenza delle tecniche astrologiche di base, il volume è scritto con un linguaggio schietto e divulgativo che lo rende facilmente fruibile anche ai principianti. Propone inoltre una serie di riflessioni legate alla deontologia del consulto astrologico, con particolare riferimento alle previsioni in astrologia e al corretto rapporto fra astrologo e consultante. Un'ampia bibliografia consente di approfondire gli argomenti trattati. Arricchiscono il volume la prefazione di Patrizia Nava e la postfazione di Anna Maria Morsucci, nomi di spicco dell'astrologia italiana.

  • af Luciano Drusetta
    178,95 kr.

    Raccolta di 92 componimenti poetici in lingua italiana di vario stile, estensione e contenuto, organizzati dall'autore in base al tipo di metrica e di strofa utilizzato. Dei 92 componimenti qui proposti, 34 sono sonetti. Oltre al consueto sommario, un comodo doppio indice (per titolo e per incipit) facilita il lettore nella consultazione dell'opera e lo aiuta a ritrovare le strofe che possono averlo maggiormente colpito. Il volume contiene alcune spiegazioni e commenti su questioni di metrica e stilistica. Con prefazione di Daniela Di Menna e introduzione di Eleonora Segreto.

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