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Bøger af Lucy Willetts

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  • - En guide til familie, venner og professionelle
    af Lucy Willetts & Polly Waite
    142,95 kr.

    I denne bog kan du møde Sofie – en pige, der har problemer medangst. Hun fortæller om angst set med hendes øjne. Bogen kan hjælpe børn og voksne til bedre at forstå de udfordringer, der følger, når man har angst.Sofie beskriver bl.a.:• hvilke forskellige former for angst, man kan have• hvordan det føles i kroppen at have angst• hvordan hun fik angst, og hvordan det påvirker hende hjemme ogi skolen• hvordan kammerater, forældre, lærere og pædagoger kan hjælpe hende med de udfordringer, der følger med, når man har problemermed angst.Denne flot illustrerede bog er en ideel introduktion til angst til børn ogunge fra syv år og opefter samt til forældre, venner, lærere og andre fagfolk, der arbejder med børn, der har angst. Bogen kan også bruges som et godt udgangspunkt for en diskussion i klassen. "Denne bog giver barnet et sprog til at udtrykke angste følelser,som børn ellers kan have vanskeligt ved at forklare, og forældrene får samtidig en lettere adgang til at tale om disse problemer med børnene, blive klogere og søge den rette hjælp, hvis det er påkrævet."– Ingrid Leth,lektor i klinisk børnepsykologi, Københavns Universitet

  • af Lucy Willetts & Cathy Creswell
    125,95 kr.

    Many children are naturally shy but extreme shyness and social anxiety can become a major childhood problem, leading to avoidance of school, difficulty in making friends and even developing into social anxiety in adulthood. In Overcoming Your Child's Shyness and Social Anxiety, child psychologists Lucy Willetts and Cathy Creswell explain how parents can help a shy child learn to challenge their thoughts and behaviour patterns and learn to participate confidently in every aspect of their lives. Based on clinically proven cognitive behavioural principles, the book explains what causes shyness, how to identify social anxiety in your child (sometimes masked by anger or stubbornness) and how to gradually help your child face their anxieties and develop problem-solving strategies. This book is a must for parents, teachers and anyone working with children.

  • - A self-help guide for parents
    af Lucy Willetts & Cathy Creswell
    125,95 kr.

    A new edition of a clinically proven guide which teaches parents how to use cognitive behavioural techniques with their children and help them to overcome any fears, worries and phobias.

  • - Helping Parents Help Their Kids
    af Lucy Willetts, Cathy Creswell, Monika Parkinson & mfl.
    342,95 - 754,95 kr.

    Parents can play a strong role in helping their children overcome anxiety disorders--given the right tools. This innovative, research-based book shows clinicians how to teach parents cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to use with their 5- to 12-year-old. Session-by-session guidelines are provided for giving parents the skills to promote childrens flexible thinking and independent problem solving, help them face specific fears, and tackle accompanying difficulties, such as sleep problems and school refusal. User-friendly features include illustrative case studies, sample scripts, advice on combining face-to-face sessions with telephone support, and pointers for overcoming roadblocks. Several parent handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.

  • af Lucy Willetts & Cathy Creswell
    338,95 kr.

    Around 15 percent of children are thought to suffer from anxiety disorders, the most commonly identified emotional or behavioural problems among children. Based on techniques developed and practised by the authors, this book teaches parents how to use cognitive behavioural techniques with their children and in so doing, become their child's therapist, helping them to overcome any fears, worries and phobias. Addresses specific fears and phobias as well as general anxiety and 'worrying'. Provides step - by - step practical strategies. Includes case studies, worksheets and charts. Based on the authors' experience at their anxiety disorders clinic at the University of Reading and developed from a programme based on working almost exclusively with parents.

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