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Bøger af Luis Palau

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  • af Luis Palau & Tim Robnett
    247,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Luis Palau
    73,95 kr.

    Cules son las presiones que vas a enfrentar con el sexo y cmo puedes evitar los engaos. // Know what pressures you are going to have to face regarding sex and learn how to avoid the pitfalls.

  • af Luis Palau
    157,95 kr.

    La soledad que duele es un enemigo silencioso, y destructor. Se oculta y ataca desde las sombras en el momento más impensado. Es melancolía, es tristeza en el alma que sale por los poros, deforma la cara, y entristece los ojos. La soledad que duele, una vez que se afincó en una persona no se ahuyenta rodeándose intencionalmente de gente, o sumergiéndose en una vorágine de actividades, y mucho menos con el alcohol, las drogas, o compañías eventuales. La soledad que duele puede ser física, emocional, espiritual y hasta virtual. Hay soledad en la vejez, pero la hay también en la juventud. Duele en la falta de pareja, en el abandono, en la viudez y en la soltería. Duele por las noches, y los domingos por la tarde. Duele, aunque se oculte detrás de éxitos eventuales. Duele y dolerá hasta encontrar la conexión por donde fluye la compañía perfecta, la "pieza faltante" en la vida que cambia el entorno, pero lo hace desde el individuo. La pieza faltante que completa el alma, cubre el dolor y lo deshace. >----- The loneliness that hurts is a silent and destructive enemy. It hides and attacks from the shadows at the most unexpected moment. It is melancholy, it is sadness in the soul that comes out through the pores, deforms the face, and saddens the eyes. The loneliness that hurts, once it has settled in a person, cannot be warded off by intentionally surrounding yourself with people, or immersing yourself in a maelstrom of activities, much less with alcohol, drugs, or occasional company. Loneliness that hurts can be physical, emotional, spiritual and even virtual. There is loneliness in old age, but there is also loneliness in youth. It hurts in the lack of a partner, in abandonment, in widowhood and in singleness. It hurts at night, and on Sunday afternoons. It hurts even if it hides behind eventual successes. It hurts and will hurt until you find the connection through which the perfect company flows, the "missing piece" in life that changes the environment but does so from the individual. The missing piece that completes the soul, covers the pain and undoes it. In this book we will reveal each area of ​​loneliness that hurts, and we will isolate it, treating it from the biblical perspective with the help of the Holy Spirit, until it disappears.

  • af Luis Palau
    67,95 kr.

    This bestseller challenges young people to follow God's will for them in the selection of a mate. Great for youth meetings and personal use

  • - A Life on Fire
    af Luis Palau
    135,95 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Luis Palau
    127,95 kr.

    Un estudio de la vida del discipulo mas controversial de Jesus: Pedro.

  • - How to Find Peace and Strength in Today's World
    af Luis Palau
    157,95 kr.

    Many individuals today want to do it alone, without God. Either they feel no need for God, or they don't want God in their lives---perhaps because of a bad experience with organized religion. Others may have doubts because God seems to be outdated or contrary to current thought. In this book, readers will tackle the difficult but timely question: Is God relevant? If not, what are our options? How is God relevant today? Luis Palau shows that God is a relevant, powerful, personal force who can transform our troubled times and guide us into the coming millennium.

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