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Bøger af Lynn Ashton

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  • af Lynn Ashton
    177,95 kr.

    The messages in this guidebook came through during meditationfrom Beings of Light. The purpose of this book is to act as a guideof understanding for those Lightworkers who require the writtenword and choose to proceed with raising their vibration. Manyplaces on Earth there are people waking up to greater consciousawareness. This guide is a way forward for those of you wanting toawaken and expand consciousness. The purpose of this guidebookis to help with our awakening to Oneness, to love. These messagesare given to us as an act of service to humanity. The Beings of Lightwant us to know that we are not alone and deeply loved. Returningto the conscious awareness of our soul is to awaken. Awaken all.

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